Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

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She DOES believe that. While on the stand she said her and Travis discussed marriage, kind of off handed but later, he asked her to marry him over the phone :floorlaugh: Who does that?

Somebody in junior high school. She probably writes Mrs. Travis Alexander over and over.
I think we should call Locks of Love and ask if JA really donated her hair 3 times... A reporter called the jail and asked if it would be feasible for her to do it and in a very round about way she could possibly have donated her hair...

But I wonder if Locks of Love would have records of her donating... Someone said you get a certificate when you donate hair so JA would have gotten a certificate that she could have brought to court today...
I'm not an attorney but its my understanding that the appeals process won't center around a change in argument but rather legal errors that occurred at the trial level. She can't, as far as I know, choose to change her story in the legal sense, unless wrapped around those errors. She can argue things like ineffective counsel; media hype; the rulings of the court prior to sentencing; lack of sequestration; the aggravating factor not being sufficiently proven or mitigating not sufficiently presented, etc.

Whatever the decision, may God Bless the Alexander family.
Night, kids! Don't wrack your brains too much.....tomorrow will be GOOD! I'm counting on it!
Jodi Arias , Death Penalty Phase , No Remorse, Juan Martinez Right Again - YouTube
Published on May 22, 2013

As Expected, Jodi Arias not only shows NO REMORSE, and no responsibility for her pre-meditated murder whatsoever, but she pokes a finger (her middle finger) in the eye of the Travis Alexander Family, and the Jury, with her ultra ironically named "Survivor' T-Shirt gaga fest of an allocution. As usual, we'll look at a few clips and comment. Jodi's statement today should surely be a Death Penalty offense in and of itself. And I do mean OFFENSE. This Narcissistic, Self Centered, Egotistical, Limelight Seeking Arrogant, attention hog, has no idea that every time she opens her lying yap, she gains more 'converts' to the 99.8% of the world populace who already despise her with every fiber of their being! Thanks again CroakerQueen for the uploads, you are a lifesaver for those who wanted to follow the actual real trial from beginning to end unvarnished by the media coverage.
I think we should call Locks of Love and ask if JA really donated her hair 3 times... A reporter called the jail and asked if it would be feasible for her to do it and in a very round about way she could possibly have donated her hair...

But I wonder if Locks of Love would have records of her donating... Someone said you get a certificate when you donate hair so JA would have gotten a certificate that she could have brought to court today...

My DW donated to locks of Love and they sent her a thankyou letter for her donation. I say if CMja had in fact donated her hair to them she would have presented that letter addressed to her. Since all she supplied was a generic ad, I say no.
I TOTALLY AGREE w/ everything you said. When she was droning on about how she could make a "positive contribution" in prison, how there are groups and ways to get involved, how there are other women and she can help them....the whole time I was thinking, yep, check note to self: do not put Jodi in general population prison. I'm wondering if any of the jurors thought the same thought? Exactly the moment she was "begging" for life in prison, I was thinking all the reasons she's saying is all the MORE REASON to give her death and put her on death row.

Yep. You said it. I know that WE totally make that connection. I wonder if the jurors can? Jodi will always be fine as long as she has someone to talk to, manipulate, control, or whatever else she can think of. Can you imagine someone who was rehabilitated with the help of Jodi, back in society at some point? Especially a weak person who idolized her? Good luck Juan on Jodi part 2....
I think we will not have a verdict any time soon. I think this is the most difficult decision they have to make thus far. I'm not a big believer in the death penalty, so I think justice will be served regardless of the outcome of this phase. Even if she gets the DP, her current lawyers are already laying the ground down for an appeal when she gets another council assigned to her when they finally withdraw from this case. With all the appeals, she is more lucky to spend many, many years in jail.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I find Jodi to be usually articulate, and well spoken. She lies very well, and has a very believable thing about her. I was looking forward to hearing her allocation, because I thought she will have a lot to say. Her allocation was not so great, she showed little remorse toward what she has done to Travis. I think a sincere apology would show she has a heart, but I failed to hear an actual apology. She only cried when she spoke about herself.

Travis said something to Jodi in one of his texts on May 26th, 2008 that rings so true, "You only cry for yourself"
Oh my goodness it's almost 4 a.m. I've got to get up in a couple of hours. Everyone have a good nights sleep and talk tomorrow if I have any energy left. I'm watching those poor people who lost everything in that tornado. My condolences to the ones who lost their loved ones. To those who lost everything, I hope you can find the strength to get through this awful tragedy.
I think we will not have a verdict any time soon. I think this is the most difficult decision they have to make thus far. I'm not a big believer in the death penalty, so I think justice will be served regardless of the outcome of this phase. Even if she gets the DP, her current lawyers are already laying the ground down for an appeal when she gets another council assigned to her when they finally withdraw from this case. With all the appeals, she is more lucky to spend many, many years in jail.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I find Jodi to be usually articulate, and well spoken. She lies very well, and has a very believable thing about her. I was looking forward to hearing her allocation, because I thought she will have a lot to say. Her allocation was not so great, she showed little remorse toward what she has done to Travis. I think a sincere apology would show she has a heart, but I failed to hear an actual apology. She only cried when she spoke about herself.

Travis said something to Jodi in one of his texts on May 26th, 2008 that rings so true, "You only cry for yourself"

Jodi has all the time in the world to be "articulate" by thinking up her next move in a jail cell. She will NEVER show remorse for killing Travis because in her mind, he MADE her do it. And lots and lots of Death penalty cases go up for appeal every year... Jodi's will as well. She will still sit in a cell 23 hrs a day, instead of being able to infect gen pop with her rancidness. Let her sit there, through WHATEVER appeals she gets. She's still not out there doin interviews, and she can grow old and ugly without all of us, OR the Alexander family having to see her on the 10 o'clock news every other day. I could live with that.
I think we should call Locks of Love and ask if JA really donated her hair 3 times... A reporter called the jail and asked if it would be feasible for her to do it and in a very round about way she could possibly have donated her hair...

But I wonder if Locks of Love would have records of her donating... Someone said you get a certificate when you donate hair so JA would have gotten a certificate that she could have brought to court today...

I've donated to them, before. You have to donate AT LEAST 10 inches of hair, and by my calculations, it's pretty much impossible to donate 30 inches of hair in less than 5 years, and not once be seen with short hair. Perhaps, her hair grows with every lie, instead of her nose?:liar:
Do you have a link for this at all? New jury means this jury have been thrown under the bus and JSS as well.

MSM does not dictate anything unless it is ratings for the TV. I am in Oz and don't know who HLN are and accordingly do not have stomach pains.

Plus I have a relative who died of breast cancer. Still grieving and I avoid the pink ribbon logo. To say on MSM that the jury listen to you all is to say that I am listening to carp re cancer. They DON T hear you all.

How has a financial contribution been made to make this a long trial.. Not Juan. Not us on WS as there are mini mods and and mod volunteers. Who funds all this stuff on Dr Drew and HLN plus Fox?

If charged in Australia it is you vs Her Majesty and not vs the state.

Here's what happens if there's a deadlock...

Under Arizona law, if the jury cannot reach a unanimous decision on sentencing, the panel will be dismissed and jury selection will begin anew. Another panel would then be seated to hear arguments in only the penalty phase to determine a sentence. If the second panel cannot reach a unanimous agreement, the judge will then sentence Arias to either her entire life in prison or life in prison with the possibility of release after 25 years.

Read more:

If a juror sees something in the media, and needs to be dismissed one of the alternate jurors could be brought in and deliberations would begin on that phase again with the new juror present.

In the event a deliberating juror is excused during either the aggravation or penalty phases due to inability or disqualification to perform required duties, the court may substitute an alternate juror, choosing from among the alternates in the order previously designated, unless disqualified, to join in the deliberations. In the event that an alternate or alternates are substituted during the aggravation or penalty deliberations, the jurors shall only begin anew for the phase of the sentencing that they are currently deliberating. The jurors shall not deliberate anew about a verdict already reached and entered.
I'm not an attorney but its my understanding that the appeals process won't center around a change in argument but rather legal errors that occurred at the trial level. She can't, as far as I know, choose to change her story in the legal sense, unless wrapped around those errors. She can argue things like ineffective counsel; media hype; the rulings of the court prior to sentencing; lack of sequestration; the aggravating factor not being sufficiently proven or mitigating not sufficiently presented, etc.


Sorry, just checking what legal errors you have found?
I've donated to them, before. You have to donate AT LEAST 10 inches of hair, and by my calculations, it's pretty much impossible to donate 30 inches of hair in less than 5 years, and not once be seen with short hair. Perhaps, her hair grows with every lie, as opposed to her nose?:liar:

I have donated 2 times in a lil over 2 years, and not even 9 months after my last donation, I could donate again if I chose to. But my hair grows ridiculously fast and gets crazy long, as does my son's and my mother's. They both complain about it, but when I was just a bit younger, this long hair bought me lots of drinks! lol! I do cut it and donate it, but it always grows back really fast, so... lol Just a thought.
Flinders HLN is a commercial network therefore money comes from advertising revenue. Arizona tax payers pay for the trial, pay prosecution and defence lawyers (and experts) in this case.
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