Penn State Sandusky scandal: AD arrested, Paterno, Spanier fired; coverup charged #5

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ITA. There were a lot of Eastern European immigrants who moved to W. Pa to work in the coal mines and steel mills. Raising the pitch at the end of every sentence (like English people do when asking a question) is how Russians/Ukrainians normally speak. If one scans the phone book, he/she can see the many Russian/Ukrainian names ending in a "ov", "ova", "ich", or "ko" (Matko, Simko, and etc...). In Pittsburgh, which is near Washington, Pa, there are 7 Russian Orthodox Churches and 2 Ukrainian Orthodox Churches.

The seat of the Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Church in America is in Johnstown, PA. :)

It is exactly as you said.

If that sounds like a horrible echo of the happenings at Penn State University, the similarities don’t end there—and not only because Fine is accused of using his position as coach to find his alleged victims. (Two of his three accusers are former Syracuse ball boys.) It runs deeper: another example in our culture of athletic complicity.

Like the football at Penn State, the basketball program at Syracuse is the cultural, social, and even economic hub of the region. The Syracuse hoops program brings in $19 million in revenue per year, fifth most among basketball programs in the United States and more than storied programs like Kentucky and Indiana.

Like Penn State’s Joe Paterno, Boeheim is more than a coach: he’s an institution. The Syracuse hoops program resembles a kingdom overseen by a benevolent dictator, who, as one source said to me, “tends to see what he wants to see.”.......................

One thing is certain: we need coaches, educators and teachers at our universities. We don’t need benevolent dictators with clipboards. We don’t need collegiate Sun Kings. We don’t need coaches who look across their expansive campuses and say “L’école c’est moi.”
New article from PennLive:

Thanks BigCat.

Howard A. Janet, the attorney recently hired to represent Victim Six and his family, issued a statement to The Patriot-News today in response to something Sandusky's attorney, Joe Amendola, said in an interview this week.

“It is grotesque that Sandusky or his lawyer would suggest that a victim of molestation attending a dinner Sandusky invited him to is somehow a defense to the indefensible actions of which Sandusky has been accused.”

I like that word “grotesque”. Seems to fit rather well, doesn’t it?

I also like the questions this newly hired attorney is asking:

“Why was he arranging to meet with victims while under investigation?”

“Was he trying to tamper with or improperly influence potential witnesses?”

“Was trying to use the victims’ attendance at dinner to discredit their accusations against him part of a devious strategic plan of defense?”

Sounds like ANOTHER attorney’s been reading here at Websleuths! :floorlaugh:
An impassioned article of someone who benefited from Second Mile:

My Second Mile: How I Grew Up With The Now-Doomed Organization

"...the Wall Street Journal added another layer to the Penn State scandal: According to a front-page report, Joe Paterno and then-Vice President of Student Affairs Vicky Triponey, Penn State's top disciplinarian, clashed repeatedly over punishing football players for off-the-field crimes. The disputes eventually led to Triponey's resignation in 2007.

Few close observers of the Penn State football program could have been surprised by the report. I doubt even Joe Paterno would deny that, when it came to disciplining his football players, he viewed his law as supreme. If power breeds arrogance, and Joe Paterno built his power over the course of a half a century, we can pretty much guess how he viewed the authority of a career administrator—one without a statue built on campus in her honor.

That didn't mean, however, that Paterno granted blanket immunity to misbehaving football players. Joe's Law often sentenced offenders to community service, and that community service most frequently involved The Second Mile.

The Second Mile is but an extension of the Penn State football program. The former cannot function without the support of the latter."
This question does knaw at my thinking a bit:

"Apparently, Mr. McQueary golfed and socialized with Mr. Sandusky after March 1, 2002, conduct that is inconsistent with Mr. McQueary's testimony: Most people do not socialize with individuals they believe to be child-rapists," Farrell and fellow attorney Caroline Roberto wrote."

If true, it makes me sort of queasy about McQueary. I've been fired from jobs when I stood up for a principle a lot less serious than witnessing a child rape.

Former Penn State administrators' lawyers target McQueary's credibility

Prefacing this by saying I don't know McQueary, I don't know his family, Penn State, nor am I interested in football.

Could be wrong, but my feeling is that in golfing and socializing with Sandusky, McQueary could have been acting on his own, or as requested by investigators to act as if nothing was wrong, in order to obtain more information on Sandusky, and buy more time to make sure all of the victims were accounted for, and sufficient evidence was gathered.

I was blasted in the beginning thread, for thinking that McQueary's actions, inactions could be for the greater good. If McQueary had rushed into that shower, pummeled Sandusky bloody in an immediate action to save this child--McQueary could have been seen as the victimizer of Sandusky. Sandusky, in his position of power, explaining all of this away. END OF INVESTIGATION. Especially, if the head of campus police was also complicit in covering up.

Maybe McQueary knew that is the course his immediate intervention would take. Don't you think that these scenarios were running through McQueary's mind? McQueary would most definitely be in shock, major shock. What was McQueary doing? Picture this: McQueary, enters the building with the intent of putting some shoes in a locker. Then, he turns and sees this surreal, sickening scene played out before him. From what I've read, McQueary did not know of the 1998 assault the janitor witnessed (correct me if I'm wrong.)

(So, don't blast me again. I am a rape victim, a stalking victim, a sexual harassment victim, and I know others like myself who never saw any justice, any acknowledgement or understanding for what they suffered, being victimized or betrayed by corrupt or ignorant officials.)

Surely, the fact that McQueary also wanted to preserve his job played into this. However, I wonder if he was so base an individual.

I guess we will see what McQueary's intentions were/are as this disgusting drama plays out.

And, from my general research over the years, I have knowledge of other institutions that have never been thoroughly investigated for their coverup of similar crimes.
...Could be wrong, but my feeling is that in golfing and socializing with Sandusky, McQueary could have been acting on his own, or as requested by investigators...

Hadn't thought of that - it would be great if true.

...McQueary's actions, inactions could be for the greater good. If McQueary had rushed into that shower, pummeled Sandusky bloody in an immediate action to save this child--McQueary could have been seen as the victimizer of Sandusky. Sandusky, in his position of power, explaining all of this away. END OF INVESTIGATION. Especially, if the head of campus police was also complicit in covering up. Maybe McQueary knew that is the course his immediate intervention would take. Don't you think that these scenarios were running through McQueary's mind? McQueary would most definitely be in shock, major shock.

Yes McQueary's reaction at the scene can't be summarily judged.

From what I've read, McQueary did not know of the 1998 assault the janitor witnessed (correct me if I'm wrong.)

I think you have hit on a key point that if known would greatly play into judgment of McQueary's actions. But what about his father? His father's role is disturbing. Thanks for your critical thinking about McQueary's role.

Prefacing this by saying I don't know McQueary, I don't know his family, Penn State, nor am I interested in football.

Could be wrong, but my feeling is that in golfing and socializing with Sandusky, McQueary could have been acting on his own, or as requested by investigators to act as if nothing was wrong, in order to obtain more information on Sandusky, and buy more time to make sure all of the victims were accounted for, and sufficient evidence was gathered.

I was blasted in the beginning thread, for thinking that McQueary's actions, inactions could be for the greater good. If McQueary had rushed into that shower, pummeled Sandusky bloody in an immediate action to save this child--McQueary could have been seen as the victimizer of Sandusky. Sandusky, in his position of power, explaining all of this away. END OF INVESTIGATION. Especially, if the head of campus police was also complicit in covering up.

Maybe McQueary knew that is the course his immediate intervention would take. Don't you think that these scenarios were running through McQueary's mind? McQueary would most definitely be in shock, major shock. What was McQueary doing? Picture this: McQueary, enters the building with the intent of putting some shoes in a locker. Then, he turns and sees this surreal, sickening scene played out before him. From what I've read, McQueary did not know of the 1998 assault the janitor witnessed (correct me if I'm wrong.)

(So, don't blast me again. I am a rape victim, a stalking victim, a sexual harassment victim, and I know others like myself who never saw any justice, any acknowledgement or understanding for what they suffered, being victimized or betrayed by corrupt or ignorant officials.)

Surely, the fact that McQueary also wanted to preserve his job played into this. However, I wonder if he was so base an individual.

I guess we will see what McQueary's intentions were/are as this disgusting drama plays out.

And, from my general research over the years, I have knowledge of other institutions that have never been thoroughly investigated for their coverup of similar crimes.
Second Mile held their HUGE celebrity gold tournament every summer at the golf courses at Penn State. People showed up just to take pictures of the famous people. For example, Bob Hope was there one year. Sandusky mentioned this in his book. The golf tournament was one of their most successful fundraisers. I wonder if it was stated that McQueary golfed with Sandusky, but actually McQueary only participated in this huge golf tournament with Sandusky and many other people.
Second Mile held their HUGE celebrity gold tournament every summer at the golf courses at Penn State. People showed up just to take pictures of the famous people. For example, Bob Hope was there one year. Sandusky mentioned this in his book. The golf tournament was one of there most successful fundraisers. I wonder it was stated that McQueary golfed with Sandusky, but actually McQueary only participated in this huge golf tournament with Sandusky and many other people.

I'm thinking he participated in the golf tournament. Just a guess.
Please remember that WS is a victim-friendly forum. Jokes or making light of serious allegations of abuse are not in keeping with our TOS. You can review the TOS and rules of etiquette here: [ame=""][/ame]

Where this post falls is random.
'Too much has gone into' Jerry Sandusky's preliminary hearing to delay it, local police say

.........A horde of media is expected to descend on the courthouse in picturesque downtown Bellefonte for the former Nittany Lion assistant football coach’s Dec. 13 hearing.

Borough Police Chief Shawn Weaver and Centre County Sheriff Denny Nau both said Thursday that they’ve been assured by Judge Robert E. Scott, a senior judge from Westmoreland County, that the date will not be moved.

The only way it won’t happen is if Sandusky waives the hearing, they said. Sandusky’s attorney, Joe Amendola, has said that is not a possibility he is entertaining.

“If we get three feet of snow, we’re still having the hearing,” Nau said. “Because too much has gone into this, the seating, this lottery, the parking, the security.”

More at link....
Victim preparing to testify at Jerry Sandusky hearing, attorney says

Victim One has been notified by police that he most likely will have to testify at a preliminary hearing scheduled for mid December in the Jerry Sandusky sex-abuse case.

One of the newly hired Philadelphia-area attorneys now representing the 17-year-old boy -- who was the first to come forward and the last of eight chronological victims outlined in a grand jury presentment against former Penn State assistant football coach Sandusky -- says one of the first tasks as the boy's attorney is making sure that testimony goes as smoothly as possible.

"First and foremost, we have been around the clock, literally, deflecting attention away," said Michael Boni. Boni and Slade H. McLaughlin were hired Monday by Victim One's family.

........Boni said a state police corporal told Victim One that Sandusky's attorney, Joe Amendola, does not plan to waive the hearing.

Amendola confirmed that Tuesday morning, saying, "We're defending against the charges."

More at link...

STATE COLLEGE — All of the alleged victims identified in the child sex charges against former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky are expected to testify next month in open court, a lawyer for one of the victims told, despite claims by Sandusky's defense team that some of the victims would recant.

Slade McLaughlin, one of two Philadelphia-area attorneys representing "Victim One," suggested there was little doubt about the testimony.

The grand jury report notes that two of the victims have not been identified despite eyewitness accounts.

The other six are expected to take the stand at the upcoming hearing set for Dec. 13, including the Clinton County youth known so far only as Victim One. The alleged victim kickstarted the investigation by telling authorities he was being abused by Sandusky, a former defensive coordinator under legendary football coach Joe Paterno.

Amendola downplayed the upcoming testimony in an email Tuesday to

"We believe there's a significant possibility at least one and perhaps two of the alleged victims may testify no sexual contact occurred between them and Jerry Sandusky," he said, ........

More at link...
A Penn State accuser who dined with Jerry Sandusky this summer did so only after getting permission from police, the man's lawyer said Friday as he blasted suggestions that alleged victims remained friendly with the former Penn State coach.
"Police gave their seal of approval for him to attend. They even wanted him to wear an electronic listening device," attorney Howard Janet said Friday. He also called into question Sandusky's motives for inviting the man to dinner while the ex-coach knew he was under investigation.
He would not say if the investigation came up in conversation that night, or detail what his client later reported back to police. The client didn't wear a wire because he was nervous, Janet said.

Read more:

Where are the witness tampering charges? Can they not charge him because the boy/man didn't wear a wire?
A Penn State accuser who dined with Jerry Sandusky this summer did so only after getting permission from police, the man's lawyer said Friday as he blasted suggestions that alleged victims remained friendly with the former Penn State coach.
"Police gave their seal of approval for him to attend. They even wanted him to wear an electronic listening device," attorney Howard Janet said Friday. He also called into question Sandusky's motives for inviting the man to dinner while the ex-coach knew he was under investigation.
He would not say if the investigation came up in conversation that night, or detail what his client later reported back to police. The client didn't wear a wire because he was nervous, Janet said.

Read more:

Where are the witness tampering charges? Can they not charge him because the boy/man didn't wear a wire?

I think Mr. Amendola just got a taste of how bad this is for his client. He opened Sandusky up on this, with very little doubt that Sandusky said, **Go ahead, the kid will back me up.**

As I've said before, Mr. Amendola is a good defense attorney. He wouldn't have tried to deflect this unless Sandusky told him about the dinner.
Why is there not a federal or state investigation into the business, The Second Mile, that Sandusky started and then used to find his victims for possibly 34 years?
I think Mr. Amendola just got a taste of how bad this is for his client. He opened Sandusky up on this, with very little doubt that Sandusky said, **Go ahead, the kid will back me up.**

As I've said before, Mr. Amendola is a good defense attorney. He wouldn't have tried to deflect this unless Sandusky told him about the dinner.

I wonder if they are waiting for victim 1, and any others who were contacted by Sandusky during the investigation, to testify under oath at the preliminary hearing about what was discussed...then maybe there will be solid grounds to charge him with witness tampering.
Why have the principal at Central Valley High School and the athletic director/coach not been fired or charged with failure to report? They refused to call the police or CPS after a student reported Sandusky's sexual abuse to them.
Why is there not a federal or state investigation into the business, The Second Mile, that Sandusky started and then used to find his victims for possibly 34 years?

I just searched and didn't find anything about an outside investigation, but at the time the CEO left, the school said they would do an internal investigation "to assess internal policies, procedures and processes; and make recommendations regarding the organization's future operations. They hope to have findings of that investigation by the end of December", and will cooperate with the AG office.....they also pointed out that although JS is charged with abusing Second Mile children, none of the alleged acts took place in their facilities or events.

I imagine that in the LE investigation of JS they are including all his involvement at Second Mile, so it's kind of indirectly looking at them.

Previous article:,0,3584061.story
Why have the principal at Central Valley High School and the athletic director/coach not been fired or charged with failure to report? They refused to call the police or CPS after a student reported Sandusky's sexual abuse to them.

No idea! But it's not over yet...
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