PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #7

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Well, I sure hope the Penn State debacle sheds some valuable light on Gricar's disappearance. It would be wonderful to bring closure to those who love, miss, and worry about him.
Well, I sure hope the Penn State debacle sheds some valuable light on Gricar's disappearance. It would be wonderful to bring closure to those who love, miss, and worry about him.

Quiche, did you follow the proceedings and comments in July when Ray Gricar was declared legally dead? I did, because I think the reactions of the people known to be closest to him are important. IMO, and YMMV, but I came away from it all with the feeling that they were relieved, and that they ( his daughter, his g.f., and perhaps his nephews) all considered it to be a closed matter. That no future resolution could be or would be forthcoming.... MAYBE they are smarter than we are.. Those of us who keep beating our heads against brick walls, whirling at shadows..
Mike Madiera just released that the conflict of interest specirfically is that his wife's brother was Sandusky's adopted son. Both children were adopted as children..
IMO, this set of circumstances probably or possibly put Madiera and Gricar in positions to know more, not less, about Sandusky.


I seem to remember a comment made on one of the recent Sandusky articles that I read to the effect that Sandusky had a son who attempted suicide back in the mid 1990s.

Can anyone confirm if this stray comment is factual and, if so, was Mr. Madieras brother in law the son in question?

Edited to add the following...

Not sure if this is the same adopted son but it looks like the part about Sandusky having an adopted son who attempted suicide is true.

okay this is just going to get worse.

I'd say the most likely fallacy in the blog post as it relates to Ray Gricar's motivations is that " Ray Gricar was very rich".
No. He wasn't known to be " very rich" or even " rich".

However, my husband 's theory about Gricar as a man who never fathered a child, drove a MINI Cooper, shopped for antiques, and collected antique toys, is merciless.
To spell it out, my husband says Gricar may have been part and parcel of an organized child pedophile ring also involving child *advertiser censored*, with Sandusky as the supplier of prurient material.

I cannot say that I agree with my spouse. Maybe if there was a unique antique " toy room" in a house which Gricar had access to... Maybe if more was known about his specific histories with women, men and boys ( I cringe typing this)...
I'd certainly hate for my adoptive father to be labeled as gay AND a criminal because he had an adupted daughter.. It was my adoptive mother who was unable to bear children.
Not sure what my husband has against MINI Coopers as we have BMWs ( parent company) and have had for years..

My point is that logical people are writing, saying, and apparently believing some " out there" things about Ray Gricar in his absence to say anything about his investigation and the lack of pursuit of same.

I'd say the most likely fallacy in the blog post as it relates to Ray Gricar's motivations is that " Ray Gricar was very rich".
No. He wasn't known to be " very rich" or even " rich".

However, my husband 's theory about Gricar as a man who never fathered a child, drove a MINI Cooper, shopped for antiques, and collected antique toys, is merciless.
To spell it out, my husband says Gricar may have been part and parcel of an organized child pedophile ring also involving child *advertiser censored*, with Sandusky as the supplier of prurient material.

I cannot say that I agree with my spouse. Maybe if there was a unique antique " toy room" in a house which Gricar had access to... Maybe if more was known about his specific histories with women, men and boys ( I cringe typing this)...
I'd certainly hate for my adoptive father to be labeled as gay AND a criminal because he had an adupted daughter.. It was my adoptive mother who was unable to bear children.
Not sure what my husband has against MINI Coopers as we have BMWs ( parent company) and have had for years..

My point is that logical people are writing, saying, and apparently believing some " out there" things about Ray Gricar in his absence to say anything about his investigation and the lack of pursuit of same.


I have never heard any suggestion of pedophilia.

I have heard of adult women over the years.
unless Sandusky is involved in deep sixing our friend Ray,
it is sad and overwhelming. I feel sorry for Sandusky's children.

Where is his wife?

this thing is just everywhere...the foundation, the adoptees, the school, the judicial, the schoolyard behind Sandusky's house,

my god, it's not hard to imagine it touching Ray Gricar.
Ditto.. about the depressing statement from JJ... and about ANY of this touching Ray Gricar's life in anything less than an above- board and efficiently handled professional way.

I could give a flying fig less if football is ever played at PSU again. It's the lives, the hurt, the horrible descriptions in the GJ summation, and the wondering. Wondering what Ray Gricar may have found, who may have wanted him gone, and once more, as always, if he is alive and well.
At least none of the children victims in this set of cases appear to have been murdered by their abuser or abusers. Just a 6 year missing DA....
I think they should polygraph Sandusky in RG's disappearance. I think they should check his computers and search his house for any possible correspondence with Ray.

That this man continued to abuse children long after the 1998 is arrogant beyond words.

I don't think Ray had anything to do with pedophillia. But I would like to know his previous record on child abuse convictions....because I don't believe that Ray was stupid enough to believe Sandusky and I don't believe Ray was the type to let go.

I don't think he was going to let go.

would you?

I wouldn't...I'd be on him like his worst nightmare.
Also I would like to know if Sandusky has any or has ever owned any firearms, and when did he purchase them if he did?

I believe a man could commit anal rape on an 8 year old boy could murder a 59 year old man with a gun and dispose of a body with little or no remorse.
maybe murdering a prosecutor is just, you play.
Ray Gricar's disappearance has gotten more attention lately with Jerry Sandusky. I am beginning to think he was murdered, not suicide. He really had no reason to commit suicide despite his older brother committing suicide.


Another interesting note: Gricar was pronounced dead this past summer, months before the Sandusky scandal hit headlines.

Theory 1: Gricar’s disappearance had nothing to do with Sandusky and is just a coincidence

Theory 2: Recent reports indicate that the Sandusky scandal goes further than Sandusky himself. Allegedly, the Second Mile, Sandusky’s foundation, doubled as sex trafficking for rich donors. Gricar was very rich and somehow involved.

Theory 3: Gricar did not have enough evidence in 1998 and continued to build a case. By 2005, he had a solid case built and Penn State caught wind that he would soon prosecute Sandusky, casting a dark cloud over Penn State’s prestigious program. Penn State either paid Gricar to disappear, or used one of the many “means” that inhabits the Penn State area to take care of Gricar.
why do people think that he would follow his brother to a watery grave and submit his family to the kind of despair and hell that he did when he lost his poor brother to depression and hopelessness?

It makes no sense at all...not that suicide does, but I don't buy it.

someone needs to come forward and talk about what Ray was working on....

would Ray meet alone with Sandusky?

could Ray have been caught "investigating" ?

something spooked him really bad...

Ray Gricar's disappearance has gotten more attention lately with Jerry Sandusky. I am beginning to think he was murdered, not suicide. He really had no reason to commit suicide despite his older brother committing suicide.

About the only thing I'd strongly argue against is no body.
Combining Theories 2 and 3 might be closer to a good theory, mo.

“I personally don’t think it was homicide,” said Parks-Miller. “I can tell you, what the public was told was the tip of the iceberg.”

“This review is to satisfy myself that everything that could be done was done,” Parks Miller said Wednesday. “Obviously, previously, I was only privy to what the public was privy to. And since taking office and being able to review the file and the investigation, I can say I was very pleased to learn that what the public was informed of is just the tip of the iceberg, in terms of what has been done in the investigation.”

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“I’m not going to substitute my opinion for an investigation that’s just being revived again,” she said. “The only thing I will say is that I believe homicide is the least likely, but we rule out nothing.”

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Seems what we don't know is huge.
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