Found Deceased PA - Four young men, 18-22, Bucks Co., 5-9 July 2017 #7 *Arrests*

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just wondering how the crime rate on weed is in states like CO are? are states that legal sell weed is is a deterent to crime or lowered? :thinking:

(That's a great question, don't want to derail the thread so I'll just answer by saying this question is one still of debate up here and I have seen much variable and differing stats and reports as the answer to this. There are arguments to both sides.)

"His talk could be menacing, acquaintances said.

“He’s told me and my friends, ‘Yeah, I’ve killed people before, I just haven’t been caught,’ ” one acquaintance said. “We literally were just like, ‘Yeah, all right, Cosmo, sure you did.’ ”"

So many of us agree it's likely these weren't his first killings. I wonder when specifically the above comment was made. And since he's supposedly being forthcoming with LE now, will he divulge other crimes if there are any? I'm afraid he wont but maybe he will?

Can we try to sleuth mps/ homicides from about 5 months ago when the neighbor said she heard 15ish shots? This is really bugging me. This would have been in February...

And again, the confirmed shots heard by the neighbor on Saturday, what was that all about??

Also a thought, I think there could be truth that SK did pull one of the trigger shots because CD has already admitted to killing JP, etc. So, it's not like throwing SK under the bus for one of the killings would help his chance at freedom or anything...kwim?

Again, after seeing his persistent texts to the female, I wonder if he also didn't like to hear the word no, and if he has assaulted or worse killed any women.

Additionally the best lies are based on truth. We don't know how much money or pot was recovered if any...maybe these guys were just picking up a small sack for personal use, an eighth or a quarter or an ounce.
Adult by legal definition. Parents can't physically control an adult child.

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True, parents can't control an adult child! But in my home, I can control what my adult child has access to that is mine, like guns, ammunition, cars, money, and many more things. Living in my house, there are some things that are intolerable.

I also control what I give to him or bills I pay of his, etc. There are many ways to get an adult child's attention who is dependent on you.

The secret is being willing and strong enough to stand up to your child. As I see it, it is not being mean, it is not permitting your child to rule the household and think he can do as he pleases.
He doesn't look so pleased now....

I get this feeling that he thought that once he explained what happened, everything was going to be ok. He might spend a little time in a hospital, but eventually he would be back home going on with his life. I truly believe he is that delusional.
I'm sorry - it this has anything to do with "weed", IMO it doesn't matter. These four young men were brutally shot to death - It sickens me to write that.
May justice prevail.
Can you even imagine the parents who raised these monsters? They're probably sickened.
True, parents can't control an adult child! But in my home, I can control what my adult child has access to that is mine, like guns, ammunition, cars, money, and many more things. Living in my house, there are some things that are intolerable.

I also control what I give to him or bills I pay of his, etc. There are many ways to get an adult child's attention who is dependent on you.

The secret is being willing and strong enough to stand up to your child. As I see it, it is not being mean, it is not permitting your child to rule the household and think he can do as he pleases.

I couldn't agree more - you're not your child's best friend, you are the parent.
There are so many posts I can't read them all but I wanted to post the criminal complaint filed against Dinardo on 7/14. I live in this area 10 mins from Kratz house and frequent the area these poor boys were found. I don't know any personally but know people who know Dinardo. I am sick over this. Every where I go people's conversation are about this. You can hear them talking about it as you walk by. My reason for posting the criminal complaint is to clear up what went on so rumors don't fly. I also think it is important to read so we can see how sick this Dinardo is and to realize he is not insane. Every step he took was calculated and was done over days. It was not just a psychotic break in the moment it was planned. He said he felt taken advantage of and threatened by these boys. A complete lie. These boys didn't have a chance it was an ambush and execution of all 4 boy. In the complaint it doesn't even say they took money from these boys. It says they talked about robbing them not that they did. Cold blooded killer .. he did this to kill not because he felt threatened.
Here is the link

Sick, but thanks for sharing the link to this document so we can understand what happened. The families of the victims are understanding what happened, too, sadly. As many of you here have stated, this case has been solved quickly (despite the mistruths between the cousins) and that's better than plenty of other cases discussed here.
I really hope the authorities comb the -$@! Heck out of that " farm land "

i agree. my gut tells me there more bodies, maybe not from CD but from other murderers. how he got that idea of digging that deep, putting them into that tank and tring to burn them seems too smart for him.
I'm trying to classify this dude. Thought he might have fallen into the spree killer category, but due to the single location, it seems he does not qualify in this category:

"A spree killer is someone who kills two or more victims in a short time in multiple locations. The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics defines a spree killing as "killings at two or more locations with almost no time break between murders".[1]"


Eta / Reposting / Serial Killer:

"A serial killer is typically a person who murders three or more people,[1] usually in service of abnormal psychological gratification, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant break (a "cooling off period") between them.[1][2] Different authorities apply different criteria when designating serial killers;[3] while most set a threshold of three murders,[1] others extend it to four or lessen it to two.[3] TheFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), for example, defines serial killing as "a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events, usually, but not always, by one offender acting alone".[2][4]

Although psychological gratification is the usual motive for serial killing, and most serial killings involve sexual contact with the victim,[5] the FBI states that the motives of serial killers can include anger, thrillseeking, financial gain, and attention seeking.[4] The murders may be attempted or completed in a similar fashion, and the victims may have something in common: age group, appearance, gender, or race, for example.[6]"

Rampage Killer is an umbrella term for spree killers.


Mass Murder:

"Mass murder (sometimes interchangeable with "mass destruction") is the act of murdering a number of people, typically simultaneously or over a relatively short period of time and in close geographic proximity.[1][2] The FBI defines mass murder as murdering four or more persons during an event with no "cooling-off period" between the murders. A mass murder typically occurs in a single location where one or more people kill several others.[3][4] Many acts of mass murder end with the perpetrator(s) dying by suicide or suicide by cop.[5]

A mass murder may be committed by individuals or organizations whereas a spree killing is committed by one or two individuals. Mass murderers differ from spree killers, who kill at two or more locations with almost no time break between murders and are not defined by the number of victims, and serial killers, who may kill people over long periods of time. Mass murder is the hypernym of genocide, which requires additional criteria."
Sick, but thanks for sharing the link to this document so we can understand what happened. The families of the victims are understanding what happened, too, sadly. As many of you here have stated, this case has been solved quickly (despite the mistruths between the cousins) and that's better than plenty of other cases discussed here.
BBM, Exactly.
I don't think CD's parents could of had any idea of what their son was going to do. All they knew was he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, and as others here have stated that diagnosis doesn't equate to someone turning into a killer. I'm sure they are suffering too, and can't imagine how they must feel.
There are some circumstances where a person with such a diagnosis can turn violent though. If they aren't medicated or stop taking their meds they can have a psychotic episode, along with taking other drugs and drinking alcohol. That is a couple of things i remembered from reading up about the subject. I would think that it would be the exception though.
i agree. my gut tells me there more bodies, maybe not from CD but from other murderers. how he got that idea of digging that deep, putting them into that tank and tring to burn them seems too smart for him.

My hunch is that this farm may be being used as a dumping ground to conceal other homicides by OC.

The idea to use the bar-b-q barrel as a burial container also sounds like a real gangsta thing to do, almost like CD knew about these methods by watching someone do it or from being told how to do it from a shady associate .
I couldn't agree more - you're not your child's best friend, you are the parent.

That is true, but how do you parent someone with mental illness? That would be a whole different scenario IMO.
A lot of people with mental illness are unable to hold down a job and are on disability benefits depending on the severity of their illness.
I don't think CD's parents could of had any idea of what their son was going to do. All they knew was he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, and as others here have stated that diagnosis doesn't equate to someone turning into a killer. I'm sure they are suffering too, and can't imagine how they must feel.
There are some circumstances where a person with such a diagnosis can turn violent though. If they aren't medicated or stop taking their meds they can have a psychotic episode, along with taking other drugs and drinking alcohol. That is a couple of things i remembered from

eading up about the subject. I would think that it would be the exception though.

Respectfully, I disagree.
(I'm not touching the parental gun responsibility discussion with a ten foot pole, just sayin...:wave: I'll cover any weed questions, though..."Verified Stoner" haha)

(ETA: O/T: Here's an interesting tidbit. If you have your "med card" you can not own a gun license at the same time. So if you believe you have the right to bear arms to defend yourself but want to have your medical Marijuana card, you have to choose one or the other. Some who want the right to own a gun might choose to forfeit the priviledge of having a med card and buy on the recreational side (higher prices), that way they can legally have both.)
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