Pamela Long Wiggins In-Depth Discussion

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This article in the PNJ confirms alot PWL's legal problems that we have discussed here in WS (foreclosures, arson, bigamy etc),. But I did not know about the problems with the EPA. It is a very interestin summary:

There have been several cases in the Gulf Breeze area involving wetlands developments.Not sure what the specifics of hers are but they're usually trying to fill in wetlands on their property to utilize them. In some cases they will allow you to do so and in others they won't, depending on how they think the change will affect the surrounding areas. There was a lot of change in this area due to Hurricane Ivan.

She must have really been successful in her earnings somewhere. I have friends that live on Soundview Trail where one of her homes is located. Those are some very nice homes right in Gulf Breeze Proper.(GB City Limits)
Here's the link to her problems with the EPA.

From The PNJ

Pamela Long Wiggins' real-estate development in the Gulf Breeze area has landed her in hot water with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

In March the agency filed an administrative complaint seeking federal civil or criminal penalties against her, alleging she illegally cleared and filled wetland lots near Santa Rosa Sound.

While building a home on Soundview Trail in 2003, Long Wiggins disregarded letters from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers warning that she was violating construction permits by trucking in loads of red clay to build up the wetland lot.

Long Wiggins argued that she was within her rights and continued bringing in fill dirt, starting what Corps employee Edward Sarfort dryly calls, "a long history of noncompliance."

There's More in the link at the top.
I did a lot of research on PLW - I never could find a divorce from Maulden - apparently because she never was divorced. I also found something about another fire - a house fire (sorry - can't find my link) - it was considered a probable arson, but no proof and no charges for her. The more I looked into her, the more I think she is a "wanna-be". Wants to live the life of the exciting, wealthy and famous - always on the "edge" - defiant to the extreme - and involved in the Billings murder "up to her eyeballs". JMO
I happened to be cruising down hwy 98 today on my way back from Navarre, Florida earlier today and noticed PW's antique mall was NOT hurting for business. The parking lot was JAM PACKED with cars when I drove by about 1:00 pm this afternoon. I don't recall ever seeing it that crowded before and wondered if news of her arrest and all the publicity was in some wierd way good for her business! I don't recall ever seeing that many cars in the parking lot!

With any luck they're browsing for knowledge and not buying anything.

If I could take off down that way for even a few hours, that's what I would be doing.
With any luck they're browsing for knowledge and not buying anything.

If I could take off down that way for even a few hours, that's what I would be doing.

I've never been there and it's just a few miles up the road from me. Maybe I should go check it out?:)
As far as I know, PWL does not have any serious arrest record, is this correct? With all of her aliases it is rather hard to be certain, but I do not believe I have seen anything posted here.

It seems rather strange that she has sooo many potential legal issues, past and present and the law never caught up with her on anything?

If she really married one man before divoricing another and if she really did so much property development while flaunting her nose at the legal requirements, then it seems to me that she has no problems taking legal risks, that most people would not dream of taking. And it seems likely that something she did in the past would have caught up with her. Yet none of our sleuths has found anything other than a few traffic tickets? Or did I miss something?
I hate getting in a cynical frame of mind, but I just remembered, back in the early to mid 80s when my aunt lived in Jacksonville, Fl and I would spend the entire summer with her. There was an antique auction she would go to and often times purchase items from there. My uncle bought an end table from it the night it was raided, the table turned out to be stolen. Even though my aunt and uncle had no knowledge that the table was stolen, they caught a lot of hassle from LE over it, although I don't remember any charges ever being filed against them, but I do remember the auction being shut down.

From what I remember hearing, a large group was stealing the antiques and the auction was being used to dispose of the stolen items and they were raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars.

That ordeal scared me from buying anything used, auction, pawn shop, yard sales, ebay, pricey antique or not. I'm not accusing Pam of doing this, never know.

Considering the safe was stashed on her property, I can't help but wonder.

Just throwing this out there.
I also found something about another fire - a house fire (sorry - can't find my link) - it was considered a probable arson, but no proof and no charges for her.

It is PROBABLY one one fire. But both PNJ and an Albany News organization, write about suspicious fires. But PNJ says it was a "business project" and the Albany News Organization says it was a "house fire". Is this just a reporting error? See links and quotes below.

"One of the most interesting things we found was this property on Park Lane now owned by Phoebe. The large home that used to be on this lot burned, and firefighters say it was suspicious.
"The fire was an intentionally set fire. We found pour patterns throughout the structure so we know it was intentionally set," said Albany Fire Chief James Carswell."

"In a bizarre twist, she remains a suspect in an Albany, Ga., cold-case arson investigation from 1993, where firefighters say one of her failing — but insured — business projects suspiciously burned."
I did a lot of research on PLW - I never could find a divorce from Maulden - apparently because she never was divorced. I also found something about another fire - a house fire (sorry - can't find my link) - it was considered a probable arson, but no proof and no charges for her. The more I looked into her, the more I think she is a "wanna-be". Wants to live the life of the exciting, wealthy and famous - always on the "edge" - defiant to the extreme - and involved in the Billings murder "up to her eyeballs". JMO

ITA, and she also has all the makings of a sociopath,IMO. I also agree with all websleuthers who believe she is more than an accessory after the fact. This case is only going to get more bizarre,IMO.
DS and I went to Magnolia Mall earlier.

It's a bigger place than I thought with TONS of stuff (I didn't buy anything). It is basically set-up like a flea market where owners have booths (30-35 booths?) to sell their stuff. But, there is one register where you pay, so the booth owners are not there (the price tag lists the booth #).

There were 9 security monitors at the front register for the 9 cameras around the "Mall." Yes, there was a sign to leave your purse in the car (which I'd done) and there are lockers right when you walk in to leave your purse and then you take the locker key out on a wrist-band key chain. When DS and I went in, we were the only "customers" and the very nice elderly man who worked there, asked if we needed help with anything. I said we were just browsing. And he said, ok, I'm gonna go check the mailbox and I'll be right back and walked out the front door. Guess we looked pretty honest!:)

There were sale signs all over the place -- 30% off booth 8; 50% off booth 11 (not real booth numbers), etc. There was one booth that had a booth for rent sign for $149/mnth. and even that was marked down to $119/mnth. Since this was our first time there, I don't know if it's standard to have so many sale signs.

So, DS and I just wandered around looking at stuff (with me saying "please, don't touch" every 2 mins. or so). Then we were getting ready to leave and I started chatting with the gentleman, first about kids cuz he commented on how cute kids are at DS age (3yo) and how they talk so much and then when they become teenagers they never want to talk (he was very nice).

I asked about the lockers for purses since I've never seen them before. He said, well it makes it easier for shoppers so they don't have to carry them around or worry about large purses. Then he said, well that's what we tell people, but really it's cuz people try to steal things...:) I asked if he was the owner, he said no (and nothing else about the owner) and that he had worked there for 10 years since it opened.

I was gonna chat with him more, but a couple came in and was asking a bunch of questions about buying something and DS was ready for lunch so we left and went to KFC.:)
When DS and I went in, we were the only "customers"

Wow, thanks for the detailed description. It was very interesting. I had the feeling that I had a tour of the Mall!

If you were the only customers, was the parking lot empty? I wonder why the parking lot was packed earlier but the Mall was empty when you were there, any ideas?
Wow, thanks for the detailed description. It was very interesting. I had the feeling that I had a tour of the Mall!

If you were the only customers, was the parking lot empty? I wonder why the parking lot was packed earlier but the Mall was empty when you were there, any ideas?

We got there shortly after they opened, so that could be why. The only other car in the parking lot was a ..... red mini-van!!:) Must have belonged to the guy that worked there.
Hello all! One of the comments made on PNJ comments section concerning the article about PLW was as follows:

"She was also the owner of an uninsured vehicle driven by one of her drunk ex-husbands who killed Jeanne Hamilton and maimed Jeannie's boyfriend as they were riding home on their motocycles on Scenic Hwy back in 2002. At her deposition several months later, when an attorney mentioned Jeanne's name, she said "Is that her name." What concern for others."

I completely agree with this poster in that she shows no remorse or care for anyone other than herself. She shows no care for laws or rules and obviously feels they somehow do not apply to her. About a week ago I visited her antique store. She of course was not there and yes you do have to either leave your purse in your car or in a locker right by the door. I also noticed cameras in the store so here is my thoughts on this. The person the sheriffs office has been looking for that was supposed to turn the cameras off probably was recruited by PLW after she met them when she had her own cameras installed. I wonder if the same company or person installed cameras in both locations(Bud and Mel's house and PLW antique store)? There has to be a lot more about this person that we are not aware of just yet. I have this odd feeling their is more blood on her hands than we know. I have a feeling she is deeper into this and other crimes than even we could imagine. Of course these thoughts are just my opinion.
"She was also the owner of an uninsured vehicle driven by one of her drunk ex-husbands who killed Jeanne Hamilton and maimed Jeannie's boyfriend as they were riding home on their motocycles on Scenic Hwy back in 2002. At her deposition several months later, when an attorney mentioned Jeanne's name, she said "Is that her name." What concern for others.".

I guess we can make the assumption that this drunk ex-husband is the one refered to in an earlier post copied below? Please note that according the the court document "ORIGINAL ARREST DATE: 07/09/2003" not 2002 as mentioned above.:

I am trying to find the other marriages and divorces for her. This is difficult.

This is currently where the Link husband is:

This was one of the longest DUI cases I have read. He was arrested 7/9/03. OMG here is July 9 again!

Also note that the current address was in Ocala, FL. Many post back someone made a reference to Pamela somewhere towards central/south Florida....cant remember exactly what the post was but I know it was not good.

I guess, more than likely, she got a divorce from him while he has been in lock up.
It is PROBABLY one one fire. But both PNJ and an Albany News organization, write about suspicious fires. But PNJ says it was a "business project" and the Albany News Organization says it was a "house fire". Is this just a reporting error? See links and quotes below.

"One of the most interesting things we found was this property on Park Lane now owned by Phoebe. The large home that used to be on this lot burned, and firefighters say it was suspicious.
"The fire was an intentionally set fire. We found pour patterns throughout the structure so we know it was intentionally set," said Albany Fire Chief James Carswell."

"In a bizarre twist, she remains a suspect in an Albany, Ga., cold-case arson investigation from 1993, where firefighters say one of her failing — but insured — business projects suspiciously burned."

Great job Gene - I knew I had read about the house fire, but couldn't find the link. That is the one I read - and I don't know if these 2 links are talking about the same fire or not. I only knew about the house fire.
We got there shortly after they opened, so that could be why. The only other car in the parking lot was a ..... red mini-van!!:) Must have belonged to the guy that worked there.

Red mini-van? Geez a wheeze - do you think it was PLW's? It would have been interesting to have talked to her. Wonder if she was in the back somewhere?

You did a good job - thanks for the description.
Red mini-van? Geez a wheeze - do you think it was PLW's? It would have been interesting to have talked to her. Wonder if she was in the back somewhere?

You did a good job - thanks for the description.

Maybe she left the red mini-van parked there while she took the Rolls for a a Sunday afternoon spin.

I still have some confusion from earlier reports; is "our" PW the same person who owns a Rolls Royce? Did anyone ever decide who the man is she was having dinner with on Friday night? .... I have further confusion about how anyone could look into cameras & smile when being led in for questioning about a double homicide, but I do not suppose anyone has an reasonable explanation for that.

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