GUILTY PA - Jessica Padgett, 32, Northampton County, 21 November 2014

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DNA Solves
It's also entirely possible Jessica's mom was under the impression the financial situation was due entirely to the fencing business. All purely speculation, of course.

Oh, how I hope this is the case. ;( IIRC, he had 7 acres of property, pretty easy to hide stuff on. I'm thinking he must have had some sort of building on the site though to grow this stuff. It's freezing outside, pot wouldn't be growing now, so he must have had some sort of facility on premises to grow.
I am sure the mother maybe didn't know about the pot on her property but it seems as if tho this would explain alot if it was why Greg killed Jessica it would make sense especially if she threatened to rat him out or something..One would think tho if he were afraid to go to jail for drugs..why would he go and kill someone obviously to end up Jail in anyway..Unless he didn't plan to be caught and he planned on moving her body but didn't get around to it because of the Police being around..
I am sure the mother maybe didn't know about the pot on her property but it seems as if tho this would explain alot if it was why Greg killed Jessica it would make sense especially if she threatened to rat him out or something..One would think tho if he were afraid to go to jail for drugs..why would he go and kill someone obviously to end up Jail in anyway..Unless he didn't plan to be caught and he planned on moving her body but didn't get around to it because of the Police being around..

I live on 10 acres not far from this family and if my husband were growing weed on a parcel of it, I'm sure he could keep it hidden from me if he tried. I've never even walked our entire property, and if the plants were tended to when I wasn't around, it would be very easy for me to miss that type of activity. Don't tell him I said this ;).
I was thinking..I really do not believe Jessica would've gone near the house with her mom not being there if she thought Greg was there, I think not seeing his truck led her to believe he wasn't home and thats the only reason she even went in the house that day..I think Greg knew this as well and thats why he purposely hid his truck before hand. Although it might seem "normal" to hunters and some people it's not normal to take away any living beings life and that being said if he has it in him to shoot innocent animals like he did and kill them without blinking an eye he could easily do it to a human being and looking through his FB he seems to get alittle too much of enjoyment out of killing these poor animals so it wouldn't surprise me if it was a sick fantasy of his for a while to kill a person and Jessica just was in the wrong spot at the wrong time
Okay this will sound crazy but all this hunting talk reminds me of an episode of Gilligan's Island. A big game hunter is stranded on the island, and decided he had killed all the game he could ever want, and the thrill for that was done. So the only thing left was a human. I know it sounds crazy. Though you would think if he were thinking that way that he would have wanted to chase her, and it sounds like he shot her immediately. Like I said I know it is crazy but it is where my mind went.
I live on 10 acres not far from this family and if my husband were growing weed on a parcel of it, I'm sure he could keep it hidden from me if he tried. I've never even walked our entire property, and if the plants were tended to when I wasn't around, it would be very easy for me to miss that type of activity. Don't tell him I said this ;).

Lol I can imagine, The property seems huge I was looking through the map someone put up of the house and it is very big..lots of places he could've been growing weed without the mother knowing it and no wonder they didn't find Jessica's body when they search around the's huge lol I was thinking the house was a bit smaller idk why Now I feel like an idiot for questioning how they searched the property and didn't find Jessica's body..I was picturing the house like average size I guess and having a backyard and the shed being in the yard but the mothers home is huge I bet if they wanted to they could have a farm on that property!3m1!1s0x89c44651e6113f75:0x507863806fa91b74

Many buildings and what looks like lots of shipping containers or trailers or something.

Hehe, I was looking at the same image earlier today. ;)

Jessica was found behind a garage, looks like there's 2 very close to the house. Very disturbing. ;(
What is that weird building behind the house? It's a small thing, right before the tree line, right where the highway runs by. At first I thought it looked like a chicken coop or something, but the more I look at it, it looks like a small shed with something built out of the side. A greenhouse maybe?
I think he may have had help. The marijuana business must have included others. How did he get back to the house after dropping off the truck? It is a little over four miles, which he could walk, but somebody might have seen him. I think somebody gave him a ride. Now, of course, he might not have told them what he was up to - he could have just told them the "truck repair" story.....
The drug angle is definitely something to be considered. Something I posted right after Jessica was discovered is that I wondered if he could have killed her on video, a snuff film to sell...the shot to the back of the head screams power trip to me.

Even if that is what happened, it still makes no sense to me that he would do it to his stepdaughter. To me it appears premeditated without question. Wife out of town, important fax to send in the middle of the day in order to get her alone without the kids with her, truck hidden where it will provide a way home and also make it appear he wasn't at the house when she arrived. An ambush!

It is all so bizarre.
Talullah Belle : I don't think I've seen that particular Gilligan's Island episode, but it was probably based on a short story called "The Most Dangerous Game." I read it back in junior high, I think. Involves a big-game hunter who ends up hunting a human or humans.
I see GG's mugshot is out there now, can that be posted here?!3m1!1s0x89c44651e6113f75:0x507863806fa91b74

Many buildings and what looks like lots of shipping containers or trailers or something.

luthersmama thanks! for finding this photograph. LE never said exactly where they found the drug and with all these trailers in the photograph lots of places to conceal it and even dry it. Lots of trees on the property so if he was growing it, it could have been out in corn fields someone elses property. The weed has a pungent odor before it's dried and anyone gathering in a crop like that their clothing would pick up the smell. I cannot believe he killed Jessica over this drug but, we do not know how much of the drug he had and street value of it.
The marijuana is "another issue that needs to be developed by police," said Morganelli, saying it was an amount that would be used for distribution, and not personal consumption.
so that means what, packaged ready to go so I wonder how much there was. My feeling is he planned it
because something made him snap towards her quickly to get her there in a short amount of time and then the way he did it, to me so personal. He goes back to court what 12/8 wonder if we will find out more facts then
I think he may have had help. The marijuana business must have included others. How did he get back to the house after dropping off the truck? It is a little over four miles, which he could walk, but somebody might have seen him. I think somebody gave him a ride. Now, of course, he might not have told them what he was up to - he could have just told them the "truck repair" story.....

I don't have a link off hand but its somewhere at the beginning of this thread in the early news articles that the police interviewed an employee of GG (before he was arrested) who told them he had picked GG up from where his truck was Parked near the repair shop, GG had called him for a ride stating that he had an appt for his truck to be fixed.
Are there any other younger females in the family? IF GG had sexually abused Jessica as a teen, maybe the impending birth of her niece had pushed her to finally speak out - to protect her niece. She could control contact between GG and her own children but if her sister was unaware of the abuse, Jessica may have been concerned her niece would end up a victim too. It's all so awful....I don't know what to think!! I cannot even imagine what her family are going through.

I hope GG reveals his motive for this horrific crime, if only to help Jessica's nearest and dearest. R.I.P Jessica x
Is there any indication that he will plead guilty? I wonder...often they don't, even after confessing.

Also, many posters have said she likely would not have gone to the house if she knew he was there any evidence so far that shows this to be true? I mean, did she avoid him as rule? I thought it appeared they were all close?
Are there any other younger females in the family? IF GG had sexually abused Jessica as a teen, maybe the impending birth of her niece had pushed her to finally speak out - to protect her niece. She could control contact between GG and her own children but if her sister was unaware of the abuse, Jessica may have been concerned her niece would end up a victim too. It's all so awful....I don't know what to think!! I cannot even imagine what her family are going through.

I hope GG reveals his motive for this horrific crime, if only to help Jessica's nearest and dearest. R.I.P Jessica x

I think this is something to consider.....


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