Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #3

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This mess is deep.

The Govenor is trying to explain his release of $3,000,000.00 worth of taxpayer money to TSM as being due to his not wanting to "compromise" the grand jury investigation:

Gov. Tom Corbett today said he allowed the release of a $3 million state grant to The Second Mile foundation this summer in part because he did not want to compromise the grand jury probe of Jerry Sandusky by talking about it with his staff or advocates in the Legislature.

It couldn't POSSIBLY have had anything to do with this, could it?

Past and present board members of The Second Mile and their businesses or families gave $641,481.21 to Corbett's 2010 campaign.

We're talking about $3,000,000.00 for the construction of a facility that was the pet project of a child rapist:

Mr. Sandusky had long championed the development of what he called the "Center for Excellence," which would have classrooms, athletic facilities, an auditorium and dormitories.

This place was to be built on a 60 acre parcel of land with a market value of OVER $500,000.00 of which 41 acres was purchased from PENN STATE for only $168,500.00 DURING THE SAME YEAR THAT SANDUSKY WAS SEEN RAPING A CHILD IN THE SHOWER ON ANOTHER PIECE OF PENN STATE PROPERTY!

It was to be built on a 60-acre site in Patton Township, about 41 acres of which was purchased by The Second Mile from Penn State for $168,500 in 2002.

As if this deal couldn't get any sweeter, the chairman of the board for Second Mile was even gonna build the place!

A company headed by the board chairman of The Second Mile, the nonprofit at the center of the Penn State University sex abuse scandal, served as construction manager on the organization's $11.5 million learning center project.

Robert Poole is president and CEO of Poole Anderson Construction, based in State College. He also has served as The Second Mile's board chairman for 17 years.

This has got to be the most inbred, convoluted, publicly funded sequence of events I've ever seen, all to build a bigger better playpen for a pedophile.
Wow, an obsessive compulsive disorder? Way to play such evil down. But I take issue with (and am actually horribly offended by) the characterization of pedophilia as a sexual preference, like hetero or *advertiser censored* sexuality. I call B.S.

Like many of my fellow sleuthers, I have researched pedophilia quite a bit. My (admittedly unprofessional) assessment is that it is sadism, not sexual preference. It is born from a desire to dominate over and harm those who are younger, weaker and defenseless. That is what gives them a rush. And that is why if you castrated them they would still likely molest little kids. It is a sickness of the soul, and evil.

I worked for the Federal Public Defender one summer (interned during law school). I had the unfortunate experience of being exposed to child *advertiser censored* while there (evidence in a few cases). What I saw was shocking. It will never leave my mind and it is pure horror. Maybe I am prejudiced by what I saw (and heard) but it was the sexual torture of little children, IMO. Crying, screaming, frightened little kids. That's what pedophiles do.

Sandusky had a small, 10 year old boy up against a wall, anally raping him.
That is torture to me and I believe that Sandusky got a sadistic pleasure from it. Sadists usually get sexually aroused by their sadism. But pedophiles often have intimate, sexual relationships with other adults and that to me evidences their sexual orientation. The child rape and child molestation? That's not sexuality, it's evil. :twocents:

Rapists are motivated by power and control. They want to intimidate their victims. Sadists like to intimidate and control.
Rapists are motivated by power and control. They want to intimidate their victims. Sadists like to intimidate and control.

This comes to mind:

“While in the shower, Sandusky approached the boy, grabbed him around the waist and said, ‘I’m going to squeeze your guts out.’ Sandusky lathered up the boy, soaping his back because, he said, the boy would not be able to reach it. Sandusky bear-hugged the boy from behind, holding the boy’s back against his chest. Then he picked him up and put him under the showerhead to rinse soap out of his hair,”

Dr. Drew interviewed Darrell Hammond (SNL - also an abuse victim) tonight. He mentioned the flashbacks. They would come anywhere/anytime. I did a quick search and saw that he had to be taken from the set (backstage) in a straitjacket one time.
I don't agree with Dr. Drew's view of pedophiles either, and I gag every time he worries about Sandusky's frame of mind and whether he might try to commit suicide (I honestly doubt that will ever happen, and I couldn't care less if it did).

I see pedophiles as being in the same category as serial killers. They are always looking for the next thrill, the next level of debauchery.

ETA: They don't always kill their victims, but doom them to a tragic life of lost innocence and fear. And in Sandusky's case, he probably caused them to never trust authority figures again.

We can rationalize and say that a serial abuser has "learned his lesson" or "learned to control his impulses," but every time they let one of these guys out of jail, the first thing they do is go lurk around a playground. :twocents:
I don't agree with Dr. Drew's view of pedophiles either, and I gag every time he worries about Sandusky's frame of mind and whether he might try to commit suicide (I honestly doubt that will ever happen, and I couldn't care less if it did).

I see pedophiles as being in the same category as serial killers. They are always looking for the next thrill, the next level of debauchery.

We can rationalize and say that a serial abuser has "learned his lesson" or "learned to control his impulses," but every time they let one of these guys out of jail, the first thing they do is go lurk around a playground. :twocents:

I totally agree and I saw on tv where his property backs up to the school playground.
No, it isn't.

I haven't listened to the interview yet but there's audio and an article here:

Ex-PSU Grad Assistant Matt Paknis On WFAN: Paterno Knows Everything

Apparently he was sexually abused as a child.

I keep remembering what kindly ole JoePa tried to say last week about his "surprise" regarding this freak's actions:

Paterno addresses the allegations against Sandusky for the first time, saying he's "shocked" and "deeply saddened."

"If this is true," Paterno says in a statement released by his son, Scott, "we were all fooled"

How many does this make, now, that tell us there was NO WAY Paterno was shocked OR fooled?

Paknis described Paterno’s rule over the Penn State campus as absolute. “I think he had more power in the state of Pennsylvania than anybody.”

When asked about the possibility that Paterno could not be aware of reports on Sandusky’s behavior Paknis said it was “impossible.”

“Joe knows everything,” he said.
This mess is deep.

The Govenor is trying to explain his release of $3,000,000.00 worth of taxpayer money to TSM as being due to his not wanting to "compromise" the grand jury investigation:

It couldn't POSSIBLY have had anything to do with this, could it?

We're talking about $3,000,000.00 for the construction of a facility that was the pet project of a child rapist:

This place was to be built on a 60 acre parcel of land with a market value of OVER $500,000.00 of which 41 acres was purchased from PENN STATE for only $168,500.00 DURING THE SAME YEAR THAT SANDUSKY WAS SEEN RAPING A CHILD IN THE SHOWER ON ANOTHER PIECE OF PENN STATE PROPERTY!

Respectfully snipped.

On the gov... yeah... he's part of the "higher, deeper" thing I've been referring to from the start. Not to detract from the situation at hand but he's now been at a total of 1 BOT meeting at PSU. CMA! CMA! and I don't mean Caylee or Casey.

And the bbm:

On the price of the property - it's not unreasonably low. I purchased mine at $5,000 an acre in early 2010 compared to $4,100 on a bulk purchase in 2002.
Wow, an obsessive compulsive disorder? Way to play such evil down. But I take issue with (and am actually horribly offended by) the characterization of pedophilia as a sexual preference, like hetero or *advertiser censored* sexuality. I call B.S.

Like many of my fellow sleuthers, I have researched pedophilia quite a bit. My (admittedly unprofessional) assessment is that it is sadism, not sexual preference. It is born from a desire to dominate over and harm those who are younger, weaker and defenseless. That is what gives them a rush. And that is why if you castrated them they would still likely molest little kids. It is a sickness of the soul, and evil.

I worked for the Federal Public Defender one summer (interned during law school). I had the unfortunate experience of being exposed to child *advertiser censored* while there (evidence in a few cases). What I saw was shocking. It will never leave my mind and it is pure horror. Maybe I am prejudiced by what I saw (and heard) but it was the sexual torture of little children, IMO. Crying, screaming, frightened little kids. That's what pedophiles do.

Sandusky had a small, 10 year old boy up against a wall, anally raping him.
That is torture to me and I believe that Sandusky got a sadistic pleasure from it. Sadists usually get sexually aroused by their sadism. But pedophiles often have intimate, sexual relationships with other adults and that to me evidences their sexual orientation. The child rape and child molestation? That's not sexuality, it's evil. :twocents:

I agree. My sick uncle seemed to get a lot of pleasure and enjoyment from scaring me into not telling about the abuse. He would do that by holding my cat, who I loved more than anything, out the window and pretend he was going to drop her on the concrete patio. He would tease me mercilessly in front of others, by for example, ticking me all over until I would almost wet my pants and cry. My mom was the oldest of 10 kids in a raucous Irish catholic family so she did not see the evil in him. He was her little brother and that was all she could see him as. But he was sadistic behind closed doors. And it seems like the mean scary things he did were worse than the sexual abuse at times.
I totally agree and I saw on tv where his property backs up to the school playground.

Not exactly backs up, but too close for comfort at 1000 feet away.:

For those interested in an abundance of information about pedophilia with well over 100 footnotes-direct links provided for each footnote, read (and weep):


In this article, we address research that defines the various types and categories of pedophilia, review available federal data on child molestation and *advertiser censored*, and briefly discuss the theories on what makes an individual develop a sexual orientation toward children. This article also examines how researchers determine if someone is a pedophile, potential treatments for pedophiles and sexually abused children, the risk of additional sexual offenses, the effect of mandatory reporting laws on both physicians and pedophiles, and limitations of the current pedophilic literature.


A substantial amount of research has been performed on what leads one to be attracted to children. Pedophilia, especially the exclusive type, may be best thought of as its own category of sexual orientation, not something that is superimposed on an existing heterosexual or homosexual identity.29,43


Fifty percent to 70% of pedophiles can be diagnosed as having another paraphilia, such as frotteurism, exhibitionism, voyeurism, or sadism.7,12,25 Pedophiles are approximately 2.5 times more likely to engage in physical contact with a child than simply voyeuristic or exhibitionistic activities.7 Typically, pedophiles engage in fondling and genital manipulation more than intercourse, with the exceptions occurring in cases of incest, of pedophiles with a preference for older children or adolescents, and when children are physically coerced.5-7


Currently, much of the focus of pedophilic treatment is on stopping further offenses against children rather than altering the pedophile's sexual orientation toward children. Schober et al34 found that individuals still showed sexual interest in children, as measured by the AASI, even after a year of combined psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, whereas the pedophiles' self-reported frequency of urges and masturbation had decreased. These findings indicate that the urges can be managed, but the core attraction does not change.34,64
Respectfully snipped.

On the gov... yeah... he's part of the "higher, deeper" thing I've been referring to from the start. Not to detract from the situation at hand but he's now been at a total of 1 BOT meeting at PSU. CMA! CMA! and I don't mean Caylee or Casey.

And the bbm:

On the price of the property - it's not unreasonably low. I purchased mine at $5,000 an acre in early 2010 compared to $4,100 on a bulk purchase in 2002.

Admittedly I don't know much about raw land costs/values in PA, but this seems to be one helluva deal for Sandusky's foundation during the same year he raped a child in the shower of the property's seller:

The story of how The Second Mile obtained that 40.7 acres of Patton Township land dates back to October 1990, when the Winston Corp. sold the land to Mark Bookman, of Pittsburgh, for $320,000.

In August 1999, Bookman and his wife, Marsha, transferred the land to Penn State in two separate agreements.

In the first deed, the Bookmans and the Richard King Mellon Foundation are listed as the grantors of the lease. The price tag was $1, and the deed said they were selling a 50 percent undivided interest in the land.

In the second deed, the Bookmans are listed as the grantors, along with a real estate agent. In that agreement, the Bookmans also transferred a 50 percent undivided interest. The university paid the Bookmans $183,970, according to the deed.

Bottom line? A piece of land purchased for $320,000.00 in 1990 was sold to Penn State in 1999 for $183,971, who in turn sold it to The Second Mile for $168,500 in 2002. This 40.7 acres made up the majority of the 60 acres owned by TSM which is presently valued at $555,000.00 according to one of the links in my earlier post.

We call this a sweetheart deal where I'm from. The only winner was Sandusky's proposed new playpen.
...My sick uncle seemed to get a lot of pleasure and enjoyment from scaring me into not telling about the abuse. He would do that by holding my cat, who I loved more than anything, out the window and pretend he was going to drop her on the concrete patio. He would tease me mercilessly in front of others, by for example, ticking me all over until I would almost wet my pants and cry. My mom was the oldest of 10 kids in a raucous Irish catholic family so she did not see the evil in him. He was her little brother and that was all she could see him as. But he was sadistic behind closed doors. And it seems like the mean scary things he did were worse than the sexual abuse at times...

I just read an NPR interview (Terry Gross/Darrell Hammond - SNL) to my husband a few minutes ago and what you've described in your post sounds so similar to what he described as his reason for writing his book:

On why he wanted to write a memoir

"The agreement between perpetrator and victim in which the victim agrees to remain silent because he's in fear. I wanted to write about it."
We call this a sweetheart deal where I'm from. The only winner was Sandusky's proposed new playpen.

I keep asking myself why people (adults, not children) continually gave in to this man's whims/wishes. Sure, "charity" makes everyone feel good but there were rumblings of his, um, tendencies, for several years prior to the grand jury investigation.

Exactly one week ago there was a very inflammatory rumor spreading across the internet generated by a writer named Mark Madden. I did a quick search yesterday and didn't find much more about it but it keeps coming to mind when I hear about all these wheelings and dealings with PSU/The Second Mile.

Were these people in such a deep state of denial that they lost their ability to think rationally about what they were helping to create? Or is there more to the story? (rhetorical/thinking out loud questions)
How is it unhealthy that the coaches did not shower with the young students? There are not private showers in male locker rooms, so did Matt expect each stinky coach to wait for every other coach to finish before showering himself? Should the sweaty coaches just get into their expensive cars with leather seats and drive home while smelly?

That's how we do it. Stinky feet and shoes are the worst!
Snipped for space
I worked for the Federal Public Defender one summer (interned during law school). I had the unfortunate experience of being exposed to child *advertiser censored* while there (evidence in a few cases). What I saw was shocking. It will never leave my mind and it is pure horror. Maybe I am prejudiced by what I saw (and heard) but it was the sexual torture of little children, IMO. Crying, screaming, frightened little kids. That's what pedophiles do.

You deserve a huge thanks for doing a job that most people would be unable to do. I hope you were rewarded with the sound of slamming bars.
I worked for the Federal Public Defender one summer (interned during law school). I had the unfortunate experience of being exposed to child *advertiser censored* while there (evidence in a few cases). What I saw was shocking. It will never leave my mind and it is pure horror. Maybe I am prejudiced by what I saw (and heard) but it was the sexual torture of little children, IMO. Crying, screaming, frightened little kids. That's what pedophiles do.

I do a blog on the Gricar case. I have to write about some of this stuff.

I did a blog once where I had to research Gary Heidnik, a Philadelphia murderer, kidnapper and torturer.

This Sandusky stuff is even worse.

From the link:

*Now 27, Victim Four was a fixture in the Sandusky household as a child. And Sandusky, the youth’s attorney says, played two roles — that of a father and that of a molester.

*"He viewed him almost as a family member and he looked up to him because there were some things that Jerry was doing positive at the time," Andreozzi said.

Wow, talk about internal conflict. Not to mention all the material stuff/"perks" thrown in. I read something the other day about situations like this wherein the groomed child feels guilty because he/she likes the ice cream (that was the writer's example), thereby feeling as if it is all his or her fault (loosely paraphrased).

Why, oh why, is this guy still free to walk the streets?
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