PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #6

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Thanks for the clarification; we have a Chatham College here, so I was confused. I most certainly am a Pittsburgher but too far along in life to be a literal "girl," though my handle here represents that metaphorically youthful state.

Wouldn't LE have questioned the bus driver at least? I would have thought it would be risky to be seen leaving by so many people. Is there an Amtrak stop in Lewisburg? Once RG was in NYC (Gotham!) or Philly, anonymity gets to be easier and the train is a place where it is easy to be invisible, in a way.
I do admit that sometimes I get a dark, ominous feeling that Mr. Gricar met with foul play. Either way, he set out to Lewisburg with a purpose, because he brought that computer with him for a reason.
Thanks for the clarification; we have a Chatham College here, so I was confused. I most certainly am a Pittsburgher but too far along in life to be a literal "girl," though my handle here represents that metaphorically youthful state.

They named the college after his earldom, because the names Pittsburgh and Duquesne (the French Governor-General) were already taken by other universities.

Wouldn't LE have questioned the bus driver at least? I would have thought it would be risky to be seen leaving by so many people.

I don't have a link, LE did check buses. I checked some of my earlier notes and blogs.

It would be difficult, for a number of reasons. First, he'd be spotted by other passengers. Second, a lot of them will be college age or the elderly, and RFG would be of a different age. Lewisburg Penitentiary is there, so maybe he could have been mistaken for a recently released inmate.

Is there an Amtrak stop in Lewisburg? Once RG was in NYC (Gotham!) or Philly, anonymity gets to be easier and the train is a place where it is easy to be invisible, in a way.

No passenger service is even close; Huntington or Harrisburg are probably the closest. I think most of the buses that would take him out of town, late in the day, would take him to Williamsport or Lock Haven.

It looks like a car, if either murder or walkaway. Who's car?

That's a good question. I wish I had a good answer. :dunno:
I do admit that sometimes I get a dark, ominous feeling that Mr. Gricar met with foul play. Either way, he set out to Lewisburg with a purpose, because he brought that computer with him for a reason.

I wish I was sure he did not meet with foul play.
I have two competing theories/scenarios:

1. RFG walked away. All of the known evidence points to it.

2. RFG met someone, probably a woman he was romantically involved with, and met with foul play. (This was pretty close to Pittsburghgirl's suggestion as well).

All of the known evidence supports #1.

Most of the known evidence also could supports #2. The evidence that doesn't support #2 is the weakest. It is two eyewitness accounts, the "Courthouse sighting" of 3:00 PM on 4/15/05 and the "Southfield sighting" of 5/27/05.

LE does not think the "Courthouse sighting" is accurate. LE has called the "Southfield sighting" as "credible," but not providing any further information.
I was just about to post about Sandusky. Gricar's another case that's fascinated me and I can't help but wonder now.
I was just about to post about Sandusky. Gricar's another case that's fascinated me and I can't help but wonder now.

There was rather substantial involvement in the 1998 investigation of Sandusky by RFG. RFG, however, basically closed it down. It was the same evidence that led to the indictment of Sandusky on that charge.
The grand jury report, which I've been reading off and on this evening, is nauseating. it implies a cover-up at the University.

Whether this has anything to do with why Gricar vanished, I suppose we'll have to wait and see.
IMO, it doesn't imply a cover up at the's PROOF of a cover up. Typical of PSU administration. Gricar deciding not to prosecute really does bother me. A decision like that wasn't his usual style, especially with such overwhelming evidence. Makes me wonder what the almighy PSU higher-ups had on him...
IMO, it doesn't imply a cover up at the's PROOF of a cover up. Typical of PSU administration. Gricar deciding not to prosecute really does bother me. A decision like that wasn't his usual style, especially with such overwhelming evidence. Makes me wonder what the almighy PSU higher-ups had on him...

Definitely not his style, even in the late 1990's. I'm not sure the "higher-ups" even knew about that one.
My jaw dropped when I saw RFG name in the grand jury indctment. Won't be surprised if more comes out. On a "you can't make this crap up" note, Jerry sandusky has an autobiography on entitled "Touched".....,
For those with strong stomachs, here is the link to the grand jury report, which makes mention of RG's decision not to prosecute Sandusky:

Herewith, a timeline with flashbacks and flash forwards.

Victim 1--meets Sandusky in 2005 or 2006, at age 11 or 12.
Victim 2--the one whose assault was witnessed by a Penn State Ga, in 2002.
Victim 3--testified to physical contact with Sandusky in 2000.
Victim 8--2000, sexual assault, witnessed by janitor, reported to janitor's superior but never reported to police.

None of these incidents of abuse and/or sexual assault were reported to LE prior to the current investigation (2008 or 2009).

Victim 4 1996-7
Victim 5 1995-6
Victim 6, the one whose mother reported Sandusky to LE in 1998; knew V. 5
Victim 7, same era

First, since Sandusky formed his Second Mile charity in 1977 (the vehicle used for meeting these kids), how many earlier victims might there be that no one knows about yet?

The obvious, most interesting question for us is why RG did not prosecute? One possibility is that he did not know about Victims 4, 5, and 7. There were no eyewitness or physical or other victims corroborating the story, and of course without those things how does a prosecutor convict a powerful man?

What intrigues me is the possibility that someone contacted RG with information about one or more of these other victims and he was doing a quiet investigation at the time he disappeared. That would account for his upset emotional state (perhaps angry at himself for not acting earlier) and his interest in meeting someone at some distance away from his office and Happy Valley.

Here is a passage from a Philadelphia column:

All of a sudden, a football program where a star gets a new automobile from a booster now and then or a player gets a free tattoo in exchange for memorabilia doesn't seem that bad. Penn State administrators are accused of failing to act on allegations of sexual assaults on children. Top that, Ohio State. Beat that record, Miami.
And the best question is this: If Penn State athletic coaches and administrators could look the other way when a 10-year-old is sexually assaulted on campus by a prominent former coach, what wouldn't they do? What could possibly be beyond their capability to accept in order to protect the "good name" of the program?

There is no evidence of course that this sex abuse scandal is the reason for RG's disappearance, any more than there is evidence that he walked away. We just have clues, at this point, and interpretation. If the powers at Penn State were willing to cover up the abuse (and it is clear that they were), and the records were expunged per policy at CYS, then RG was one of the only people who could have connected the dots.

Had RG had an eyewitness or other complainants in 1998, Sandusky could have been indicted then.
First, there is substantially more evidence that RFG walked away than that this has anything to do with it. :)

Second, I've not been too critical of RFG's record (another poster referred to him as a "putz" in regard to another case), but here I am. It deals with just one recorded incident, the 1998 incident that was reported to the police.

One probably victim is in the military and did not testify; that was also in 1998.

While I'm stunned that RFG did not prosecute the 1998 incident and that it was colossal lapse of judgment on his part, he was unaware of the other cases. I can't blame him for the others.
IMO, it doesn't imply a cover up at the's PROOF of a cover up. Typical of PSU administration. Gricar deciding not to prosecute really does bother me. A decision like that wasn't his usual style, especially with such overwhelming evidence. Makes me wonder what the almighy PSU higher-ups had on him...

I just finished reading the grand jury report on Sandusky. When I got to the part that stated Ray Gricar,DA, investigated Sandusky and decided not to press charges in 1998' I too had thoughts along the same lines as several posters here. specifically, within the report there is a summary of how Sandusky retired after a discussion with Joe Paterno that pretty much dashed Sandusky's hopes of becoming the next head coach at Penn State. That was in the report before the info on Ray Gricar 's investigation of Sandusky. My mind wondered if there was some connection, somehow, between the Sandusky case and Fricar's disappearance. After all, the AD and the SVP of finance at Penn State knew but did not call either campus police or PA state police to report what the witness had reported to them. So many people would not want their names to come out.

Also, funny how Gricar's hard drive from his computer was missing. Some theorize Gricar purposely got rid of his hard drive to disappear and not be found. But, more and more it seems like Gricar's disappearance may have been a hit well executed by a professional hit man. I certainly hope that the cold case detectives take another look at this case. What if Gricar had been pressured in 1998 not to press charges, but as more and more things came to light he realized he would have to so so. Maybe he went to those who pressured him and said he couldn't keep it under wraps any longer. and that could have been the beginning of the end for Mr. Gricar. Totally theorizing, and could be way out there, and of course Just my opinion, and pure speculation.
I just finished reading the grand jury report on Sandusky. When I got to the part that stated Ray Gricar,DA, investigated Sandusky and decided not to press charges in 1998' I too had thoughts along the same lines as several posters here. specifically, within the report there is a summary of how Sandusky retired after a discussion with Joe Paterno that pretty much dashed Sandusky's hopes of becoming the next head coach at Penn State. That was in the report before the info on Ray Gricar 's investigation of Sandusky. My mind wondered if there was some connection, somehow, between the Sandusky case and Fricar's disappearance. After all, the AD and the SVP of finance at Penn State knew but did not call either campus police or PA state police to report what the witness had reported to them. So many people would not want their names to come out.

Also, funny how Gricar's hard drive from his computer was missing. Some theorize Gricar purposely got rid of his hard drive to disappear and not be found. But, more and more it seems like Gricar's disappearance may have been a hit well executed by a professional hit man. I certainly hope that the cold case detectives take another look at this case. What if Gricar had been pressured in 1998 not to press charges, but as more and more things came to light he realized he would have to so so. Maybe he went to those who pressured him and said he couldn't keep it under wraps any longer. and that could have been the beginning of the end for Mr. Gricar. Totally theorizing, and could be way out there, and of course Just my opinion, and pure speculation.

I think you can be talking about a motivation to walk away or a motivation for someone to murder RFG. Right not, it is just speculation, but not filing charges was hugely uncharacteristic of RFG, even in the late 1990's.
JJ in Phila -I agree totally with you that Ray Gricar's decision not to prosecute was out of character for him. Who knows whether these two cases intersect in any substantial way. But, people have been killed for far less motivation. If I were a detective I would at least scrutinize the Gricar case again. After all, investigators did look at whether anyone he prosecuted might have a vendetta against him. But, I highly doubt any detective would have thought of investigating people whom Gricar decided not to prosecute. And, if the only new or additional info Gricar had was on his computer, then thr investigating detectives never had the benefit of that data since the hard drive was removed.(I think, IIRC, that it was later found, but was of no use). But, if the person(s) responsible for Gricar's disappearance had previously been investigated by him and not prosecuted knew he was about to reopen the case, the motive exists right there. At least worth some consideration, IMO.
First, there is substantially more evidence that RFG walked away than that this has anything to do with it. :)

Second, I've not been too critical of RFG's record (another poster referred to him as a "putz" in regard to another case), but here I am. It deals with just one recorded incident, the 1998 incident that was reported to the police.

One probably victim is in the military and did not testify; that was also in 1998.

While I'm stunned that RFG did not prosecute the 1998 incident and that it was colossal lapse of judgment on his part, he was unaware of the other cases. I can't blame him for the others.
A different view on this from the Patriot News, they say "reasons for not pursuing case ... are unknown":
A different view on this from the Patriot News, they say "reasons for not pursuing case ... are unknown":

The second possible victim is mention in the grand jury presentation, B. K. B. K. was interviewed in 1998 and indicated the same treatment as Victim #6. B. K. is in the military and cannot be called before the grand jury. RFG had that in 1998. It's on page 19 of the grand jury presentation.

Now, why didn't RFG prosecute in 1998?
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