GUILTY PA - Holly Grim, 41, Wescosville, 22 Nov 2013 #2 *Arrest*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
BBM & Respectfully snipped by me...
The "tour" was rather whirlwind and I was keeping mental notes...

In addition, they monitor the traffic in the area and if you pass by the same spot more than three times in 2 hours, the police will cite you.

WOW - that's some serious monitoring there.
Take care.
The outpatient rehab clinic is on union blvd going west, cross over airport road and just before the next light on the left.
For those of you following this case, I have been able to do some "Boots on the Ground" work over the weekend.

I took a tour of the areas that Holly was reported being seen by a friend and "others". For those familiar with the area, ground zero appeared to be Hamilton Blvd and 3rd st. In that general area are: A Strip Club, various hotels that cater to the sex trade and a drug treatment clinic for women. This also includes the hotels/motels located near Livingston and Airport road. One of the search teams reported that a hotel clerk identified a picture of Holly as having stayed in the motel. Follow-up by a second team is scheduled and other hotel clerks will be interviewed.

Some interesting tidbits of information over the last few weeks have come to light that I will give initial information on below:

For a three to four week period, a green Toyota was seen between the hours of 2 am and 4 am on Monday mornings. It would park next to Holly's trailer with the lights off for a short period, then leave. At various times, lights have been seen on in the trailer at night. I am unclear why LE response was not immediate to see who was involved as the trailer has been broken into on one occasion.

An ex boyfriends work boots were found in Holly's car, however they were removed by family and contaminated for DNA evidence when one or more family and/or friends of family wore them. I gather that Holly's current boyfriend was not pleased that the boots were in the car.

Holly's current boyfriend has made remarks that she is living with someone else.

One friend has made comments to the effect that Holly had more than one boyfriend at a time on occasion.

One Ex boyfriend was released from jail shortly before Holly went missing. Word is that she had a restraining order against this individual and that he was in debt to Holly for the estimated sum of one thousand dollars.

PSP is not sharing what they have and the PI is pretty much at a standstill, but has been updated by the team. The team continues to share with PSP.

More to follow when I update with the team.

Why would someone wear boots that could be potentially evidence? Why would someone take ANYTHING out of Holly's vehicle KNOWING that Holly is gone,
and ANYTHING could be evidence.
WHO says those work boots belong to an ex boyfriend?
Are the boots the reason why Holly's CURRENT boyfriend thinks she IS living with someone?
WHY would Holly leave her MOTHER AND SON?
WHY would Holly leave work boots that don't belong to her current boyfriend in her car?
Could those boots have been PLANTED there by SOMEONE ELSE to MAKE it LOOK LIKE Holly was seeing someone else?
To make it look like something other than it is??
Why would Holly's boyfriend THINK Holly is Alive but doesn't want to contact her family to say she is ok?
WHO says they saw a Green Toyota between 2 and 4 on Monday mornings?
Was this BEFORE Holly Disappeared? Was this After Holly disappeared?
Was this BEFORE and AFTER Holly disappeared?
Did this person take PHOTOS or VIDEO if this Toyota continued to be at Holly's AFTER Holly went Missing?
Is this person credible?
With the curiosity of this person, knowing the times that Toyota was there, and lights on in Holly's trailer, did
they SEE the person? Male? Female? Several people? With this knowledge of the vehicle and curiosity, do they have PROOF to
show LE???
Is someone MAKING THIS UP??
Where is Holly Grim?
And if she is alive, why won't she tell her family that she is fine, don't bother me?
Something is HINKY about this information......IMOO.
Why would someone wear boots that could be potentially evidence? Why would someone take ANYTHING out of Holly's vehicle KNOWING that Holly is gone,
and ANYTHING could be evidence.
WHO says those work boots belong to an ex boyfriend?
Are the boots the reason why Holly's CURRENT boyfriend thinks she IS living with someone?
WHY would Holly leave her MOTHER AND SON?
WHY would Holly leave work boots that don't belong to her current boyfriend in her car?
Could those boots have been PLANTED there by SOMEONE ELSE to MAKE it LOOK LIKE Holly was seeing someone else?
To make it look like something other than it is??
Why would Holly's boyfriend THINK Holly is Alive but doesn't want to contact her family to say she is ok?
WHO says they saw a Green Toyota between 2 and 4 on Monday mornings?
Was this BEFORE Holly Disappeared? Was this After Holly disappeared?
Was this BEFORE and AFTER Holly disappeared?
Did this person take PHOTOS or VIDEO if this Toyota continued to be at Holly's AFTER Holly went Missing?
Is this person credible?
With the curiosity of this person, knowing the times that Toyota was there, and lights on in Holly's trailer, did
they SEE the person? Male? Female? Several people? With this knowledge of the vehicle and curiosity, do they have PROOF to
show LE???
Is someone MAKING THIS UP??
Where is Holly Grim?
And if she is alive, why won't she tell her family that she is fine, don't bother me?
Something is HINKY about this information......IMOO.

I would say that 90% of the information is credible. There is a large team working this case, including me. This has been my second boots on the ground mission on this case.

The boots thing is just weird. They were in Holly's locked car. I gather the current BF wanted them out and gave them to another family member who wore them..or something along those lines.

The green Toyota was seen by others in the park, but no one want's to get involved beyond little bits of information. Seems most of the would rather not talk to LE. It was seen after Holly went missing.

We are still trying to find out how the current BF came to the opinion she is living with someone else.

Two scenario's pop up to me: 1) She walked away for any number of reasons. 2) She was abducted and people are seeing someone who looks a lot like her in Allentown.
I would say that 90% of the information is credible. There is a large team working this case, including me. This has been my second boots on the ground mission on this case.

The boots thing is just weird. They were in Holly's locked car. I gather the current BF wanted them out and gave them to another family member who wore them..or something along those lines.

The green Toyota was seen by others in the park, but no one want's to get involved beyond little bits of information. Seems most of the would rather not talk to LE. It was seen after Holly went missing.

We are still trying to find out how the current BF came to the opinion she is living with someone else.

Two scenario's pop up to me: 1) She walked away for any number of reasons. 2) She was abducted and people are seeing someone who looks a lot like her in Allentown.

Thanks for your response! :)
It doesn't make sense to me why the Current Boyfriend would want those boots Out of Holly's car, and then gave them to a family member who then wore them.
If ANYTHING, those boots Could have been Evidence, so why not let Law Enforcement have those boots???
It sounds like a story in the making, to me, in MY opinion.
And why weren't the boots given Back to the original owner???
Perhaps if the boots were Not planted in Holly's car, there could be a reasonable explanation of why those boots were there.
Why not let LE deal with the boots???
None of this makes sense.
It looks ODD to me......
This case gets stranger and stranger as time goes on....
Oh I wanted to add, since there was blood found on those steps and a coffee cup overturned and a table moved, well, it's difficult for me
to rationalize that Holly walked away willingly, unless she wanted it to look like she was abducted and she cut herself, or maybe that blood was from
someone else.
Why would she make all this up if she left willingly? Why make it look like something it is not? So that she wouldn't hurt her family even more?
They are hurting because they love and miss her. If she left on her own, why not tell her family so they can not hurt as much.
The family doesn't know if she is dead or alive.
But the boyfriend thinks she is alive.
Well, if she is alive and is with this other guy as the current boyfriend suggests, wouldn't LE have been watching him all along??
Has the current boyfriend been watching the other guy?? Why would he say this?
I hope she is alive.
I just frankly don't understand the dynamics to Holly's disappearance.
Very strange case to me.
Clarification: The rescue mission is in the area of american parkway and hemilton blvd. in an industrial area with a bunch of bars and clubs. The area of the hotels, outpatient clinic and businesses strip club is in the area of airport road and union blvd. there is a bit of distance between the two location (a few miles) however the rescue mission is fairly close to the area of 6th and walnut, where there may have been a sighting.
For those of you following this case, I have been able to do some "Boots on the Ground" work over the weekend.

I took a tour of the areas that Holly was reported being seen by a friend and "others". For those familiar with the area, ground zero appeared to be Hamilton Blvd and 3rd st. In that general area are: A Strip Club, various hotels that cater to the sex trade and a drug treatment clinic for women. This also includes the hotels/motels located near Livingston and Airport road. One of the search teams reported that a hotel clerk identified a picture of Holly as having stayed in the motel. Follow-up by a second team is scheduled and other hotel clerks will be interviewed.

Some interesting tidbits of information over the last few weeks have come to light that I will give initial information on below:

For a three to four week period, a green Toyota was seen between the hours of 2 am and 4 am on Monday mornings. It would park next to Holly's trailer with the lights off for a short period, then leave. At various times, lights have been seen on in the trailer at night. I am unclear why LE response was not immediate to see who was involved as the trailer has been broken into on one occasion.

An ex boyfriends work boots were found in Holly's car, however they were removed by family and contaminated for DNA evidence when one or more family and/or friends of family wore them. I gather that Holly's current boyfriend was not pleased that the boots were in the car.

Holly's current boyfriend has made remarks that she is living with someone else.

One friend has made comments to the effect that Holly had more than one boyfriend at a time on occasion.

One Ex boyfriend was released from jail shortly before Holly went missing. Word is that she had a restraining order against this individual and that he was in debt to Holly for the estimated sum of one thousand dollars.

PSP is not sharing what they have and the PI is pretty much at a standstill, but has been updated by the team. The team continues to share with PSP.

More to follow when I update with the team.

Thank you so much, Trackergd, for being so dedicated to Holly's case... And for keeping us WSers updated...:tyou:

Each time new information is brought forth... It just seems to bring more questions...

Boots of an ex-boyfriend found in Holly's locked car ... Then given to Holly's family to wear...

Person(s) staying at Holly's home intermittently after she disappeared... Yet no one in the Home Park sharing who this/these person(s) might be...

An Ex-Boyfriend released from jail right before Holly's disappearance...

All makes my mind swirl...

I can only hope she is still alive somewhere...

All... JMO...
The whole case makes my mind swirl as well.

I can't figure out which scenario to go with as there seems to be evidence either way.

One of my early theories was that she was taken by force to pay off a drug debt in prostitution or stripping. The PI thought that theory had merit at the time.

I will be sharing more as we develop information so you folks can be engaged and help us solve this case.
Snipped for space

Boots of an ex-boyfriend found in Holly's locked car ... Then given to Holly's family to wear...

Person(s) staying at Holly's home intermittently after she disappeared... Yet no one in the Home Park sharing who this/these person(s) might be...

An Ex-Boyfriend released from jail right before Holly's disappearance...

I would suspect that the folks in the trailer park would rather not talk to LE, even on a good day. Trailer park folks tend to keep to themselves and turn a blind eye to what goes on around them.

The boots thing is just plain odd. PSP does not want them now as they are contaminated.

I think we now know who the ex is. More on that as we develop information.
Where the boots found when we were discussing on here if anyone had checked in her car trunk and if not someone should?
I think it was said they were going to have one of the males look....
The outpatient rehab clinic is on union blvd going west, cross over airport road and just before the next light on the left.

Is this clinic important to Holly's disappearance? You keep mentioning it. Has she been a patient there? Or maybe you have a gut feeling about this clinic?
Is this clinic important to Holly's disappearance? You keep mentioning it. Has she been a patient there? Or maybe you have a gut feeling about this clinic?

Some of the team members have developed a theory that she may have checked herself into rehab for a (unconfirmed) drug issue and that is why she was not seen for a while, and then she started to appear in the area more and more as the restrictions on her movements by the facility were loosened.

Just one of a few theories floating around.

I just can't find one really hard fact/scenario to put a peg in and say "this is the starting point".
Where the boots found when we were discussing on here if anyone had checked in her car trunk and if not someone should?
I think it was said they were going to have one of the males look....

I think after our discussion. When they checked the car, they were looking for a body.
Some of the team members have developed a theory that she may have checked herself into rehab for a (unconfirmed) drug issue and that is why she was not seen for a while, and then she started to appear in the area more and more as the restrictions on her movements by the facility were loosened.

Just one of a few theories floating around.

I just can't find one really hard fact/scenario to put a peg in and say "this is the starting point".

I thinks it's odd with the coffee cup overturned and a table moved, eyeglasses on floor, and blood on steps, that she would leave in that manner
without her car then check herself into rehab. Are they inferring that she had this incident in her trailer, by herself, wigged out, without her glasses,
and left on foot to the nearest rehab?
Are they saying someone took her out of her trailer, then made her go into rehab??
Why wouldn't rehab tell LE that they can Stop looking for her, as she is in rehab? Why couldn't rehab tell her family, don't worry, she's getting help
at rehab. She doesn't want to see you, but you can stop looking for her, etc.
This doesn't make sense to me.
I agree Treelights, it sounds far fetched.

Speculating: someone came that morning to bring her drugs. She had a bad reaction to it or overdosed, hence the mess in her home. Panicked, that person brought her to a hospital and from there she went to rehab. LE could have checked and found out but if she does not want this information to be released they can't reveal anything. It would be against some law or rule, the name of which I have forgotten.
i agree treelights, it sounds far fetched.

Speculating: Someone came that morning to bring her drugs. She had a bad reaction to it or overdosed, hence the mess in her home. Panicked, that person brought her to a hospital and from there she went to rehab. Le could have checked and found out but if she does not want this information to be released they can't reveal anything. It would be against some law or rule, the name of which i have forgotten.


With the various numerous sightings of Holly, not ONE person has been able to talk to Holly??
They see Holly, but they aren't able to talk to her? They see Holly, but then she disappears every time a person
sees her?? If there are that many sightings, well, why don't the people that physically see her,track her down??
Maybe mistaken identity? Someone that Looks like Holly?
This sounds like running in circles to me...
It truly makes no sense. And with All the sightings, why hasn't LE seen her yet?
And previously, it was mentioned on the thread that perhaps LE thought this was a homicide...
So, I hope Holly is alive and I can then eat crow. And fine, I would rather eat crow and have Holly Alive,
but I think she is not alive, because the way her mom talked about them being best friends and her mom is hurting
and her son is hurting, why would Holly leave in this manner??? Where is the LOVE??? Her family LOVES her.
It just doesn't make sense.
I agree Treelights, it sounds far fetched.

Speculating: someone came that morning to bring her drugs. She had a bad reaction to it or overdosed, hence the mess in her home. Panicked, that person brought her to a hospital and from there she went to rehab. LE could have checked and found out but if she does not want this information to be released they can't reveal anything. It would be against some law or rule, the name of which I have forgotten.

The thing is, Holly was so close to her mom. They were like best friends according to articles/interviews and this is hurting her mom, and son.
If Holly checked herself in the hospital, I would think she could let her family know that she is alive and well. Why go on hurting the family by not letting
them know that she is in rehab, a place that she can get better, perhaps(.And if she doesn't want them to know she is there, she could tell them she is ALIVE.)
PLUS, it is costing LE to look for her. Costing tax payers....
So it does not add up to me. If Holly LOVES her family,letting them know she is alive would STOP the immediate pain for the family, and it would let Law Enforcement
concentrate on the people who really Are Missing and perhaps deceased.
If Holly were taken to a hospital with even a suspected drug overdose, it would have been reported to LE as required by law.

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