PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #1

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Sounds like Kortne's BF is a college student, so it's hard to make a connection with the male friend, background and age-wise. JMO.
They're all a part of a large group of friends that the majority range from 20-25 or so. He just happens to be a few years older. That would be their connection
Well it just so happens there would be no reason for K to have an interest in the male friend or for him to have an interest in her. They were apparently just friends.
hmm I wonder where K and her bf kept the money they were saving for a house... I believe it was her aunt that mentioned this in a MSM article...I wonder why that tidbit was something worth mentioning
hmm I wonder where K and her bf kept the money they were saving for a house... I believe it was her aunt that mentioned this in a MSM article...I wonder why that tidbit was something worth mentioning
sre prolly coz any little thing could be valuable mentioning. If you have enough pieces to put together, the more network, the better picture
When are they, (or have they) gotten the FBI involved yet? What are we waiting for. Is there an update that I am not aware of?:fence:
Well it just so happens there would be no reason for K to have an interest in the male friend or for him to have an interest in her. They were apparently just friends.
That's fine. I understand - have always had male platonic friends. The fact is, this friend is the last person to see her. Until LE clears him and his associates, then it only makes sense he/they is/are suspect(s). Kortne's father has doubts, too. It is a terrible position for one to be in. Hopefully, the friend(s) will be cleared soon.
Well it just so happens there would be no reason for K to have an interest in the male friend or for him to have an interest in her. They were apparently just friends.

I can corroborate this. Not saying it's impossible he is involved in some way, but if he is, it's not for a sexual motive in the slightest. I honestly don't know what his motive would be. He does have a long rap sheet, as has been noted before, but it's not for things that would make me concerned about him crashing at my house for the night. I wouldn't get into a car if he was behind the wheel, but I wouldn't be concerned about him staying over. I'm not verified, so treat as rumor and such.

Local rumor is that the male friend and the neighbor will be given polys.
sre prolly coz any little thing could be valuable mentioning. If you have enough pieces to put together, the more network, the better picture

I don't recall the quote offhand, so taking it out of seems like something a person might say in support of the idea that she didnt disappear voluntarily. It would be an example of how she had concrete plans and was steadily working toward a long-term goal.
I don't think that the stomping would have been her call for help. Being that the male friend was already in the apartment hanging out, an attack would've probably occured in the bed or on the couch where she's already sitting or laying down, thus keeping the noise to a minimum.

I also find it odd that if they were on good enough terms for him to stay the night, that 20 minutes after an argument with the neighbor took place, he's attacking her and ultimately putting her life in severe jeopardy. That just doesn't make sense.

I'm not clearing the friend completely. I'm just doubting that an attack occured 20 minutes after an argument....with someone she didn't have the argument with.

I've been following this case from the beginning, and this is closest to where I'm at. I'm having a lot of trouble aligning the neighbor and the timeline and I am beyond curious as to the 20 min of banging and stomping. MOO

Can someone tell me if there is a second entrance to that upstairs apt? From the picture posted (earlier upthread), I see another balcony and police tape.
I don't understand the "leaving on her own" thing that some people have brought up. I get why she would leave and where she was wanting to go, but WHY would you ever do it when you are drunk between 4 and 7 a.m.? That's makes NO sense at all.
We prob don't know, but I'm throwing it out there lol----was there places that young people met up after going out (I know, unlikely b/c she already went home) a truckstop to eat, 24hour gas station, etc.?

Also, what are the liquor laws---when can places stop selling, start selling?! THANKS!!!
Stacy- ya know, IMO we don' t really know when she disappeared, to be honest...I have thought about that-Of course she didn't answer her phone all day and Mom went over there Mon morning- all we have is the friend saying she wasn't there.

Haven't heard of anyone saying yes, they did or did not see her Sun, much less talk to her.
I wonder too why weren't the dogs barking By Mon morning I imagine they were past needing to go out.
just wondering
Stacy- ya know, IMO we don' t really know when she disappeared, to be honest...I have thought about that-Of course she didn't answer her phone all day and Mom went over there Mon morning- all we have is the friend saying she wasn't there.

Haven't heard of anyone saying yes, they did or did not see her Sun, much less talk to her.
I wonder too why weren't the dogs barking By Mon morning I imagine they were past needing to go out.
just wondering

So very true!!!! It kind of throws me off that the neighbors called the cops for the dogs barking as well. Dogs bark all the time, those dogs must of been taking a fit over something!
I know y'all prolly think I am goofy but I keep thinking of this- which I mentioned upthread

snipped and BBm ( bolded by me)
Wendy said Kortne is close with her family and would not just pick up and leave -- especially without her cellphone or her dog. Wendy said most of Kortne's belongings were left at her home.

Okay- is there something else missing other than the clothes on Kortne's back??

MOST of her belongings were left... not ALL, ...wouldn't you say the only thing missing appears to be the clothes she had on the night before? Maybe I am nit picking, but it keeps bothering me. I dunno why.
I am wondering if when the police knocked on Kortne's door the second time, if the dog was barking like crazy at the sound of someone knocking. Unless someone was passed out drunk, it seems like a lab barking would be enough to wake someone or to motivate them to tell the dog to be quiet. I know my labs can be really loud when they bark. Did the police try the door to see if it was locked? Was Kortne's car there at that time? And did her friend have a car there? I thought one article said that Kortne didn't show up for work the day she was discovered missing. Did her sleepover friend expect her to get up and go to work that day? Did he have to go to work that day? If Kortne had been out dancing all evening, she must have taken the dog out for a bathroom break before going in to her apartment to go to bed--is that when she had the fight with the neighbor? Have the police checked for footprints, finger prints, tire tracks, etc. If only dogs could talk.......
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