Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

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Is today the day? I hope so and all this can be over for everyone :sigh:

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
Nuh uh ha Missy. You owe us a report. So c'mon spill *drums fingers*

I do hope today is the day. In any event it's double drinking day. I'm sure of that one.
100% agree! :seeya:

Don't want to hear anyone berating this jury! They have gotten it right the whole way.

I saw someone post yesterday that they would refer to them as the Maricopa 12 if she didn't get the DP?! Really?! THIS JURY? They ROCK :rockon:

BBM: That was ME !


IF JA does NOT get the Death Penalty it will be a "WIN-WIN" for her and her DT ... and the thought of that is absolutely sickening !

The Alexander Family wants the Death Penalty, and Mr. Martinez asked for the jury to come back with a Verdict of DP ! And I see absolutely NO reason why this jury would be unable to deliver the DP !

While I understand this jury's record is great so far : 12 jurors - 1st Degree PRE-MEDITATED Murder, and 12 jurors - extreme cruelty, they need to come back with the DP because the sentencing of the CM should be equivalent to the horrendous murder she committed !

There were NO mitigating factors, and NOT ONE PERSON -- NOBODY -- spoke on behalf of Travis' murderer, which speaks volumes about the CM, IMO !

The only person to speak on behalf of the convicted murderer was herself -- who has already lied to the jury -- AND -- the jury knows it !

IF JA does not go to Death Row, she will do anything she can to continue to "torture" Travis' memory and Travis' family !

This is just a "no brainer" IMO ...

From WAT :

1m Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial

Hwhile driving hwild saw the marlboro man juror walking all the way back from 16st and washington. Bout 6 more miles to go man! #JodiArias

:waitasec: I guess he could NOT give marlboro man a ride ...

Aww-But I bet wild would if he could
Question: Were the juror instructions that JSS read aloud yesterday MISSING from the packet the jurors received, or did JSS just not read a portion out loud?

Guess whose murderous face stares back at me in todays local paper far far from Phoenix in a different country.....CMJA that's who, with the headline " Convicted killer says she deserves a second chance."
I nearly lost my breakfast right then and there while riding the subway.
I'm praying that the jury finds their way to a unanimous verdict that reflects justice for Travis and empathy for his grieving family and not that of the convict. I don't want to ever see her smug face in my newspaper again. Please jury get it right!!!
Hey HO! :)

They start deliberating at 10:00 AZ time - in about 40 minutes.

ETA -Oops - answered you anyway. :)

:seeya: Ummm... I'm asking this question with a teeny weeny bit of seriousness... Are we sure we won't get put in Time Out for using the acronym for Hopeful One? :floorlaugh:
Something has been nagging at the back of mind for a few days now and it finally came to me. I'm curious to know if anyone else has a problem with the following.....

1. Visitors to the County Jail cannot bring things to inmates. Take magazines for example. I could not bring a copy of Vogue to an inmate during a visit. Instead I would have to order the copy and have it sent directly to the jail. Clearly, this policy is in effect to minimize the possibility of contraband, right?

So why was the media allowed to bring make-up to the jail and have it given directly to JA? Shoot, someone could have put cynide in the lip gloss. Sure, a guard could have examined the make-up, but how carefully was that done in such a short period of time? Just doesn't seem right to me.

2. Sure, JA might have a free speech right to conduct those interviews. But why was she given the option of wearing a sweater to cover the cute little stiped outfit? There is nothing in the consitution that says someone has a right to cover up prison stripes. Conduct the inverview if you will, but you are an inmate. Just doesn't seem right to me.

3. JA has been convicted of first degree murder. The question of innocent until proven guilty has been asked and answered. So why was she allowed to sit directly across from multiple reporters without being shackled and handcuffed at ALL times? Whose to say that she couldn't have jumped out of her chair, grabbed the pen out of the reporters hand and stabbed them in the eye????? Those guards would not have been able to subdue her before the damage was done. Again, it just does not seem right to me.

Am I crazy?

Anyone catch the documentary of the trial on Lifetime last night? Kept showing previews of the Dirty Little Secret movie (this Saturday). I thought the actress did a better job of acting like Jodi than Jodi's acting.
:seeya: Ummm... I'm asking this question with a teeny weeny bit of seriousness... Are we sure we won't get put in Time Out for using the acronym for Hopeful One? :floorlaugh:

Why would you get a TO for using an acronym which also happen to describe a type of garden rake.

Oh wait.....
On HLN while ago, Dr. Drew said that the jury usually gives the death penalty to serial killers and those that kill little kids. The panel was talking about Jodi only killing one person. Some of the lawyers do not seem to be considering facts such as Jodi driving about a thousand miles to kill Travis, planning the murder for over a week at the very least, staging a burglary to steal her grandfather's gun, cornering Travis in the shower, murdering him in an especially cruel way, etc. They don't seem to realize that she did not only assassinated his character on the witness stand, but she continued to assassinate his character during her allocution and in interviews. Each time she speaks about Travis abusing her, it's like she's sticking that knife into his chest again and twisting it around. These lawyers don't seem to understand that Travis WASN'T her boyfriend at that time either.

I'm just saying, didnt Wendy Andrianno kill her husband? And get death? I know of dozens of cases off the top of my head where children or multiple people weren't killed and they still got death. I've stopped watching HLN and they disgust me as a network with their pathetic excuses for journalists so I don't care what they say. Thank god I never have to see that stupi PAUSE BUTTON anymore. Gross.

I'm still not sure she will get the DP but for the Alexanders sake and for society's sake I hope she does
I think this jury has took their job seriously, smart people and gave the best verdict they could have M1 premeditated. That was justice for Travis. Anything else is icing on the cake. I will respect them and accept whatever verdict they come back with for this penalty phase. The only concern is they will hang and I pray that doesnt happen. That would be devastating for the Alexanders.
How do i sign up for the verdict alert that really didn't do me much good last time. but, i am tired and want to nap.

When I'm home, I turn on HLN and mute it. Then I play music and do housework, filing, sewing, etc. HLN has banners always and when a verdict is in, the banner is fire engine red and BIG.

That's how I was alerted last time.

You can nap now because they at least have to take another vote.

Guess whose murderous face stares back at me in todays local paper far far from Phoenix in a different country.....CMJA that's who, with the headline " Convicted killer says she deserves a second chance."
I nearly lost my breakfast right then and there while riding the subway.
I'm praying that the jury finds their way to a unanimous verdict that reflects justice for Travis and empathy for his grieving family and not that of the convict. I don't want to ever see her smug face in my newspaper again. Please jury get it right!!!

Which makes me worry about having to find a new jury if this jury cannot agree. The murderer has been on a media blitz.
Question: Were the juror instructions that JSS read aloud yesterday MISSING from the packet the jurors received, or did JSS just not read a portion out loud?


I got the impression

they were missing as I heard her say the instructions go on a certain pg
Hope so!!!! I'm sure we will all be watching for notices of "smoke breaks!"

Lol-- your comment made me think of the Vatican Sistine Chapel chimney! Too bad the jury room doesn't have a chimney. White smoke for the DP, black for life in prison?!
You know the whole thing yesterday was just weird.

First the judge reads instructions that she forgot to read the previous day?
Then reporting is that the jury has a question.
So Judge states that jury cannot reach a unanimous decision and gives them the "dynamite" (Allen) charge to go back and apply it to their decision making process.
Reporting is that the jury was deadlocked after 2.5 hrs of deliberation
Then written information comes out from AZCentral and Maricopa County courts that the jury asked a question with IF they are not able to reach a unanimous decision, not made a statement they were deadlocked.
The above written information also states what juror asked the question (#18)
Finally, KCL reports yesterday on her thread that the info AZCentral reported was unusual because Media IS NOT privy to juror questions and there were strong suggestions of information being leaked.

Anyone who can add more please do. I personally found the whole thing upsetting. IF it ,is true they were just asking for clarification on how to submit (documentation) in the event they are unanimous, someone should be held accountable for putting the Alexanders through all that.
I agree with you, TX. After listening to the final jury instruction, I think the jurors needed 2.5 hours to reread and comprehend them. This jury seems very diligent and responsible to me. I appreciate that very much.
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
hwild definitely hwanted to give marlboro man a ride but he remembered his duty not to speak to jurors or hitchhikers. #JodiArias

LOL, Gotta love Wild!
She didn't even cover his body.

She firmly believes Travis deserved it. She has no remorse for killing Travis and in her little mind it was all his fault. She assumes no responsibility for the murder.

She would/will kill again.

I have shown greater love and care disposing of a Goldfish.

Yes- she will absolutely kill again- in fact I am not certain this was her first kill- maybe first 'human' kill.

We are going to learn much, much more about JAA's past once she is sentenced to death and sent away to death row.

Oh, and by the way- her spider analogy is a moot point. Spiders don't cause people to feel 'rage', they make many people uncomfortable... even scared but they don't make messes, like dogs do, that people with no coping skills of their own lash out at. Ridiculous to compare saving spiders to a love for all things living- absolutely ridiculous.
I am not going to knock HLN...I have been very glad to have them when I couldn't get online to watch the trial. Yeah, some of the lawyers drives me cray cray...but mostly Defense Attorney's....and JVM screams and The After Dark Show is inane.....but they all have a job to do. I think the passion of JVM overrides her screaming voice. She has been outside for weeks now in the terrible heat...and I have yet to hear her really complain about it..mention it yes, but not complain. I love Mark when he appears on DD and DD has had so many of Travis' friends on the show. JC drives me cray cray with her licky licky attitude and she is always trying to play the devil's advocate at the most improper times. Hey, I am even begun to like Linda Kenny Baden :waitasec:......perhaps the trial really has gotten to me:ufo:
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