PA PA - Kortne Ciera Stouffer, 21, Palmyra, 29 July 2012 - #6

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That's the big question, because the third officer was never named in any article. Makes you wonder for sure.

It just makes no sense at all NO ONE heard this cop at their doors. And wasnt the search warrant seald?
Skeet they never said how it got back there. Just that it was there.
If her Keys were in the house whoever drove the car brought them back to her.

Was thinking there could be a few possibilities, it was said that they dropped off Milton before they went to the apartment. I have to go back and see the exact time they dropped him off, but it's possible that Cody drove Kortne back to pick up her car all thought that does not sound like that would have been a good plan because for two reasons, one, they had been drinking (sounds like quite a bit), two, Cody was driving Milton's car and his license had been suspended for drinking IIRC. They still could have chanced it thought and brought her car back to the house. The other possibility is foul play and the car was returned by the person who hurt her sometime on Sunday?
Was thinking there could be a few possibilities, it was said that they dropped off Milton before they went to the apartment. I have to go back and see the exact time they dropped him off, but it's possible that Cody drove Kortne back to pick up her car all thought that does not sound like that would have been a good plan because for two reasons, one, they had been drinking (sounds like quite a bit), two, Cody was driving Milton's car and his license had been suspended for drinking IIRC. They still could have chanced it thought and brought her car back to the house. The other possibility is foul play and the car was returned by the person who hurt her sometime on Sunday?

Thats most certainly a possibility But Im becoming very suspicious of this LE officer.
I will need to go back and confirm this info from old news articles but as I recall:

KS car was at house with keys in it
KS purse and cell phone was found inside home with the door unlocked Monday am by mom
Very early on in an article I recall that boyfriend dad picked up other dog....but it was never 100% clear to me if this was prior to Monday morning (but I got the feeling it was prior).
I agree with all the early post. We need more info!! And I do not trust all that LE said is true.
And yes the neighbors were all outside when KS and CP arrived. However, I believe that the fight was due to the dogs. The next door neighbor (not TS the detached home beside KS apt) gave an interview that stated problems with dog.
Yes I do believe the phone calls & police coming were about dogs, plural, noise, Sat late night/ Sun early morning hour....

But mom only found one there Monday when she went.

I don't know why/if LE hasn't questioned, elaborated...on IF anyone accessed the apt prior to WS going there on Monday... it's a $64,000 question in my mind. I wish it would be clarified when exactly the BF's dog departed the premises.
Maybe 'we' aren't supposed to go there, but imho I just feel something is being left out. and it might be important??
Glad I'm not the only one wondering.
Yes I do believe the phone calls & police coming were about dogs, plural, noise, Sat late night/ Sun early morning hour....

But mom only found one there Monday when she went.

I don't know why/if LE hasn't questioned, elaborated...on IF anyone accessed the apt prior to WS going there on Monday... it's a $64,000 question in my mind. I wish it would be clarified when exactly the BF's dog departed the premises.
Maybe 'we' aren't supposed to go there, but imho I just feel something is being left out. and it might be important??
Glad I'm not the only one wondering.

If BF was released to his parents he could have left their house and gone to his house to get the dog. His dad could be covering for him saying it was him tha went to get the dog.
Just a thought
I thought I read he had an ankle bracelet tracker thingy on? (or did I make that up?)
I thought I read he had an ankle bracelet tracker thingy on? (or did I make that up?)

lol i dont know.
I think if he was going back to his own house alone he would have one but to be released to his parents Im not sos sure
lol i dont know.
I think if he was going back to his own house alone he would have one but to be released to his parents Im not sos sure

He shared the apartment with Kortne, he was on house arrest and was in his home when he was arrested for drinking. They detained him, two other underage drinkers where released to their parents. All together there were seven people at this party. I don't know the names of all of them.
Kortne's boyfriend got in some trouble and lost his license. That is why Kortne drove him around.

Here is a new article about Kortne on PennLive:

Snipped from the above link:

“In my heart as a mother, I know she didn’t just take off. She would not have walked away form her family. We’re that important,” Wendy Stouffer said. “She wouldn’t have missed her grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary, all the birthday dinners, the holidays. There’s no way on her own she walked away and left everything behind.” She notes that Kortne’s birthday is April 24, when she will turn 22.

Here's my take on some of the topics discussed lately.

K's key's were found in her apartment, not in her car. It is a mystery how her car got back to her apartment.

We don't know why the boyfriend's dad came and got the dog rather than letting K take care of it. But one thing we do know is that her boyfriend was arrested and spent a week in jail. He was not released to his parents. So he did not take the dog anywhere. How and when the dad got the dog is a mystery. But it was before WS stopped by the apartment.

It's being stated that the neighbors were all outside when KS and CP arrived, I do not believe that to be the case. The fight that night was due to K being angry that a neighbor called the cops and that resulted in her boyfriend being arrested. We know that. The fight was not about dogs that evening.

It's being stated that the neighbors were all together. I do not believe that is the case. I think that is coming from this article

which says snip..."Early Sunday morning, when she and a male friend returned to her apartment, they saw several neighbors in the first-floor apartment. Kortne vented her anger at them, her father said. In an interview this week, Janice Riemenschneider and Rich Sheetz, who live in the apartment below Kortne’s, said they saw Kortne kick and swing at Todd Saksek, who lives in the other half of the duplex. They said Kortne’s friend stepped between them. The neighbors said Kortne’s friend also made hostile remarks toward them. At that point, Riemenschneider and Sheetz said they closed their door and called police.".....snip

I read this as the neighbors were NOT together, despite the probably inaccurate use of the word "several". The fact that they said that they saw K try to kick a neighbor implies to me that they were not WITH the neighbor. I think it's very likely and most probable that the neighbors were not up or awake at all. K came home and started banging on the downstairs neighbors' windows in anger, causing a ruckus (we know this). This woke up TS who came outside and K then attacked him. The downstairs neighbors woke up, opened up the door, stepped outside and saw the altercation between K and TS. Then they were threatened. So they went back inside and called the police (we know this). I think the reporting is sloppy and may imply that they were awake and all together. But I think it's just sloppy wording. If the downstairs neighbors were WITH TS, why would they SEE K attacking him and why would they shut the door and go back inside without him? Yes, K "saw" neighbors in the first floor apartment, but that doesn't mean they were awake or that she saw them immediately upon arrival. She "saw" them after she banged on their windows in anger and drew them outside.

I believe this guy:


He mentions in another post that nobody was awake and it was K who woke everyone up by banging on the neighbors windows. I believe that version of events.

Naturally, this is all just my opinion and speculation and my interpretation of the sloppy and ambiguous reporting of events of that evening.
Here's my take on some of the topics discussed lately.

K's key's were found in her apartment, not in her car. It is a mystery how her car got back to her apartment.

We don't know why the boyfriend's dad came and got the dog rather than letting K take care of it. But one thing we do know is that her boyfriend was arrested and spent a week in jail. He was not released to his parents. So he did not take the dog anywhere. How and when the dad got the dog is a mystery. But it was before WS stopped by the apartment.

It's being stated that the neighbors were all outside when KS and CP arrived, I do not believe that to be the case. The fight that night was due to K being angry that a neighbor called the cops and that resulted in her boyfriend being arrested. We know that. The fight was not about dogs that evening.

It's being stated that the neighbors were all together. I do not believe that is the case. I think that is coming from this article

which says snip..."Early Sunday morning, when she and a male friend returned to her apartment, they saw several neighbors in the first-floor apartment. Kortne vented her anger at them, her father said. In an interview this week, Janice Riemenschneider and Rich Sheetz, who live in the apartment below Kortne&#8217;s, said they saw Kortne kick and swing at Todd Saksek, who lives in the other half of the duplex. They said Kortne&#8217;s friend stepped between them. The neighbors said Kortne&#8217;s friend also made hostile remarks toward them. At that point, Riemenschneider and Sheetz said they closed their door and called police.".....snip

I read this as the neighbors were NOT together, despite the probably inaccurate use of the word "several". The fact that they said that they saw K try to kick a neighbor implies to me that they were not WITH the neighbor. I think it's very likely and most probable that the neighbors were not up or awake at all. K came home and started banging on the downstairs neighbors' windows in anger, causing a ruckus (we know this). This woke up TS who came outside and K then attacked him. The downstairs neighbors woke up, opened up the door, stepped outside and saw the altercation between K and TS. Then they were threatened. So they went back inside and called the police (we know this). I think the reporting is sloppy and may imply that they were awake and all together. But I think it's just sloppy wording. If the downstairs neighbors were WITH TS, why would they SEE K attacking him and why would they shut the door and go back inside without him? Yes, K "saw" neighbors in the first floor apartment, but that doesn't mean they were awake or that she saw them immediately upon arrival. She "saw" them after she banged on their windows in anger and drew them outside.

I believe this guy:


He mentions in another post that nobody was awake and it was K who woke everyone up by banging on the neighbors windows. I believe that version of events.

Naturally, this is all just my opinion and speculation and my interpretation of the sloppy and ambiguous reporting of events of that evening.

Thank you for that post, very well put together. I had always thought that the Kortne being angry with the neighbors was the reason the neighbors woke up. Then I read about the dogs barking and I thought to be open minded I could agree that the barking dog theory could be a possibility.

But when you put yourself in her mind set for the whole evening it makes more sense to say she was sooooo mad at the neighbors that she caused enough commotion when she came home because she wanted to CONFRONT them.
I reread as many news articles and comments as I could and I still believe that KS keys were found in her car not in the house. The cell phone and the purse/wallet was found inside the apartment and the clothing she was wearing that evening were not in apt but the shoes were. So assuming the keys were in the car why? Someone dropped car off and left the keys in the car. KS was attempting to go somewhere and was abruptly stopped. How the car get back to the apt is still a mystery. I agree that the neighbors were not outside at 3 am when KS arrived home. She saw them inside the apt and banged on the door. I believe TS was in his home and heard banging/yelling and came out. That is the best I could get from all the articles I read.

In one of the articles I read SS stated that he was aware of potentially dangerous circumstances beyond his daughters's immediate neighborhood?? Then the news article referenced 1) the fight at the hardware bar & 2) another man had been angry with KS because she owed him money.

Another thing that really bothers me is 911 call for stomping/noise at 4:12. Responding officer called recorded leaving at 4:36. Some articles state he arrived approx 30 minutes after the 911 call. That would make more sense that the downstairs neighbor had fallen asleep 30 minutes after making the was 4:00 am. But why 30 minutes to respond? Or was he there and confronted KS. 1st call 3:12 arrived 3:15 and left 3:49. He made no arrest and sent everyone back to their respective apartments. Now 23 minutes later he is called back. So it took him 37 minutes to break up a heated argument and send all parties back to their homes. And it took him 24 minutes to respond and knock on 2 doors and get no response.....And I still say if no one answered after 3rd call to residence LE needs to call neighbor who placed call. The fight had become physical an hour earlier and LE job is to make sure no one is hurt. Plus could any of us have LE called to our home at 9pm, 3am and again at 4am and not get hauled off to jail or at least cited. That alone is a case of LE not doing their job.

My opinion is LE did not do their job correctly.....or they are covering up something.
I reread as many news articles and comments as I could and I still believe that KS keys were found in her car not in the house.

There was one article that said the car keys were in the car:

snip...A family member also told WHP that her car keys were in her car....snip

That same article says that snip...Police do think her disappearance is suspicious since her Palmyra apartment was left locked with personal belongings inside including her purse and cell phone...

We know that the door was not locked, though.

Most articles say the keys were inside the apartment.

snip...Kortne's purse, cell phone, keys and wallet were all still inside her apartment...snip

snip...Her car keys, purse, and cell phone were left in the apartment which, has since been sealed by police...snip

I guess it's possible her house keys were in the apartment but her car key was in the vehicle.
Quite confusing as to what is fact, but thanks for the links Snoop.
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