Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #3

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Hey ALL!

Here's some food for thought...

The convicted killer formerly known as the defendant may very well become the new Oprah of the Cell Block but...

I'm heading out to happy hour with friends...
Some of us will have a lovely evening with a glass of wine and a bubble bath ...A delicious dinner in or out..
This summer we will all attend weddings and graduations and take beach vacations and take our kids to amusement parks ...
We will watch our children and loved ones grow and thrive and enjoy life and the freedom to do whatever they want. They and we will have babies... get engaged and fall in love ... go fishing ...rescue stray dogs and cats ... We will love and be loved... and choose our own destiny.

Pasty Opruh will do none of it!

What is vaping? I need to quit too. ty


I think it's electronic cigarettes, smoking air vapors instead of cigarette smoke.

I quit cold turkey eight years ago but only could do it with taking a week off work and telling all my friends and family to expect absolutely nothing from me the entire week.

I pretended I had the flu when the cravings were super bad and that really worked for me. Got SO much easier after four days! However you try to quit, good luck! You can do it!
they didn't ask IF. they didnt ask anything. they made a statement. they said they were not able to reach a unanimous verdict. then JSS gave them a pep talk on how to reach a unanimous decision.

"I have received your note that you are unable to come to a unanimous verdict." start watching at about 4:20 then JSS says "I have some suggestions to help your deliberations".

there has been some major confusion on this.....

The note from the jury:

"If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision at this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?"
I almost wish he WAS a drunk. At least that would explain it. I guess he's got some weird mental problems, I just have no idea what they are. It's just so hard to listen to someone express his nutty opinions at great length when he hasn't done a damn thing with his life but listen to NPR (no offense to people who do -- it's just not a life's work).

My BIL also has mental problems. He claims that he can hear family members talking about him through his watch.
This is why I will not own an "adult toy"--my monsters will find it & present it to my MIL during a visit, I'm sure. They have previously taken a box of tampons to throw all over the floor to play with, and taken a pair of my hubby's underwear & thrown them by the front door. His coworker came to the door & my DH's underwear was right there in plain sight. (That one WAS funny, though!)

Mine are hidden very well. My only fear is if hubs and I bite the dust together and our family finds them. But, then I guess I won't really give a ***** at that point, will I? :D
I brought this over from the last verdict watch thread.
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Paulden, Arizona
Posts: 578
A few comments, speeding through the thread, taking a break from fixing a fence line:

1. "Flip Flops" were worn on the first "guilty verdict", and we mustn't forget cleaning out kitty litter boxes!

2. The jury is probably worried not in the least about threats. I find it kinda crazy that certain witnesses said they were threatened. In Arizona, if you are threatened, you call LE, you put an injunction against harassment on the perp, if you have a gun, you make sure it's clean and loaded, and keep your cell phone close by. "Threats and Intimidation", "Stalking" are taken very seriously here, and if someone doesn't feel they need to take the necessary steps to CYA, then they are not utilizing the process that's been put in place.

3. CMja will not last in Prison. Even if she is in PC, or DR, she is not totally protected.
A. She is Bi-Racial, Hispanic and Caucasian. She doesn't really have a place in either the Hispanic or White gangs.
B. She tried to pass as white and she killed a white man. The White gangs will "pass" and the "Aryan" type gangs will target her. To the Hispanics, she is ashamed of her culture.
C. She is from California, rarely do Hispanic gangs in Az embrace Hispanics from Calif, they are rivals. She has learned "Spanish", not the Spanish spoken by the majority of Hispanics in Prison. They will not be impressed.
D. She has already violated "prison etiquette", her response to a fight in Estrella was she was defending herself. Major FAIL. Snitch Material.
E. She killed the brother of LE. She will have a target on her back by inmates, and guards will look the other way if there is a prisoner altercation.
F. She is LOCA, and not in a good prison way. An inmate will get lots of props for making her life miserable or ending it.
G. The gals at Perryville are already aware of her "jacket", that's Everything about her crime, her write ups in Estrella, her "pals", her access to finances, etc., etc. She is a "celebrity hound". She killed a man with absolutely no valid justification. She will NOT be able to "blow smoke" to impress or baffle them with bologna. They do NOT like her.

I truly believe she will end up like Dahmer. I give her 5 years max. JMO
Back to the fenceline........

I totally concur. She will waltz into that prison acting like she's smarter and better than the others. She will condescendingly use her big words and attempt to educate the dumb ones. She doesn't know what humility is, and doesn't know how a pecking order works. She's in a college dorm right now. Sleepovers, pillow fights, eating her commissary candy in the middle of the night.... I agree that she will pi$$ off the wrong dumb mother$$$$$$ and pay for it.
I never thought that inmates had such pretty socks....they must have reminded her of her strawberry frappacino?? Yes, that must be it!
Why haven't I ever had one of those pink frothy yummy thangs? Dang it!

They are really yummy...they are also fat *advertiser censored** in a cup. Go for a lovely non fat coffee and save your thighs and get the caffeine!
OK... I am absolutely ASHAMED of myself! I have been so engrossed in this stupid trial that I totally forgot...

My younger son says, "I gotta call by big brother later and wish him a happy birthday..."

WHAAAAAAAAAAT!!! OMG!!! IT IS HIS BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! OMG! 31 years old today and I FORGOT!!! :blushing:


Quick phone call to son and sang happy birthday....

Just saw this on FB from The State Vs JA & it made me feel better:

The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial
A message from a member of this page. I've copied it out verbatim but have left out the poster's name. If you wish to come forward, please do so in the comments:

"I have unfortunately been in prison where she will go, and TRUST ME!!! She will NOT be the Predator..she WILL be the Prey!!! Prison is WAAAY different than that safe little jail she is in now!!! She's in for a rude awakening!!! And what she said about starting programs and clubs and helping the "illiterate" inmates..NEVER going to happen!!! She's going to be in COMPLETE isolation for AT LEAST five years, and after she manages to "program down" to a lower classification....she still needs to realize that's she's now an INMATE!! The State runs every aspect of your life, so NO she won't be contributing ANYTHING to society!! The closest she'll get is a 50 cent an hour job as a GED tutor..but that will take her YEARS and YEARS to get that "privilege". And her smug, superior attitude she has, all that's going to get her is beaten up and robbed!! So, it would be in her best interest to just SHUT UP FOR ONCE IN HER LIFE and get OK with the fact that as soon as that gate closes behind her at the "Perryville Complex" sign, nobody cares that she's Jodi Arias...for the rest of her disgusting life, all anyone will know about her is her INMATE NUMBER!!!"

I want to go find the person who wrote that and buy her a drink. lol
Is there a time limit?

No-they can deliberate for as long as they need to. Weeks. Months....I say mid-Tuesday next week they will be done...
That's crazy Seque... Gardens are often hardier than we think...
....but...even we don't have snow!:floorlaugh:
Make a nice fire...pour a glass of wine and watch the frolicking bears and zombie turkeys...:seeya:
Take care friend...cheers!

Hey, y'all Canadians. What was the case where the woman had a baby by an American father, and got out after murdering the father and got the baby back? All after she was supposed to get life.?
G&AMom ... I should clarify ...

By Going out with friends to happy hour I mean ...

I just poured a vodka soda ...and I'm taking you guys all out to my back patio by way of my lap top to drink it. Drinking socially.

See what I did there?
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial

Still waiting. Nothing newsworthy blah blah blah. #JodiArias

Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial

Still hwaiting in the hallway. Exciting day of sitting in a hallway for sure. Love the marble flooring. Knoot is a happy knooter.#JodiArias
This is why I will not own an "adult toy"--my monsters will find it & present it to my MIL during a visit, I'm sure. They have previously taken a box of tampons to throw all over the floor to play with, and taken a pair of my hubby's underwear & thrown them by the front door. His coworker came to the door & my DH's underwear was right there in plain sight. (That one WAS funny, though!)

LOL! Kids are so nosy! When my daughter was 3 she was super curious about the tampons I would buy, and I didn't really know what else to say besides they were mama's "lady business." One day we were at a store that happened to have deodorant and "feminine" products in the same aisle. There was this poor guy looking at the tampons, as if he couldn't figure out which ones to get, and as soon as he went to reach for the box (same box I get) my daughter yelled, "Hey! Stop! Those are my mama's lady business." I tried to shoosh her and left the aisle. Sadly, we saw him again in the next check lane over from us and she said, "He's not a lady! What does he need lady business for anyways?"
Does JVM startle any of you when she comes on? My lord, things are just cruising along until 4pm hits GOOD AFTERNOON JANE VALEZ-MITCHELL HERE!!! :eek:

Maybe I am just on edge? I haven't eaten yummy food or consumed any delicious alcoholic beverages like you lovely people. I am not vaping on birthday cake either...feel totally left out! I tried to eat today but I walked in, remembered I finished the Ice Cream last night and walked back out. I can't possible eat nutritious right now, I refuse.

I get startled too. She manages to scream through my TV even when muted.
I think she would be more appropriate announcing Professional Wrestling.
Does JVM startle any of you when she comes on? My lord, things are just cruising along until 4pm hits GOOD AFTERNOON JANE VALEZ-MITCHELL HERE!!! :eek:

Maybe I am just on edge? I haven't eaten yummy food or consumed any delicious alcoholic beverages like you lovely people. I am not vaping on birthday cake either...feel totally left out! I tried to eat today but I walked in, remembered I finished the Ice Cream last night and walked back out. I can't possible eat nutritious right now, I refuse.

It's PTSD from this trial and relentless subjection to demon eyes. We all have low startle points now.


Just MHOO.
The V2 had me quitting cold turkey. My friend uses the joytech. I cannot imagine goign back. You gotta get a good one, and not a disposable. A good one, with good juice and vape. The "throat hit" (ya, I know, I know), BUT, a smoker knows. I needed that throat hit. Y'all know what I mean.

My brother quit with a good one also. I need to upgrade.

The good news about this hospital they do not show HLN.
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