Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #4

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Per HLN...the court reporter has been summoned back to the courtroom.
Wild just said something brewing. Family showing up. So is court reporter and sheriff. Hmmm. Verdict maybe? Deadlock?

I was so hoping it was a verdict, but isn't there an hour notice before verdict? Maybe a juror question?
No way it's a verdict, they'd have announced it. It's either another question from the jury, or they're announcing they're hung, and JSS will send them back to try one more time.
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 2m

May be a #JodiArias jury question. Source. #FOX10
It's another question or a hung jury. Don't know what else it could be. If it was a verdict we'd know by now. If it's a hung jury I think the judge will send them back one more time.
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 39s
Still hearing just #JodiArias jury question. Not hearing anything about verdict. Should know soon. #JodiArias #FOX10
It's 3:13 p.m. in AZ. I think this is IT!

Chelly, unfortunately I don't think so, or it's not good b/c they would have given the advance verdict notice to media and for everyone to gather.
OK...something I have been thinking about.

I have accepted whatever punishment the jury hands out...though I have my opinions.

But for Jodi, Life is a WIN!

And I will not be able to handle her celebrating this "victory" if she gets it!!! She needs to be mindful that her life is OVER!!!
Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 20s

Whole Alexander family now back in witness room. Stand by #FOX10 #JodiArias
Lady on HLN saying she was on a jury and sentenced a child-killer to death, but the guy is now off of death row on his 3rd appeal. Ugh. No wonder Jodi's not even thinking about the needle.
What's more important is the information the woman is sharing about the process and the challenges of deliberating between life and death, and how awful it is to hear all the horrible things the public said about them after the fact. Said it's one thing to say that you can impose a death sentence on another human being, another matter entirely when you're in the deliberation room and must make the decision. The woman--Penny Warren--also said how haunted she still is by the photos she saw of the little boy (murder victim) in the death penalty trial she served on. Very compelling, informative interview by Ryan Smith. I've been railing against the jury bashing that's been rampant on this board today and will continue to do so. The Arias jury deserves better than that.
Ugh please not hung. Just get it over with at this point. Please.
:truce: I'm changing the Juanettes Kickline from DP to JU => Jury Unanimity. I will be fine with whatever this jury decides, as long as they are unanimous! I can't imagine the Alexander family having to endure another several weeks of trial with a new penalty phase jury. :(

Again, everyone's invited to join... NO AUDITION NECESSARY!

So far, the kickline members are basilcat, EGirl, rose222 (granted special permission to dance out of sync in the wings), scorekeeper, and me. Please correct me if I missed anyone...

:juanettes: :juanettes: :juanettes: :juanettes: :juanettes:

I'm dancing with you......I can't get to the "more" smilies on my computer but I'm dancing!!!!!
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