Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #3

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Not exactly backs up, but too close for comfort at 1000 feet away.:


ITA-Way too close for comfort Papa! Watch this clip from HLN about how close JS is to the Ele. school!!
Sandusky's home is near an elementary school
Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is facing 40 charges of child rape and molestation. Right now, Sandusky is free on bond awaiting his trial while living in his home in State College, Pennsylvania.

The former Penn State defensive coordinator's home is next door to Lamont Elementary School. In fact, the back of Sandusky's house has a view of the school. HLN's Vinnie Politan shows us just how close Sandusky's house is.
CP.. A fence separates Sandusky's backyard from the playground of the school.

I wasn't aware of that, Em. I grabbed the image I posted from one of the articles. If this is true, it's deplorable.

I'm at my office right now, but when I get home this pm I'll go into Google Earth/Maps and pull up overhead and streetside views of the property and post later tonight.
I wasn't aware of that, Em. I grabbed the image I posted from one of the articles. If this is true, it's deplorable.

I'm at my office right now, but when I get home this pm I'll go into Google Earth/Maps and pull up overhead and streetside views of the property and post later tonight.

Check out the video at the link in post # 361.. IT's TRUE and like you said deplorable..JMHO
Parents worried Jerry Sandusky lives next to elementary school
But his house is located right next to the playground for Lemont Elementary School. From Sandusky’s back porch, he has a clear view of the playground.

The administrators at the elementary school say local police reached out to them following Sandusky's arrest.

The district's superintendent is quoted saying the school, which runs through the second grade, has taken additional administrative action to ensure our children are safe.
video at link
Apologize if this was already posted.....
Lawyer's teen baby mama

Sandusky attorney got high-school-aged girl pregnant before wedding her

By Sarah Ryley Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Defense attorney Joe Amendola, 63, representing Sandusky in the sexual molestation case roiling Penn State and Joe Paterno’s legendary football program, impregnated a teenager and later married her, The Daily has learned.

According to documents filed with Centre County Courthouse, Amendola served as the attorney for Mary Iavasile’s emancipation petition on Sept. 3, 1996, just weeks before her 17th birthday.

The emancipation request said Iavasile graduated from high school in two years with a 3.69 grade point average and maintained a full-time job — but makes no mention of any special relationship between her and her lawyer.

Roughly around the same time, however, Iavasile became pregnant with Amendola’s child, and gave birth before she turned 18, her mother, Janet Iavasile, alleged in an interview with The Daily.

Perhaps old news to you guys, but I didn't want it to slip through.
Wow, an obsessive compulsive disorder? Way to play such evil down. But I take issue with (and am actually horribly offended by) the characterization of pedophilia as a sexual preference, like hetero or *advertiser censored* sexuality. I call B.S.

Like many of my fellow sleuthers, I have researched pedophilia quite a bit. My (admittedly unprofessional) assessment is that it is sadism, not sexual preference. It is born from a desire to dominate over and harm those who are younger, weaker and defenseless. That is what gives them a rush. And that is why if you castrated them they would still likely molest little kids. It is a sickness of the soul, and evil.

I worked for the Federal Public Defender one summer (interned during law school). I had the unfortunate experience of being exposed to child *advertiser censored* while there (evidence in a few cases). What I saw was shocking. It will never leave my mind and it is pure horror. Maybe I am prejudiced by what I saw (and heard) but it was the sexual torture of little children, IMO. Crying, screaming, frightened little kids. That's what pedophiles do.

Sandusky had a small, 10 year old boy up against a wall, anally raping him.
That is torture to me and I believe that Sandusky got a sadistic pleasure from it. Sadists usually get sexually aroused by their sadism. But pedophiles often have intimate, sexual relationships with other adults and that to me evidences their sexual orientation. The child rape and child molestation? That's not sexuality, it's evil. :twocents:
I hope Dr. Drew's show last night received a lot of complaints and will never be shown again. He had a "cured" ex-con pedo on his show talking about treatment instead of prison time for pedos. What Dr. Drew forgot to mention is that aversion therapy is a treatment (not with long-term success though) and prison is aversion therapy in a different form.

For fixated pedophiles (there are other types) like Sandusky, pedophilia is their sexual orientation. Studies have shown that they cannot be "reprogrammed" to be sexually attracted to adults. There are only a very few psychiatrists/psychologists on Earth who believe that sexual orientation can be changed. The effort in previous decades to change homosexuals' sexual orientations failed and the same has been found with fixated pedophiles.

Cognitive therapy treatments and averse conditioning treatments for pedos have been shown to only mask sexual desire for children because these temporarily decrease libido. Once the pedophile patient becomes noncompliant with his therapy, his sexual desire for children returns to previous untreated levels.

In one article titled "The Suppression of Sexual Thoughts by Child Molesters: A Preliminary Investigation," in the Journal of Research and Treatment, it was found that attempted suppression of pedos' sexual interests might actually result in more disturbing situations compared to no attempts being made. (The hyperaccessibility of formerly undesired thoughts has been documented in numerous studies.) Once suppressed, unwanted thoughts have been shown to return to the individual and dominate their mental life . Trying to suppress pedos' thoughts about raping children may actually cause more victims.
ITA-Way too close for comfort Papa! Watch this clip from HLN about how close JS is to the Ele. school!!
Sandusky's home is near an elementary school
Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky is facing 40 charges of child rape and molestation. Right now, Sandusky is free on bond awaiting his trial while living in his home in State College, Pennsylvania.

The former Penn State defensive coordinator's home is next door to Lamont Elementary School. In fact, the back of Sandusky's house has a view of the school. HLN's Vinnie Politan shows us just how close Sandusky's house is.

Thanks for this! He has those kids in his backyard! What a sick .

I have lived across the street from an elementary (as my boys were growing up) and I just loved the music of the playground. I often gardened or read and could hear my kids' voices rise and fall in the cacophony of recess. And they, in turn, could smell if I'd made popcorn for myself, was making soup or bread or cookies... and it gave me pleasure to know they were looking forward to coming home.


Oh, he makes me so sick I'm weak in the knees thinking about him! What kind of woman stands beside him???? I'd like to hear a little more about "Dottie", actually.

I think the school should erect and board fence to replace that chain link, and pronto. moo
Admittedly I don't know much about raw land costs/values in PA, but this seems to be one helluva deal for Sandusky's foundation during the same year he raped a child in the shower of the property's seller:

Bottom line? A piece of land purchased for $320,000.00 in 1990 was sold to Penn State in 1999 for $183,971, who in turn sold it to The Second Mile for $168,500 in 2002. This 40.7 acres made up the majority of the 60 acres owned by TSM which is presently valued at $555,000.00 according to one of the links in my earlier post.

We call this a sweetheart deal where I'm from. The only winner was Sandusky's proposed new playpen.

Thanks for the backstory! I didn't research, just did the math on what I paid per acre vs what was paid per acre 8 years prior. I appreciate your input!
Thanks for this! He has those kids in his backyard! What a sick .

I have lived across the street from an elementary (as my boys were growing up) and I just loved the music of the playground. I often gardened or read and could hear my kids' voices rise and fall in the cacophony of recess. And they, in turn, could smell if I'd made popcorn for myself, was making soup or bread or cookies... and it gave me pleasure to know they were looking forward to coming home.


Oh, he makes me so sick I'm weak in the knees thinking about him! What kind of woman stands beside him???? I'd like to hear a little more about "Dottie", actually.

I think the school should erect and board fence to replace that chain link, and pronto. moo

need to know more about Dottie too! How on this God's Green Earth did she not know!!!!

My abuser got caught because my beloved Auntie watched and waited until he made a move. She is my hero ♥
TSome of the literature states there can be over a hundred victims or more before the pedophile is finally caught and arrested.

Pedophiles can have these perversions starting at a young age. For instance, Joesph Duncan at the age of 8 was already raping young boys but was never arrested for it until he was in his teens. The reason he did not have more victims was only because he was incarcerated for 20 years and once out he continue his pedophilia even killing in order to get his victims.

Once the pedophile is caught then prior victims will come forward in large numbers. Just like it did when the Priest scandal first unfolded. The victims feel strength in numbers knowing they aren't the only ones who have suffered. They will get through this knowing they aren't alone now.

Before this investigation is over there will be many many victims of Sandusky's.

True pedophiles do not go for years and years without victimizing a child. They go from one victim to another. They do not have years of non-offending.

I think LE is being contacted everyday by another victim and are letting them know that this man has destroyed many children over the past 30 years or more.

It is so sad that this has happened. Males are the least likely to tell anyway but will usually come forth if other male victims do. Males who are sexually abused are ten times more likely to commit or try to commit suicide than a female who has suffered sexual abuse. Imo, the reason that happens is because they have no support group nor an outlet to express their pain and even their male friends don't understand nor want to talk about male sexual abuse.

It leaves these males without a support system and males tend to hold everything inside anyway due to the humiliation, pain and embarrassment of it all.

I pray for justice and I also pray that all the victims get therapy so they can begin the journey toward healing.:heart:

Thanks for this! He has those kids in his backyard! What a sick .

I have lived across the street from an elementary (as my boys were growing up) and I just loved the music of the playground. I often gardened or read and could hear my kids' voices rise and fall in the cacophony of recess. And they, in turn, could smell if I'd made popcorn for myself, was making soup or bread or cookies... and it gave me pleasure to know they were looking forward to coming home.


Oh, he makes me so sick I'm weak in the knees thinking about him! What kind of woman stands beside him???? I'd like to hear a little more about "Dottie", actually.

I think the school should erect and board fence to replace that chain link, and pronto. moo

Quiche, the biggest problem I have in understanding this entire situation is a seemingly wide spread acceptance, or apathy, regarding this monster's actions. You suggestion of a board fence would be automatic where I live.

If I had a child in that school, Sandusky would have to look past me and anyone else I could gather to constantly patrol the perimeter of the school property.

I'm gonna go off topic for a minute and tie it back to this school yard in case anyone doesn't think I'm serious. Last spring 2 of my granddaughters were playing softball at a county sports complex. An impaired driver veered off the road, crossed 3 Little League fields where children were playing, and crashed through 6 chain link fences and a dugout before coming to a stop on the same field and directly in line with my two girls playing shortstop and left center field. Miraculously no one was hurt.

LE let him go with no charges because they said they couldn't prove intent. I went ballistic, to say the least. Without going into all that I did, the point of my relaying this story is that there came a time for my girl's next game at that same complex. My oldest was too scared to want to play. I told her to just trust her Papa and suit up.

The night of the game came and, along with other parents, I was there, with OVER SEVEN HUNDRED of our friends and neighbors, including a local branch of The Patriot Guard. We completly lined the perimeter of the field, shoulder to shoulder and the game was played.

We called for no publicity, we wanted none. We were there to protect our children, even if only in a symbolic display of comfort for the girls on the field. A county commisioner was there with his kids on an adjoing field and as a direct result the county came in and installed barricades that will prevent a car from EVER being able to veer off the road again and harm our children.

My point in all of this? We all have an obligation to protect our children. Whether it's a board fence or a barricade, a community can't turn it's back. It seems to me that MANY backs were turned to the children who were this monster's victims.
Quiche, the biggest problem I have in understanding this entire situation is a seemingly wide spread acceptance, or apathy, regarding this monster's actions. You suggestion of a board fence would be automatic where I live.

If I had a child in that school, Sandusky would have to look past me and anyone else I could gather to constantly patrol the perimeter of the school property.

I'm gonna go off topic for a minute and tie it back to this school yard in case anyone doesn't think I'm serious. Last spring 2 of my granddaughters were playing softball at a county sports complex. An impaired driver veered off the road, crossed 3 Little League fields where children were playing, and crashed through 6 chain link fences and a dugout before coming to a stop on the same field and directly in line with my two girls playing shortstop and left center field. Miraculously no one was hurt.

LE let him go with no charges because they said they couldn't prove intent. I went ballistic, to say the least. Without going into all that I did, the point of my relaying this story is that there came a time for my girl's next game at that same complex. My oldest was too scared to want to play. I told her to just trust her Papa and suit up.

The night of the game came and, along with other parents, I was there, with OVER SEVEN HUNDRED of our friends and neighbors, including a local branch of The Patriot Guard. We completly lined the perimeter of the field, shoulder to shoulder and the game was played.

We called for no publicity, we wanted none. We were there to protect our children, even if only in a symbolic display of comfort for the girls on the field. A county commisioner was there with his kids on an adjoing field and as a direct result the county came in and installed barricades that will prevent a car from EVER being able to veer off the road again and harm our children.

My point in all of this? We all have an obligation to protect our children. Whether it's a board fence or a barricade, a community can't turn it's back. It seems to me that MANY backs were turned to the children who were this monster's victims.

Penn State abuse scandal likely to spawn lawsuits
(AP) STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — The full story about what happened in the Penn State child-sex abuse scandal will only come out through the civil lawsuits that now appear inevitable, and the matter raises novel and challenging legal issues, according to lawyers with experience in similar litigation.

"You're going to see everybody pointing at somebody else to try and get themselves out of it," said Slade McLaughlin, a Philadelphia lawyer who has pursued claims in the Philadelphia Catholic priest abuse case. "When you've got 19, 20 kids coming out, saying 'He did it, he did it,' I don't understand why anyone at Penn State in their right mind would say, 'Let's fight this.'"

The myriad of legal issues raised in the scandal includes whether Penn State, a "state-related" university that is getting more than $272 million from state government this year, will be able to assert government status that might limit liability.

"They are not entitled to sovereign immunity," said Matthew Casey, a Philadelphia lawyer who has handled catastrophic injury cases. "It doesn't mean that they won't attempt to invoke sovereign immunity, but the appellate case law is pretty clear on that."
Awesome, CP-- made me chill up before I cried. :clap: :heartbeat: :clap:
What role will the NCAA take in the Penn State scandal?
Ryssdal: I want to start with Penn State, obviously. The NCAA's position so far, your statements, have been that you'll let the law play out and then the NCAA will investigate as appropriate. I wonder, though, whether this isn't another example of big-time sports, big-money sports, driving institutions of higher education.

Emmert: Well clearly if those allegations are true, they're obviously despicable and they point to a culture that is fundamentally awry in which that kind of behavior could occur without being responded to in all the appropriate ways.

Ryssdal: As the body that is charged, in theory, with guaranteeing the safety of student athletes in American colleges and universities, how are you going to do that? What is your role in something like Penn State?

Emmert: Well we have rules and bylaws that -- while they were never written to address anything quite like this of course -- they speak directly to the control that institutions have to maintain over their athletic departments and their programs. And they speak very directly to ethical behavior of people in those programs and we'll apply those bylaws, and if the allegations hold up, then we'll act accordingly.
By Michael Isikoff
NBC News National Investigative Correspondent

The Penn State sex abuse scandal may soon become a federal case.

A senior law enforcement source tells NBC News that federal prosecutors and FBI agents in Pennsylvania are now “looking hard” at whether to open up their own investigation because of allegations that former football assistant coach Jerry Sandusky crossed state lines to commit child abuse.

One of the Pennsylvania state charges against Sandusky alleges that he flew one boy – identified as Victim Number Four – to the Outback Bowl in Tampa in 1998 and then again to the Alamo Bowl in San Antonio in 1999. Starting when the boy was about 13 years old, Sandusky “repeatedly” abused him, including at the bowl games, a grand jury report charges. When the boy resisted Sandusky’s advances, the grand jury indictment charges, the football coach threatened “to send him home from the Alamo Bowl.”
This mess is deep.

The Govenor is trying to explain his release of $3,000,000.00 worth of taxpayer money to TSM as being due to his not wanting to "compromise" the grand jury investigation:

It couldn't POSSIBLY have had anything to do with this, could it?

We're talking about $3,000,000.00 for the construction of a facility that was the pet project of a child rapist:

This place was to be built on a 60 acre parcel of land with a market value of OVER $500,000.00 of which 41 acres was purchased from PENN STATE for only $168,500.00 DURING THE SAME YEAR THAT SANDUSKY WAS SEEN RAPING A CHILD IN THE SHOWER ON ANOTHER PIECE OF PENN STATE PROPERTY!

As if this deal couldn't get any sweeter, the chairman of the board for Second Mile was even gonna build the place!

This has got to be the most inbred, convoluted, publicly funded sequence of events I've ever seen, all to build a bigger better playpen for a pedophile.

From Papa's post: A company headed by the board chairman of The Second Mile, the nonprofit at the center of the Penn State University sex abuse scandal, served as construction manager on the organization's $11.5 million learning center project.

Read more: LOL LOL This just gets better and better. POOLE ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION Dickinson College Waidner Admissions House 2011 Details >>
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One of the Pennsylvania state charges against Sandusky alleges that he flew one boy – identified as Victim Number Four – to the Outback Bowl in Tampa in 1998 and then again to the Alamo Bowl in San Antonio in 1999. Starting when the boy was about 13 years old, Sandusky “repeatedly” abused him, including at the bowl games, a grand jury report charges. When the boy resisted Sandusky’s advances, the grand jury indictment charges, the football coach threatened “to send him home from the Alamo Bowl.”

Absolutely despicable! :furious: Can you imagine what that boy went through? Flying away from home for the first time, and then being attacked in a hotel room by a grown man he trusted and probably his only role model. And then when he got home, everyone was probably asking them if he had a a great time and expecting them to be so happy - omg.

It makes me want to weep. It's evil personified. :maddening:

Franco Harris has, as expected, stepped down from his position as chairman of the Pittsburgh Promise scholarship program. Harris’ comments supporting fired coach Joe Paterno in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky scandal have now cost him his job as a spokesman for Meadows Race Track and Casino and as a board member of a local charity.

“To so adamantly and vocally defend one man while maintaining silence for those powerless to defend themselves, shows me that you are the wrong man to represent the Pittsburgh Promise and the ideals it embodies,” Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl said in a letter to Harris.

The board of directors met for four hours Thursday night behind closed doors in the Hill District. Pittsburgh Promise Executive Director Saleem Ghubril said that Harris will remain on the board as a full voting member, but voluntarily stepped aside as board chairman.
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