Penn State Sandusky Trial #10

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Noon recess @ #Sandusky trial

by astockey via twitter12:00 PM

So Anderson didn't know Sandusky was banned from bringing boys into Lasch Building, but Jerry was still allowed to workout there through Oct

by audsnyder4 via twitter12:00 PM

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Former Second Mile kid and later counselor, army veteran, testify on #Sandusky’s behalf

by sganim via twitter12:01 PM

First #Sandusky defense witness fmr coaches Richard Anderson, Booker Brooks says they too showered with young boys

by sganim via twitter12:01 PM

RT @kevcirilli: #Sandusky alleged vicNo9’s mom testified she didn't know specifics of what her son says Jerry did. “I can only imagine,” ...

by audsnyder4 via twitter12:00 PM

#Sandusky Accuser 9’s mom took the stand and said her son always threw out his underwear and she couldn’t figure out why.

by sganim via twitter12:00 PM

RT @LC_Nichols: A lot of laughter in the courtroom today, seems the #Sandusky "character witnesses" are trying to make light of the situ ...

by audsnyder4 via twitter12:00 PM

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How do you know? lol

Jack Kennedy wasn't a "girl." :)

However, I do not think being overtly sexual toward a potential partner suggests a personality disorder. Let's not forget, she had a thang with Mr. President, no?

No, but I think it might indicate sexual preference. I might be flirtations with a female, but not a male.
Prosecutor Frank Fina cites case law that he says supports the prosecution’s lack of specific dates…saying – and reading from court opinion of the case - a serial child molester should not be proven not guilty solely because the victim didn’t keep a detailed diary of the assaults
Fina “couldn’t find case precisely on-point” to help him show Alleged Victim 2 charges would be supported by case law…says they don’t have direct testimony to show Sandusky was forcing anal rape on the boy in the shower but there’s a “ample circumstantial” evidence (what McQueary heard and saw) that backs up the charge
Cite case law that shows “indecent assault” can be a broad charge…was applied to a man who invited young teens to his house and would massage their feet. Fina says court affirmed that would be enough for indecent assault”
Fina says it’s going to drop one count from incident.
Judge Cleland reads from his notes of what he took during Accuser 6’s testimony. Says 6 never said his body parts touched Sandusky’s genital in the shower.
Fina argues just because the accuser (who was young at the time) recalled it that way doesn’t mean more happened.

Judge….I’ve “been concerned about this (the lack of specificity in the charges when it comes to dates and times of alleged assaults) from the beginning” – but thinks now there is sufficient information to let the charges stand.
Judge thinks there’s sufficient evidence when it comes to age of alleged victims
Denies defense motion to try to drop charges relating to Accuser 6
Judge believes there’s sufficient circumstantial evidence to let Alleged Victim 2 charges stand

by WGAL 12:02 PM

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Noon recess @ #Sandusky trial

by astockey via twitter12:00 PM

So Anderson didn't know Sandusky was banned from bringing boys into Lasch Building, but Jerry was still allowed to workout there through Oct

by audsnyder4 via twitter12:00 PM

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Former Second Mile kid and later counselor, army veteran, testify on #Sandusky’s behalf

by sganim via twitter12:01 PM

First #Sandusky defense witness fmr coaches Richard Anderson, Booker Brooks says they too showered with young boys

by sganim via twitter12:01 PM

RT @kevcirilli: #Sandusky alleged vicNo9’s mom testified she didn't know specifics of what her son says Jerry did. “I can only imagine,” ...

by audsnyder4 via twitter12:00 PM

#Sandusky Accuser 9’s mom took the stand and said her son always threw out his underwear and she couldn’t figure out why.

by sganim via twitter12:00 PM

RT @LC_Nichols: A lot of laughter in the courtroom today, seems the #Sandusky "character witnesses" are trying to make light of the situ ...

by audsnyder4 via twitter12:00 PM

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I hope the jurors are not laughing!!:mad:
Prosecutor McGettigan said - Do you know what happened to your son at Sandusky’s house?
Accuser 9's mother - No, I don’t. I just can’t imagine what happened to him (sobbing)

by WGAL 12:06 PM

The assistant principal was the one who called police…Accuser 9's mother said that’s because she didn’t know who to call.

by WGAL 12:05 PM

Prosecution calls last witness, the mother of Accuser 9
When she identifies herself as 9’s mother, she gets a little choked up (later on when the attorneys have a sidebar with the judge, she breathes in deeply, glancing over to the jury and gives a short smile as if to say “hi”)
She sent 9 to Second Mile camp…confirms Sandusky met 9 during 9’s second year at camp
“I thought that was great…he was Jerry Sandusky. He was a very important person. He was in charge of this camp.”
Accuser 9's mother had 2 jobs at the time, and her son was alone quite a bit
Went to Sandusky’s house twice…the first time, 9 called him late at night because 9 was sick and she went to pick him up…second time she went was to pick up football tickets.
On the times 9 would complain about going to Sandusky’s house: “I’d ask him why and he said he didn’t feel like it and I’d make him go anyways”
9 had a lot of stomach problems, he was sick a lot, he had behavioral problems, etc.
9 had a therapist in middle school
On why she never asked her son what happened at Sandusky’s house: “I didn’t really want to hear what happened to him. It’s not that I didn’t want to hear what happened…’crying, choking up’…”
Sandusky would call 9 late at night 10 or 11 at night. She asked why he’d call so late. (defense objects to hearing the answer…judge sustains)
On the night she picked up 9 at Sandusky’s house: “I asked him if he was alright, he said he was sick and wanted to go to bed and I never asked him questions after that”

by WGAL 12:04 PM

10:13am, jury walks in with their notes in the blue envelopes, as is the case every day. Courtroom gallery is unusually full of observers this morning. The seats set aside for the defense, presumably Sandusky’s friends are full…so are the public seats.

by WGAL 12:02 PM

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Prosecutor McGettigan -- Do you feel responsible?
Accuser 9's mother -- Yes I do (crying, puts hands on her face, head down, silently sobbing)
Accuser 9's mother continuing -- I wish he’d just give us underwear to replace the underwear I could never find in the laundry. Reporter Matt Barcaro notes that this is graphic but significant because 9, in an answer to Amendola’s question on Thursday, said he bled after anal sex. Amendola questioned why his mother never saw blood on her underwear. 9 said he had his own way of dealing with things and didn’t elaborate.

by WGAL 12:07 PM

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The defense then cross examined Accuser 9's mother.

by WGAL 12:07 PM

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The mother said Sandusky would give her son a lot of clothes, sporting apparel. She confirmed that her son went to Sandusky’s house 2 or 3 weekends a month for 3 or 4 years, which corroborates what her son testified.
Accuser 9's mother -- I always wondered why he never had any underwear in the laundry…he just said he had an accident and threw them out…and that was odd to me.
Accuser 9's mother -- He always complained to me that his stomach hurt and he couldn’t use the bathroom right. Doctors said he had acid reflux and it was his nerves.

by WGAL 12:09 PM

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#Sandusky atty for accused on court finds it odd argument that showering with boys in locker room is somehow ok.

by astockey via twitter12:11 PM

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The prosecution rested after the mother of Accuser 9 testified.

by WGAL 12:13 PM

Accuser 9's mother said her son wasn't bad in school, but he just didn't care.

by WGAL 12:12 PM

Defense attorney Joe Amendola kept asking Accuser 9's mother if she talked to police about Sandusky or if Sandusky called her after the allegations surfaced -- She looked like she was trying to remember, and kept saying she couldn't recall.

by WGAL edited by WGAL12:11 PM

Accuser 9's mother -- He never told me anything had happened…Jerry was calling him late at night and after the allegations were posted, I was like, 'Why is jerry calling you? Why is Jerry calling you late at night and why does he keep calling you?' And he said Jerry asked him to make an affidavit or some kind of statement and I think that was very inappropriate to call after all these allegations were going on.

by WGAL 12:10 PM

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Anderson speaks in a deep, booming voice. McGettigan initially objects to him answering questions about his responsibility as a coach (presumably because he doesn’t think it’s relevant…the judge overrules and lets Anderson answer)

by WGAL 12:14 PM

The first defense witness called is Richard Anderson, who lives in State College. He is a retired assistant coach at Penn State, a teammate of Sandusky’s in the early 60s and a close friend of Sandusky.

by WGAL 12:14 PM

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Amendola asked -- Did any coach have time to play racquetball or basketball in the afternoon? Anderson -- Not that I know of.
Anderson also said -- Jerry did a lot of speaking engagements/clinics/dinners about football and The Second Mile.

by WGAL edited by WGAL12:16 PM

Anderson says coaches would work 15-17 hours a day during the football season.

by WGAL 12:15 PM

Defense attorney Joe Amendola asked a lot of questions about how busy coaches are, how often they’re home during the weekend (this appears to be an attempt to counter the accusers’ claims that they were with Sandusky most every weekend and lots of afternoons)

by WGAL 12:15 PM

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Amendola said -- It sounds like you weren’t home much. Anderson -- That’s the nature of the business.

by WGAL 12:16 PM

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Former Second Mile kid and later counselor, army veteran, testify on #Sandusky’s behalf

by sganim via twitter12:01 PM

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The prosecution then cross-examined Anderson.

by WGAL 12:18 PM

Says last football game of the 2000 season was a home game against Michigan State
Amendola then started to ask Anderson to assess Sandusky’s reputation. Prosecutor McGettigan objected, something inaudible happened, some juror members break out in laughter.
Anderson then answered the question about Sandusky's reputation. Anderson said -- Jerry had a great reputation…he was well thought of.

by WGAL 12:18 PM

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McGettigan -- If someone told Sandusky something was inappropriate in 1998, he’d remember it, right? Anderson -- Right.
McGettigan gets Anderson to confirm Sandusky is hard-working, committed, able to understand complex issues and knows right from wrong.
McGettigan fires so many questions at Anderson…easy questions about Sandusky and his abilities, but one after another….haven’t seen this side of McGettigan before, reporter Matt Barcaro note.
McGettigan -- Did you ever go to hotels and say with young boys? Anderson -- no.
McGettigan -- Did you ever see the defendant shower with young boys? Anderson Yes. There are regularly young boys at the YMCA showering when I’m showering. McGettigan gets Anderson to say he doesn’t BRING boys to shower with him.
McGettigan -- Did you hug them in the shower? Anderson – No.
On occasion, over the years, Anderson has seen Sandusky brings boys to the showers
McGettigan -- Did you ever bring a young boy to the Toftrees hotel? Anderson – No.

by WGAL 12:22 PM

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Can you imagine being a child 'held captive' innnnnnnnsiiiiiide a shower with a with a wrinkly old pervl.

How many men/coaches at psu have showered with naked children?
Also, upon questioning, Anderson says he never brought a young boy to a bowl game, or had a boy pose for pictures in another player’s uniform.
It is shown that Sandusky brought various kids to games, “it was common for him to involve second mile kids” in various activities.

by WGAL 12:22 PM

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Defense attorney Joe Amendola then questioned Anderson on redirect.
Amendola -- Is there a difference between a little boy and an adolescent? Anderson -- There can be.
Anderson -- If Jerry would bring someone in with the Second Mile and they were working out, it was not uncommon they’d shower together with other coaches as well. Anderson says he never saw anything inappropriate between Sandusky and a boy in the showers.

by WGAL 12:24 PM

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The defense calls another witness. Clint Mettler.

Mettler met Sandusky while attending The Second Mile when he was 8 or 9 years old. He slept over Sandusky’s house a few times, Sandusky would get him tickets to games but he’d take his own family.

Mettler served in the Army in Germany, Iraq, Afghanistan in late 90s, early 2000’s.

He was on the stand for just a few minutes.

by WGAL edited by WGAL12:25 PM

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Then the defense called Josh Fervell. As he approached the stand, McGettigan took Amendola to the judge’s table for a sidebar (may be arguing what the grounds are for having these character witnesses with no seeming ties to the accusers/accusations).

Fervell ends up never taking the stand. The sidebar was resolved and Fervell leaves the courtroom.

by WGAL 12:26 PM

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Can you imagine being a child 'held captive' innnnnnnnsiiiiiide a shower with a with a wrinkly old pervl.

How many men/coaches at psu have showered with naked children?

Jeez. And, as an aside, somebody wanna contact the mother of Brooks' granddaughter and tell her this is not only inappropriate, but a risky situation for her?

"Brooks also testified that showering with boys was a normal occurrence, both when he was a boy and as a coach.

Brooks told the court he brings his granddaughter to the local Y.M.C.A, and, as she is not old enough to be alone in a locker room, he takes her in with him.

“We go in and we shower and I put dry clothes on her,” he said."

There might be some good preventative opportunities coming out of this trial that no one expected.
The defense then calls Booker T Brooks, former Penn State football receivers coach. He coached under Joe Paterno at PSU, then left to coach elsewhere before returning to State College a few years ago.
Brooks said -- I know Jerry extremely well…when you work with a person 14 hours a day…you get to know them … Jerry is well known certainly in the coaching world.
Brooks says he has showered with young kids many times….says he takes his granddaughter to the YMCA and showers with her because she’s not old enough to be alone.
On cross examination, Prosecutor McGettigan gave Brooks a scenario of an older man taking his 8-year-old to work out, then shower with the boy and hug him. Brooks says that’d be inappropriate
Brooks also says -- I think he’s (Sandusky’s) a great guy.

by WGAL 12:29 PM

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Looks like that's all for WGAL right now....
The defense then calls Booker T Brooks, former Penn State football receivers coach. He coached under Joe Paterno at PSU, then left to coach elsewhere before returning to State College a few years ago.
Brooks said -- I know Jerry extremely well…when you work with a person 14 hours a day…you get to know them … Jerry is well known certainly in the coaching world.
Brooks says he has showered with young kids many times….says he takes his granddaughter to the YMCA and showers with her because she’s not old enough to be alone.
On cross examination, Prosecutor McGettigan gave Brooks a scenario of an older man taking his 8-year-old to work out, then shower with the boy and hug him. Brooks says that’d be inappropriate
Brooks also says -- I think he’s (Sandusky’s) a great guy.

by WGAL 12:29 PM

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does anyone think that's okay?
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