Padilla NOT revoking Casey's bond - Increasing Security

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I'm thinking Caylee will be *home* soon ,either way!
Casey is likely talking and the end of this is very near.
Doesn't sound like Tony and Leonard agreed not to revoke the bond. Sounds like this case is going to run it's course on its' own merit. Maybe the authorities want to at least wait and see if the search turns up Caylee or it's possible Casey and her mother have decided to go ahead and take the deal. Any thoughts?
This makes sense to me. Why go through all the kneejerk reaction it will cause if they are going to up the charges anyway? Once that happens, she will be returned.
And if Leonard was soooooo worried about security then why would he pull this fiasco? Boy this is really going to start a riot at that big 'sit-in' they plan at the Anthony's house on Monday. Those people will be really up in arms now.

The bigger the fiasco, the more publicity he gets.
This makes sense to me. Why go through all the kneejerk reaction it will cause if they are going to up the charges anyway? Once that happens, she will be returned.

I agree. Plus, Tony has said all along he did not want to revoke the bail. IMO, it is HIS business and HIS decision on what is right for his business, not anyone on here.
I think the right decision was made.
They've got their reasons and they don't have to disclose them to anyone. I believe serious things will be going down today and this weekend and it will all be over soon.
Or maybe, just maybe, CA 'fessed up to something this A.M. in her attorney's office (where of course her attorney was present so LP can't say what...privileged info). Maybe he has an inkling of the real story now?
I think the outline to the book has already been started....LP,TP,JB and Garrison will all get a cut of the proceeds from the book and movie rights and its pi$$ing me off
Ok this is getting ridiculous!

When I first saw LP on tv, I thought it was all about publicity. Then as I continued to watch, and after reading TP on here, and seeing LP showing such sadness at the situation and the ponderings of revoking bail I thought - this was an honest attempt by two big hearted guys. Now this... I seriously don't know what the heck to think. It's like a yo yo and it is driving me crazy!

Exactly! I don't even know what to think anymore....
IMO, LP was using the threat as a tactic to get the communication he came here for. (atleast some form.) I said this last night. Also, TP was not for it and both had time to "sleep on it". There is much more on my mind, but lack of desire to go into it.
This makes sense to me. Why go through all the kneejerk reaction it will cause if they are going to up the charges anyway? Once that happens, she will be returned.

I agree and I kinda like that the impending doom has to be choking her. In jail she cant watch it closing in, and we would not get to see her sorry azz carted off in cuffs. Which I will try my best to not enjoy and remember there is a baby that is no longer with us so revelling in her capture does nothing to change that. :(
more publicity? Casey's parents have promised him an exclusive interview with their daughter?

Well, I'm only three posts into this thread....

But I think We Have A Winner!:clap:
Where is the tony padilla question thread that he was on last night?? I can't find it!!

It was thread 146, and part of the end of 145.

Here is one of the posts I added last night...and I'll be right back with another

Tony was asked a number of times if Casey would be back in jail by Saturday as has been widely reported. He never would give a direct answer on it. He confirmed Leonard wanted that. At one point said it was Leonard's decision. Then further in said he disagreed and hoped Leonard would change his mind. Then in another post said it was a joint decision between he and Leonard. So...who knows what the heck that all means other than I feel less certain now than I did before his coming on tonight that she will for sure be back in jail Saturday as the press continue to indicate.
PFFFT! LP has been in Baez's pocket all along, from jump. Cindy told the truth when she said Casey isn't going back to jail. She knew, and baked brownies for the group. LP knew but he's playing us all for idots and fools. LP wanted extra press time and this is the sick ..."leeches, parasites and maggots" mutual feeding society, special folk all unto their own.

Wonder how much the book deal will bring them. JMO of course!

I so want her back in jail. But LE and the Prosecutors are probably grateful for all this media outrage, 24-hour Casey coverage, revoke bail or/ no revoking bail, etc. because it takes the heat of their office. They can line all their ducks in a row to make sure they have what they need to press a murder charge.
From where I sit, Cindy and George have cultivated this creature called Casey from day one. They knew her windmill was tilting strangely but never addressed the issue and helped her get treatment. While she was under 18 years, they had the power to control her treatment and lifestyle but now no way. There's a part of me that feels Cindy is enjoying this 'living close to the edge' lifestyle.
When Cindy was banging in the No Trespassing Signs on the property yesterday, there was a young guy helping here - ~24 or so y.o. - was that one of Padilla's Security guys?
I agree. Plus, Tony has said all along he did not want to revoke the bail. IMO, it is HIS business and HIS decision on what is right for his business, not anyone on here.

Casey was probably begging TP for him to give her one more day, just like she was begging her mother to give her one more day to find her missing daughter before getting the police involved.

You would think that they have seen enough Doe eyes to not fall for the "if I bat my lashes men will follow me anywhere" routine.

Very disappointed in the padilla's at this point.
This was post 323 on thread 146 from last night/early this morning -- the post I quoted and my response, both from last night.

Originally Posted by 100%Agave
I haven't read all of the questions thread for Tony because there was just too much to keep up with but what I did read I didn't find there to be alot of answers that were just out and out answers. Lots of side steps and hints of big secrets.

I respect the Padillas, but have to agree with you on this one. If you look at it objectively, the answers have flip flopped countless times on who will ultimately make the decision - LP or TP. Each one of them (more so TP -- no insult intended though) said any number of times it was up to TP. But then TP said it was up to LP several times. Then TP said several times it was up to both of them. Would give no clear answers on if and when she'd go back to jail. Said early tonight they (LP and TP) are on the same page, then said he disagrees with LP and wants him to change his mind. An awful lot of contradictions in one night. It is like every possible angle or possibility was suggested at least once. I don't know how much weight any of it can really be given at least for now. It is pretty frustrating though. Seems it would be better to not comment at all than to make comments that are all over the spectrum and can't possibly all be true. And, it seems as though some things here and there have been stated publicly by them that are either personal insights, give private info from their dealings with the Anthony's, or their judgements on what they think happened. What they say, especially as they do have contact with the family, would have to come into play in a future legal proceeding. We've got LP saying she is in a parallel universe, not all there (lend credance to an insanity plea?) saying he is fairly sure it was accidental (how could he know this, and again, would be used by defense attorneys) TP fairly staunchly supporting her parents yet saying definitively Casey knows what happened, but Cindy does not when evidence makes that somewhat difficult to believe whole heartedly simply by the amount of times before they got a Spokesperson that they changed their own stories. And, I agree with you about all of the hints of big secrets. I'm glad he comes here. I just don't know that all of what they are saying to press, etc. won't possibly be in someway harmful or troublesome in a prosecution.

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