Pace U in NYC, May 31st @ 7:30 - Jeff Ashton / Chaney Mason

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I dont think anything would cause this particular jury to convict. If Caylee hadnt been found though perhaps we would have not had a dp case and would have had a whole different that perhaps that would listen to the evidence ...

Speaking of the jury what happened to the foreman? I would have loved to see him defend his illogical views with Ashton and judge Alex questioning him.

Ummm - er.....his "family" didn't want him to attend. Makes as much sense as his post verdict media interview and the verdict itself. You didn't really think he would have the courage to show up and answer questions,:seeya: did you?
The interview was really good for the most part, to understand the complexity of avenues of law where it pertained to this case, but at the end of the day, the saddness also came over me as well. At least there is a bit of a bright spot-think about it; in years to come, these students who sat in on this talk, who will become attorneys one day, will always remember Caylee and what happened to her, so her legacy will continue in that aspect for generations.

Was it my imagination or was CM not liking the way both Judge AP and JA kept touching him from time to time-he was giving a look like 'how dare you do that' each time it happened.
Thanks to every one who commented on the panel and it's content. I was just finishing my move and couldn't watch. So super helpful to follow along later and get a good concept of how it went.

Although it's just as well that I wasn't watching and commenting as Mason was acting his "usual self". The only 3 day WS offsite seminar I've attended was a result of my kneejerk reaction to something he said....

A man with a truly misguided sense of his own reality...:waitasec:
I missed this as well. Thanks for the recaps. CM is still unable to answer a direct question without doing his hoedown (<spl) foot work and never answering the question period and still gets away with it. I'd like to see him and Ashton go toe to toe and just have someone there in case CM wants to throw a punch because he can't hoedown his way around it.
Anyway. I've come to accept the fact that I will never get over this travisty of justice for Caylee. I will wear that bagde proudly for the rest of my life for the sake of Caylee.
I missed this as well. Thanks for the recaps. CM is still unable to answer a direct question without doing his hoedown (<spl) foot work and never answering the question period and still gets away with it. I'd like to see him and Ashton go toe to toe and just have someone there in case CM wants to throw a punch because he can't hoedown his way around it.
Anyway. I've come to accept the fact that I will never get over this travisty of justice for Caylee. I will wear that bagde proudly for the rest of my life for the sake of Caylee.

Call me amazingly naive but I still find it hard to believe even though I saw it happen with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears it is still hard for me to believe that winning is so important to people like Baez, Mason and Dorothy - more important than justice for a murdered child. And then to have the utter gall to boast about it afterwards.

And Baez and Mason wonder why they aren't now and never will be perceived as "stars" or "respected defense lawyers" - but in fact are looked upon with disgust by the majority of people. :waitasec:
Makes me think it would be like my dog pooping on my carpet and then rubbing my face in it. For that they want respect?...:banghead:
call me amazingly naive but i still find it hard to believe even though i saw it happen with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears it is still hard for me to believe that winning is so important to people like baez, mason and dorothy - more important than justice for a murdered child. And then to have the utter gall to boast about it afterwards.

And baez and mason wonder why they aren't now and never will be perceived as "stars" or "respected defense lawyers" - but in fact are looked upon with disgust by the majority of people. :waitasec:
Makes me think it would be like my dog pooping on my carpet and then rubbing my face in it. For that they want respect?...:banghead:
I am actually attending the Forum tomorrow night. I will take detailed notes.

For those that can't attend:
But you can still see them via a live webcast on Thursday. The link will be posted at on Wednesday and become active about five minutes before the program begins at 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
I hope you come back 'cause I missed a lot of what was going on. Hard to follow a webcast when the pic and audio kept pausing.
Were there a lot of people there? Were they mostly students? Did you get a feel as to how others felt it went? Did you get to meet the guests afterwards?
Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Man,.. that Hal from the orlando sentinal is fast..... loved this part...

Mason repeated his complaints about talking heads on television who weighed in on motions they had never read and never tried a murder case. He dismissed HLN host Nancy Grace as &#8220;Nancy Disgrace&#8221; and said he ruled out prospective jurors if they had watched her show.

But Mason didn&#8217;t acknowledge that he had been a talking head for WKMG-Channel 6 before he joined the defense team.
The moderator talked about Hal...said he was in the "green room". (??) Hal had a question he wanted asked, but the moderator couldn't remember it (IIRC). I hope Hal will address this on his blog. I'd love to know the question.
The moderator talked about Hal...said he was in the "green room". (??) Hal had a question he wanted asked, but the moderator couldn't remember it (IIRC). I hope Hal will address this on his blog. I'd love to know the question.

Hall did write what his quetsions was, but he put it in the comments section

HAL’S NOTE: What impact did seeking the death penalty have on the media coverage?
Sorry for the delay in posting about the Forum at Pace. I attended last night along with my boyfriend and a friend of ours who followed the case from the beginning. It was actually a forum for continuing education credits (cost them $50) but also general admission (My ticket) which was free. I bought my Imperfect Justice book along with me in the hopes of obtaining an autograph from Jeff Ashton.

There were approximately 300-400 in attendance. Mostly lawyers and law students. We had great seats in the 5th row back. We were told if we had any questions to complete an index card and give them to the person at the door before we entered. Mine was filled out on both sides! Alas, none of my questions were asked.

Prior to entering, we noticed Jeff Ashton in the lobby. I approached him and he was very cordial and down to earth. I even got a laugh when I told him I could see the Rob Lowe resemblence. He told me that he would gladly sign my copy of the book after the event and to make sure I stayed.

I hope pictures are allowed. Below are 2 pictures with Jeff Ashton before the event.



We then entered the theater for the event......(continued)
Sorry for the delay in posting about the Forum at Pace. I attended last night along with my boyfriend and a friend of ours who followed the case from the beginning. It was actually a forum for continuing education credits (cost them $50) but also general admission (My ticket) which was free. I bought my Imperfect Justice book along with me in the hopes of obtaining an autograph from Jeff Ashton.

There were approximately 300-400 in attendance. Mostly lawyers and law students. We had great seats in the 5th row back. We were told if we had any questions to complete an index card and give them to the person at the door before we entered. Mine was filled out on both sides! Alas, none of my questions were asked.

Prior to entering, we noticed Jeff Ashton in the lobby. I approached him and he was very cordial and down to earth. I even got a laugh when I told him I could see the Rob Lowe resemblence. He told me that he would gladly sign my copy of the book after the event and to make sure I stayed.

I hope pictures are allowed. Below are 2 pictures with Jeff Ashton before the event.



We then entered the theater for the event......(continued)

Love it!!!! Thank you for this and waiting for the next installment with Bated Breath. How exciting that you could actually attend andthen also to speak with Jeff Ashton! :woohoo:
Upon entering, I noticed that only 4 seats were set up on the stage for the panel and commented to my boyfriend that someone is missing. Up to that point, I only knew that it was not Jeff Ashton. The event kicked off at exactly 7:30pm with Joel Seidemann explaining the event. It was really geared more towards informative legal information and I did not expect to hear anything already not known. He then introducted the panel and everyone applauded.



We then found out that the missing panelist was the Jury Foreman. Apparently, he was "forbidden" to attend by his family. There were some pretty rough letters that he has received read to the audiance and even Jeff Ashton felt those letters are uncalled for. My personal feeling about him not attending is that he is stil waiting for that payday. How can someone be "allowed" to have a profession, serve on a jury, but be "forbidden" to attend?

The role that the media played on the trial was discussed for quite sometime. Both Judge Alex and Jeff Ashton say that much is due to the information being made pulic in advance due to the laws of Florida as well as the internet and social media. Mason really must not think too highly of Nancy Grace as he singled her out and called her Nancy "DisGrace".

Judge Alex made a point that even with all the evidence, jurors are sometimes looking for that CSI effect. And he did not hold back when he declared "I think she was guilty". I applauded that.

For the majority of the time everyone was pretty cordial. There was a moment when Chaney Mason was speaking (round in circles) and Judge Alex had to cover his mouth - I think to hold back laughing at him. There were a few times that Mason and Ashford sort of started sparring to which Ashton finally said "Remember the ground rules". So I suppose they were told in advance not to bicker.

My favorite Ashton/Mason moments were when forensics were being discussed and the topic of Caylee's hair in the trunk came up. Mason jabbed what is in your trunk to which Ashton retored "Certainly not the dead body of a child, I swear" and held his hand up. The audience applauded Ashton for that.

Another time was when Ashton said he never met anyone quite like her who can lie and stick to those lies for years and even add to them. He gave the example of the trip she made to her "supposed" place of employment at Universal and how after finally saying she did not work there, she told the detectives "but everything else I told you is true". Mason made some comment I could not understand (mumbled) and Ashton said which story did you believe the 6th one?

Then the topic of her appearance at court came up. How come she was made to look so school marm? Mason claims she was not "allowed" to have her hair cut in jail - which I find very hard to believe and she was stuck with certain clothes. Ashton used his fingers to show that her chair was also lowered to make her appear smaller in court.

Mason was asked why Casey turned down the plea bargin and claimed that Ashton made that up for his book. Anthing pertaining to the book that was mentioned, that was Mason's usual retort.

All in all, I found it to be very intersting and was impressed with the majority of the panel - Judge Alex, Jeff Ashton and Thane Rosenbaum (moderator).

The event ended promptly at 9:15 and afterward you could meet and greet if you stayed afterwards. I did.....(continued with pics of after event)
Thank you sooo much, Sandetoze. Also thanks to all for posting during the panel event. I actually forgot to watch. Am now glad i did. I cannot stand CM. I am mad just reading his comments. He is his own kind of "special" isn't he? I hope that foreman has to hide his facefor the remainder of his pitiful existence on this earth.
When the event ended I immediately left to wait to see if I could get my book signed. I soon heard a voice behind me and there he was:

Jeff Ashton

He then proceeded to ask if anyone had a pen! Of course, I immediately handed mine over and got my book signed. LOL - he now has the phone number of my East Rockaway chiropractor if he ever needs one.

Book Signing

And the Holy ***** Moment when I realized he was really using that pen!

As I was getting ready to leave to catch my train home, I noticed Judge Alex standing by a table mostly to himself so I figured lets see if I can wrange a comment or autograph from him while I was at it.

Judge Alex

Whispering in Judge Alex's Ear "I agree with you, Casey was guilty as sin"

Judge Alex signed my progam with Kathy - You Rule! - Judge Alex





Last but not least - the picture with the Devil Himself

And finally...for those who need a new dartboard!

All in all, it was an informative evening on the legal process. I can't wait for the next Pace Forum on September 6th covering the OJ Simpson Trial.

The End
Thank you, Sandetoze!!!!
Really appreciate you sharing your experience.
Thanks to every one who commented on the panel and it's content. I was just finishing my move and couldn't watch. So super helpful to follow along later and get a good concept of how it went.

Although it's just as well that I wasn't watching and commenting as Mason was acting his "usual self". The only 3 day WS offsite seminar I've attended was a result of my kneejerk reaction to something he said....

A man with a truly misguided sense of his own reality...:waitasec:

Oh Logical how I have missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sandetoze - thanks so much for sharing and .....:yourock:
A Million Thank You's for sharing with us, Sandetoze! Fantastic!

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