GUILTY PA - Satyavathi, 61, & Saanvi Venna, 10 mos, slain, King of Prussia, 22 Oct 2012

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When Venna Satyavathi, the 60-year-old grandmother of Sravya refused to give money or gold to the African Americans who barged into her son’s apartment in the US, they snatched the baby. When Satyavathi tried to call her son over the phone, they shot her and abducted the baby. Satyavathi died on the spot, said Satyavathi’s husband Konda Reddy.’s-dad-726
When Venna Satyavathi, the 60-year-old grandmother of Sravya refused to give money or gold to the African Americans who barged into her son’s apartment in the US, they snatched the baby. When Satyavathi tried to call her son over the phone, they shot her and abducted the baby. Satyavathi died on the spot, said Satyavathi’s husband Konda Reddy.’s-dad-726

How would anyone know any of these 'facts'?
When Venna Satyavathi, the 60-year-old grandmother of Sravya refused to give money or gold to the African Americans who barged into her son’s apartment in the US, they snatched the baby. When Satyavathi tried to call her son over the phone, they shot her and abducted the baby. Satyavathi died on the spot, said Satyavathi’s husband Konda Reddy.’s-dad-726

I'm thinking this is getting a bit out of hand, quite frankly! "...give money or gold.."?? Where did this information even come from?? Sounds a lot more like hysterical speculations (and accusations) than anything viable.
Also, family (in India) stated that the father came to the US eight years ago, which is not 2007 otherwise reported.
I'm starting to feel a wee bit sorry for LE with this bunch. <sigh>
In the meantime, my heart does go out for the family in the midst of this horrible situation, and I truly hope they find that sweet little girl alive and well very, very soon! And bring the freaks of nature who committed this crime to justice.
Baby&#8217;s abduction, grandmother&#8217;s killing rattle neighbors

"Investigators are attempting to identify any person with a motive to harm any member of the Venna family."

Does suggest that LE is leaning towards it being a vendetta incident. Likely not much will be available to sleuth out....more a matter of pushing public awareness.
Responding to both posts above, but don't know how to add two into this post.
It says the husband of the grandma was saying all this.
This post at the end from a family member in India is interesting.
"&#8220;The Indian government is providing full protection to Americans here in our country but NRIs in America are not protected,&#8221; he said.". Interesting, in that the perception is Americans don't care about the safety of NRIs. Moo
Changed Amber Alert flyer to "kidnapped"
Yoda, That is crazy. I read the entire article about kidnappings in India and the situation there is intolerable. LE in the US generally does a decent job on child abductions.
From this article "Last October Delhi police broke up a gang that had been kidnapping and selling children to childless couples."

While I am not entirely convinced "gangs" in India are responsible here, could such have been an outspoken fear in this family and someone got the idea to commit such a 'similar' thing here? Kidnap a child for ransom? People do stupid things for and when on drugs, for example, and that apartment complex strikes me as a relatively easy target, as well, with its severe lack of security.
Far-fetched, I suppose, but this kind of crime doesn't make sense in the first place, so I dunno
While I am not entirely convinced "gangs" in India are responsible here, could such have been an outspoken fear in this family and someone got the idea to commit such a 'similar' thing here? Kidnap a child for ransom? People do stupid things for and when on drugs, for example, and that apartment complex strikes me as a relatively easy target, as well, with its severe lack of security.
Far-fetched, I suppose, but this kind of crime doesn't make sense in the first place, so I dunno

I just can't see three men kidnapping a child. And, jmo, but I can't see three African American men demanding money and when they don't get it take a baby. That is just not really done in the US. Americans rob people, kill people, but kidnap when they don't get money- not likely. And it really sickens me to read the first part of the sentence I just wrote. Moo
I just can't see three men kidnapping a child. And, jmo, but I can't see three African American men demanding money and when they don't get it take a baby. That is just not really done in the US. Americans rob people, kill people, but kidnap when they don't get money- not likely. And it really sickens me to read the first part of the sentence I just wrote. Moo

I agree. I think if three home invasion intruders tried to rob the grnadmother, and she had nothing to give them, or refused, they might kill her. But I think they would have left the baby there, because she could not identify them. I doubt they would have taken her.

But how would anyone know it was three black men? I have not heard there were witnesses. Maybe there were. ?
Hi, maybe I can clear up some questions here.

Is that a mole on her left cheek? The NCMEC poster says she has a mole on her thigh.

No, I don't think that's a mole, I think it's a spot of kajol, or kohl, that Indians often put on the cheeks of babies (or young women) to serve as a "flaw" so the otherwise unblemised beauty of the child (or woman) will not attract jealousy/the evil eye. It's a very common thing.

Um, possibly just my sheer ignorance on Indian naming conventions and all, but I did notice that the biological parents have totally different names... whichever are considered "last" names. :confused: Are they actually married? Divorced? Even live together? Is it even important?

Sounds like they're south Indian. In some South Indian communities, the wife and child do not take the husband's surname (which is his father's first name); instead, they take his first name as their surname. Oftentimes as well you will find that the person only uses his first name in full, with the initial of his surname preceding it (e.g., John Smith would be S. John).

Regarding some earlier comments in this thread -- as south Indians, these people will not be from anywhere near Delhi. But as someone who has spent a lot of time in Delhi, I want to lodge my objection to any implication that kidnapping of children is routine or usual there! Were a case like this to happen in Delhi, it would be lighting up the newspapers there and shocking people just as much as it shocks us here.

My best wishes for Saanvi and her parents!
Setting aside any sensationalism here, I have wondered if the apartment complex or areas nearby have surveillance cameras, and have provided any clues at all?
One article stated the FBI were manning a "guard shack" at the apartments, distributing fliers to those entering and leaving the complex. Is this post used at all by any sort of apartment security?
Hi, maybe I can clear up some questions here.

No, I don't think that's a mole, I think it's a spot of kajol, or kohl, that Indians often put on the cheeks of babies (or young women) to serve as a "flaw" so the otherwise unblemised beauty of the child (or woman) will not attract jealousy/the evil eye. It's a very common thing.

Sounds like they're south Indian. In some South Indian communities, the wife and child do not take the husband's surname (which is his father's first name); instead, they take his first name as their surname. Oftentimes as well you will find that the person only uses his first name in full, with the initial of his surname preceding it (e.g., John Smith would be S. John).

Regarding some earlier comments in this thread -- as south Indians, these people will not be from anywhere near Delhi. But as someone who has spent a lot of time in Delhi, I want to lodge my objection to any implication that kidnapping of children is routine or usual there! Were a case like this to happen in Delhi, it would be lighting up the newspapers there and shocking people just as much as it shocks us here.

My best wishes for Saanvi and her parents!

Lindsay, THey are from South India- Andhra Pradesh. I was not referring to Delhi or anywhere North actually.
Night all....hope morning's light finds Saavni home, safe and sound.
Totally with you on this! These are accusations -- baseless ones -- that perhaps speak of their cultural issues in their country, but to blow that over the ocean to here is ridiculous. That one statement concerning "African Americans" caused me to bristle. Can we say... racist? Has no place in this crime, period.

I know. I was dubious on the kidnapping by a group of people and thought, well, if they think so then maybe it was people from their country and had something to do with issues in India. But when they said Africa American I thought WHAT?! I think Grandpa is so far away, feeling out of control, and imaginging what horror his precious wife went through and verbalizing those scenarios. Moo
One thing that makes me go hm a bit here is that rather heightened element of fear here within this family. This crime was committed sometime between 8am and 1pm, when an "anxious family member" called the father, telling him the grandmother could not be reached, and he immediately went home to find his mother dead and child missing. They have, since coming to the US, moved to different states a lot in just 5 years. (Despite our economy, their field is actually relatively booming, so I doubt they emigrated and flipped burgers until getting lucky.)
While I had earlier speculated if this might possibly have been a burglary gone terribly wrong (and baby taken merely to keep her quiet and not attract attention), I have since learned that the apartment is on the 6th floor. A bit of a trip for a mere "random" burglary, I would think.
In short, the more I learn, the more I am inclined to think this was not random, pretty much additionally ruling out a bunch of "African Americans" out for "money and gold" here, and leaning a lot more to someone who knows this family and specifically targeted them.

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