Padilla Holds A Memorial For Caylee -2/10/09

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I'm sure my little post is going to be blasted sky high, and I don't really mind. That is one reason I like reading here. Even though it may get rough, it seems for the most part a nice forum if you have the proper attitude about being able to take what you dish out, and it never seems to be too hurtful. :)
My comment is that I find nothing wrong with someone who never knew Caylee a day in her life not being welcomed to her memorial service. Sure the "banned" term seems ugly, and maybe they did act in an overly paranoid way about the possiblity of different scenarious today, but I believe it came from a wish for a last respectul moment for Caylee.
If Caylee were my family member, as thankful as I'd be to ANYONE who helped to try to find her, I'd still want her final tribute to be given and attended by those who actually loved her because they knew her personally. I have cried many tears over this little girl. That is no lie. My heart has felt broken, but I don't think that would entitle me to show up at her memorial. I've never been to anyone's memorial, funeral etc. that I didn't have some ties with. I wouldn't want the bereaved to be bothered with me while trying to say goodbye to their loved one. I wouldn't want to risk taking a moment or even a seat on a pew away from someone who actually knew and loved the person who had passed. I'd cry my tears and say my prayers at home, just like I have done for Caylee.
There comes a point when you have to ask, when did someone stop having only the best intentions? When did it become something they just couldn't let go of, even though their services were no longer needed? Even to the point of speculating about what people are thinking with whom they hadn't had close personal contact for quite a while now? I am tired of hearing Mr. Padilla. I'm sure he's not a terrible person, in fact maybe he is a great person, but he needs to go home and do whatever he was doing before he came to try to help this poor little girl who is no longer with us. I guess I just ended this post sounding a bit harsher than I expected to, but I am tired, and it is generally how I really feel, so I'm going with it. Thanks for letting me chime in with my 2 cents.

I feel much the same way you do. I heard that there were many people who travelled long distances to attend, and I am sure a lot of them never met the Anthonys, much less knew Caylee. Maybe they had participated in the searches, and I guess that's okay.

I believe Lenny is a good person, but his usefulness is over. I used to defend him, too, but I think most of what he says and does now is just for recognition of some sort. I don't understand why NG keeps him on her show, because sometimes he only gets less than a minute air time. But this show he put on yesterday at the same time as the public memorial was just an "in your face" slam at Cindy, and completely tasteless, IMO. He did it out of spite, because he was on the banned list, and he also did it to show his disrespect for Cindy, which was the wrong thing to do. By disrespecting the family, he showed no respect or dignity for Caylee and by having it at the exact same time was rude and thoughtless. JMO.
I'm sure my little post is going to be blasted sky high, and I don't really mind. That is one reason I like reading here. Even though it may get rough, it seems for the most part a nice forum if you have the proper attitude about being able to take what you dish out, and it never seems to be too hurtful. :)
My comment is that I find nothing wrong with someone who never knew Caylee a day in her life not being welcomed to her memorial service. Sure the "banned" term seems ugly, and maybe they did act in an overly paranoid way about the possiblity of different scenarious today, but I believe it came from a wish for a last respectul moment for Caylee.
If Caylee were my family member, as thankful as I'd be to ANYONE who helped to try to find her, I'd still want her final tribute to be given and attended by those who actually loved her because they knew her personally. I have cried many tears over this little girl. That is no lie. My heart has felt broken, but I don't think that would entitle me to show up at her memorial. I've never been to anyone's memorial, funeral etc. that I didn't have some ties with. I wouldn't want the bereaved to be bothered with me while trying to say goodbye to their loved one. I wouldn't want to risk taking a moment or even a seat on a pew away from someone who actually knew and loved the person who had passed. I'd cry my tears and say my prayers at home, just like I have done for Caylee.
There comes a point when you have to ask, when did someone stop having only the best intentions? When did it become something they just couldn't let go of, even though their services were no longer needed? Even to the point of speculating about what people are thinking with whom they hadn't had close personal contact for quite a while now? I am tired of hearing Mr. Padilla. I'm sure he's not a terrible person, in fact maybe he is a great person, but he needs to go home and do whatever he was doing before he came to try to help this poor little girl who is no longer with us. I guess I just ended this post sounding a bit harsher than I expected to, but I am tired, and it is generally how I really feel, so I'm going with it. Thanks for letting me chime in with my 2 cents.

Thanks for your 2 cents! Great post:hand:
My Mom's funeral procession was two miles long, and over 400 people attended in November of 2008. I didn't know most of the people who were there, because half were from the wonderful church she attended. Those people were there for my Mom, and they were not there to be in the spotlight. It was her day!

If the people who were not welcome to Caylee's memorial did show up on this special day, it would have been all about them. The protestors who camped out in front of this baby's home, and taunted her grandma and grandpa for weeks at the worst possible times of their lives, were there for one get on TV. Do you really think they should be welcome with open arms?

The bounty hunter who threw himself into this tragedy, and STILL continues to hang on like a sticky booger, is there for one reason....self gratification!!!He seriously needs to leave Or-Lon-Do and carry on with what ever he was doing before July 15, 2008. He's probably on Nancy Grace's payroll, because I can't see this man doing something for nothing. This man went as far as wanting to stage a good show for the viewers if they found Caylee's remains. Ummmm hello...would you want him at your kids Memorial? He was not out there searching like NG claims. He was directing like it was a movie production. Would you want him there at your grandchilds Memorial?

Finally, NG, and the media need to put this case to rest until the trial. They have treaded on this Tot Mom BS long enough, and NO it's not about Justice For's all about ratings. The other day they were saying all of these protests were planned, as they were HOPING, and PRAYING there would be lots of DRAMA for their ratings. Sickening!

These talking heads need to shut up, and move on to new case for the missing. At this point all they are doing is trying to stir the pot, and gossip about silly crap, that most normal people could care less about. There are hundreds of thousands of missing children that need recognition. I'd participate in watching a show dedicated to those kids in a heartbeat.
My Mom's funeral procession was two miles long, and over 400 people attended in November of 2008. I didn't know most of the people who were there, because half were from the wonderful church she attended. Those people were there for my Mom, and they were not there to be in the spotlight. It was her day!

If the people who were not welcome to Caylee's memorial did show up on this special day, it would have been all about them. The protestors who camped out in front of this baby's home, and taunted her grandma and grandpa for weeks at the worst possible times of their lives, were there for one get on TV. Do you really think they should be welcome with open arms?

The bounty hunter who threw himself into this tragedy, and STILL continues to hang on like a sticky booger, is there for one reason....self gratification!!!He seriously needs to leave Or-Lon-Do and carry on with what ever he was doing before July 15, 2008. He's probably on Nancy Grace's payroll, because I can't see this man doing something for nothing. This man went as far as wanting to stage a good show for the viewers if they found Caylee's remains. Ummmm hello...would you want him at your kids Memorial? He was not out there searching like NG claims. He was directing like it was a movie production. Would you want him there at your grandchilds Memorial?

Finally, NG, and the media need to put this case to rest until the trial. They have treaded on this Tot Mom BS long enough, and NO it's not about Justice For's all about ratings. The other day they were saying all of these protests were planned, as they were HOPING, and PRAYING there would be lots of DRAMA for their ratings. Sickening!

These talking heads need to shut up, and move on to new case for the missing. At this point all they are doing is trying to stir the pot, and gossip about silly crap, that most normal people could care less about. There are hundreds of thousands of missing children that need recognition. I'd participate in watching a show dedicated to those kids in a heartbeat.

LP and his nephew came forward because they believed Casey's kidnapping story. They got the little witch out of jail and then the whole family turned on him!
Everyone should not only be welcomed but welcomed with open arms to enter a church. The pastor used very poor judgment in going along with Cindy's lunacy.
Then she stands before the congregation and babbles about loving your fellow man and forgiveness.:liar:

As far as what NG was "hoping and praying" for, well, I would not know since I am not psychic.:hand: NG kept this case in the front and for that I give her credit. I hope she continues covering it and I eagerly wait for the day she stops coddling Cindy and sees her for what she is.
I would've loved for LP to attend my niece's memorial. Just the thought of someone caring enough to hold anything in my niece name gives a glimmer of sunshine. I wish there was someone like LP there in my nieces case.Whether it was for TV or out of kindness of there heart. Whether people like LP or his motives he kept Caylee name out there and I personaly must give the man my respect for that.And I honestly dont find him having a memorial offensive or a jab at the A's.Its very heart warming IMO:D
"Real preachers" ??

I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school and we were taught that God was everywhere not just within 4 walls and that we didn't need to be with a priest in order to be heard,that God was with us every moment and all we needed to do was open our hearts to him and that we ourselves are preachers not only by our words but by our deeds.

Your statement was an ugly one and the kiss off at the end even more so. I don't know what your previous posts on this subject may have been so I don't know if you were trying to impart that the memorial was a Christian event so therefore it was the right one and by saying that,that you as a Christian were in the right. If so you need to rethink your stance as a Christian because the words you spoke above were far from Christian like behavior.

With that said had I been able to attend a memorial for Caylee I would've chose the one with Leonard and Reverend Grund.

To me if I had gone to the one at the Church I would've been focused on how the Anthonys were acting and the fact that a Church felt comfortable with barring Gods children from entering His House and wondering if a donation plate would be passed around and all that would've distracted me from the reason for being there which was Caylee.

In those woods,no matter who was or wasn't there,my thoughts would be solely focused on Caylee,on this child who was taken from us way too soon,who laid in those woods just waiting for her time to be found and who now has angels that she can count among her friends.

Those woods have become such a big part of Caylee.They not only serve as a reminder of what happened to her but as a reminder to each of us to hug our kids a little tighter and to be an advocate for children everywhere by speaking out against injustices.

It would've felt right to me to be there,among people who felt love for a little girl and wanted not only a way to express it but the right to express it.

Beautifully put Irish !!! I'll second that .
I'm sure my little post is going to be blasted sky high, and I don't really mind. That is one reason I like reading here. Even though it may get rough, it seems for the most part a nice forum if you have the proper attitude about being able to take what you dish out, and it never seems to be too hurtful. :)
My comment is that I find nothing wrong with someone who never knew Caylee a day in her life not being welcomed to her memorial service. Sure the "banned" term seems ugly, and maybe they did act in an overly paranoid way about the possiblity of different scenarious today, but I believe it came from a wish for a last respectul moment for Caylee.
If Caylee were my family member, as thankful as I'd be to ANYONE who helped to try to find her, I'd still want her final tribute to be given and attended by those who actually loved her because they knew her personally. I have cried many tears over this little girl. That is no lie. My heart has felt broken, but I don't think that would entitle me to show up at her memorial. I've never been to anyone's memorial, funeral etc. that I didn't have some ties with. I wouldn't want the bereaved to be bothered with me while trying to say goodbye to their loved one. I wouldn't want to risk taking a moment or even a seat on a pew away from someone who actually knew and loved the person who had passed. I'd cry my tears and say my prayers at home, just like I have done for Caylee.
There comes a point when you have to ask, when did someone stop having only the best intentions? When did it become something they just couldn't let go of, even though their services were no longer needed? Even to the point of speculating about what people are thinking with whom they hadn't had close personal contact for quite a while now? I am tired of hearing Mr. Padilla. I'm sure he's not a terrible person, in fact maybe he is a great person, but he needs to go home and do whatever he was doing before he came to try to help this poor little girl who is no longer with us. I guess I just ended this post sounding a bit harsher than I expected to, but I am tired, and it is generally how I really feel, so I'm going with it. Thanks for letting me chime in with my 2 cents.

Bolded by Me. I think it's important to note that want YOU would want is obviously quite different from what the Anthonys decided THEY wanted. Had they only wanted people at the service who personally knew Caylee, they could have done that and it would have been a much smaller "event". My guess is that 90% of the people who went never knew Caylee or the Anthonys. They are people who followed the case and were less involved/vested than LP. Frankly, what you suggested you would do in their shoes is more in line with what KC said she would have wanted...but again, it was done the way the A's wanted it done.

I agree that there is nothing wrong with excluding people who never knew her, but that's not what the A's wanted or did. They wanted thousands of people to show up, regardless of how or whether they knew Caylee or hte A's...unless you were one of the 24 people on their list.
LP and his nephew came forward because they believed Casey's kidnapping story. They got the little witch out of jail and then the whole family turned on him!
Everyone should not only be welcomed but welcomed with open arms to enter a church. The pastor used very poor judgment in going along with Cindy's lunacy.
Then she stands before the congregation and babbles about loving your fellow man and forgiveness.:liar:

As far as what NG was "hoping and praying" for, well, I would not know since I am not psychic.:hand: NG kept this case in the front and for that I give her credit. I hope she continues covering it and I eagerly wait for the day she stops coddling Cindy and sees her for what she is.

I do agree with all those ministers/pastors at the Memorial preaching forgiveness..... they should have stressed to the A's to include the "BANNED FOLKS" no matter what because they are God's children as well.
LP and his nephew came forward because they believed Casey's kidnapping story. They got the little witch out of jail and then the whole family turned on him!
Everyone should not only be welcomed but welcomed with open arms to enter a church. The pastor used very poor judgment in going along with Cindy's lunacy.
Then she stands before the congregation and babbles about loving your fellow man and forgiveness.:liar:

As far as what NG was "hoping and praying" for, well, I would not know since I am not psychic.:hand: NG kept this case in the front and for that I give her credit. I hope she continues covering it and I eagerly wait for the day she stops coddling Cindy and sees her for what she is.

:clap::clap::clap::clap: ITA .....couldn't have said it any better, thank you!!!
LP and his nephew came forward because they believed Casey's kidnapping story. They got the little witch out of jail and then the whole family turned on him!
Everyone should not only be welcomed but welcomed with open arms to enter a church. The pastor used very poor judgment in going along with Cindy's lunacy.

Then she stands before the congregation and babbles about loving your fellow man and forgiveness.:liar:

As far as what NG was "hoping and praying" for, well, I would not know since I am not psychic.:hand: NG kept this case in the front and for that I give her credit. I hope she continues covering it and I eagerly wait for the day she stops coddling Cindy and sees her for what she is.
I also totally agree, especially the bolded parts!
"Real preachers" ??

I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school and we were taught that God was everywhere not just within 4 walls and that we didn't need to be with a priest in order to be heard,that God was with us every moment and all we needed to do was open our hearts to him and that we ourselves are preachers not only by our words but by our deeds.

Your statement was an ugly one and the kiss off at the end even more so. I don't know what your previous posts on this subject may have been so I don't know if you were trying to impart that the memorial was a Christian event so therefore it was the right one and by saying that,that you as a Christian were in the right. If so you need to rethink your stance as a Christian because the words you spoke above were far from Christian like behavior.

With that said had I been able to attend a memorial for Caylee I would've chose the one with Leonard and Reverend Grund.

To me if I had gone to the one at the Church I would've been focused on how the Anthonys were acting and the fact that a Church felt comfortable with barring Gods children from entering His House and wondering if a donation plate would be passed around and all that would've distracted me from the reason for being there which was Caylee.

In those woods,no matter who was or wasn't there,my thoughts would be solely focused on Caylee,on this child who was taken from us way too soon,who laid in those woods just waiting for her time to be found and who now has angels that she can count among her friends.

Those woods have become such a big part of Caylee.They not only serve as a reminder of what happened to her but as a reminder to each of us to hug our kids a little tighter and to be an advocate for children everywhere by speaking out against injustices.

It would've felt right to me to be there,among people who felt love for a little girl and wanted not only a way to express it but the right to express it.

Great post!
I realize you are new, so don't take this personally. At my mother's funeral were a good 80 people I didn't know. Did I ask them to leave? H*ck no! I was thrilled that that my mother touched so many people's lives, people that I never even knew!

I do see your point. The whole issue of "banning" anyone from a funeral isn't something most people have to deal with though. I certainly never imagined myself using those two terms in the same sentence. It is extreme, but if there was ever an extreme case, I guess this is it. I can only consider this one more rock and a hard place that these people found themselves between. Trying to acknowledge the love shown to Caylee by the general public, while at the same time trying to maintain a non-circuslike atmosphere. Of course I think it is lovely that so many came to show their love and respect for your Mother.
Bolded by Me. I think it's important to note that want YOU would want is obviously quite different from what the Anthonys decided THEY wanted. Had they only wanted people at the service who personally knew Caylee, they could have done that and it would have been a much smaller "event". My guess is that 90% of the people who went never knew Caylee or the Anthonys. They are people who followed the case and were less involved/vested than LP. Frankly, what you suggested you would do in their shoes is more in line with what KC said she would have wanted...but again, it was done the way the A's wanted it done.

I agree that there is nothing wrong with excluding people who never knew her, but that's not what the A's wanted or did. They wanted thousands of people to show up, regardless of how or whether they knew Caylee or hte A's...unless you were one of the 24 people on their list.

You are right. I did interject my personal opinion on what I would have done in that situation. This is an extreme situation though. I feel like I am repeating myself after the reply I just made to another poster a moment ago, but imo this is an extreme situation that the Anthony family has had to deal with. Feeling trapped between wanting to acknowledge and welcome everyone who genuinely cares, and hoping to prevent a circus-like atmosphere. I probably would've chosen differently, but thank God I've never walked in their shoes.
"Real preachers" ??

I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school and we were taught that God was everywhere not just within 4 walls and that we didn't need to be with a priest in order to be heard,that God was with us every moment and all we needed to do was open our hearts to him and that we ourselves are preachers not only by our words but by our deeds.

Your statement was an ugly one and the kiss off at the end even more so. I don't know what your previous posts on this subject may have been so I don't know if you were trying to impart that the memorial was a Christian event so therefore it was the right one and by saying that,that you as a Christian were in the right. If so you need to rethink your stance as a Christian because the words you spoke above were far from Christian like behavior.

With that said had I been able to attend a memorial for Caylee I would've chose the one with Leonard and Reverend Grund.

To me if I had gone to the one at the Church I would've been focused on how the Anthonys were acting and the fact that a Church felt comfortable with barring Gods children from entering His House and wondering if a donation plate would be passed around and all that would've distracted me from the reason for being there which was Caylee.

In those woods,no matter who was or wasn't there,my thoughts would be solely focused on Caylee,on this child who was taken from us way too soon,who laid in those woods just waiting for her time to be found and who now has angels that she can count among her friends.

Those woods have become such a big part of Caylee.They not only serve as a reminder of what happened to her but as a reminder to each of us to hug our kids a little tighter and to be an advocate for children everywhere by speaking out against injustices.

It would've felt right to me to be there,among people who felt love for a little girl and wanted not only a way to express it but the right to express it.


This may not be the proper place to ask this question but it does pertain to Padilla. LP is on NG almost every single solitary night. She makes it pretty clear that she really doesn't care for the man. So, what is his reason for going on her show, night after night after night, only to be interrupted and chastized. Is he or is ANY of the TH's on her show being paid? Again sorry if this is an old old question but I don't get the chance to read or post here often. TIA

I think LP says the things NG wants to say. Things about the A's she feels but can't talk about (LAWSUITS!). Good cop/bad cop. IMO of course. :)
Amen Amen and Amen

I'll ride on "LP's Fame Train" any day ! :dance:

The man is- Smart :doh:
Arrogant :hand:
Determined :silenced:
Strong :slap:
Funny :laugh:
Goal Oriented :snooty:
And a Big Teddy Bear :o
Not bad qualities !
Adds up to a- Complete Package or best know as a "Real Man" ;)

Me too!:dance:
LP and his nephew came forward because they believed Casey's kidnapping story. They got the little witch out of jail and then the whole family turned on him!
Everyone should not only be welcomed but welcomed with open arms to enter a church. The pastor used very poor judgment in going along with Cindy's lunacy.
Then she stands before the congregation and babbles about loving your fellow man and forgiveness.:liar:

As far as what NG was "hoping and praying" for, well, I would not know since I am not psychic.:hand: NG kept this case in the front and for that I give her credit. I hope she continues covering it and I eagerly wait for the day she stops coddling Cindy and sees her for what she is.

Well said! Amen!
I would've loved for LP to attend my niece's memorial. Just the thought of someone caring enough to hold anything in my niece name gives a glimmer of sunshine. I wish there was someone like LP there in my nieces case.Whether it was for TV or out of kindness of there heart. Whether people like LP or his motives he kept Caylee name out there and I personaly must give the man my respect for that.And I honestly dont find him having a memorial offensive or a jab at the A's.Its very heart warming IMO:D

Thank you! I agree!
I really don't understand why so many people put such negative and sinister aspects toward LP and anyone else that may choose to differ with Cindy's point of view and/or actions.

Fact is, I watched every minute of the Church Memorial -- it was very soothing and allowed me the opportunity to "share" in honoring Caylee. The God I know, and the protestant churches that I have been associated with for over 50 years ordinarily welcome everyone - the churches are not exclusively for the righteous, they are also for the non-righteous to find their peace with God. I have to question the ministers thinking in allowing Cindy to ban anyone from the service. And, IMO, it was very immature and self-centered for Cindy to put restrictions on a supposedly PUBLIC event by restricting anyone wanting to pay their respects to Caylee. Security was present and capable of ejecting anyone that tried to interrupt the service. Standing by and loving your child regardless of what they have done is the right thing to do; however, at some point a parent has to accept the fact that their child must take responsibility for his/her actions. Bad taste was shown at the Memorial when the Anthony's asked the people at the PUBLIC MEMORIAL to write to Casey. That should be addressed at a private memorial for close friends and family. It was not in bad taste to ask people to pray for her -- she needs the prayers of everyone for the evil deed she has done and the wrath that she is now, and will be forever, facing.

The Grund family, LP and the public had the right to have their memorial for Caylee at any time they chose. Regardless of whether Cindy agreed with their comments and/or actions, everyone of them had developed a love for Caylee -- deserved an opportunity to honor her and should have been allowed to do so at the PUBLIC MEMORIAL. I did not see, nor have I heard, of any attempt by any of them to capitalize on the Suburban memorial.

Sorry for the rant, but yesterday's PUBLIC service was supposed to be for honoring Caylee -- not for reinforcement of Cindy's vendettas, support for Casey, or for personal publicity for anyone.
I really don't understand why so many people put such negative and sinister aspects toward LP and anyone else that may choose to differ with Cindy's point of view and/or actions.

Fact is, I watched every minute of the Church Memorial -- it was very soothing and allowed me the opportunity to "share" in honoring Caylee. The God I know, and the protestant churches that I have been associated with for over 50 years ordinarily welcome everyone - the churches are not exclusively for the righteous, they are also for the non-righteous to find their peace with God. I have to question the ministers thinking in allowing Cindy to ban anyone from the service. And, IMO, it was very immature and self-centered for Cindy to put restrictions on a supposedly PUBLIC event by restricting anyone wanting to pay their respects to Caylee. Security was present and capable of ejecting anyone that tried to interrupt the service. Standing by and loving your child regardless of what they have done is the right thing to do; however, at some point a parent has to accept the fact that their child must take responsibility for his/her actions. Bad taste was shown at the Memorial when the Anthony's asked the people at the PUBLIC MEMORIAL to write to Casey. That should be addressed at a private memorial for close friends and family. It was not in bad taste to ask people to pray for her -- she needs the prayers of everyone for the evil deed she has done and the wrath that she is now, and will be forever, facing.

The Grund family, LP and the public had the right to have their memorial for Caylee at any time they chose. Regardless of whether Cindy agreed with their comments and/or actions, everyone of them had developed a love for Caylee -- deserved an opportunity to honor her and should have been allowed to do so at the PUBLIC MEMORIAL. I did not see, nor have I heard, of any attempt by any of them to capitalize on the Suburban memorial.

Sorry for the rant, but yesterday's PUBLIC service was supposed to be for honoring Caylee -- not for reinforcement of Cindy's vendettas, support for Casey, or for personal publicity for anyone.

great post!! I agree...Especially the parts I bolded!

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