Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

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ETA She probably saves spiders because she feels a certain 'kinship' with them.
BBM: That was ME !


IF JA does NOT get the Death Penalty it will be a "WIN-WIN" for her and her DT ... and the thought of that is absolutely sickening !

The Alexander Family wants the Death Penalty, and Mr. Martinez asked for the jury to come back with a Verdict of DP ! And I see absolutely NO reason why this jury would be unable to deliver the DP !

While I understand this jury's record is great so far : 12 jurors - 1st Degree PRE-MEDITATED Murder, and 12 jurors - extreme cruelty, they need to come back with the DP because the sentencing of the CM should be equivalent to the horrendous murder she committed !

There were NO mitigating factors, and NOT ONE PERSON -- NOBODY -- spoke on behalf of Travis' murderer, which speaks volumes about the CM, IMO !

The only person to speak on behalf of the convicted murderer was herself -- who has already lied to the jury -- AND -- the jury knows it !

IF JA does not go to Death Row, she will do anything she can to continue to "torture" Travis' memory and Travis' family !

This is just a "no brainer" IMO ...


I believe it's a no-brainer as well (and I'm not a fan of the death penalty) but I'm trying to look at the "bright side of life" for JA in prison. Prison isn't fun, I'm guessing. It's got to be stressful to the nth degree. I'm guessing JSS will not give her the possibility of parole, so she's there for the rest of her life. If she wants to appeal she has to pay for it herself. Yay! And no death-row-inmate rock star status for her, just a fade into gen pop.

That's what I'm telling myself, anyway...
Do you know what's with WAT adding the "h" in his words?? I don't get the inside joke... TIA.'s from Stewey on Family Guy...he always says "Cool Hwhip" and it pisses Brian off all the time.
From WAT :

1m Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial

Hwhile driving hwild saw the marlboro man juror walking all the way back from 16st and washington. Bout 6 more miles to go man! #JodiArias

:waitasec: I guess he could NOT give marlboro man a ride ...

Maybe this is the reason why they start at 10:00 rather than 8:00 so he doesn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to get to the courthouse.

juror instructions for mitigation and forms that jury will be filling out. Mitigation starts on pg 29

Tried and failed to copy the portion of the instructions relating to "significant impairment."

IMO, significant impairment is the only mitigator the jury might consider of relevance, as it specifically lists mental illness and personality disorders.

CMJA fails the first burden to establish impairment as mitigator-- that the impairment caused her to not understand the wrongfulness of her crime. She obviously did, and the jury as obviously thinks that she knew exactly what she was doing before, during and after the murder.

The second burden is somewhat more subjective. Its possible to interpret it as.. did her personality disorder/mental illness essentially drive her to/cause her to murder Travis? Was her mental illness/personality disorder so serious that it rendered her incapable of making decisions that would have prevented her from murdering Travis?

I can see debating the second condition. If the jury is too, I'd bet that all her clear-eyed planning and cover up, as well as the fact that she had to drive over a 1,000 miles to murder him, will make it difficult or impossible to view her as so mentally ill she can't function or be held responsible for her choices.
From WAT :

2m Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial

Just saw another juror walk in. They are coming in slowly. Dennis told me Willmott is in on another case, didn't see her outfit. #JodiArias
Sometimes when JM asks a question it sounds like hwhy/ hwhat etc. That's where it started
Okay, that makes more sense than in relating to Stewie from The Family Guy. It's hard for me to read with those "h's" there, but his tweets are funny and informative. Thanks for the info.
I hope there's no confusion in the jury room about BPD being an illness that might afford Jodi a mitigating factor.
I got a nickel that says we will have a verdict today. They slept on it. I pray it's for the DP but in any case, a verdict today, before their lunch break.
:seeya: Ummm... I'm asking this question with a teeny weeny bit of seriousness... Are we sure we won't get put in Time Out for using the acronym for Hopeful One? :floorlaugh:

:floorlaugh: I almost responded to Hopeful by her initials the other day and quickly realized that might not be a good idea! So now, I just stick with 'Hopeful'

This has probably been discussed eons ago but I just watched the testimony. When Nurmi was walking CMJA through ahem, sex, and she talked about her Baptism day and anal sex. She says, Travis "unzipped his pants"...then she said "or pulled them down."

The Mormon Baptismal uniform is ONE PIECE and it ZIPS ALL THE WAY UP! CMJA lied about this sex act... I HATE HER!
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