Found Deceased PA - Paul Kochu, 22, Allegheny County, 17 Dec 2014 - #2

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"Paul Kochu’s father, Jack Kochu, told Tomazic that his son was with his housemates watching Monday Night Football at a bar Monday night.

According to his dad, they went home and Paul Kochu’s housemates left just after midnight to get food.

“Paul declined because he was in disagreement in something that had happened earlier in the night. So he stayed here. They went to get something to eat -- we don't know where. But when they came home, Paul was gone,” said Jack Kochu. end quote

In this early article, there is absolutely no mention of a cut or bloodied hand. It simply says he didn't want to go get food because of an earlier disagreement about something. This article was very early but two things stand doesn't seem like the dad knows what the disagreement was about, (Maybe why it's awkward and hard to read?) and second, you'd think that the hand wound would be one of the first pieces of info the family had. And it's not mentioned, at all.
On the Breeze, your link is not working. I was curious which article your referring. Can you try again?
No one can be made to take a LD test, suspect or not.

That said, I have no problem with them. I was asked to take one years ago, when a large sum went missing from the safe at my job. Five of us took them, only one person failed and that person ultimately confessed and returned most the money. So to me, that was fairly impressive but jmo.

"Paul Kochu’s father, Jack Kochu, told Tomazic that his son was with his housemates watching Monday Night Football at a bar Monday night.

According to his dad, they went home and Paul Kochu’s housemates left just after midnight to get food.

“Paul declined because he was in disagreement in something that had happened earlier in the night. So he stayed here. They went to get something to eat -- we don't know where. But when they came home, Paul was gone,” said Jack Kochu. end quote

In this early article, there is absolutely no mention of a cut or bloodied hand. It simply says he didn't want to go get food because of an earlier disagreement about something. This article was very early but two things stand doesn't seem like the dad knows what the disagreement was about, (Maybe why it's awkward and hard to read?) and second, you'd think that the hand wound would be one of the first pieces of info the family had. And it's not mentioned, at all.

I agree Heart, that it is noteworthy that the early report does not mention the cut hand. The first question is, who omitted it. Was it the person who wrote the article? Was it Paul's dad in talking with the reporter? Was it the roommates who omitted it when talking to Paul's dad? The other question is why was it omitted? Did the reporter not think it was important? Did Paul's dad forget to mention it? Did his dad want to protect Paul from the appearance of self-harm? Did the roommates want to protect Paul from the appearance of self-harm? Were the roommates trying to hide something that they had done to Paul?

Hard to determine the significance without having the answers to these questions.
Even if you look at the second "in" in the sentence as a typo, that could have meant to read "ON" it could make a little more sense. I'm chalking it up to the dad not knowing and the reporter taking notes and then later bad wording based on little info.

“Paul declined because he was in disagreement in something that had happened earlier in the night"
"Paul declined because he was in disagreement ON something that had happened earlier in the night.
I agree Heart, that it is noteworthy that the early report does not mention the cut hand. The first question is, who omitted it. Was it the person who wrote the article? Was it Paul's dad in talking with the reporter? Was it the roommates who omitted it when talking to Paul's dad? The other question is why was it omitted? Did the reporter not think it was important? Did Paul's dad forget to mention it? Did his dad want to protect Paul from the appearance of self-harm? Did the roommates want to protect Paul from the appearance of self-harm? Were the roommates trying to hide something that they had done to Paul?

Hard to determine the significance without having the answers to these questions.

I would think that would be the first and very most important info that would be reported as in. My son had a cut on his hand, we are checking hospitals, we have checked emergt cares, etc...please be on the look out for a man (insert description) with a possible large laceration on his hand. .... This makes sense to me! Why wouldn't that crucial info be reported??

They have it on the posters now! Why not the initial very important searches?
I am going with they simply did not know. That that info was left out and said later. hmmm but why then??? I'm talking myself more and more into the roommates being extremely suspicious.
Does anyone remember or have a link...Was it just reported that Get GO Kitchen saw him that day or does it give a time? I think it just says they remember seeing him, without any details. In the article link below, Paul's father speculated maybe be was heading there for food. Website says it's open 24 hours. As I'm googling, that's not an easy walk from Paul's apt. to the Get Go Kitchen. It's actually kinda a hike. Especially late at night in really windy and cold temps.

So I'm wondering what time is the Get Go video? I would think if it was after the 2:46 Giant video it would be reported that the Get Go employees were the last to see him...right? So it must have been earlier. Now I'm confusing myself, lol
Does anyone remember or have a link...Was it just reported that Get GO Kitchen saw him that day or does it give a time? I think it just says they remember seeing him, without any details. In the article link below, Paul's father speculated maybe be was heading there for food. Website says it's open 24 hours. As I'm googling, that's not an easy walk from Paul's apt. to the Get Go Kitchen. It's actually kinda a hike. Especially late at night in really windy and cold temps.

So I'm wondering what time is the Get Go video? I would think if it was after the 2:46 Giant video it would be reported that the Get Go employees were the last to see him...right? So it must have been earlier. Now I'm confusing myself, lol

From your link, in the video they mention that the Get Go is on South 18th.
From the Google map, from his apartment to the Get Go is a ten minute walk, at a half mile.
Maybe it's because I walk a lot,so I think a ten minute walk or half a mile is not a hike. Looks pretty easy to me.
Living in Colorado I walked cold temps and wind for many years, so I guess I am biased. :)
I'm not sure how it makes the roommates more suspicious without understanding of the mechanics of how the information was obtained. Can you elaborate a bit Heart so that I can get a sense of what is triggering your hinky meter with the roommates? I always value your opinions and I know your heart is always well intended. ( no pun intended)

I just know from experience how communication can so screwed up even in normal circumstances, let alone in a crisis situation like this. It seems there is often conflicting, contradictory, and disjointed details in cases. Remember in Shane's case, did he bump into a stool or DJ booth? Did he turn right or left? Did the bouncer see him on the street an hour later? And when was that last ping? In my experience, people in general do not communicate very effectively. The root of many issues is that when people receive information that is vague, they do not ask clarifying, follow up questions. They just make assumptions, misinterpret situations, and come to conclusions that are often incorrect. It would seem to me that if the family had any concerns about the roommates and ther story, that they should sit down with the roommates and share what their concerns are. (i don't even know for sure that they do have any concerns but it does seem that way) It's very possible that there is logical, reasonable, and innocent explanations to any perceived gaps in their story.
The early reports DO mention the cut on the hand. That link Heart provided had it in originally I think and then dropped it on the update. Look at the date on the article. 12/18 and update 12/21 or so.

Here's a link from 12/18 that includes the cut.
Slightly O/T, I was looking at a list of occupations with the highest % of psychopaths. CEO was #1. Shocker right? On the list of lowest % of psychopaths, nurses were the second lowest. Perhaps that's why I am not suspicious of the roommates. What's the odds that Paul lived with 2?!?
You're so right Ski. I value your insight as well! Information gets skewed. I do remember in Shane's case that the friends were being speculated if they did anything. But those friends didn't have a "story" that isn't quite adding up. You could take out some of the people we were suspicious of and many other scenarios could have played out. It didn't revolve around one person(s) as in Paul's case with the roommates.
I'll be the first to admit my side eye toward s the roommates may be unfounded.

So I guess I look at it this way, if you take the roommates completely out of the equation what's left? Paul left his apartment and was never seen again.
The roommates are so much of the equation in every scenario I play out that it's hard not to suspect. In contrast in Shane's case, the friends, the bouncer, etc... could all be taken out of the equation and other scenarios could play out.
So that leaves me with either foul play, suicide or like Shane he fell in on accident.
My whole thing with the lie detector test, is this, I understand being a nervous person, feeling like I am completely innocent, and I have been all open with everything from the get go, then I will take it one step further and voluntarily take one just to remove as much suspicion on me as possible. Now don't get me wrong, the roomies, LE, family or anyone else owe us anything. This whole thing is so confusing I can only imagine the parents heartache. I wish above all (as I know everyone else here does) that there is some kind of resolution and quick. I read the families fb page and can sense their desperation growing with each day that passes.

Ski, I do agree with you that a lot of the "missing" or "misinformation" is more a communication break down, more so than lies or withholding information. Does anyone have a timeline I can reference?
DetKlimpt questions where was he going? I agree with that train of thought. If taking the roommates out of the equation, it really only leaves him walking intently and injured to purposefully go somewhere to commit suicide. I'm just not feeling that.
DetKlimpt questions where was he going? I agree with that train of thought. If taking the roommates out of the equation, it really only leaves him walking intently and injured to purposefully go somewhere to commit suicide. I'm just not feeling that.
My other thought was he was heading to Mercy Hospital, but not many buy into that theory. Even if the hospital theory was correct, he never made it there, so what happened to him. Even if foul play, where did he end up? If he is eventually found in the river, will they rule accidental, suicide, or homicide? They probably won't have enough to determine. As hard as it is for all of us to think he killed himself, I have to lean that way because I feel he cut his wrist on purpose, once and possibly twice. The cut is an important factor for me in this case.
Does anyone remember or have a link...Was it just reported that Get GO Kitchen saw him that day or does it give a time? I think it just says they remember seeing him, without any details. In the article link below, Paul's father speculated maybe be was heading there for food. Website says it's open 24 hours. As I'm googling, that's not an easy walk from Paul's apt. to the Get Go Kitchen. It's actually kinda a hike. Especially late at night in really windy and cold temps.

So I'm wondering what time is the Get Go video? I would think if it was after the 2:46 Giant video it would be reported that the Get Go employees were the last to see him...right? So it must have been earlier. Now I'm confusing myself, lol
There are two GetGo's in South Side. The one on 18th Street is not a far walk, and it's in the direction he was leaving the house. At that time of night, the convenience stores are about the only things open. LE would not release that type of information if they're withholding it to prevent a future suspect from knowing what LE knows.
Do we know for certain all of the roommates are nurses? I'm only aware of the one that wasn't there that night being a nurse.
I am wondering which roommate did Paul text at 1:30am.

Could Paul have texted the roommate that was working that night and didn't go to the bar with Paul and the other roommates?

" He was last heard from Tuesday at 1:30 a.m.,his family said, when he sent a text to his roommate. "

There is a later time mentioned for "phone contact" on the very first flyer. It was 1:49 am.

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