Found Deceased PA - Nathan Lauer, 38, Allegheny River/Gilpin Township, 22 May 2021

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I just can’t!! Was soooo afraid this was going to be the case but prayed so hard it wouldn’t be!
My heart is so broken for Nate’s Family. To lose a Son, Brother, Grandson, Husband & Friend. This is just unreal & unbelievable! I so hope the Family pushes to know exactly what happened to him. I know the Family is going thru so much right now but there are questions that need answered about how this ended like this. The Family deserves to know what happened. To know, was this just a accident, from drinking & going swimming, or is someone responsible for this. <modsnip>
My condolences & sympathy go out to Nate’s Family first & for most & us Friends, old & new, who really thought a lot of him & had so many great & fun memories with him. He will not be forgotten.
I will go to bed tonite still praying for his Family but now for a different reason than last nite. I pray for their loss, to receive strength from Jesus to help get them thru, for Jesus to be with them & guide them thru their loss & to get closure on what happened to him & that they get everything answered about what happened. It will never be closure on their loss of losing him, but maybe on what happened that morning.
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Body Of Missing 38-Year-Old Nathan Lauer Found In Allegheny River

The last line of the article: “Police are investigating.”

I sure hope they do. I was so afraid this would be the outcome and so hoping I was wrong. My heart goes out to his family and friends. I know the past few days have been awful for them not knowing where he was, and then to have it end this way is heartbreaking.

I do hope LE finds answers because there are certainly a lot of questions still. I suspect the forgotten phone and the overly long time getting home were partly to allow one or both of the friends to sober up. Whether it was an accident or not will be for LE and the coroner’s office to determine.

Body Of Missing 38-Year-Old Nathan Lauer Found In Allegheny River

The last line of the article: “Police are investigating.”

I sure hope they do. I was so afraid this would be the outcome and so hoping I was wrong. My heart goes out to his family and friends. I know the past few days have been awful for them not knowing where he was, and then to have it end this way is heartbreaking.

I do hope LE finds answers because there are certainly a lot of questions still. I suspect the forgotten phone and the overly long time getting home were partly to allow one or both of the friends to sober up. Whether it was an accident or not will be for LE and the coroner’s office to determine.

I lease a lot at this campground. The river is less than 8 feet off the end of the dock on the lot of Friend A. If someone dove in head first it very possible to have hit bottom head first. The water temperture was only about 60 degrees and the outside temp was in the low 60s if that. He was found downriver about 1/2 of a mile away. It is quite possible it was a tragic accident.

My sympathy to the family of Nathan.
Over the years, we've followed quite a few "missing person" cases here at WS that were similar to Nathan's. They're always tragic with family and friends devastated at the loss of fun, caring loved ones with bright futures ahead of them whose lives have been cut short.
I just can’t!! Was soooo afraid this was going to be the case but prayed so hard it wouldn’t be!
My heart is so broken for Nate’s Family. To lose a Son, Brother, Grandson, Husband & Friend. This is just unreal & unbelievable! I so hope the Family pushes to know exactly what happened to him. I know the Family is going thru so much right now but there are questions that need answered about how this ended like this. The Family deserves to know what happened. To know, was this just a accident, from drinking & going swimming, or is someone responsible for this. Friends would like to know what happened too. I just never in a zillion yrs when we were young, imagined this would ever happen & be the ending of his life when we are 38.
Things just big time don’t add up & how did his body be found right near the camp. Authorities searched. Like was it under water, in another place when they searched or was his body just put in the river from someone responsible for this. There is just a zillion things my mind keeps thinking about & sceneros. All of them not good either. Would also beyond love to know who these 2 are. Are they from Punxsutawney?
My condolences & sympathy go out to Nate’s Family first & for most & us Friends, old & new, who really thought a lot of him & had so many great & fun memories with him. He will not be forgotten.
I will go to bed tonite still praying for his Family but now for a different reason than last nite. I pray for their loss, to receive strength from Jesus to help get them thru, for Jesus to be with them & guide them thru their loss & to get closure on what happened to him & that they get everything answered about what happened. It will never be closure on their loss of losing him, but maybe on what happened that morning.
I don’t have personal experience on a missing loved one & then they end up found this way, but I would think that the not knowing when he was missing for those days & not knowing what happened that morning would be agonizing & torture & going thru pure hell & the anxiety that the Family would have & how the mind would be just constantly running, trying to figure out what happened. I cannot even imagine!!
I go to bed tonite with the heaviest heart. He will be missed.
Kelley Benson
God Bless you Kelley, and may I offer my condolences to you and all that loved Nathan. I’m so sorry for this outcome.

If it’s not an accident, may justice be swift. You know who you are...moo
I just can’t!! Was soooo afraid this was going to be the case but prayed so hard it wouldn’t be!
My heart is so broken for Nate’s Family. To lose a Son, Brother, Grandson, Husband & Friend. This is just unreal & unbelievable! I so hope the Family pushes to know exactly what happened to him. I know the Family is going thru so much right now but there are questions that need answered about how this ended like this. The Family deserves to know what happened. To know, was this just a accident, from drinking & going swimming, or is someone responsible for this. <modsnip>
My condolences & sympathy go out to Nate’s Family first & for most & us Friends, old & new, who really thought a lot of him & had so many great & fun memories with him. He will not be forgotten.
I will go to bed tonite still praying for his Family but now for a different reason than last nite. I pray for their loss, to receive strength from Jesus to help get them thru, for Jesus to be with them & guide them thru their loss & to get closure on what happened to him & that they get everything answered about what happened. It will never be closure on their loss of losing him, but maybe on what happened that morning.

Please see the picture of the police report I uploaded. We know one of the individuals for sure. Not sure about the other.


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I just want to give U & all Nate’s Family my sincere & deepest condolences & sympathy!! This is not the way life should have gone. It’s just beyond awful & so extremely sad! Cannot even begin to imagine what all u all have been thru since finding out he was missing on Saturday. I’ll tell u, I’ve been so scared to look at news updates yesterday that’s was Wednesday. Prayed so hard that this would have a good outcome & he would return safe.
I guess atleast having him back is maybe better than being missing & never finding him or ever living life not knowing is he going to walk thru the door or just never never knowing if he’s out there somewhere or not. Hope between the autopsy & investigation, there are answers.
It is just beyond sad that he was so young & still had a lot of life to still live. I lost my Dad when he was 61yrs old & I was 25 yrs old back in 2009, to colon cancer, it was stage 4 when we found out. It was awful watching him dying over 8 months that he lived after being diagnosed, but I got to spend time w him & actually got to sit with him the nite before he passed away & say my goodbye to him. That was awful enough & still to this day 12yrs later, I get real sad & especially on birthdays, holidays, Father’s Day is a bad one, his birthday & day he died another big one. I’ve learned to keep busy & go on with life as he would want me to & try to live my life the way he brought me up & to make him proud. There are those moments I just want to talk to him or if there is a good big life moment, just so wish he could be here. I have bad days even still & days I can’t believe he’s really gone & won’t be back. I can’t imagine what U all are going thru cause Nate went with friends overnight & this is what happened. No one thought the last time they saw him would be it. He wasn’t sick & had no reason to pass away. No one truly got to say their very last goodbye, cause no one thought or even dreamed that would have been it. It’s so shocking & tragic! 38yrs old, nice weather, camping in what would & should have been a beautiful place outdoors, with woods & a river, u would feel like ur in a serene place. With friends hanging out & having a good time. Never thinking this could happen & turn out this way. There was supposed to be a next time u would see him alive. It’s one thing if this happened as a accident, but if it was at the hands of someone, I hope U all get justice for him & urselves in the way of holding the person or persons responsible & seeing that they get charges & they go to jail. Losing Nate, there will never be closure as far as losing him. I hope Jesus tho gives u all the strength & guidance to get u all thru the tough times. As far as his friends, we will all always miss him!
Prayers & Love,
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<modsnip - quoted post removed>

It is super sad that all of these young people are passing and the causes of it. I completely understand what you are saying and referencing in your reply. I never would have imagined this for any of them.
I wish nothing more than for Nates family to find some kind of peace and closure. I really hope that in the end the truth is found and if need be that justice is served.
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God Bless you Kelley, and may I offer my condolences to you and all that loved Nathan. I’m so sorry for this outcome.

If it’s not an accident, may justice be swift. You know who you are...moo
Thank u very much.
His Parents & Family need our sympathy for the hell they have been thru starting a week Saturday. Their world turned upside down when they should be enjoying this nice weather, almost the start of summer & almost Memorial Day weekend. Fun times. It’s just so sad & u just can’t help to feel heartbroken for them. They are good, nice people.
Nate was one of those people u yrs later would think about & remember back to the times u hung out with him & had so much fun when he was around & such a funny person. We partied, no secret about that & he would have me almost rolling on the ground laughing at the stuff he would say. The times I was around him, he was always a real nice person, smiling, laughing, a good person no matter what kind of struggles he had. Just one of those people that stands out when u think back. He will be missed by everyone who knew him!
P.s. The first time I met Nate, he had the longest eyelashes I’ve ever seen & I had him close his eyes & I touched them cause I just couldn’t get over how long they were & to make sure they are real lol. Years later now, I’m a cosmetologist & get eyelash extensions & would tell him I have to pay quite a bit of money to get as long of eyelashes as u have. He would laugh so hard.
Thank u very much.
His Parents & Family need our sympathy for the hell they have been thru starting a week Saturday. Their world turned upside down when they should be enjoying this nice weather, almost the start of summer & almost Memorial Day weekend. Fun times. It’s just so sad & u just can’t help to feel heartbroken for them. They are good, nice people.
Nate was one of those people u yrs later would think about & remember back to the times u hung out with him & had so much fun when he was around & such a funny person. We partied, no secret about that & he would have me almost rolling on the ground laughing at the stuff he would say. The times I was around him, he was always a real nice person, smiling, laughing, a good person no matter what kind of struggles he had. Just one of those people that stands out when u think back. He will be missed by everyone who knew him!
P.s. The first time I met Nate, he had the longest eyelashes I’ve ever seen & I had him close his eyes & I touched them cause I just couldn’t get over how long they were & to make sure they are real lol. Years later now, I’m a cosmetologist & get eyelash extensions & would tell him I have to pay quite a bit of money to get as long of eyelashes as u have. He would laugh so hard.
It’s wonderful to have such happy memories at a time like this. My heart goes out to you and Nathan’s family.
Thank you everyone for the kind words and everyones prayers. This feels like a nightmare. As hard as it was I am glad we found him.

Honestly thank you so much for coming back to the thread...if only one time. Often verified insiders 'lose our number' when the missing person is found. I'm glad you weren't one of those (though I respect their right to do what is best for them). You can tell you are classy and well educated.

I am truly sorry for your and your families loss.
So I got awoke. It’s now after 7am, 1 week to the day & almost time Nate went missing. Just been so upset about it. I couldn’t even look at the newspaper yesterday where it had the story of him being found passed away & his obituary. It was so surreal. I couldn’t look at the paper til late last nite then by doing that couldn’t sleep too well. Still can’t get over this happened. Just feel so bad for the family & his wife. For his wife to find the one & get married & have a life with her husband, stepdad to her kids, then have this happen, would just be unbearable! What I never knew til now was that my brother knew his parents & especially his mom’s side of the Family especially his one uncle. I never knew it. My brother everytime I would say something each day already would know the news before me. I don’t have Facebook, probably the only one in the world that doesn’t but I have Insta & Twitter. How I even found out about Nate was when I was in line at Sheetz Tuesday nite & almost didn’t go that nite, was in line & looked back at the newspaper stand, saw someone was missing in the headline & a pic, so went over to see who it was, picked the paper up & about died that it was Nate. My anxiety took off, got back in line & could barely focus or get the stuff I had & to pay. I tried to act normal but the worker waiting on me had no idea that I just got the shock of my life a second before. So went out to pump the gas & was glad to get outta the store & started reading what was going on. The whole drive home I just couldn’t believe he was missing. Got in the driveway & put the vehicle in park & started praying & praying. I had a gut feeling he was already gone but would never give up hope til it was actually found out. Everytime someone I know passes away, I ask my Dad to watch over & take care of them til the rest of us get there. My Dad knew Nate. I had lots of friends over the yrs come & hangout.
Nate’s obituary explained so well exactly who & how he was. I mean exactly!! The random stuff he would say that could get u on the ground laughing is how I will always exactly remember him! He was a hilarious person, I mean hilarious! He always had a great smile. I really never saw him not laughing or smiling to be honest. Then there was his long eyelashes. I couldn’t get over that. I told the one person on here that I always envied him for that cause I have to pay to get mine done & that long. He always laughed when I would see him & say that. All so many happy memories of him. That makes it all the more sad. Hit me last nite that we will never see or run into him again to catch up on life. That’s really bad when u realize that. Can’t imagine the realization for his family. It would be too much.
Again about what happened to him, I really hope they are doing a good thorough investigation! Deff looking into the 2 that were w him. It still really doesn’t sit well w me & all u too. For his family & all that knee & loved him, we need to know what exactly happened. Not that it will bring him back but it’s a pretty big deal between being a accident or something happening at the hands of another. If it’s a accident, then I guess okay u know it was just that & these rivers are dangerous, when they look like they wouldn’t be too bad, people that know how to swim like Michael Phelps can still have a accident & I’ve looked up that river & there are some accidents & drownings. A boy was just found I believe the weekend before, even his case sounds alittle weird to me but they ruled it I think a suicide. If it was accidental, u can kinda maybe deal & live with it alittle better than something that someone else did, especially a so called friend to Nate. If that happened, then it really needs to be found out what happened & people held accountable & prosecuted & as much justice as u can get. It would be such a betrayal cause he was w so called friends if that took place. Whatever the case is, really hope & pray there are answers.
We have a family friend who worked for my Dad & his brother drowned up in Tionesta, PA & they didn’t find him until the spring thaw the next yr & he was found in Pittsburgh, he was in his 20-30’s. It was real bad cause they didn’t find him for so long & it happened in front of his brother, our family friend.
Then my boyfriend who was born & raised in Johnstown, lost his uncle, his Dad’s youngest sibling, to drowning in the river in Johnstown, the Connemaugh River (probably didn’t spell that right). I believe he had been drinking & couldn’t get up outta the river. The place I was shown, there is no way of getting out cause of the way the wall is on the sides of the river, right at that exact place & he didn’t know how to swim. His family has never gotten over that & can barely talk about it. The family friend that it was his brother who drown in front of him, is still to this day so traumatized over it.
For Nate’s Family, they would be going over when the last time they saw him was & what was the last conversation & words. Praying so hard for Nate’s Family & I know Jesus has his arms out to hug & comfort all of them & to get them all thru each & everyday. When u lose somebody at first, no matter what it is to, ur in shock, have to let all family know, then u have to pull urself together enough to get things arranged & figured out about writing a obituary, if they are going to be cremated or buried, where the ashes will go or where they will be buried at, buy a plot if u don’t have one, buy a ern or casket, pick out a plaque or stone, what to have on it if being buried, what cemetery, what funeral home, set up the viewing room w pics or videos of them sometimes, plan the day/days & time/times for the viewing/viewings, the clothes they will need, ur clothes u will wear, anything u want to put with them (a favorite thing or something), a private family viewing, a public or private funeral service, who’s going to be the preacher, is some family going to get up & speak, will there be music, going to the cemetery to bury the ashes, or scatter the ashes, or bury them, maybe have a dinner afterwards. Look & get all the flowers & things people have bought & sent, get the guest book & all stuff funeral related, send thank u cards later down the road, on & on. Been thru the funeral for my Dad & had to be in charge of a lot of it. Ur so busy doing everything u can think of for that person to give them the best funeral you can, cause that’s the last big thing you can do for them. U want it to be what they would want, wish for & be perfect. Ur soooo busy getting & going thru all of that but at the same time going thru the loss & the heartbreak & at the viewing having to talk about the person & probably every time u do, especially at first & for yrs to come, makes u cry & so sad. Even tho it’s sad to talk about them, sometimes it’s what u need & want to do cause it helps u keep them alive & not forgotten & brings up good memories to get u thru that day & then there are days u just can’t talk about anything. When all the funeral hoopla is over, u are then left as everybody else goes on w life & there u are. That’s when it’s real bad & becomes real. It was for me. There was as they call it, a new normal that I had to start living & I didn’t do too well with it at first. If someone would say something like sorry to hear that, his name, or just anything, I would cry right on the spot. Couldn’t even help it. Everywhere I looked at my Mom’s & his buildings & assets I saw him. I was a Daddy’s Girl to the core.
What I hate about after the funeral & stuff like that is over, like I already said, there u are & u have to somehow pick urself up from the loss & sadness. The world doesn’t stop no matter what u have just been thru, u have to still pay bills, they didn’t stop because of this & just on & on with the responsibilities & life u already had. I went right into busy busy busy mode. Didn’t take the time to go thru the steps of grieving. As much as it hurts, u need to do that. I never have cause I was to scared I wouldn’t get out of the process, still too afraid. I hope his family does just take their own time to process everything, at their own pace. This loss was a shock, never saw this happening or had a clue. One minute here, next gone. To deal with that kind of loss I think is the worst. I cannot imagine as a Mother & Father what they must be going thru to lose a Son. He would still be their Baby & Child, no matter if he is 38. Ur not suppose to lose ur Baby. That’s not how the line in a family is supposed to go. What hell they have been thru with finding out he’s missing, trying to find him, having to hear & go by the 2 friends story, stuff not adding up, then he’s found passed away. Unbelievable!
My heart is just completely broke for his Family & for Nate himself. Soooo many prayers are going their way.

P.s. On Wednesday afternoon about 3pm, my brother had called me & told me he was at my mom’s cause we were in Altoona & said he had just bought a boat & put it in my Dad’s one building & he & his gf would just go to my moms & wait there til we got home to visit & we would all go out to eat. He lives w his gf in Indiana. He had just beat Stage 3 colon cancer in March. It’s the exact cancer my Dad had & the tumor was in the same place only my brother fortunely was stage 3, my Dad was stage 4, but it was like here we go again when we found out about my Brother. He got taken care of right away & to the best oncologist & best cancer center & the chemo so far worked. He just had a scan Monday & was told Thursday it’s still gone. Every 3 months he’s got to get a scan, so we don’t see him that much, but he all the sudden buys a boat outta nowhere. First thing outta my mouth was we really need to take it down to where Nate was seen in the Alleghney River. He said ya, whatever u want to do. By the time I got home & we went & ate, the news Nate was found started to be everywhere. My heart just sank it ended this way, with so many of us praying & being so hopeful.
I went to Sheetz that nite, when I was coming out the first door, there on the bulletin board was Nate’s missing flyer. It was just surreal & I went to my vehicle & just bawled.
Just to update, of course we are still waiting on toxicology reports but cause of death is drowning.
Nathan’s “viewing” is Tuesday and private funeral Wednesday.
As much as it has been mentally messing with us, I am glad me, his brother (my boyfriend) and his wife found him and brought him home..
Just to update, of course we are still waiting on toxicology reports but cause of death is drowning.
Nathan’s “viewing” is Tuesday and private funeral Wednesday.
As much as it has been mentally messing with us, I am glad me, his brother (my boyfriend) and his wife found him and brought him home..

God Bless Y’all. Prayers for all of you during this time.
Just to update, of course we are still waiting on toxicology reports but cause of death is drowning.
Nathan’s “viewing” is Tuesday and private funeral Wednesday.
As much as it has been mentally messing with us, I am glad me, his brother (my boyfriend) and his wife found him and brought him home..
Hey Girl.
So glad to have met U in person at Nate’s viewing last nite.
That funeral home was so busy with people coming for Nate.
There were so many gifts & flowers sent. They were all beautifully displayed.
Love how there was music playing in there. When I finally went up front to see Nate, that song from Fast Furious 7 song See You Again by Wiz Khalifa started playing, I just lost it.
It was just so emotional just being finally up front with him & then that starts playing.
I was outside for hours before actually coming in because soon as I walked around the corner to come in from parking the vehicle, there was so many people that I graduated with, it was like a class reunion right there. This month June now, it’s been 20yrs since our class of 2001 graduated. Can’t hardly believe it!! Nate has so many friends from our class & saw so many other people from school.
Nate just turned 38 on April 4th & I turned 38 on April 12th, 8 days apart. We used to think that was neat & I always said Nate ur older than me, lol. He would be like ya, by a few days, lol.
So glad to have seen the whole Family & talk to his Mom for a long time. I just pray so much for Her & U all. Such a devastating thing to happen & such a awful heartbreaking thing U all now have to deal with. Just feel so bad for all of U.
If U all need anything, I mean anything, large or small, his Mom knows where I am & live at. Even if it’s just to talk to, give a hug to, or put Our heads together & cry, I am here. A lot of people say that if U need anything I’m here, when U lose someone, but They aren’t there, I really mean it for U guys.
His whole Family just needs to stick Together & support one another.
I just have to say, U seem like a real nice & pretty girl.
Feel so bad for His Wife Shawna! To be together that long & get married & be a Family. To find the 1 & be in love. It’s just so heartbreaking cause u would also think about the future & how it would have been & now living without him. It would be so hard each & every day to go on with life!
My sympathy & prayers & love to U all.

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