Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

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WHAT? can anyone else confirm?

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 2m
Travis' family members are showing up. Mike B. went in and the head of security as well. Something is brewing.
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 45s
May be a #JodiArias jury question. Source. #FOX10
How in the world would that be an appeal issue?

It would not. Not at all.

I agree with safie:

This jury has done an outstanding job of evaluating this case, and I would say most of us agree. If it takes them a week to come to a long as they agree on Death or LWOP will be because they are charged with one of the most profound decisions one can make.

Let us remember Death is a decision EACH juror must make for themselves in order for them to live with knowing they killed someone. I suspect their may be those gung-ho for death and a few that can't in good conscience feel JA is a complete throw-away---no matter how heinous her actions .

None of us know how we would react after 6 months ....and it does not have to be the women having a problem EVERYONE of them has to live with a decision they will own for the rest of their lives.

IMOO I can only pray they will eventually agree on sentencing and it will finally end.:twocents:

I kind of have to take issue with something: Jurors who vote for death are not "killing" jodi arias. It is true that their vote will lead to jodi arias being killed. But they are not the ones who will kill her. Instead, they may be following jury instructions which state that the penalty is death if aggravators are present and there are not enough mitigators to bypass the aggravators. It's really math, not murder.
My imagination is going wild...if they're calling everyone in, but there's been no verdict advance warning....then could it be JSS is giving 2nd Allen reading?
Oh, you mean it's a simple matter of definition? If only I had know, I could've been pro-death penalty all along, and enjoyed all the pleasures such a stance seems to bring. I wish all ethical dilemmas could be solved with a dictionary!

If there were no murderers we wouldn't need the dictionary entry.

Some will manufacture a dilemma where none exists.

The question was whether you support the evil, lying, torture murderess.

It remains unanswered.
If it was a verdict the court would have tweeted it .. they have all the other times ..

:please::please::please::please::please: Please be a verdict !

Lurker here! I have been reading this forum forever and wanted to address something that keeps running me around in circles. I hope it makes sense. I firmly believe JA is guilty. I look at Travis's picture and I get so mad and sad. (That's putting it mildly) I believe in the DP for killers such as these but I don't like the endless appeals process. With that said, since there was so much left out of the thousands of emails, texts, IM's, etc, how do we know for sure that some of what JA said about Travis is true? Everyone on this board is so absolutely sure about her lying and I do to; that is why I am so confused. How can she so emphatically state that the stuff is true without providing evidence? I am not one of those people that can watch JA in that courtroom and know that she is lying, seething, happy, sad. I am not made that way. How can you people read that about her? It is fascinating to read but I cannot see what you see.

So my question to anyone that wants to answer, how do you know? Give an example of something that has gone on that gives you that 100% feeling that she is lying. I have watched this trial for most of it, causing my mind to spin in every direction and that is why this post is so messed up. In one of her interviews, she says something about if you don't abuse me why should you be afraid....(paraphrasing), she says it with such conviction, how do we know that it is a lie what she has said about TA?

If you think I am approaching insanity, well, you are right. But I do wish someone could understand what I am asking and answer me.

Thank you to all WS people. You are absolutely the best. Travis and the Alexander family are so blessed to have you.


Ok I'll play..

Here's why I call BS on her story..

10)Out of 80,000 email/text/calls etc we only have what 1 text chain that has language which out of context could appear abusive?

9)CM out of her own mouth said she took pics of the 'alleged' Travis's T & shorts 'TO MEMORIALIZE THEM' before she 'threw them out' I've always felt those shower pictures were to what? 'TO MEMORIALIZE HIM' before she killed him 3 ways!

8) G'parents robbery.. Really? GMAFB

7) Ran for 'unloaded' gun than down hall & stairs out the door or to even 'think' in panic situation of something you saw several months earlier idk??

6)Moves from CA down street from TA?? What's that spell? S-T-A-L-K-E-R?

5)When not living in AZ she'd drive over 1000 miles to be abused? Really??

4)Story of how she "discovered his secret".. Nothing stored in Attic, NO ONE else ever thought/saw anything like this in his behavoir AND..Oh yeah NOTHING found on his electronic footprint PC/Cell phone etc

3)DeMarte's Psych Eval that she is Cluster B or BPD.. Traits where apparent from beginning of trial (check my earliest posts I SAID BORDERLINE)


And # 1 reason I know she's lying her story is BS with no supporting facts...

HER MOUTH IS MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope that helps! :floorlaugh:
My mother spanked my bottom with a wooden spoon or a hair brush. Whatever was handy at the time. My father used a yardstick at the DR table to keep us all in line. This was a means of discipline if we were misbehaving. We were a family of 10 children growing up in the 50's. We are all high achiever's and in long-term relationships and the siblings love one another unconditionally. JA's claim of child abuse never held any water for me!

Me too! My mother had never heard the term 'time out' - it was a case of whether I could get up the stairs faster than her, with a spoon in her hand coming up behind me.
I usually could...:floorlaugh:
I'm shaking like a Chihuahua :)

Is it another juror question, a deadlock or a verdict???????
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