Deceased/Not Found PA - King Hill, 2, stepfather said King was with babysitter, Philadelphia, 7 Jul 2020 *arrest*

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I wonder why King was staying with his stepfather since the end of May? When was the last time he was seen by someone other than the stepfather?

That is a good question. With Covid and its affects on norms, it could be that she just needed help taking care of a toddler and working.

We know so little, it is hard to say what is going on. When you watch the different channels reporting, they each have a little different info. Hopefully CCTV will provide some more information.

In the news report below, it is stated that the step father dropped KH off at the babysitters. The babysitter told the father she dropped the baby off to the mother. It sounds to me like the step-father was expecting to pick KH up from the babysitter and she told him she dropped KH off.

It could be bad reporting but that tiny fact caught my attention.

'Someone is not telling the truth': Police continue search for 2-year-old missing since Tuesday
For some reason I am not able to see the beginning pages of this thread. Hoping little King is found & that someone is just keeping him from mom because they feel she is unfit. Thats what I'm hoping. IMO
This is sort of OT, but I live in Florida, and worked in an office on the beach and had a little apartment not far. I would sometimes walk home on the beach. One day I was sitting on the beach just sort of watching the waves, no towel or beach apparel, and in my work clothes. A couple came along and sat a very young infant, possibly even newborn, down next to me in the sand and started to walk away. I believe I was transfixed with the ocean, and they thought I didn't notice the baby now sitting next to me in the sand. I started yelling to them and they just kept walking. Then they said, oh could you watch her for a while, we have some things to do (probably shooting drugs, in my opinion). I think they had no intention of ever coming back. I raised holy he-- and they came back and took her. In hindsight, I don't know what I should have done at that moment. I did call the police when I got home, but they were long gone. I know this is OT, but just wanted to say apparently there are crazy people out there who do this. The story of this baby brought back memories of that incident. I pray he is found soon. MOO. Katt
This incident is TOTALLY BIZARRE!!!:eek:
He looks drugged.

He looks like a sleepy little boy fighting that sleep. I have many pictures of my kids and grandbabies playing and almost falling asleep. My favorite pic is of my grandbaby sitting in a highchair asleep with a tootsie roll pop in hand.

One video or pic of a moment in time could make us all suspect. I'm waiting for more info. I don't like crow. :)
I just wonder how many relatives had to say no, I don’t want this little boy, before he finally got left in the care of a man who is not even related to him by blood and no longer married to the mother, if he ever was. He’s a stepfather. And the stepfather didn’t even keep him, he says that he gave him to his girlfriend ling term, who says that she left him on a street corner.
Where was child protective services? Where are this little boy’s grandparents, aunts and cousins?

Yes, it does happen. I think that the problem in this situation is the choice of caregiver. Of all people to choose, a stepfather or ex boyfriend falls right above online predator on my list of bad choices. This is just my opinion.

I never heard him say he gave him to the babysitter long term. Do you have the link to that info? That is a very important piece of info, if true.
Of all people to choose, a stepfather or ex boyfriend falls right above online predator on my list of bad choices. This is just my opinion.

snipped by me. Yikes. So as a stepmom, I’m a step above an online predator? What a bold generalization to make. Sure in this case it’s super odd that the mom left king with his stepdad for weeks at a time without appearing to even check in on him, but rest assured not all stepparents are a step above child predators. Lol.
Of all people to choose, a stepfather or ex boyfriend falls right above online predator on my list of bad choices. This is just my opinion.

I must confess, I'm a bit shocked at this allegation that a step parent as a choice for caregiver falls just above an online predator in your opinion.
I've been a step-mom twice, and loved my step-sons just as much as I loved my own bio kids.
It's hard enough handling the often complicated dynamic of step-parenting, but to toss an accusation like that out there, just makes it worse.
Really disappointed to see this kind of thinking & anyone that agrees with it.
I wonder if there are any cameras in the area where King was supposedly dropped off... Why wouldn't the babysitter call the mom if she indeed dropped King off? Did she just leave??

There are TONS of cameras all over the philly’s my guess that the police know much more than what they have told the public and just aren’t saying so until they get to the real story.
It would be interesting to see if there is camera footage from the area. Could the babysitter have mistakenly given King to someone she mistook for his mother?

This crossed my mind also... but what are the chances that 1. The babysitter confused the child’s mom with someone else when the mother has at least 3 VERY noticeable tattoos ON HER FACE.

but assuming he babysitter somehow did mistake someone else for the mother... what are the chances that that person would have taken he child and or taken the child and not reported this etc. that person would have to have very serious intentions on something evil. But even still... someone should have seen her with this child whose face is ALL OVER and would have been reported. Someone can’t acquire a child and successfully take and hide them without causing suspicion ESPECIALLY if this occurred completely randomly without a plan.
I have a feeling the police know much more than they are saying.
Why not put the babysitter and mom face to face and ask questions???? The truth would most definitely come out then
There are TONS of cameras all over the philly’s my guess that the police know much more than what they have told the public and just aren’t saying so until they get to the real story.
I've walked the google street view guy a block in each direction from 31st & Page and counted only 3 surveillance cams on buildings. There could be more, but that's all I was able to locate from the street view.
snipped by me. Yikes. So as a stepmom, I’m a step above an online predator? What a bold generalization to make. Sure in this case it’s super odd that the mom left king with his stepdad for weeks at a time without appearing to even check in on him, but rest assured not all stepparents are a step above child predators. Lol.

Hi Bears10!

My post does not refer to stepparents in general and especially not stepmoms! ☮️

To clarify my earlier post:

I was speaking my opinion of choosing a stepfather who is no longer with the child’s mother, ( so, an ex- stepfather or ex-boyfriend depending upon if he was ever married to mom), to care for the baby full time, for months at a time.

I don’t trust male non parental ex-partners with children. I don’t think that they are all bad, but a child’s life is not worth the risk. That’s just my opinion based upon all of the ugliness we see every day with crimes against children. Others may have a completely opposite opinion and that is absolutely fine. My intention was not to debate the subject but simply to state what I think, as it applies to King’s disappearance.

I apologize for any confusion!
For some reason I am not able to see the beginning pages of this thread. Hoping little King is found & that someone is just keeping him from mom because they feel she is unfit. Thats what I'm hoping. IMO
I don't know which story to believe either. The mother, or custodial parent is ultimately responsible for the well-being of her child even when being cared for by others.

It's not clear how often the stepfather took care of King but apparently she trusted him. It seems as if they didn't communicate much if there was no set time to pick up the child and she didn't even know the babysitter.

I'm not sure what is going on here but I hope the child is safe somewhere.

ETA. Oops, sorry, I meant to reply to the post by Bears 10 about both sides giving very different stories.
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I must confess, I'm a bit shocked at this allegation that a step parent as a choice for caregiver falls just above an online predator in your opinion.
I've been a step-mom twice, and loved my step-sons just as much as I loved my own bio kids.
It's hard enough handling the often complicated dynamic of step-parenting, but to toss an accusation like that out there, just makes it worse.
Really disappointed to see this kind of thinking & anyone that agrees with it.

Girl, same. Stepparent life isn’t easy, and the stigma and stereotypes are unfair and bullshiz.
Hi Bears10!

My post does not refer to stepparents in general and especially not stepmoms! ☮️

To clarify my earlier post:

I was speaking my opinion of choosing a stepfather who is no longer with the child’s mother, ( so, an ex- stepfather or ex-boyfriend depending upon if he was ever married to mom), to care for the baby full time, for months at a time.

I don’t trust male non parental ex-partners with children. I don’t think that they are all bad, but a child’s life is not worth the risk. That’s just my opinion based upon all of the ugliness we see every day with crimes against children. Others may have a completely opposite opinion and that is absolutely fine. My intention was not to debate the subject but simply to state what I think, as it applies to King’s disappearance.

I apologize for any confusion!

male or female, it’s still a sweeping generalization that I don’t think many stepparents would appreciate. If my husband and I divorced, I would certainly be qualified to safely care for his kids. If my sister and her husband divorced, I wouldn’t think twice about her husband caring for my nephew (who is his stepson, not bio son). Just because some people suck, doesn’t mean that all ex stepdads are bad dudes. That’s a toxic stereotype you’re projecting. Jmo

also, if you were a fly on the wall in some of my online stepmom groups, you’d see how crappy a lot of bio moms are, and the stepparents are the ones who step up and care for the kids. Quite a few bio moms couldn’t be bothered with their kids.
Girl, same. Stepparent life isn’t easy, and the stigma and stereotypes are unfair and bullshiz.

Indeed, and agreed 100%. You'd think by 2020 society would have dumped all the old BS about step parents.

I don't know anything at all about the stepdad in this case. I do however know plenty of stepdads (my own, for starters) that stepped in, and assumed the role of dad, and loved and cherished their step kids, and raised them up.

I realize "the boyfriend" is often the piece of trash that hurt the child, but we don't know that in this case, and even if it turns out that he did, it's not because he's a step, it's because he's a creep.
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