PA PA - Melissa Rodriguez, 30, Collingdale, 19 April 2013

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BTW, I read the girls' school was in Chester, PA. That means these towns that they lived and went to school in are VERY close to Philly. I've been to Chester before, by accident sort of. I booked a hotel in the Philly area and thought Chester would be less expensive because it's a suburb. Overnight my car was broken into in the hotel parking lot (upscale hotel, not cheapie) and my stereo was stolen, my ceiling light smashed out, and my keylock on my car door punched out with some kind of professional thief's tool.

I was told at the front desk that it happens all the time, and the lady working the front desk showed me her own car outside that was bare bones, no radio, no nothing and she said her car had been broken into while she was at work at the hotel no less than a half dozen times and she said they even stole her baby's car seat from it so she no longer replaces or fixes anything in it, and just drives it as it is because now there's nothing more for the theives to take or break on it.

True story about Chester, PA.

Chester is far more dangerous than Philadelphia in that there is no "good section". This is not a judgment on JR one way or the other, but there are also good reasons to want to get your kids out of the Chester school system.

Collingdale is a blue collar town located between Philadelphia and Chester. Collingdale is not particularly dangerous if you're not stupid or married to a psychopath.
good night melissa. if you're no longer with us (and i suspect you arent :( ), please tuck your babies in good for the night and watch over them closely. i'm praying for some sign of where we can find you. i want you found so badly for the sake of your baby girls and your mama. :(

*HUGS* good night!
I notice on her FB she went to Washington DC on May 1 of this year with a friend of hers. She doesn't use her FB much but it did show up in her "places" list, and has a time stamp of 7:43pm on May 1 (so I guess she was out of town overnight with a girlfriend, or visiting a girlfriend, on that trip). Makes sense - May 1 was a Saturday. Good day to go visiting, exactly like she was supposed to do when she went missing.

I wish I felt she ran away to DC. Bumping for Melissa's dear daughters, who should not be growing up without their mother. I can hardly think of a harder thing for a girl to have to do. Prayers to them today as always.
I notice on her FB she went to Washington DC on May 1 of this year with a friend of hers. She doesn't use her FB much but it did show up in her "places" list, and has a time stamp of 7:43pm on May 1 (so I guess she was out of town overnight with a girlfriend, or visiting a girlfriend, on that trip). Makes sense - May 1 was a Saturday. Good day to go visiting, exactly like she was supposed to do when she went missing.

I wish I felt she ran away to DC. Bumping for Melissa's dear daughters, who should not be growing up without their mother. I can hardly think of a harder thing for a girl to have to do. Prayers to them today as always.

May 1st?? she went missing in april! wth?

eta - jk.. looks like her friend tagged her in the pic and captioned the pic about God existing and that miracles can happen.
omg I didn't even notice that, sorry to leave that hanging. I came into her case late and keep forgetting it's been since APRIL already, goodness! so sorry to not take a closer look and figure that out on my own!!
omg I didn't even notice that, sorry to leave that hanging. I came into her case late and keep forgetting it's been since APRIL already, goodness! so sorry to not take a closer look and figure that out on my own!!

no worries GGE you're quite the busy one :)

i can't believe it's been so long either :( and we're still only on page 6 of her thread!
page 5? i don't think so, hon. no new news out there for you that i can find hon.. but i'm still praying for you and your girls <3
Woke up this morning from a deep sleep with dreams (rarely if ever happens in my life, my dreams tend to be premonitory in nature or else I don't have 'em, IMO) --

I dreamed a woman came up to me and said "my name is Melissa Rodriguez" and from that second until I woke up I just kept thinking to myself that I had to remember "Albequerque".

Woke up thinking this had to do with Adrienne Salinas since in my dream I was going over a list in my mind, "Phoenix, Tempe, Albequerque" and Adrienne is missing from Tempe, but the very first thing said was "My name is Melissa Rodriguez" so....

Anyway, it's just a dream, I know! but still, Melissa's thread deserves to be bumped from page 3 so I'm going to use it as a reason to bump. :seeya:
What the hell does Bump mean?
I should be able to get away with that question right?
What the hell does Bump mean?
I should be able to get away with that question right?

:floorlaugh: Anytime someone contributes to the thread, it moves up in the list of threads--if there is no new information or talking points, someone will "bump" the thread so it doesn't get buried at the bottom of the page or even the next page. Keeps it in view and more likely to attract people's attention.
Why would I do such a thing? Besides her still being missing I don't know much more then you. Just don't like how its hang the husband when no one knows anything.
I don't think a person has to get verified, as long as they clearly state that their statements are opinions and stay within terms of service, correct.

Seenoevil, do you believe the husband is innocent? What can you base that on?

Earlier upthread you mentioned whether the police have questioned the boyfriend or girlfriend. Can you clarify that? Did she have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?
It has nothing to do with basing anything or trying to prove other wise, There is no proof the husband did anything! So on what grounds do people have to say that the husband did it? You're going off the news, and the lawyer said she had a boyfriend and so both have moved on with other people. And I'm pretty sure 100% that they haven't talk to the girlfriend and other friends and family of the Husband.
It has nothing to do with basing anything or trying to prove other wise, There is no proof the husband did anything! So on what grounds do people have to say that the husband did it? You're going off the news, and the lawyer said she had a boyfriend and so both have moved on with other people. And I'm pretty sure 100% that they haven't talk to the girlfriend and other friends and family of the Husband.

I don't know if the husband is responsible for Melissa's sudden disappearance, but I can say there are at least a couple of red flags for me.

Lying to more than one person that Melissa was found.

Abusive/controlling toward Melissa in the past.

Lawyering up and refusing to talk to police. For starters.

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