PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #1

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At 21 .. The Hardware Bar is the place to be (Downtown)... also it depends on what band was there that night .. Hardware Bar has 3 levels with totally different atmospheres so its like 3 clubs for one cover. Soooo many different personalities there .. Downstairs is usually a band, Mid level is the "mellow" level and third floor is the more "techno" type level .. the place is usually PACKED on Friday and Saturdays .. LOT'S of bars that cater towards the younger crowd on Second Street so people usually check out a few other places first .. then end up at the Hardware Bar till close. Still after close, people usally mill around on the street for awhile or grab some pizza on Second Street and hang out (usually to watch cops break up a fight or two) .. Closest "Club Scene" to Palmyra. Hershey has a few bars but not "club type" ..

She was "allegedly" seen near the Midtown Arts Center (2 days prior to her being missing) which is uptown a bit from Second St on Third by Broad St Market. Which is in close prox to where the bar tender I was speaking to works .. (where locals allegedly spotted her after she was reported missing) .. I still tend to believe it is local hype after some have seen her flyers. The local buzz is all about getting the reward .. heck .. I wouldn't even claim the reward .. I just want her parents to have her back.

Have never been to Midtown Cinema :)

Familiar with HMAC. I have a friend who's rehabbing a brownstone on 3rd. He's all up in the Midtown Bidness.

I'm too old for clubbing (dammit), but I love restaurant row on a summer weekend night when the clubs are full.

I've always loved Harrisburg. Spent the first three years of my life on riverfront in shipoke. It's a nice, not too big city. The mayor's a whacko though.

I guess I was wondering why a girl from Palmyra was going to HBG and not Lancaster or something. You know what i mean? Like when people from the West Shore won't cross the bridge. Territorial. I don't know if she went there often. Maybe she did.

Her parents don't seem to think it unusual, so it's probably not.
You can do what you wish on your own, however, you can't post it here. Many of us do our own sleuthing of individuals for years and years, but never share the information on the threads; nor hint about what was found. :crazy:

I guess that does sound crazy to some people.

But there's a huge difference between sleuthing and stalking.

I love your avatar, btw. Mrs Beasley?
I have meetings most of the day today, so I won't be clogging up the thread.
This case is just a total mystery to me, so baffling. I can't help wondering if she is very close by. Hoping all corners of the house have been checked as well as the yard, any wells, etc...just very strange.
If this has already been posted.. please forgive.


Up next we talk to the parents o f a beautiful missing woman. They`re desperately searching for her, and they say they have new information.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Family and friends gathered at the fire station to search for Kortne who has been missing for ten days. But no sign of Kortne.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I haven`t been able to sleep right lately, not just knowing where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They knocked on the doors and they left.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The police were right there. Volunteers search a field close to Kortne`s apartment where she was last seen.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you`re a father, I hope this hits you. I want her back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was a male in her apartment. He woke up at 7:30 and left and my daughter wasn`t there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Kortne thought that he was a friend of hers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Kortne is gone. Kortne is gone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tell us what it is you want. We just want our daughter back.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just want her to come home. I just want her home.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, disturbing new questions about a mystery man as police investigate the disappearance of this beautiful 21-year-old woman as a kidnapping. That`s what they are calling it now. Kortne Stouffer vanished without a trace from her own Pennsylvania apartment two weeks ago. She left a bar in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and went home.

Shortly after that a series of strange 911 calls send cops to her apartment, not once, but twice. Right around the time she disappeared. The first 911 call that reported a loud argument involving Kortne and a neighbor. The second 911 call from the person living below. This is her apartment. Complained of stomping and banging coming from her apartment. That time Kortne`s parents say cops went to the daughter`s door, but nobody answered so they left.

Last week on this show the devastated parents revealed for the first time that Kortne was not alone inside her apartment. She was with a male friend.


SCOTT STOUFFER, FATHER OF MISSING 21-YEAR-OLD: There was a male with her in her apartment. And it was one of the gentlemen with her that evening. I guess they stayed over at the apartment that evening with her. I don`t think it`s something we need to hold back on at this time. I think it`s something that should be known.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Who is the male friend? Why hasn`t he come forward, and why didn`t the cops mention him to the media? Kortne`s parents told us that he slept over at the daughter`s apartment that night and claims when he woke up she was just gone.


STOUFFER: He was the last person to see my daughter. So I felt that there was just more there. I still feel there`s more there. It`s difficult.

WENDY STOUFFER, MOTHER OF MISSING 21-YEAR-OLD: We know that he left. We have video of him at a store texting Kortne and saying I left. I didn`t see you. What happened to you?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Straight out to investigative reporter, Jon Leiberman.

Jon, it doesn`t make any sense. If he indeed spent the night there, then he should have been there when cops knocked on the door when they heard the complaint of banging from the apartment below. But nobody answered the door. So, this doesn`t add up.

JON LEIBERMAN, HLN CONTRIBUTOR: Jane, this is a huge mystery at this point. And police are trying to piece together the relationships between Kortne and a number of different people. For example, Kortne lived with her boyfriend. But he was not home during this early morning. She was there with another acquaintance, a friend who she was out partying with prior to that. And she had an argument with a neighbor.

So we understand from police that everybody is still a suspect here. Nobody has been cleared and I want to point this out Jane, we have obtained the search warrant for that home and police are trying to find out if drugs played a role in any of this as well.

They went into her home. They were looking for journals, diaries, letters; obviously, that speaks to them wanting to find out the nature of her relationships. But also they were looking for controlled substances and their related paraphernalia, cell phones, bank records, computers. They want to know if perhaps drugs played any role in this disappearance as well.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now Kortne`s family believes she went missing between 4:00 and 7:30 in the morning before dawn, Sunday, July 29th. She was out on a Saturday night. So many young people go out on a Saturday night. And they come back late.

After she got home from the bar, Kortne got in an argument with her neighbor. The cops were called at 3:12 in the morning. They got there three minutes later, told Kortne and the neighbor go back inside your apartments. Be quiet. They left at 3:49. 4:12, just about 20 minutes later, somebody hears loud banging coming from Kortne`s apartment, the cops are called but nobody answers Kortne`s door. So they leave at 4:36. So Kortne`s male friend allegedly slept over.

So I think her parents are here now. Scott Stouffer and Wendy Stouffer, our hearts go out to her. We want to be helpful. We know you`re going through a hellish experience right now. Given this mystery male, we`re not naming him. He`s not considered a suspect, but police haven`t ruled anyone out.

There are two options, ok. There`s banging heard. The cops show up. They knock on the door. Nobody answers. What explanation -- I understand you talked to this mystery man who was there and slept over -- what explanation did he offer for why he didn`t answer the door when the cops knocked and what explanation did he offer for the banging that the person downstairs heard?

SCOTT STOUFFER, FATHER OF MISSING WOMAN: Well, I think the explanation that nobody heard the cops knocking for the first part of your question. And the second part of your question, could you repeat that again?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What explanation did he offer of the banging below your daughter`s apartment? In other words, the people below your daughter`s apartment heard banging coming from the apartment where he reportedly was with your daughter -- your daughter`s apartment. What explanation did he offer for that noise?

S. STOUFFER: Just that Kortne was still angry from the dispute with the neighbor and she took a little bit longer to calm down.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Do you buy that?

S. STOUFFER: I can`t really comment on whether I buy it or not. I don`t really. I just don`t really understand -- excuse me -- I just don`t understand how she can just not be heard or seen and walk out of the apartment. That`s difficult.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wendy, again, my heart goes out to you. There are no words. We`re trying to figure out this terrible mystery.

What have these last two weeks been like for you? Tell us what you`re going through because I know that all our viewers care and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

WENDY STOUFFER, MOTHER OF MISSING WOMAN: These last 16 days have been hell. I talk to my daughter all the time and I haven`t been able to talk to her. I don`t know where she is. I don`t know if she`s hurt, if she`s not eating. I just want her to come home.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: This search warrant that I`m holding in my hand that we`ve obtained -- by the way, we keep calling the DA`s office and we can`t get any response from them. So we`re going off a search warrant. It`s describing what happened now as a kidnapping. I know that`s disturbing for me to mention to you. But again we`re trying to discuss all the facts and throw them all out there.

You`ve talked to the DA or the DA`s office. What have they told you? What are their theories?

S. STOUFFER: Well, I spent, you know, almost two hours at the DA`s office today, and I believe they are making every effort to find Kortne. But there isn`t a lot of evidence. I mean there`s not a lot of places to go. And they`re trying diligently, I believe they are.

I believe that Dave Arnold, the district attorney, and all the detectives I was with today including one of the officers from the Marlboro Police Department, as I said earlier today. I honestly and sincerely believe they`re treating it as if this was their daughter. But everybody is at a loss.

I`m sure there`s some information that they`re keeping or not sharing with me and I respect that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to ask you, Scott, and I`m sorry to jump in but -- have they talked to the young man? Have they given him a lie detector test? Have they checked his clothing? What have they done in terms of this man who was there that night?

S. STOUFFER: I mean I can`t get into a lot of details. They have interviewed him. To what extent have they interviewed him? I don`t know at all.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Again, we want to keep this story alive. We want to keep your daughter`s photo out there. We know you`ve been putting posters of your daughter up. We`re also going to put up a tip line. And please, anyone out there, if you have any information at all, the clock is ticking. If you have any information about Kortne, call police immediately. This family is suffering. They need to get their daughter back.

Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Stouffer. And again our hearts are with you.

I don't know how many of you have seen this site. He doesn't list Kortne, or another missing petite blond, in the same age group (Brittney Wood).. but the appearances of each young woman is so similar, it makes you go hmmmmmmm. One thing that all of these young women have in common (other than being missing) is their lives were on public display on fb and ms. Numerous pics, and other information that could be used for sinister reasons, including places they hung out and even moment by moment movements of each beautiful young lady.

Kortne where are you??? My heart is aching for all who love you and every one of these missing women...
Hopefully it is a good sign that they are closing in on a perp.

I think LE has a very good idea who their perp is!
Unfortunately they need evidence to arrest!
Lack of evidence can let the known perp walk around free for years!
Why would they be looking at her computer and looking for journals if they think she was abducted? I dont get that one, unless they are thinking she was doing some not so good things up until her vanishing.
The computer and journals search is the only new news that I got out of that inverview. Anyone else get something more?
Does anyone really think she is alive though? I hate to be so negative but, I really highly doubt that she is given the circumstances. I thought her father had said he doesn't believe her to be alive. According to ABC27 news last night, the DA won't mention what they found in her apartment. An abduction yes, but I find it really hard to believe that she is still alive, I hope she is though. I'm wondering if the guy who stayed the night, actually woke up there? Is it possible that he didn't stay and took her somewhere after (he claims he just woke up 4 hours after they went to bed) the police left and showed up at the gas station texting her to create an alibi?
Does anyone really think she is alive though? I hate to be so negative but, I really highly doubt that she is given the circumstances. I thought her father had said he doesn't believe her to be alive. According to ABC27 news last night, the DA won't mention what they found in her apartment. An abduction yes, but I find it really hard to believe that she is still alive, I hope she is though. I'm wondering if the guy who stayed the night, actually woke up there? Is it possible that he didn't stay and took her somewhere after (he claims he just woke up 4 hours after they went to bed) the police left and showed up at the gas station texting her to create an alibi?

I Dont believe she is alive!
And i dont think the guy that stayed the night , stayed the night!
Just a thought, Do you think if I contacted one of the local radio stations 97.3 The river, They would put her pic on their fb page? I am fb friends with them.
I Dont believe she is alive!
And i dont think the guy that stayed the night , stayed the night!

Definitely a possibility... Took her somewhere and then went to the convenience store to "show up on camera." Makes sense is to why it was so quiet after the police arrived the second time. They were gone. Left the dog there and ..... nothing until Monday morning when her mom drove to her apartment to check on her.. Hmmm. Perhaps pings on his phone if he took it with him. Another interesting theory ...

If drugs are involved like it has been speculated, then that could open the field wide open.. Or registered or unregistered sexual offenders. Still, I can't get past the friend and the neighbor though having some connection.
I have a possible theory- my opinion only. Maybe-

KS Group ALL returns to the apt. for a after party or whatever, and the dogs get riled up- maybe the dogs are taken out and the noise/activity infuriates the neighbor, who KS argues with outside.

Police come soon after 1st 911 call, that was made by whomever heard the arguing.
Police send each party to their respective apt, warn to calm down.
(we do not know if police actually see or speak to anyone else that could have been at KS apt. during that time....nor do we know if police notated if KS car was there or any other guest car)

KS returns to apt, still riled up and the group decides to leave and take it else where, since there is a 'nosy' neighbor.
They leave- whether in one or 2 cars unknown.
(we still do not know if KS drove to Hardware or rode with others)

At any rate, the group leaves the apt. rather noisily, thumping and bumping down the stairs, which bothers a neighbor again and a 2nd 911 is placed.

20 minutes pass before police arrive back.... by that time all is quiet...neighbor may have gone to sleep or figured it was quiet now, oh well. Again , do not specifically know if vehicles were notated or doors knocked on - how police actually responded.

Police do not see or hear anything out of place and leave.

Group goes elsewhere and in the ensuing time, KS meets with harm, whether accidental or intentional.
Her vehicle and maybe some personal items if she did indeed take them(purse, phone etc) are stealthily returned to her apt in the wee hours by someone, who then leaves the premise. The scene then appears that it looks like that was the last place she was....and whomever winds up at a store.....

The same type scenario could be played out by one person and KS.

That is why I asked about roofies, et al. I am only speculating and do not mean it as a personal attack towards her, but maybe KS was pretty well intoxicated that night.
And maybe at some point , close to arriving home, or afterwards, KS inadvertently ingested a drug, unbeknownst to her. Maybe her actions that night were totally out of character for her and because of alcohol/drug use, she wasn't thinking very responsibly.

Only a theory, maybe there are holes, I dunno.
She is out there somewhere.
Just a thought, Do you think if I contacted one of the local radio stations 97.3 The river, They would put her pic on their fb page? I am fb friends with them.

Absolutely! And if they don’t, change radio stations. :Banane12:
My wife and kids and I lived in the house, downstairs from 1997-1998 and upstairs from 1998-2001. So it is nothing short of surreal to see the house where you carried your wife over the threshold, your kids took their first steps and spoke their first words and you celebrated your first holidays as a family, now surrounded by crime scene tape.

Downstairs, we could hear almost everything happening next door downstairs and on our side upstairs. However, upstairs, while we could hear almost everything downstairs on our side, we could hear almost nothing next door. On the third floor, where our bedrooms were, was like the Fortress of Solitude. In fact, the Derry Township Police came to that side door and knocked for several minutes early one morning in 1999 and we never heard them. Sadly, they were there to inform us that my brother in law had just been killed in a car accident not a mile away (He had been living downstairs at the time.).

We loved the yard during the day but at night it was downright creepy. If my wife was at the store or working late, I always made sure to be out watching for her return as it was very dark, especially along the house.
I have a possible theory- my opinion only. Maybe-

KS Group ALL returns to the apt. for a after party or whatever, and the dogs get riled up- maybe the dogs are taken out and the noise/activity infuriates the neighbor, who KS argues with outside.

Police come soon after 1st 911 call, that was made by whomever heard the arguing.
Police send each party to their respective apt, warn to calm down.
(we do not know if police actually see or speak to anyone else that could have been at KS apt. during that time....nor do we know if police notated if KS car was there or any other guest car)

KS returns to apt, still riled up and the group decides to leave and take it else where, since there is a 'nosy' neighbor.
They leave- whether in one or 2 cars unknown.
(we still do not know if KS drove to Hardware or rode with others)

At any rate, the group leaves the apt. rather noisily, thumping and bumping down the stairs, which bothers a neighbor again and a 2nd 911 is placed.

20 minutes pass before police arrive back.... by that time all is quiet...neighbor may have gone to sleep or figured it was quiet now, oh well. Again , do not specifically know if vehicles were notated or doors knocked on - how police actually responded.

Police do not see or hear anything out of place and leave.

Group goes elsewhere and in the ensuing time, KS meets with harm, whether accidental or intentional.
Her vehicle and maybe some personal items if she did indeed take them(purse, phone etc) are stealthily returned to her apt in the wee hours by someone, who then leaves the premise. The scene then appears that it looks like that was the last place she was....and whomever winds up at a store.....

The same type scenario could be played out by one person and KS.

That is why I asked about roofies, et al. I am only speculating and do not mean it as a personal attack towards her, but maybe KS was pretty well intoxicated that night.
And maybe at some point , close to arriving home, or afterwards, KS inadvertently ingested a drug, unbeknownst to her. Maybe her actions that night were totally out of character for her and because of alcohol/drug use, she wasn't thinking very responsibly.

Only a theory, maybe there are holes, I dunno.
She is out there somewhere.

Definitely a possibility and definitely a good reason why CP wanted to be seen on camera texting at the store. He has a court date supposedly for a vehicle infraction (don't know details) so I am sure they or he would have wanted to cover up what happened whether it was accidental or not. I assume he still has a drivers license at this point. His legal troubles have been commented on but I don't know details.
My wife and kids and I lived in the house, downstairs from 1997-1998 and upstairs from 1998-2001. So it is nothing short of surreal to see the house where you carried your wife over the threshold, your kids took their first steps and spoke their first words and you celebrated your first holidays as a family, now surrounded by crime scene tape.

Downstairs, we could hear almost everything happening next door downstairs and on our side upstairs. However, upstairs, while we could hear almost everything downstairs on our side, we could hear almost nothing next door. On the third floor, where our bedrooms were, was like the Fortress of Solitude. In fact, the Derry Township Police came to that side door and knocked for several minutes early one morning in 1999 and we never heard them. Sadly, they were there to inform us that my brother in law had just been killed in a car accident not a mile away (He had been living downstairs at the time.).

We loved the yard during the day but at night it was downright creepy. If my wife was at the store or working late, I always made sure to be out watching for her return as it was very dark, especially along the house.

That's helpful info to imagine a little how the house is set up. Thanks!
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