PA - Grace Packer, 14, murdered, Abington, 4 July 2016 *Killer died*

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.@BucksDa: I asked you at the beginning, what is the worst thing you can concieve if doing to a child. Now you know the answer.
10:48 AM 3/26/19

.@BucksDa: He sadistically acted out his rape murder fantasy on this little girl.

.@BucksDa, arguing against defense experts. Says they found Sullivan to be “hyper-sexual” and “filled with anger and rage. Weintraub says that makes him “a madman who loves to have sex.”

.@BucksDa: Sullivan took Viagra in order to rape the 14 year old. Intent to harm, “Most people would take that as a sign not to do it, but he was determined.”

.@BucksDa points to Sullivan’s confession where he admits he had this fantasy for 6 weeks before the murder.

@BucksDa: Grace Packer was not a disposable child, Grace Packer was loved. She was adored. The sky was the limit for her.

.@BucksDa: Sullivan was her father figure, responsible for nututing [nuturing] her. Instead he murdered her purely for her pleasure.

.@BucksDa: he made her last 12 hours hell on earth. Ended with quote from Col. Kurtz in Apocalypse Now: “the horror. The horror.”

Defense attorney Jack Fagan: “would we be here if my client didn’t confess?” says that confession should be given significant weight toward life in prison rather than death.

Defense attorney Jack Fagan: Sullivan’s confession led directly to Sara Packer’s arrest and to her pending guilty plea as he says prior to confession there wasn’t enough to arrest her. Should tilt them toward life w/o parole rather than death.

Defense attorney Jack Fagan argues Sara Packer manipulated Sullivan into the murder, much like she manipulated the foster program Impact Services to give her children even after others had complained. Says manipulation should tilt jury toward life w/o parole rather than life.

Defense attorney Jack Fagan: Sara Packer convinced my client Grace Packer was a non-entity. No question he should have left, but in terms of sentencing, she controlled him and that should sway jurors to life w/o parole rather than death.

Defense attorney Jack Fagan says he isn’t asking jurors to go hug his client or to feel sympathy for him, but says his arguments, considered together, should have them choosing life w/o parole rather than death.
12:11 PM

All reported by Jim Melwert (@JMelwert) | Twitter
MARCH 26 2019, 12:45 PM


As photos of the 14-year-old former Allentown girl [Grace Packer] flashed on a large screen next to a countdown clock, District Attorney Matt Weintraub stood before admitted child killer Jacob Sullivan and stared into his face.

For two full minutes — the length of time Sullivan admitted it took to strangle Grace — Weintraub stared at Sullivan, not speaking.


Sullivan’s back was to the audience, where this reporter was seated. He turned his head toward Weintraub, then toward the screen to his left, then toward the jury on his right. Weintraub’s eyes never moved.

It was a dramatic moment in a powerful 75-minute closing speech in which Weintraub argued that Sullivan deserved the death penalty for raping, kidnapping and killing Grace.

‘Her life ended in a house of horrors that became a hell on earth,’ Weintraub told the jury. ‘To him, she was less than human. A thing. Something to act out his fantasies on.’


In his closing argument, Sullivan’s attorney, Jack Fagan, told jurors that Sullivan and Packer should be treated the same. Without Sullivan’s confession, which he gave following a failed suicide pact with Packer, prosecutors would have a weak case against both defendants, Fagan said.

‘He presented them with a map of what happened on this tragic day,’ he told the jury.


Judge Diane E. Gibbons will instruct jurors on the law after the lunch break, then deliberations will begin.” (BBM)


'Her life ended in a house of horrors': Prosecutor seeks death for Grace Packer's killer
Sullivan jury has been deliberating for just over one hour. Judge has not said how late she'll keep them. #GracePacker
5:01 PM 3/26/19

LaurieMasonSchroeder on Twitter

Sullivan jury has been out two hours. Assume we’ll at least get an update from the judge soon on whether she’ll keep them much longer. #GracePacker
5:59 PM

LaurieMasonSchroeder on Twitter
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Jacob Sullivan jury going home for the night. Indicated that have not yet reached a unanimous verdict. #GracePacker
7:36 PM 3/26/19
LaurieMasonSchroeder on Twitter

Jurors will return to the courthouse Weds. ‘Her life ended in a house of horrors': Jury deliberating life or death for Grace Packer's killer (BBM)
7:55 PM 3/26/19
LaurieMasonSchroeder on Twitter
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As part of a plea deal, Sara Packer will plead guilty Wednesday afternoon to first-degree murder and other crimes and be sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole.

[District Attorney Matt] Weintraub asked the jury to disregard the defense’s argument that Sullivan deserved the same sentence as Packer, noting that she’s ineligible for capital punishment under Pennsylvania law because she did not strangle Grace, even though she was an accomplice.

At the time he made the offer, Weintraub said, he did not know the extent of Packer’s involvement in Grace’s slaying. She refused to speak to prosecutors for seven months, finally giving a statement in July 2017 after Weintraub took the death penalty off the table.

‘This isn’t about karma,’ Weinttraub said. ‘If this was about universal fairness, Grace would be here.’

In his closing argument, [Jacob] Sullivan’s attorney, Jack Fagan, asked jurors to give Sullivan credit for having no criminal history and for cooperating with investigators.


Weintraub said Sullivan, who could be heard on the tape chuckling throughout his confession, should not get credit for coming clean. The prosecutor suggested Sullivan was bragging about the crime.

‘Sometimes people get a thrill from shocking others and letting them know what they’ve done to another human being,’ Weintraub said.


Jurors deliberated for about three hours Tuesday before Judge Diane E. Gibbons sent them home around 7:30 p.m. They will resume deliberations Wednesday morning.

If the jury votes for death, Sullivan will join 142 inmates on Pennsylvania’s death row, though Pennsylvania has not executed anyone since 1999. Gov. Tom Wolf imposed a moratorium on the death penalty in 2015,“ (BBM)
'Her life ended in a house of horrors': Jury deliberating life or death for Grace Packer's killer
Wednesday, March 27th:
*Trial continues (Penalty Phase) (Day 9)-VERDICT WATCH! (@ 9:30am ET) - PA - Grace Packer (14) (July 4, 2016, Abington; found Oct. 31, 2016 by hunters) – only for *Jacob Patrick Sullivan (44/now 46) (Bf of amom) arrested (Jan. 2017) indicted on 1st degree murder, rape conspiracy, kidnapping & abuse of corpse (dismemberment). No bond. DA seeks DP. Plead guilty on 2/22/19.
Trial started on 3/14/19. Scheduled to last 2 weeks. Jurors: 6 women & 6 men, alternates: 4 women from Bucks County.
Court hearings 8/13/18-2/21/18, Jury selection 2/22/19-3/7/19, Trial days 1-6 (3/14/19-3/22/19 reference post #843 here:
GUILTY - PA - Grace Packer, 14, murdered, Abington, 4 July 2016 *Arrests*

3/25/19 Day 7: Defense witnesses: Charles Reitzner (Sullivan's father). Sullivan's cousin (no name given). Brian Sullivan (bro). Step-sister (no name given). Lynn Hughes (Sullivan's aunt). Prosecutors are trying to admit Sullivan’s Facebook messages as rebuttal evidence. In one message to a woman on a polyamory message board he mentions he’s installed eye hooks for a sex swing. Judge rules Facebook posts are inadmissible. Sullivan will not testify. Defense rests their case. Closing arguments tomorrow, 3/26 at 9:30am. Jury will most likely begin deliberations early in the afternoon.
3/26/19 Day 8: Closing arguments. Judge gives jury instructions. Jurors deliberated for about 3 hours. Deliberations continued on 3/27.

*Plea Hearing (@ 1:30pm) - *Sara Packer (42/now 44) adopted "mom" arrested (Jan. 2017) & indicted on 1st degree murder, rape conspiracy, kidnapping & abuse of corpse (dismemberment). Plead not guilty. No bond.
2/19/19: plead guilty. As part of a plea deal, Packer will avoid the death penalty & be sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. Prosecutors are still seeking the death penalty for Sullivan.
3/26/19 Update: Will be pleading guilty at plea hearing today, 3/27.
Tuesday, March 26th 2019
“Jacob Sullivan’s fate is now in the hands of a jury.


‘Her [Grace Packer’s] life ended in a house of horrors,’ Bucks County District Attorney Matt Weintraub said during his closing statements Tuesday.

Weintraub told jurors not all murders are the same.

‘The death penalty is reserved for the worst of the worst of those murders. This is that murder, he said.

Weintraub says the jurors only need to prove one aggravating circumstance in order to sentence Sullivan to death: that he killed Grace Packer while committing a felony.

Weintraub argues Sullivan committed five felonies
including rape, involuntary deviant sexual assault, unlawful restraint, kidnapping and endangering the welfare of a child.


Sara Packer's attorney says his client will plead guilty Wednesday afternoon at 1:30.

‘She’s shown a lot of remorse, although I don’t know any remorse she can show that will justify what she did. She’s aware of how horrible the conduct was. But there’s no way to take this back,’ attorney Keith’s Williams said.


When asked whether his client wants Sullivan to get the death penalty, Williams had this to say:

‘Sara doesn’t want anyone to get the death penalty. Obviously, she doesn’t want Jacob to get it. But she has taken no position, she’s agreed to cooperate, as she did, knowing that is could well result in him receiving the death penalty,’ he said.” (BBM)
DA says "not all murders the same," pushes for death sentence in Grace Packer case

I’m sorry for the language, but ...: “She’s aware of how horrible the conduct was”-my-a__ .

Obviously, Sara Packer doesn’t care about anyone but herself, IMO.
Jacob Sullivan jury came back to the courthouse at 9 am and have been hard at work deliberating. No sign of the judge or attorneys so far this morning. Judge told lawyers and family she would alert them if there's a verdict. #GracePacker
10:01 AM 3/27/19
Jury has asked for lunch. DA’s office tells us that Sara Packer’s plea will not be heard until there’s a verdict. Which means it might not be today. #GracePacker (BBM)
11:47 AM 3/27/19
LaurieMasonSchroeder on Twitter

UPDATE: The jury has asked to order lunch. We’ve also learned Sara Packer’s sentencing hearing is delayed until after the jury reaches their verdict. @CBS21NEWS
11:45 AM 3/27/19
Brian Sheehan on Twitter
Sara Packer’s attorneys, Keith Williams and John Fioravanti, just arrived. Said they were unaware the 1:30 plea hearing is postponed until Sullivan’s verdict. #GracePacker (BBM)
12:25 PM 3/27/19
LaurieMasonSchroeder on Twitter


Jurors have a question. Packer’s lawyer says she’s here in the courthouse holding cell. But her plea is still on hold until Sullivan’s jury reaches a verdict.
1:09 PM 3/27/19
LaurieMasonSchroeder on Twitter
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Anyone know...

Was (or is) any of this proceeding viewable online? Even if not the entire thing, just the closing arguments for instance... or the judges instructions? Or, if not viewable, transcripts online?

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