Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

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I love, love, love Audrey Hepburn. She was beautiful inside and out. A couple of quotes from Breakfast at Tiffanys (I will be having champagne for breakfast when this jury comes back with a death sentence!) :

"It should take you exactly four seconds to cross from here to that door. I’ll give you two.” (I hope the guards tell JA this when she's walking the death walk to the death chamber...)

She’s a phony. But she’s a real phony. You know why? Because she honestly believes all this phony junk that she believes.”

“If we’re going to be friends let’s get one thing straight right now. I hate snoops!”:floorlaugh:

I loved her in "My Fair Lady," especially when she's at the races, in the most beautiful gown and "chapeau" I've ever seen.

Wow, CKJA's neck, while she's talking with Wilmott, which I guess happened earlier today, looks REALLY roiled up! Is Little Missy FINALLY getting nervous?? :scared:
Just for the record my stomach is in knots! lol
Can't wait until this drama of a trial is in the past.

As far as the discussion between the jurors goes,
I find it hard to believe that those in favor of the death penality
could consider being swayed to a verdict of LWP.
Maybe it's just me but those in favor of death, have already
made the decision that is warranted in this horrible crime.

Don't know where those considering LWP are getting the koolade they
seem to be drinking but I find it frightening that this crime is not one
of the worst of the worst in their thinking. I wonder what their thoughts would be if was THEIR loved one that went thru this unbelievable

That said, I believe if it's not a death penalty verdict it will be a
hung jury. I can see those for LWP coming to their senses and
going with those that want death for ja, but I can't see the death
penalty jurors changing their mind. They have already made that
big leap for the prosecution, the Alexanders, and Travis.

THEY are not killing ja; they are following the laws of the state regarding
this type of murder. jmo
I think it's a sad state of affairs when CMJA spends as much time putting on makeup and pontificating during interviews as the 12 strangers have spent in emotional turmoil over HER FATE. When the jury finally sees all of this madness and drivel, they're going to kick themselves or be greatly relieved. Lets hope for the latter.
Good question!

I heard JC talking about replacing a juror with an alternate if said juror was stressed and asked to be released. She went on to say that would be grounds for mistrial. Isn't that what alternates are for? :scared:

pretty sure she said it could be an appellate issue.
"Breaking News: What's Happening in the Jury Room?"

Does HLN know that makes NO sense? I mean, c'mon now. Come on.

I suspect all of them on HLN should be glad that their lives or even their jobs do not depend on reporting truth and/or reality... Beth should give them all some lessons.
I'm DONE for the day...This jury is serously making me think they would bring htis trial to this point and then NOT give her the Death Penalty after THEY KNOW what this thing Arias is and what she has done is repulsive. NO ONE will tell me otherwise that people on that Jury haven't seen the news or they are totally in the dark about the TRUTH in this case. NO ONE. They know and for someone on that Jury, More than likely one of the women, to hold this verdict up like this is MORALLY WRONG. So it's OK with this Jury that this thing can slaughter a HUMAN BEING 3 TIMES OVER and gets to start groups in prison, go on national news shows and act like she is a superstar and make a COMPLETE MOCKERY OF REAL VIOLENCE VICTIMS LIKE ME, then they should have NEVER been put on that jury to begin with, they KNEW it was a DEATH PENALTY CASE. If they sat someone on that jury for the purpose of stopping the DP then that is wrong and they need removed.

:rocker: I totally agree !!! Very well said !!!

O/T: Has anyone seen Softail around?

I PM'd her yesterday. She hasn't posted since 5/10...and I haven't heard back from her. I try not to worry about people who I have never met and don't know anything about...

But it's kinda my thing! I do it REALLY WELL, too! LOL!!
I can try

Is the video up yet?

This link was posted earlier. Let us know what you see! TIA!


Whoa horsie! Hold up.

This is the thing... the judge has SEALED these questions. Remember that part I was talking about the other day about "preserving the intergrity of the court proceedings". And, though I know we have some very talented folks here and I have faith in you guys more than you know, we do not have a verified lip reader here. ;)

Let's just keep this speculation off the board for now. If/when the jury reaches a verdict or when the judge dismisses them, then the doors will be wide open. I am stickler for honoring Judge's orders though.

Thanks for the restraint. I know how hard it is. :blowkiss:
I'm DONE for the day...This jury is serously making me think they would bring htis trial to this point and then NOT give her the Death Penalty after THEY KNOW what this thing Arias is and what she has done is repulsive. NO ONE will tell me otherwise that people on that Jury haven't seen the news or they are totally in the dark about the TRUTH in this case. NO ONE. They know and for someone on that Jury, More than likely one of the women, to hold this verdict up like this is MORALLY WRONG. So it's OK with this Jury that this thing can slaughter a HUMAN BEING 3 TIMES OVER and gets to start groups in prison, go on national news shows and act like she is a superstar and make a COMPLETE MOCKERY OF REAL VIOLENCE VICTIMS LIKE ME, then they should have NEVER been put on that jury to begin with, they KNEW it was a DEATH PENALTY CASE. If they sat someone on that jury for the purpose of stopping the DP then that is wrong and they need removed.

Remain Calm. I'm worried too. Where is WEEBLE when we need her? (I'm not sure Weeble is a female?) Hang in their, we're all praying for Justice.
O/T Breaking News:

Mario McNeill was found guilty of 6/7 charges in the first degree murder/kidnapping/trafficking/rape of 5 year old Shaniya Davis.



Thank you GOD! Rot in hell MAM - right where you belong!
lorita is that your puff ball in your avatar...........what a cutie!!!

and don't say the H word :pillowfight:


Yes, that's my little live dust bunny. :)
....and about the "h" word. i just put myself on a TO.
Jury sent a question....judge and attorneys saw objections to the question...judge was gonna answer it on the form and baliff took it back to one as yet knows what the question was. Ugh.

Thanks - and they say it's not the norm in this jurisdiction to seal question so...hmmmm......what could that mean? Guess we can rule out questions about simple instructions. Maybe a juror wants off? No way to even speculate, I suppose...
It's just after 3:00 Central Time. Wasn't it about mid-afternoon when this jury reached their guilty verdict? Or am I just searching for good signs that don't exist?
I'll have to leave about 5:45 (2:45AZ) for my GD's softball game. The last game of her first season, so I can't miss it.
I'm DONE for the day...This jury is serously making me think they would bring htis trial to this point and then NOT give her the Death Penalty after THEY KNOW what this thing Arias is and what she has done is repulsive. NO ONE will tell me otherwise that people on that Jury haven't seen the news or they are totally in the dark about the TRUTH in this case. NO ONE. They know and for someone on that Jury, More than likely one of the women, to hold this verdict up like this is MORALLY WRONG. So it's OK with this Jury that this thing can slaughter a HUMAN BEING 3 TIMES OVER and gets to start groups in prison, go on national news shows and act like she is a superstar and make a COMPLETE MOCKERY OF REAL VIOLENCE VICTIMS LIKE ME, then they should have NEVER been put on that jury to begin with, they KNEW it was a DEATH PENALTY CASE. If they sat someone on that jury for the purpose of stopping the DP then that is wrong and they need removed.

Wowzers. That's a whole lotta assumptions going on there.
I'm just getting caught up too. Questions were sealed today. I dont know if anyone knows why?

I don't know why, and I really really want to know what the question was, but way more than that, I am incredibly grateful that for once the court's business is being conducted with discretion and dignity rather than being fed to the public like popcorn at the circus.

It's killing me, but I can wait to know.
Thank you, I'm sorry to hear of your loss.

J said they've fed about 25,000 so far and are sending out 10,000 lunches. If you can donate time, money or supplies, please do. There is a great need for diapers, bottles, new clothes, blankets, shoes, personal items, just about everything for those affected. They are at the First Baptist Church for now, but are getting ready to re- deploy closer in to the more damaged areas.

Do you remember Jones Farm? Out on Countyline and Eastern? Don't know if it's still there. It's made it through several tornado and hope it has this one. I learned to ride horses there when I was four years old.

It got hit hard. Lost a lot of horses. They will rebuild
If jury does come back with life and JA eventually gets out of prison and slaughters another boyfriends who dumps her. How would the jury feel then? I know this has happened before. It seems DP would be a hard decision if your not 100% sure the defendant did the crime but we know JA did it that's why she got murder one so why would it be difficult since they convicted her of murder one in the first place? She is the perfect candidate for the DP. I feel if she did this once in such a torturous grisly, heinous, overkill murder she will do it again and the jury should impose the DP to protect others. I seriously believe she feels what she did to Travis was justified and given the chance would do it again.
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