PA - Assassination attempt, shooting injures former POTUS Donald Trump, leaves 1 spectator deceased two in critical condition, 13 July 2024 #3

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LE across the country is watching this and the finger pointing. I don't know if they are federally mandated to work with USSS or not but I would imagine there will be significant changes moving forward in any coordinated events.
I hope so
That may be, but when SS looked over the outer perimeter, it should have occurred to them, the area was not being secured.

They could have sent agents to the area, or State Police who were on site and seen on camera removing those wounded.

The SS could have contacted the sheriff and said hey what's up, where's the security?

Just because the map has a star on it doesn't mean the plan was executed.

Someone, we don't know who, was the Command Chief/Operation Manager for the SS operation. That person is ultimately responsible, could have halted the show, could have secured the area, activating more state troopers even the national guard. Nope, they became narrow-minded and only responsible in their eyes for the inner perimeter.

Yes, I especially agree with your point about whoever was in charge of the overall security at that event. Yes the head of the SS should be held accountable, but we’re overlooking the most important person here.

-It’s also believed Crooks fits the profile of a loner or outcast whose life has been characterized by isolation or rejection, with obsessive-compulsive tendencies and a knack for the mechanical or technical, including guns, sources said.

The investigation so far has shown Crooks had virtually no online presence, so authorities are focusing on poring over his electronic devices for answers to why he nearly assassinated former President Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pa., on Saturday.

-But the search has been slow due to the high volume of material authorities need to sift through — some 4.5 terabytes of data across a laptop, USB drives and two cellphones, sources said.

Searches of one of his phones haven’t revealed any clear motive for the young killer so far, but his web browser history revealed a broad interest in high-profile people, celebrities and politicians, regardless of their ideology.
This profile of the shooter began to emerge early in the discussion, thanks in large part to your posts. It seems from all the shooting deaths we fail to prevent, they can be identified only in retrospect.

How many young men like this are out there? Scary.
From what I've been reading in the WaPo story linked above, SS had been told by local LE that they would have a sniper stationed on top of that roof. Even if they could see him well enough, SS tried to determine if the shooter was the local LE sniper or an assassin. From a tower, identifying that person would have been just as difficult. So far, part of this was poor communications between SS and local LE.
Just my opinion, what if this is true and for some reason that sniper did not show up and either no one noticed, or communication failed to notify everyone.

If so, what happened to the sniper that failed to show up? Was he ill, had an accident, did TC take him out in advance or was he in on TC's plans?

We know TC had two phones. One had 27 contacts in it. TC's messages were encrypted which I have never heard of before.

TC apparently knew his way around computers yet had little or no online presence?

Just my opinion as I try to make sense out of all this.
Some people are going to criticize the SS and FBI, no matter what they do or say. As long as they don't try to harm or kill them, its their right.

Its just the nature of things today. I'm waiting until the investigation is complete, but I'm absorbing all the information as it comes out in the established news media.
I’m critical of the SS director because of what she said.

Apparently rooftops with a slope are a safety hazard. They can’t put anyone up there? o_O Apologies if this offends but that is just a stupid statement.

ETA- Link to statement
“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” said Cheatle on ABC of the perch that Thomas Matthew Crooks used to nearly kill Donald Trump.

This profile of the shooter began to emerge early in the discussion, thanks in large part to your posts. It seems from all the shooting deaths we fail to prevent, they can be identified only in retrospect.

How many young men like this are out there? Scary.

I know of one in my neighborhood. He's mentally ill, has anger management issues, is addicted to alcohol and uppers and has access to an AR 15 style rifle and military grade ammo. He's gone on rampages before, including one where he threatened his family and went out in the yard to shoot his AR15 style rifle. SWAT team had to be called in, but he was only charged with misdemeanor offenses. Failed at rehab and is back living at home.
I’m critical of the SS director because of what she said.

Apparently rooftops with a slope are a safety hazard. They can’t put anyone up there? o_O Apologies if this offends but that is just a stupid statement.

ETA- Link to statement
“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” said Cheatle on ABC of the perch that Thomas Matthew Crooks used to nearly kill Donald Trump.

Had local LE been watching the building, they could have stopped him from climbing up to the roof with his AR15. We'll have to see how he was able to do that without them noticing.

Oh, the irony of this:

Just my opinion, what if this is true and for some reason that sniper did not show up and either no one noticed, or communication failed to notify everyone.

If so, what happened to the sniper that failed to show up? Was he ill, had an accident, did TC take him out in advance or was he in on TC's plans?

We know TC had two phones. One had 27 contacts in it. TC's messages were encrypted which I have never heard of before.

TC apparently knew his way around computers yet had little or no online presence?

Just my opinion as I try to make sense out of all this.

That is common. The Uvalde killer texted his intentions on a teens app to an online friend abroad. The friend was sleeping, what with time difference, when she woke up and read the message, she had to figure out how to call the US police and warn them. By that time, it was all over. Unsurprising; there may be minimal online presence of these shooters, too. Also, it would seem that we assume that people are shy because they consider themselves not interesting to others. The reverse is fully true: other people’s interests may not be shared by them, either, so participation in groups, sitting with other people at the table, talking about things that interests these other people, may be boring to them. Narrow circumscribed interests. Narrow circumscribed interests.
With an evolving situation this complex, and with information coming out in isolated bits including "working theories" and conflicting versions, it is too early for us to see the entire mosaic of facts, let alone to determine who is responsible and for what.

Comments here have raised important questions, but we need the pieces assembled in a comprehensive whole with all the blanks filled in and the CYA factor filtered out. That will require patience, which is in short supply. Understandably.

It will also require political leadership from both sides, which may or may not be forthcoming....
I keep thinking along these lines, yes we are seeing a lot of inconsistencies (what we view as inconsistencies) in the security at the event. BUT are we seeing them only because something happened, this could be the way things operate A LOT of the time and we just don't know because nothing has happened. We are hearing from EX insiders. I just feel that this may be standard operating procedure and luck has been around at other events.
I’m critical of the SS director because of what she said.

Apparently rooftops with a slope are a safety hazard. They can’t put anyone up there? o_O Apologies if this offends but that is just a stupid statement.

ETA- Link to statement
“That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” said Cheatle on ABC of the perch that Thomas Matthew Crooks used to nearly kill Donald Trump.

She added to that slope roof nonsense “it was very hot outside”. These guys have training for all types of roofs, many are more complicated.

Too hot for what??! I’m sure there are things that can be done to help with that but it wasn’t too hot for the shooter. He was stretched out full body contact with lightweight clothing on. I didn’t see a hat or gloves. Did he have either?

Other countries must think we are stupid.

"Coordination is “tough” in these circumstances, said the former agent, who recalled that during Clinton’s visit to Seattle as the WTO protests unfolded in 1999, agents narrowly averted a friendly fire tragedy.

“Seattle PD and King County Sheriff deputies were in an observation post during WTO in a high-rise adjacent residential building,” the former agent said. “With their tags around their neck. Calling in protester movements to the Joint Operations Center (JOC).”

As they were calling out violent demonstrators’ movement, “USSS kicked in their door with weapons drawn on the two detectives at their assigned location. That was a failure of the counter-assault team and PPD to work with local USSS coordinating intel. The USSS snipers saw two guys with radios looking out a non-opening window and thought they were a threat to Clinton.”

Apparently friendly fire between local LE and SS isn't unheard of, and I can't think of a good reason for the sniper teams to be dressed as civilians. It would make sense for assets in the crowd to blend in, but not sniper teams or officers who are obviously there as security.
have we confirmed he was wearing shorts? in the clearer photo I really thought I saw camo pants, and the snipers were in all camo though I don't think he looks like LE, based on body mass and age but I don't feel that is a good assessment as I have seen very young appearing officers. Wouldn't' they brief with each other prior to a shared job and at least be slightly familiar with who is who and what positions they would be in ?
have we confirmed he was wearing shorts? in the clearer photo I really thought I saw camo pants, and the snipers were in all camo though I don't think he looks like LE, based on body mass and age but I don't feel that is a good assessment as I have seen very young appearing officers. Wouldn't' they brief with each other prior to a shared job and at least be slightly familiar with who is who and what positions they would be in ?

Do you mean....Communication ??
Nah..... <s>
Moo... On earlier threads, it was states he had a CTScan.

I think once the bandage is off his ear we will be able to see the damage.

I assume he's doing OK, he's been in the media everyday since.


Dr. Ronny Jackson talks about Trump’s injury. Because the ear is vascular, he says it continues to bleed and will require a bandage for several days.

I keep thinking along these lines, yes we are seeing a lot of inconsistencies (what we view as inconsistencies) in the security at the event. BUT are we seeing them only because something happened, this could be the way things operate A LOT of the time and we just don't know because nothing has happened. We are hearing from EX insiders. I just feel that this may be standard operating procedure and luck has been around at other events.

They failed at the most basic level to start with. They are supposed to identify positions on paper with any organization’s that are present. Firefighters, etc.

The higher ground security should have been more than just 2 of them. That seems to be common sense to me. If both of the guys were taken down by TC, he would have had free range space. There would have been many more casualties. But one is too much.
She added to that slope roof nonsense “it was very hot outside”. These guys have training for all types of roofs, many are more complicated.

Too hot for what??! I’m sure there are things that can be done to help with that but it wasn’t too hot for the shooter. He was stretched out full body contact with lightweight clothing on. I didn’t see a hat or gloves. Did he have either?

Other countries must think we are stupid.
I doubt there is any other country in the world that puts out so much effort to protect presidential candidates.

Other countries might laugh at the USA about a lot of things... mostly it's straight up envy.
That may be, but when SS looked over the outer perimeter, it should have occurred to them, the area was not being secured.

They could have sent agents to the area, or State Police who were on site and seen on camera removing those wounded.

The SS could have contacted the sheriff and said hey what's up, where's the security?

Just because the map has a star on it doesn't mean the plan was executed.

Someone, we don't know who, was the Command Chief/Operation Manager for the SS operation. That person is ultimately responsible, could have halted the show, could have secured the area, activating more state troopers even the national guard. Nope, they became narrow-minded and only responsible in their eyes for the inner perimeter.


All those minutes they had to stop what was happening. What were those agents in charge actually doing... occupying the portalets, busy polishing their badges?? Whatever answers they "might" creatively provide... can we believe them?

Maybe it's old news but apparently the view of the sniper team closest to the shooter was blocked by trees.


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