Found Deceased PA - Paul Kochu, 22, Allegheny County, 17 Dec 2014 - #2

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DNA Solves
DetKlimpt questions where was he going? I agree with that train of thought. If taking the roommates out of the equation, it really only leaves him walking intently and injured to purposefully go somewhere to commit suicide. I'm just not feeling that.
That's not the only place he could be going. He could be walking to get something to eat at Get Go. It's late at night and the one of the few places open. PK's father said the roommates went to get food for the three of them, but GroovyGirl insisted they went to get food for themselves, not PK. I'll bet GG has the most accurate info since she said the roommates provided LE with a receipt, which would indicate how much food was bought.

And GG shared they suggested he snuck out the front door. That's weird IMO. According to GG, their arrival time was 6 minutes prior to the time on PK shows up on the video. Once the video surfaced, that's the excuse she said they came up with to explain the 6 minutes. That sounds suspicious to me.

I don't believe he was depressed and suicidal. I believe he was angry.
^ I'm saying if you take the roommates and their account of the evening out of the conversation all together, like they didn't exist....THEN there are much less options... he cut his hand somehow on accident no big deal, left the apartment and went to get food and something crazy happened.
OR... he cut his hand bad on purpose, left the apartment to commit suicide.

Now put the roommates back in. There was a disagreement, unaccounted time, how did he get that hand laceration? drinking, late night runs, "emotional" feelings etc..

Which of the three makes the most sense?
Slightly O/T, I was looking at a list of occupations with the highest % of psychopaths. CEO was #1. Shocker right? On the list of lowest % of psychopaths, nurses were the second lowest. Perhaps that's why I am not suspicious of the roommates. What's the odds that Paul lived with 2?!?

Based on the very little we know, my gut is telling me I do not think the roommates planned any harm to Paul. It is quite possible they have no idea what happened after Paul left. What I seriously question is what happened in that apartment that caused a hand cut, a possible head injury, an emotional Paul, and him leaving late at night in the cold. A pretty serious fist fight can start and be over in seconds/minutes, heck maybe there was even a knife involved.
I seriously question because of my nature to ask in general. Is the roommates story even remotely the truth of the events that evening or splattered with bits of truth or the whole truth? I will continue to ponder.
I don't think anyone planned anything either. Accidents happen. Sometimes people freak out and try to hide the accident instead of fessing up.

I don't believe he walked away from that apartment and encountered random violence. We would have found his body by now. Random violence doesn't usually go to the trouble of hiding a body because there's no connection between the victims and attackers.

Since the likelihood of anyone he knew owning a shovel are slim to none (since the area is populated by young adult apartment dwellers), he'll probably be found in the water. The medical examiner will be able to determine if it was suicide or murder. If he died before he was put in the water, there won't be air in his lungs. If he died from injury or wounds, the ill be determined too. It's not like Pittsburgh's medical examiners are inexperienced with murder victims being found in the water.

Anyone who thinks he could be somewhere in a wooded area should get out and search ASAP. The snow is gone and the weather is warmer. Soon the grass and weeds will sprout up hiding signs of any disturbance. In a few months our forests will filled with lush greenery, which will make it harder to see something at a short distance.
You are 100% correct about searching wooded areas now. Behind my home is a good size creek and woods. I can walk freely back there now since the snow is gone, in a few weeks it will be overgrown and real tough to maneuver through. I disagree about not having shovels though, we're to get snow again tomorrow. All Pennsylvanians have shovels even if to just shovel out your car.
My other thought was he was heading to Mercy Hospital, but not many buy into that theory. Even if the hospital theory was correct, he never made it there, so what happened to him. Even if foul play, where did he end up? If he is eventually found in the river, will they rule accidental, suicide, or homicide? They probably won't have enough to determine. As hard as it is for all of us to think he killed himself, I have to lean that way because I feel he cut his wrist on purpose, once and possibly twice. The cut is an important factor for me in this case.

I agree 100% with your hypothesis. I think sadly, he went in the river on his own volition. The self cutting telegraphed such an intent.
I disagree about not having shovels though, we're to get snow again tomorrow. All Pennsylvanians have shovels even if to just shovel out your car.
You can't dig a grave with a snow shovel, not in Pennsylvania's clay soil. ;)

I never owned a spade shovel when I lived in apartments, and nobody I knew did either. There was no purpose to having them, and there's often nowhere to store them. As an avid gardener, I couldn't wait to own my own property so I could have a garden.

Sorry. I laughed at "all Pennsylvanians have shovels" because it reminded me of my neighbor trying to tackle our last blizzard with a broom. And he's a homeowner. Although it was hilarious to watch, I gave him one of our extra snow shovels to keep.

It's going to be 59 and partly cloudy in Pittsburgh tomorrow (today actually). Perfect search weather. I wonder if there are any searches scheduled.
All roommates graduated from Duquense and all are employed as nurses.
The 1:49 phone contact was an error.

It is really important to keep on top of the details of this case and not be picking and choosing data from all over, much of which has been updated and some of it is incorrect.

The most recevent information we have is:
- Paul left the bar and went home
- Cut his hand
- Called the roommates for help with the cut
- Roommates came home and helped
- Roommates left to get food
- Paul walked out of the house and is seen on video

No way was Paul headed for Getgo, staggering on the street clutching his hand.
Another key thing for those of us that believe the roommates is the following quote from roommate Ben Monito.

"He called us a little bit after saying that he was cut, he cut himself on broken glass or something, so we came home, helped clean that up and got the bleeding to stop.
At the time, he was really emotional."

I intepret that as Ben did not know what Paul had cut himself on. Broken glass or something?? He made these comments after Paul disappeared, so he would have had to know what Paul cut himself on. Paul did not cut himself on broken glass; he cut himself with a knife or razor (moo).

And to show how information gets embellished, later the parents said Paul cut himself on a drinking glass. Each of us has to look at the information presented by the media, roomies and family, keep track of the updates and differences, and form our opinions logically on those things.

Also, these updates from media are removing information that was in their earlier articles. I just read a WTAE article where they talk about the new phone tip line.
They updated an earlier article to include this new information, and removed some of what was in the earlier article.
The 1:49 phone contact was an error.
Prove it.

It is really important to keep on top of the details of this case and not be picking and choosing data from all over, much of which has been updated and some of it is incorrect.
You're not the authority on which data is correct or not. I'm not bending to the whim of whatever others in this thread think they've concluded is incorrect or ruled out as outdated when you very well could have come to a wrong conclusion.

The most recevent information we have is:
- Paul left the bar and went home
- Cut his hand
- Called the roommates for help with the cut
- Roommates came home and helped
- Roommates left to get food
- Paul walked out of the house and is seen on video
What's relevant to you isn't necessarily what's relevant to everyone.

No way was Paul headed for Getgo, staggering on the street clutching his hand.
No way, huh? I have full confidence you'll learn otherwise after his body is found.
Another key thing for those of us that believe the roommates is the following quote from roommate Ben Monito.
Why do you insist on unquestionably believing the roommates? It's not typical for LE to believe every statement received by witnesses. It's sort of silly for us to do so.

"He called us a little bit after saying that he was cut, he cut himself on broken glass or something, so we came home, helped clean that up and got the bleeding to stop.
At the time, he was really emotional."

I intepret that as Ben did not know what Paul had cut himself on. Broken glass or something?? He made these comments after Paul disappeared, so he would have had to know what Paul cut himself on. Paul did not cut himself on broken glass; he cut himself with a knife or razor (moo).
Now that's quite an imagination you have there. It seems you are falling for people who have chosen to portray Paul as pathetic without realizing their portraying Paul as pathetic could be a clue into their relationship with him.

And to show how information gets embellished, later the parents said Paul cut himself on a drinking glass. Each of us has to look at the information presented by the media, roomies and family, keep track of the updates and differences, and form our opinions logically on those things.
You have no idea if the parents subsequently learned new information.

Also, these updates from media are removing information that was in their earlier articles. I just read a WTAE article where they talk about the new phone tip line.
They updated an earlier article to include this new information, and removed some of what was in the earlier article.
You're giving the media way too much credit for accuracy.
I think there is a lot of confusion or reporting issues going on. I have seen that his last contact was at 1:30 and 1:49.

Look at this article -

"Paul went missing after going out with friends on Dec. 16 to watch Monday night football at a local bar."

Which is obviously incorrect or worded wrong. He did not watch Monday Night Football on the 16th. He went missing on the 16th. It is little things like that that can be damaging. Like the phone call/text at 1:30 or 1:49 - A lot can happen in twenty minutes. Are reporters reporting wrong? Or are they being given incorrect information? I don't know.
Based on the very little we know, my gut is telling me I do not think the roommates planned any harm to Paul. It is quite possible they have no idea what happened after Paul left. What I seriously question is what happened in that apartment that caused a hand cut, a possible head injury, an emotional Paul, and him leaving late at night in the cold. A pretty serious fist fight can start and be over in seconds/minutes, heck maybe there was even a knife involved.
I seriously question because of my nature to ask in general. Is the roommates story even remotely the truth of the events that evening or splattered with bits of truth or the whole truth? I will continue to ponder.

You're probably right on the roommates Heart. I was wrong on the Shane case so my instincts cannot be trusted. Just wait for my theory and go the opposite way. Lol.
I think there is a lot of confusion or reporting issues going on. I have seen that his last contact was at 1:30 and 1:49.

Look at this article -

"Paul went missing after going out with friends on Dec. 16 to watch Monday night football at a local bar."

Which is obviously incorrect or worded wrong. He did not watch Monday Night Football on the 16th. He went missing on the 16th. It is little things like that that can be damaging. Like the phone call/text at 1:30 or 1:49 - A lot can happen in twenty minutes. Are reporters reporting wrong? Or are they being given incorrect information? I don't know.
Some reporters are only copying what was written from other reporters. Sometimes it is copied exactly and other times they change the wording, often making it incorrect. I do not think (moo) all reporters writing about this case have interviewed the roommates and parents. Only a couple have. The rest are just copying. Best to stick with the Jennifer Tomaciz, WPXI.
Based on the very little we know, my gut is telling me I do not think the roommates planned any harm to Paul. It is quite possible they have no idea what happened after Paul left. What I seriously question is what happened in that apartment that caused a hand cut, a possible head injury, an emotional Paul, and him leaving late at night in the cold. A pretty serious fist fight can start and be over in seconds/minutes, heck maybe there was even a knife involved.
I seriously question because of my nature to ask in general. Is the roommates story even remotely the truth of the events that evening or splattered with bits of truth or the whole truth? I will continue to ponder.
Ok, assume there was a fist fight, a knife cut, a head injury. What then. What did the roommates do with Paul? This is what bugs me about these roommate theories. People want to consider them suspect, but suspect of what? Play it out; i.e. the scenario of what they did with him. One that is logical. Nobody has done that. Do you think the roommates went out with their car, threw him in it, killed him, and then threw him in the river or in the woods behind McKnight McDonalds? Seriously???
Some reporters are only copying what was written from other reporters. Sometimes it is copied exactly and other times they change the wording, often making it incorrect. I do not think (moo) all reporters writing about this case have interviewed the roommates and parents. Only a couple have. The rest are just copying. Best to stick with the Jennifer Tomaciz, WPXI.

You are probably right DK. It's the old, a copy of a copy in not as good as the first copy. (Watch the Michael Keaton Movie Multiplicity) It's amazing how the quality of reporting has deteriorated since the newspaper industry has died.
A post by a verified insider says that there was a search by Allegheny Rescue, and that
They are searching a park by the McD's where the room mates had the late night dinner.
So, someone believes that it is a possibility that he was taken to that area. I have no idea how that played out. Maybe there is other evidence that leads them to that conclusion.
A post by a verified insider says that there was a search by Allegheny Rescue, and that

So, someone believes that it is a possibility that he was taken to that area. I have no idea how that played out. Maybe there is other evidence that leads them to that conclusion.

Or that he went there.
Jumping in fast--------has LE checked any security tape??? I'm assuming that McD's would have security cameras all over the place.
A post by a verified insider says that there was a search by Allegheny Rescue, and that

So, someone believes that it is a possibility that he was taken to that area. I have no idea how that played out. Maybe there is other evidence that leads them to that conclusion.

My thoughts:
Perhaps it is possible that Paul went to that area of his own volition, but why not take his car?
Perhaps he got a ride there, but nobody has come forward to my knowledge, saying they took him there.

What I have felt about that comment from the verified insider is my opinion and I feel that perhaps they were
looking for evidence in that park; perhaps car keys, house keys, phone, wallet? Something that would connect
to Paul.

There might be no evidence in that park.
There has to be a reason, though for them to suggest and to go to the park to search, so they have an idea of
what to look for that has a correlation to Paul, I suppose.


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