PA - Grace Packer, 14, murdered, Abington, 4 July 2016 *Killer died*

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The Grace Packer Horror case languishes in obscurity, temporarily I suspect... until the trials get under way, and perhaps more light (and heat) is thrown on the social services system in Bucks County.

Outstanding questions for me, still unanwered:

1) What of KATHERINE ALLBRIGHT? The polyamorous, live-in lover of SARAH PACKER and JACOB SULLIVAN was present at virtually every location and event that is central to this crime. Yet to my knowledge, she was almost ignored by both law enforcement and the media. I am curious what, if any, involvement she will have in upcoming trials... and if not... why not?

2) Has the JACOB SULLIVAN HANDWRITTEN SUICIDE NOTE been examined by a forensic document examiner for authenticity? I have been inside every room of the apartment in which SARAH PACKER and JACOB SULLIVAN allegedly attempted a mutual suicide pact. I find it very difficult to believe the timeline of events wherein SARAH PACKER was unconscious in the apartment bathroom while KATHERINE ALLBRIGHT and EMS workers took JACOB SULLIVAN out of the apartment to the local hospital. I have stood in that bathroom and I find it impossible to believe that ALLBRIGHT and EMS workers could walk by the bathroom and not see or detect an unconscious woman inside. In fact, I believe the bathroom itself is too small for someone to even lie down on the floor with the door closed. The entire timeline of events of that day has unbelievable and bizarre elements involving how both JS and SP ended up in the local hospital assisted by KA. This leads me to speculate that the mutual suicide pact was FAKED by SARAH PACKER to eliminate JACOB SULLIVAN. I also speculate that SARAH PACKER, already a known forger of documents in this case, may have written the JACOB SULLIVAN HANDWRITTEN SUICIDE NOTE. Unfortunately for SARAH PACKER, JACOB SULLIVAN woke up the hospital, survived, and soon confessed... implicating SARAH PACKER in this heinous crime.

I recently ran into Bucks County District Attorney MATT WEINTRAUB on the streets of Bristol, PA where he was shaking hands for re-election (he won). I mentioned the GRACE PACKER case, and asked if anyone had forensically examined JACOB SULLIVAN's suicide note. Weintraub said he would look into it, but he was not aware of any testing on the note.
Two new articles from the last week:


This one really continues to paint a portrait of Grace as a girl who was failed universally by the authorities. It also does a pretty good job of implying that Grace's mental health issues were caused by lifelong abuse from the Packers, which I find very believable.


Details on the fight between the Packers and Grace's bio parents regarding GP's estate.
SP and JS's trial date has been moved to September by order for the court. The judge also ordered that the case be sealed. This article, where that info comes from, doesn't give any details as to why the date was pushed back unfortunately. (But I will say that I'm a lawyer -- not a criminal one -- and I've had trial dates be reset and reset and reset over all kinds of various issues, so it's not surprising from that perspective.)

And Valley View released a very interesting podcast, which was certainly worth a listen. There's not a ton of new information, but I felt like it was helpful in painting a portrait of the individuals involved.
Thank you for that update Blair. I'm also wondering "why"; guess we will find out today, hopefully, what "date" in September, as the article doesn't say.
I guess no tweeters for this case.... court was what, 2 hours ago? 1 1/2 hour ago? :)

TIA! :wave:
Prosecutors on Monday morning withdrew a motion to try Sara Packer and Jacob Sullivan together in the rape and killing of Packer’s 14-year-old adopted daughter, Grace, in Bucks County.

Unless Packer pleads guilty, that means there will be two homicide trials, officials said. Packer’s attorney, Keith Williams, refused to say if she will plead.

Sullivan asserted his 5th amendment right during a November interview about Grace. As a result, defense attorneys want his confession, which was given months later, suppressed. Bucks County Common Pleas Judge Diane Gibbons said she will rule on the matter after reviewing the attorney’s written arguments.
I just noticed someone is live tweeting the hearing


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Thanks strawberry - here's some tweets:

‏Verified account @LehighCourts
6m6 minutes ago

Abington Memorial Hospital nurse Megan Karas is on the witness stand recounting Jabob Sullivan's alleged confess: "he asked if we had the death penalty in Pennsylvania. He said he didn't know why they were coming down so hard on Sara because he was the one who killed Grace."

Karas testified Sullivan said: "he said they couldn't handle Grace anymore but they couldn't just return her because they needed the money." Sullivan "said he was in a dark place and had always wanted to kill," Karas said @mcall

"He said he was relieved that the please find out that they did it. But they were sick of hiding it." Karas said @mcall

We just heard from Abington Hospital CNA Brian Hustus. He said Jacob Sullivan also confessed. "he said I don't know why they're coming down so hard on Sarah. I killed her." @mcall

UPDATED-- Jacob Sullivan's alleged confession: "Gracie was a nightmare" … #GracePacker

Grace Packer pretrial hearing is ongoing. We just heard from an EMT called to Jacob Sullivan's apartment after he and Sara Packer attempted suicide. Said pill bottles abc pills were strewn everywhere, Sullivan was in circulatory shock.

Judge Gibbons said she will not rule on motions today. More testimony will occur this afternoon and tomorrow. #GracePacker

I'll keep her tweeter open for a bit - as it's almost 11pm here.... if no one posts them, I'll get them up here in the morning.
I'll keep her tweeter open for a bit - as it's almost 11pm here.... if no one posts them, I'll get them up here in the morning.
I can get them posted after a bit if you want to go to bed.

[emoji146]Thanks for all your hard work, Niner![emoji146]
Those *******s killed the poor girl and now seem to be blaming her for being a terrible kid and deserving to be raped and murdered.Monsters.
Niner, I do not see anything to add to what you have already posted. I suppose the afternoon testimony was bumped to tomorrow.
I noticed that too this morning watergirl - no updated tweets since yesterday!

Has anyone seen a "date" for September yet??

TIA! Will be back later today and post more tweets - IF there are any new ones! :)
Here's an article of yesterday's proceedings:

Prosecutors allege Sullivan confessed to the killing in early January 2017 while hospitalized after a failed suicide attempt, speaking first to hospital staff before coming clean to police.

Brian Hustus testified Monday that he was assigned to Sullivan’s bedside at Abington-Jefferson Hospital and was in the room when the man confessed to a nurse.

“I don’t know why they’re coming down so hard on Sara,” Sullivan said according to Hustus. “I killed her. Gracie was a nightmare.”

Nurse Megan Karas testified similarly, adding that Sullivan said he and Packer, Grace’s adoptive mother, considered giving up custody of the teen, but decided to keep her “for the money.”

Sara Packer is also charged with theft, accused of continuing to collect Social Security payments intended for the girl for months after she died.

Sullivan’s defense attorneys, a team led by a Bucks County Public Defender, are trying to keep hospital staff’s testimony out of trial.

Also scheduled to be in court Monday, Packer did not appear during the day’s proceedings before the Judge. It is unclear whether she will be in court Tuesday.

Sullivan is set for trial in September. A new date for Packer’s trial was not immediately available Monday.

Thanks to everyone on this thread (ongoing!) who are posting the tweets and updates! Really appreciated.
Carroll testified for the prosecution Tuesday at Sullivan’s pretrial hearing in Doylestown. Defense attorneys are seeking to have statements Sullivan made to police and hospital employees suppressed, arguing that Sullivan, who was recovering from a suicide attempt, wasn’t in his right mind when he allegedly admitted to numerous crimes.

Sara Packer was not in court Tuesday, and her attorneys have not filed any pretrial motions.*
“I didn’t want to make it just a terror show for her,” Sullivan said on the recording, which was played during a pretrial hearing in Doylestown. “I wanted to make sure she had some fun.”


I got nothing.

For a confession that was supposedly made when he was not in his right mind, JS sure made a lot of sense. Grace was a challenging kid but they couldnt “get rid” of her bc they needed the money they received for her care, so instead of allowing her to be taken in by someone else — they decided to murder her and hide the crime. And add rape into the game for their own pleasure. And then after the crime, the anxiety became too much but suicide wasn’t effective in ending it all — so Sullivan confessed in just the way he thought he needed to get to protective custody. Because it’s not about remorse, it’s about ensuring he is as insulated from discomfort & accountability for his crime as possible.

He sounds like a weak & selfish man who knew exactly what happened from my POV right now, not someone who is spilling details of a crime they knew nothing about in a drug induced state.

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