Identified! PA - Philadelphia, 'Boy in the Box', WhtMale 4-6, 4UMPA, Feb'57

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Okay, now that we are all "on the same page"...literally :D

This trace element geochemistry is fascinating. It's been posted in a few other UID threads, and I thought I'd bring it over here as well. The bones and teeth collect oxygen isotopes that act as geographic markers throughout a person's life. This was done with the DuPage County Doe:,0,6995280.story?coll=chi_tab01_layout

The guy who is working on these studies:

With the DuPage County Doe, they could tell where he lived during his short life (general region) as well as where his mom lived while pregnant (different region). I wonder if this could be done for our Boy in the Box?

I agree with you, this method has solved many cold cases. I know from reading the book that they thought he could be an immigrant, they looked at photos of immigrants at a library for hours. Not sure due to to the state of remains if it could be done but if it could think it might lead to some interesting lead.
Alright, obviously, my buddy with all the good isotope alaysis never got back to me on this one. I still don't think it would be possible, considering the difficulty they've had with DNA extraction.

I do still believe that it was his mother or someone with a maternal connection that placed him there, simply because of the way he was covered, and wrapped, so on and so forth. I have also discovered through research on other cases, that some profilers have found that mothers tend to kill their children using water, or later place them in water, maybe to signify the state they were in before one really seems to know why, but think Susan Smith, Andrea Yates...countless others.
I don't know if I believe his mother killed him, but I do believe that she took part in the body dump or the preparation of the body.

there was such a massive influx of refugess during this general time frame that it makes it hard to say with any certainty whether it would be a reach to say he was an immigrant. The only thing that can be said with much certainty is that he was not born in a Philly area hospital during the years that they believe him to have been born, and he seemingly was not reported missing.

The marks on his body leave no doubt that he was abused at the end of his life, yet even that beating left no fractures. Head trauma, yes, but no indication of old or new broken bones. That means that either the person that beat him was not that strong and the boy bruised easily, not outside the realm of possibility if he was malnourished, or that the person that beat him only wanted to leave marks and had a good deal of control even while beating the child to a pulp.

Since the area was a well known trash dump, it leads me to wonder if there may have been other items at the scene before the body was reported, but a desperate citizen picked them up and took them home for their child. It may seem outlandish and sick but I am not going to judge the action, just point out that it could have happened. Potentially, I suppose that most everything this child owned could have been dumped, but picked up by an opportunistic and desperate person with children at home to clothe.

I don't believe the foster family or the school were involved in any way, except possibly one member of the foster family being used to broker the child without the others knowing. I don't believe that the location of the body has any connection to either of the buildings, it was just a secluded spot, with little traffic and little light to be seen by.

I know that most of the physical evidence is gone now, the hairs disappeared and the box and blanket mostly deteriorated, but I wonder if the hat, which I read is still in decent shape has been tested for DNA from sweat or saliva? More than likely any sample that would have been left on it would have been too badly degraded and since it was a man's hat, and they could only obtain MtDNA from the boy, it likely wouldn't help much if they could.

Just thinking out loud. The boy has been on my mind tonight.
He looks Swedish to me. Very Swedish.

Norwegian, Scandinavian...?

Oops that was supposed to read "isotope analysis info" in the first line of my last post. See what tired typing gets me?
Alright, obviously, my buddy with all the good isotope alaysis never got back to me on this one. I still don't think it would be possible, considering the difficulty they've had with DNA extraction.

I do still believe that it was his mother or someone with a maternal connection that placed him there, simply because of the way he was covered, and wrapped, so on and so forth. I have also discovered through research on other cases, that some profilers have found that mothers tend to kill their children using water, or later place them in water, maybe to signify the state they were in before one really seems to know why, but think Susan Smith, Andrea Yates...countless others.
I don't know if I believe his mother killed him, but I do believe that she took part in the body dump or the preparation of the body.

there was such a massive influx of refugess during this general time frame that it makes it hard to say with any certainty whether it would be a reach to say he was an immigrant. The only thing that can be said with much certainty is that he was not born in a Philly area hospital during the years that they believe him to have been born, and he seemingly was not reported missing.

The marks on his body leave no doubt that he was abused at the end of his life, yet even that beating left no fractures. Head trauma, yes, but no indication of old or new broken bones. That means that either the person that beat him was not that strong and the boy bruised easily, not outside the realm of possibility if he was malnourished, or that the person that beat him only wanted to leave marks and had a good deal of control even while beating the child to a pulp.

Since the area was a well known trash dump, it leads me to wonder if there may have been other items at the scene before the body was reported, but a desperate citizen picked them up and took them home for their child. It may seem outlandish and sick but I am not going to judge the action, just point out that it could have happened. Potentially, I suppose that most everything this child owned could have been dumped, but picked up by an opportunistic and desperate person with children at home to clothe.

I don't believe the foster family or the school were involved in any way, except possibly one member of the foster family being used to broker the child without the others knowing. I don't believe that the location of the body has any connection to either of the buildings, it was just a secluded spot, with little traffic and little light to be seen by.

I know that most of the physical evidence is gone now, the hairs disappeared and the box and blanket mostly deteriorated, but I wonder if the hat, which I read is still in decent shape has been tested for DNA from sweat or saliva? More than likely any sample that would have been left on it would have been too badly degraded and since it was a man's hat, and they could only obtain MtDNA from the boy, it likely wouldn't help much if they could.

Just thinking out loud. The boy has been on my mind tonight.

Sorry to quote myself, but I answered my own question about the hat and potential DNA.
The blue cap that was found just a few yards from the boy's body did have some strands of hair clinging to it. The cap was sent to the crime lab for analysis. However, at the time that this homicide was initially investigated, the technology for analyzing DNA did not exist. The cap was later acquired by Remington Bristow, and remained in his possession for over thirty years. After Bristow's death, the cap was returned to the Philadelphia police department. Unfortunately, a DNA analysis of the cap at this point in time would be inconclusive at best, since it has been improperly handled by scores of people and exposed to many contaminating environmental agents over the years.
I have followed this little boys story for many years and I will continue to follow it.He is one of the first unidentified little ones I ever heard about.I feel strongly someone(s) knows exactly who this sweet little boy is and it's a very deep sad family secret for many long years.I pray they find out who he is.He deserves his name and he deserved it a long time ago.
You know,as I read again about this sweet little boy.I notice a few early leads near march 1957 that lead to NJ or Camden NJ or around that area?

This is very interesting.The sketch even looks like Benders sculpture.


Unidentified Bus Passenger - In March 1957, a woman amateur artist identified the body in the morgue as the same boy she had seen sleeping in a man's arms on a bus running from Philadelphia to southern New Jersey. The pair had boarded the bus in Camden, she said. The woman submitted a sketch she'd made of the man, but the investigators weren't able to verify her story.​

Here's another lead about the same time period.​

Unidentified New Jersey Informant - In March 1957, the woman night manager of a restaurant in Camden, N.J., directly across the Delaware River from Philadelphia, called to say she had seen the murder victim in the restaurant on two occasions in February. She said that the boy was accompanied by a man of about 40 . . . red-faced, sloppily dressed. The little boy said he wanted to talk to his 'Mommy' on the telephone, so the man placed a long distance call to Baltimore. Investigators could find no other witnesses who saw the unidentified man and boy at the Camden restaurant, and a check of telephone records disclosed that there had been no long distance calls to Baltimore made during the period mentioned by the woman in her report to police. The lead was eventually dismissed as unsubstantiated and unverifiable.​

Another lead in March 1957.Again with a man.​

Unidentified Delaware Informant - In March 1957, a waitress in Wilmington, Delaware identified the child from a circular as one she had seen several months before walking past the place where she worked, hand in hand with a man who was talking about catching a train for Philadelphia. The woman's testimony could not be corroborated.​
I'm thinking maybe possibly his father?or someone maybe possibly did put him in a type of foster home,orphanage or HRS was involved some how because he could not take care of him.Because there were no broken bones,bruises,apparantly no past abuse.I feel the abuse happened when he possibly changed caretakers.But why didn't he come forward when word went out they found this little boys body?I keep thinking of the Georgia Tann story or the HRS or social services took children away and adopted them out and illegal adoption agencies ect....It's very confusing and very sad.I pray they can find out who this little boy is and give him his name.

I do feel he was being treated for his eye and just checked.I feel someone was taking care of him.I'm curious where were the adoption agencies,foster homes around the time this little boy died in Pennsylvania?
I think if we just keep this sweet little boy bumped up and his information out there and never give up trying to find out who he is we will find out who is is :hug:
I've really been thinking about this sweet little boy alot and what could have happened.I've thought maybe when the mother of the little boy in the box was about to have a new baby she might have went to stay with family,parents,other family members or friends to help her with the new baby and the boy in the box and possibly other sibings and one of her family members accidently killed the boy in the box trying to bath him and give him a hair cut.I feel where ever this little boy went he had just recently gotten there and changed caretakers.
I feel very strongly who ever it was should never have been hitting this little boy as hard as they did.The father could have been in the military(maybe possibly gone or there) or they could have just recently gotten to the area for a few months.They said the little boy was in ill health for a year.Another thought did occur to me.The father may have recently returned home and was hitting the boy too hard.But I won't go any farther than just that thought.I just don't want to think that for many reasons.
There are many ways you can go with this sweet little boys story.I pray they find out who he is and he gets his name.I strongly feel they can do more publicity like they did before.Is americas most wanted going to air the show again.When was the last time they aired it?what else can be done to get his story out there again?I strongly feel someone knows who this little boy is.
Thanks for the credit, Suzanne, none was needed, though - I'm just happy to help in any way I can. Everyone is free to save and use this banner around the web (eMail, Facebook, personal websites, other forums, etc...) to help spread awareness... credit not needed. :blushing:

Prayers that someone out there will speak up, he's been unidentified for far too long (sadly, so have many others!!). I just can't understand how other family members (aunts, uncles, grandparents...) don't "notice" or question where a child has gone in situations like this. :confused:

Sorry I've been away from WS for so long, I just needed a break to do some other things that weren't so depressing to me (quell my newfound Facebook addiction, for example, LOL) and I'll only be checking in once in awhile.

Suzanne - if there's ever a big break in this case, please email me - you have my contact information from your sister's case and this case. Thanks so much!

Blessings to all who are here to try to make a positive difference in the world, no matter how you are doing it, keep it up - every little bit helps!

Peace Out!

I asked a very sweet lady SieSie to please make a banner for me for this sweet little boy to help find out who he is.Thank you very much SieSie.Can I please put this here?

This may be sort of a strange question, but prior to the boy being found were there any adults (who were parents) found murdered? I have a feeling that something bad happened to this little boy's parent(s) before he met with bad fate. Is it possible that he is new to the US (in the 1950s, there were a lot of people who were opposed to Communism who immigrated from East Europe) -- could the boy be from somewhere else originally and that is why he was not recognized?
The unidentified little boy in maine was Identified as Camden Pierce Hughes.I thought of this little boy in box.I'll bump him up so someone might know who he is too.I still believe there is hope to find out who the boy in the box is too.I wish they had national publicity for the boy in the box way back in 1957.But they still can give him national exposer again now.I pray they do.Please try again to find out who is.
I'm curious did the long brown hair found on his body match the boy in the box?were they related?Here it says the long hair was found on the body.The Doenetwork page said found on the scene.If this hair was found on his little body that could be very important.Were they related?Can anyone find out?Can they put that hair found on his body in CODIS for a possible match for relatives.Was it a womans hair?Can they gleem alot of information about someone from that hair found on his little body.Do they still have it?

Hairs in Cap​

In the cap were some hairs. On the body of the dead boy, Kelly said, one long brown hair, which did not match his own hair, was found. This and the hair from the cap have been sent to the FBI laboratory for analysis.
I'm curious did the long brown hair found on his body match the boy in the box?were they related?Here it says the long hair was found on the body.The Doenetwork page said found on the scene.If this hair was found on his little body that could be very important.Were they related?Can anyone find out?Can they put that hair found on his body in CODIS for a possible match for relatives.Was it a womans hair?Can they gleem alot of information about someone from that hair found on his little body.Do they still have it?

Hairs in Cap​

In the cap were some hairs. On the body of the dead boy, Kelly said, one long brown hair, which did not match his own hair, was found. This and the hair from the cap have been sent to the FBI laboratory for analysis.

To me, this sounds like a stepmother who did not want the kid around, but I am probably reading too much into it.
I'm reading this little boys story again.I know I thought the Horsham suspects should be checked.But you know,it really does fit the little boy Terry Speece(Just not the age).The early leads.The sightings from Camden County NJ.To his mother mrs Speece living in Lancaster Pennsylvania.There was a reason for Mr Speece to be in the area.They said the boy in the box was in ill health for about a year and she hasn't seen him in a year.Have they done DNA testing on the Speece family and realitives to see if the boy in the box was related in some way to them or to see if he is Terry Speece?I pray they find out who this little boy is and he gets his name.Very sad.
But Terry Speece is 8 years old and The boy in the box has a full set of baby teeth.So it's probably not him.I just thought it was interesting when 8 people?Identified him at the morge as Terry Speece.Son of Charels Speece.Neighbors where they lived Identified him as Terri Speece(or at least the little boy with the father) and the grand mother said the middle toe was bent the same way on Terri the same way it was on the boy in the box.I didn't know the boy in the box's toe was bent.I'm am also thinking more and more the boy in the box was put in foster care or a orphanage probably the day he was killed.Because his eye had dye in it like it was checked for an eye ailment.He was getting cleaned up,Bath ect...Like he was being initiated into some where.

I'm reading alot.There was a St Vincents orphanage(Orphanage?and wayward girls?The Orphanage I think went to a smaller place st Davids?If any one finds out more on this please let me know ok?I'm not sure about this)Near Lansdowne Ave and Garrett ave.This is not far from where the bassinet box was bought at JC Penney.I do believe the box is important because he was found in it and I don't think it would have gotten that far away any other way.
A lot of Swedes came over through Ellis Island back then.

This little boy looks Scandinavian/Swedish/Nowegian to me. He actually looks very, very much like my brother did when he was little. I had to look real hard to find any differences as a matter of fact. It was strange when I first saw his picture. We are Swedish, Grampa came over on a ship.
This is one place.I did not know if I should put the link blogspot on it.
St. John's Orphange for Boys 1950-1960's

St John's Orphan Asylum

“...Philadelphia Streets 49th St., N and Wyalusing Ave...”

They did give hair cuts like that.
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