Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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So what do y'all think was going through his head when they read the verdict?

a: "I really thought they liked it. *I* liked it, why wouldn't they? :dunno: :waitasec:"
b: "I never thought those little sh1ts would tell on me :maddening:"
c: "I'll get off on appeal :fence:"
d: "I am fooked :anguish:"
While we sometimes have trouble agreeing on who else knew what and when, there is no question in my mind that the leadership of the Second Mile needs to be the next group brought up on charges.

With a CEO who was a practicing child psychologist, and his wife, a former school counselor as the 2nd in command, (both mandated reporters), there is no excuse for the fact that the Second Mile was made aware in 1998 and 2002 that Sandusky was accused of improprieties with children, and yet they continued to grant him carte blanche to work with (and violate) these vulnerable boys.

(People are angry that Penn State allowed him to continue using the facilities; how about this organization allowing him to continue selecting his victims?)

Wendell Courtney, who served as PSU General Counsel at the same time as he represented the Second Mile, reviewed the 1998 police report. Sandusky continued to "work with" Second Mile kids.

CEO Jack Raykovitz testified that Tim Curley did share with him details of the 2002 shower incident, and yet Sandusky continued to have complete access to any Second Mile child he wished, unabated until 2008, when he announced to the Second Mile board that he was under investigation for sexual contact with a child.

I don't know if investigators are waiting until Curley and Schultz have their day in court to go after Raykovitz, but to me, he is the one person after Sandusky himself who is most responsible for allowing these rapes to continue. Besides possible criminal charges, I am shocked that his license hasn't been suspended or revoked.

Even if DPW and the DA didn't take action in 98, certainly that report should have put the charity on alert for problems with Ol' Jer. And the 2002 report should have sealed the deal.

THANK YOU ! I totally agree with you. During the trial I was thinking the same thing---how the heck did he keep getting this steady stream of young boys from which to choose his next victims? He was not alone in this, imo. And it went on for years. His 'co-workers' had to do more than just look the other way. They were culpable.
An innocent person would most likely say, "Ew! No way!" but I thought even the guilty would know that if they want any chance to get off in the court of public opinion, the correct answer is, "No," not a repetition of the question and a lot of hemming and hawing like JS did. Why didn't he seem to know that even though he's guilty as sin, he's supposed to answer in the negative? Was he trying to seem like he had dementia?
Not long ago someone (Tipstaff?) said Jerry wanted to defend his actions and not his freedom when he said that.
As if, if he only found the words to explain, we would accept his actions.
Do you really think Jerry would have told Paterno the REAL name of the little boy in the shower that night? Paterno wasn't Jerry's boss at that time. Jerry didn't have to answer the phone if Paterno called. Jerry had deceptively accumulated his own power/prestige in that community by being "that wonderful man who established TSM for underprivileged children and who gives so much of his time to help children". (Charities should encourage anonymity to help avoid giving sickos and pedos such privilege and power. Blessed are the meek. Humbleness never hurts anyone.)

Probably not, BUT if JP wanted to find out it wouldn't have been that difficult. Contact 2nd Mile and see if they could determine who JS was hanging out with at that time. IF Joe cared, he could have found the kid. MM saw him. He could have gone with Joe to 2nd Mile to ID him. Or, hey, call the police. That's what they do for a living.
Even if DPW and the DA didn't take action in 98, certainly that report should have put the charity on alert for problems with Ol' Jer. And the 2002 report should have sealed the deal.

I'm loathed to admit it, but DPW never got the Chambers report.

They never asked either.

Sandusky could have been placed on a child abuse list (that he was after the grand jury started), by DPW. It was something that would have shown up on a background check, but didn't require a conviction or trial. There is no way Second Mile could have kept up liability insurance on him after that.

Lauro said he never saw the Chambers report. The report was sent to the DA's Office on 5/8/98. Seasock didn't even contact Schreffler until the next day.
Sorry to repeat myself but, LOL, as I posted upstream,

JP could have take the eyewitness with him when he reported. His superiors could have heard it directly from MM.

I'm not sure that would have made any difference in this case.

Penn State finally, totally obliterates Sandusky in mural

Anyone know what the standard amount of time served would be for someone convicted of 45 counts that involved multiple victims? I know that the priest is being used as an example as to why Jerry will not serve a full sentence, but is there a more "apples to apples" type case that can be used instead? I don't think it does any good to compare this particular case with any other case that is not even closely similar at all. So, does anyone know of another case similar to this one? 45 counts that involved multiple vicitms by ONE perp? TIA

The Michael Devlin case is a good comparison. He kidnapped & sexually assaulted two boys in St. Louis for years.
The forcible sodomy charges alone got him something like 15 consecutive life sentences. Then there was the state kidnapping charges and federal child *advertiser censored* charges added to that.
The federal sentence (170 years) would be served should Devlin outlive the state sentences, something relevent to Sandusky with the Alamo Bowl & Outback Bowl issues hanging over him.
One big difference is that Devlin pleaded guilty, which tends to elicit leniency from a judge.
so many remarkable things in this article, including (BRACE YOURSELF) Jerry Sandusky wants you to know hes not a sexual preadator,the state of Pa. is going to have him tested to see if he is a sexual predator, and the governor of PA sys he is a sexual predator. The hits just keep on coming. check it out:

BELLEFONTE, Pa. – Jerry Sandusky wants "people to know that he's not guilty," a lawyer for the retired Penn State assistant football coach said Monday.

Read more:
I cant help but think of Matt especially now. The Victims that spoke were heard. Matt came forward in his own time only for his Mother to say it didn't happen. When does this horrifying nightmare for the Victims end :maddening: End meaning they are believed and Justice is served. This just has to be tenfold for him. My heart goes out to him and the adopted siblings i believe too were molested. Will they come forward seeing Matt vilified by his Mother? Jerry is in Jail yet Dottie is free to continue inflicting the anguish Jerry did. I pray Matt told her and is strong enough to go down that road.
based on the above and the stupid leering grin that he wore during the testimony of his victims in the trial, I am beginning to wonder if this lulu tunes really isn't living in a different world than you and me. I mean is he the dumbest liar in history or is it POSSIBLE he has undergone some true wacko disassociation and really doesnt know he is a sick pervert who has raped boys for years?
Anyone know what the standard amount of time served would be for someone convicted of 45 counts that involved multiple victims? I know that the priest is being used as an example as to why Jerry will not serve a full sentence, but is there a more "apples to apples" type case that can be used instead? I don't think it does any good to compare this particular case with any other case that is not even closely similar at all. So, does anyone know of another case similar to this one? 45 counts that involved multiple vicitms by ONE perp? TIA

I found some others...

Guilty of seven counts:

This case is strikingly similar:
Although the maximum for Sandusky is lower than for the Milwaukee swim coach, it gives you an idea of the courts attitude.

Fifty years for half as many guilty verdicts as Sandusky:

There are countless cases of sentences less than five years, but those involve many fewer guilty verdicts and fewer victims.
so many remarkable things in this article, including (BRACE YOURSELF) Jerry Sandusky wants you to know hes not a sexual preadator,the state of Pa. is going to have him tested to see if he is a sexual predator, and the governor of PA sys he is a sexual predator. The hits just keep on coming. check it out:

BELLEFONTE, Pa. – Jerry Sandusky wants "people to know that he's not guilty," a lawyer for the retired Penn State assistant football coach said Monday.

Read more:

thanks for sharing... I really liked this.. from his lawyer..

Rominger told The Associated Press that Sandusky said he's not suicidal and that he wants to get the separate psychological examination done so that he can receive visits from his friends and family.

He's fine but he's just not been evaluated," Rominger said.

"He is very disappointed to be in prison. He is anxious to get out of this suicide watch," Rominger said, adding that Sandusky told him: "If I have to keep sitting in this room for another three or four days without being able to talk to anybody, I might start to need help at that point."

I really like the part i bolded that JS said..
He best start getting used to sitting alone in a room.. (cell) and not count too much on many visits from family and friends.. as they are really limited in PA from what ive read..
So what do y'all think was going through his head when they read the verdict?

a: "I really thought they liked it. *I* liked it, why wouldn't they? :dunno: :waitasec:"
b: "I never thought those little sh1ts would tell on me :maddening:"
c: "I'll get off on appeal :fence:"
d: "I am fooked :anguish:"
A, maybe C. He doesn't think he did anything wrong but "love" those boys, just like Michael Jackson!!!:behindbar:behindbar:behindbar
IMHO this must happen.
REMOVE THE STATUES that was put up for JOE PATERNO -
this man should not be immortalized he should be obliterated, sooner the better….
I would like to see his statue removed by having all the boys break it.
So what do y'all think was going through his head when they read the verdict?a: "I really thought they liked it. *I* liked it, why wouldn't they? :dunno: :waitasec:"
b: "I never thought those little sh1ts would tell on me :maddening:"
c: "I'll get off on appeal :fence:"
d: "I am fooked :anguish:"


Oh chit I did not get away with it.
Where is JOE PATERNO - he would have coverd for me ?

A better question IMO is
Where was his wife’s brains? To pretend she did not know...
These women become drunks to suppress it. But they all know.
They do not become real women by not doing anything about it.
Per HLN on JVM not verbatim. Jer says he is not suicidal and if he has to spend anymore time in that particular cell he will be :woohoo: He would like more access to the comforts the jail has. Canteen etc. States he is "Innocent" Sure Jer Sure :floorlaugh:
I cant help but think of Matt especially now. The Victims that spoke were heard. Matt came forward in his own time only for his Mother to say it didn't happen. When does this horrifying nightmare for the Victims end :maddening: End meaning they are believed and Justice is served. This just has to be tenfold for him. My heart goes out to him and the adopted siblings i believe too were molested. Will they come forward seeing Matt vilified by his Mother? Jerry is in Jail yet Dottie is free to continue inflicting the anguish Jerry did. I pray Matt told her and is strong enough to go down that road.

POOR MATT :maddening:
He should leave her behind... she sure left him behind. :banghead:
I hope the neighbors will shun her. I hope the kids will too.
Get out the soap boys, Jerry Sandusky wants to show you how to make soap balls.

Oh chit I did not get away with it.
Where is JOE PATERNO - he would have coverd for me ?

A better question IMO is
Where was his wife’s brains? To pretend she did not know...
These women become drunks to suppress it. But they all know.
They do not become real women by not doing anything about it.

I don't know about becoming drunks but they sure drink the kool-aid. My opinion only but i think Dottie justified it in her cold uncaring persona. Status was not going to be lost. I think in her mind she thought these kids were damaged goods anyway and she and Jerry gave them more of other things in life. So what if Jer does some diddling. They are fed,clothed in a nice home with more opportunities than they would ever have :banghead:
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