Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #3

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Last time I took my preschooler to a dr. apt. w/ me, she got all bent out of shape when I responded no to that question.

Dr: "Do you drink?"
Me: "No."
Kid: "YES YOU DO!!!"
Me: "No...I really don't!"
Kid: "You drink all the time!"
Me: "What?! No... she means water...tea..."
Kid: "You even had some this morning!"
Dr: o_0

I think this may be the post of the day. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
basilcat---sorry I'm just posting to u...I am so sorry--your post made me burst into tears...God bless you and all who are closae to you.

...thank you Dr. Dona..that means a lot...:seeya:
Jodi is utterly ridiculous!! What man is going to see her as an attractive woman when her soul is made up of Travis' crime scene photos? Does she really think that all men want her, but would be turned off by the jail pants, chains & socks? Are you kidding me, Jodi? You are repulsive and revolting--and that's just your insides. Don't get me started on your 3HW pics.

I am just petty enough to LOOOOOOOOOOVE that one of her interview conditions was that she not be shown in her whale, I mean 'jail', stripes and these photos are all over the internet today. Conditions Jodi Ann? Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
I don't think the jury was hung up at all. Just the enabling media giving the killer of Travis more undeserved attention.
I actually almost never drink because it's not good for me (medication conflicts) and it's too expensive. But the last couple of weeks . . . . plus I do have this arrogant, egotistical blowhard of a brother-in-law who managed to turn 65 last year without ever having held a job for a single day. So alcohol is sometimes in order to maintain family peace. Fortunately, I only see him twice a year (and we have Thanksgiving down to 2 hours max).

I have a brother in law in California , not quite that old but in his 50's...same thing as yours except mine gets disability $$$ for being a drunk.
Not that anyone asked or cares, but I thought I would share my mind set: I refuse to watch any new interviews given by Jodi. I'm disgusted that a convicted murderer is allowed to play celebrity from behind jail bars. With every interview that that thing is allowed to give, she victimizes Travis and his family over and over and over again, and THAT IS JUST PLAIN WRONG.

I'm spitting mad, right now... sorry.

I said the same thing hon...BUT I am just too damn nosey to miss anything.I give you mad props though.
It's not working for me. Still smoking cigs and the ecig. I blame this fk'n trial!

The V2 had me quitting cold turkey. My friend uses the joytech. I cannot imagine goign back. You gotta get a good one, and not a disposable. A good one, with good juice and vape. The "throat hit" (ya, I know, I know), BUT, a smoker knows. I needed that throat hit. Y'all know what I mean.
Maybe the hold-up is Jodi's mental instability ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

She has been examined and judged competent to stand trial. I was peeking at the prison. They have facilities for people with mental problems. :seeya:
This is why I will not own an "adult toy"--my monsters will find it & present it to my MIL during a visit, I'm sure. They have previously taken a box of tampons to throw all over the floor to play with, and taken a pair of my hubby's underwear & thrown them by the front door. His coworker came to the door & my DH's underwear was right there in plain sight. (That one WAS funny, though!)

I was convinced long ago that the primary job of a kid is to embarrass their parents.
My stock is answer is ..

Do you drink?
Yes, I drink occasionally
What do you mean occasionally?
I mean I drink only on days that end in the letter "Y".

I am imbibing vicariously through you guys.....Thanks!
Don't have all the links and can't get them right now because I am ellipticallling (word or not?!), BUT I have a theory about the jury's ? This AM:

If you watch the judge reading jury instructions on YouTube croakerqueen day 3 part 2 starting at 14 min (final jury instructions), she reads the paragraph quoted earlier in this thread about letting the judge know if they are not unanimous.

Then watch when the judge gives the final, FINAL jury instructions about the verdict form on YouTube croakerqueen day 3 part 4 (rebuttal and charge to the jury) starting at 10:44- there she describes three boxes for the jury to choose from to check for their verdict (death, life, or "no unanimous agreement").

iMO the jury was going through these instructions and realized that the first part said to tell the judge if they were not unanimous but the second part said to mark the box on the verdict form if they ended up not unanimous. They wanted clarification.

Also, someone earlier posted that they asked "at this stage" in the note to the judge - I think they may have meant "at this phase" - ie during the PENALTY phase ("stage") do they let the judge know if they are not unanimous as they would have done during the GUILT or AGGRAVATION phase ( verdict forms on those did not have a box for "no unanimous agreement" IIRC) or do they check the daggum box on the verdict form?

I think it is a very detail oriented jury and they stumbled upon the conflicting instructions about what to do IF they ever ended up in a position of not being unanimous. I don't blame them for asking for clarification.

Sorry if this is crazy with typos - hard to elliptical and type on iPad "contemporaneously".

they didn't ask IF. they didnt ask anything. they made a statement. they said they were not able to reach a unanimous verdict. then JSS gave them a pep talk on how to reach a unanimous decision.

"I have received your note that you are unable to come to a unanimous verdict." start watching at about 4:20 then JSS says "I have some suggestions to help your deliberations".

there has been some major confusion on this.....or maybe im in a fog and not understanding what is being said. that is very possible in my state today :/
Okay so it's been awhile since the jury question, and they are still deliberating (worked through lunch, skipping smoke breaks) so I think we can safely assume that they are there to see this through. Didn't JSS say that they could ask the attorneys for help with any issues? If so, it doesn't appear that they have asked for any further help. No news is good news.

Just reminding peeps all the chatter when this same jury went into a 4th day of deliberations in the guilt phase. Remember? Everybody was so worried.

Bottom line is we don't know what is going on in that jury room. We do know that they took their time with prior deliberations, have been attentive in court and asked insightful questions.

This is probably one of the hardest decisions these individuals will ever make. Wilmott made it very personal in her remarks, asking them not to decide to kill Jodi. I doubt few if any of these jurors take this responsibility lightly.

I will continue to have faith in the jury and will accept whatever decision they make.
I used to totally panic at the checkpoint coming out of Mexico into Texas every single time! The Border Patrol ask you if you're an American citizen, etc. I would always feel like I was hiding something!:floorlaugh:

OMG.. I was coming across border Mexico into AZ with this chick.. She totally acted funny panicky etc This is same chick I've told you guys reminds me of CMCHJA..

I said geesh I thought you were going to start confessing to eating grapes at the store while shopping.. :floorlaugh:

Of course now.. Makes me wonder how close I might have been from seeing the inside of a Mexican or Federal jail cell.. I'm guess'n I may have unknowingly smuggled contraband <or drugs> back into US and not know it :banghead:
Watcha think, folks? Is the jury gonna sleep on it? I'm kinda going in that direction......
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