Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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How long will the jury deliberate?

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POOR MATT :maddening:
He should leave her behind... she sure left him behind. :banghead:
I hope the neighbors will shun her. I hope the kids will too.

Even if just one more sibling under that roof would come forward. I just want Matt to feel validated and not alone. I can only imagine the wrath of Dottie :what: I will never believe those adopted boys were never touched. I have stated that from the beginning. I would think in Jer's mind it would even give him more of a "right" :steamed:
Before I get to this, how many people make love to their spouses in public (it's illegal in PA, BTW)? I can understand Sandusky not doing what he did in public, as much as I can understand why he never made love to Dottie on the fifty yard line during half time.

Paterno, if you want to make that corporate analogy, was a department head. He was a very important department head, but he was not the CEO. The department he headed was profitable, but it didn't have the training to investigate.

What would a department head do, if he heard from a junior employee, that something happened involving a former employee. Call the department that investigates it. Not hire private detectives, not attempt to investigate himself, but take it to the department that does investigate these things.

That's key (though not the way you made that point). Paterno, as this department head, did have an administrative responsibility to protect the brand. He should have, after that investigation, gone back and said, in effect, is there there anything in that could damage this brand, and have you done enough to protect the brand. That is where I will fault him, and I'm not sure that he would have gotten an honest answer.

All the riff-raff of arguing they did what they could.. they did what they felt was right..blah.. blah.. blah.. IMO its all put to bed with the following..

Sandusky is guilty on 45 of the 48 charges. .17 of those major felonies ..all of them for which he will spend every single second of what's left of his wretched life in prison(which I pray to God he lives to be as old as Methuselah)..
Paterno was FIRED EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY entire decades of reputation left tarnished with Sandusky's evil choices that were damn near ignored..
Schultz and Curlley now facing criminal charges ...

Those few facts sum up the BS that these grown men were all responsible for on various different levels.. all of which as a direct result a multitude of innocent little boys continued to become victims of sanduskys evil acts of which FOREVER ALTERED THEIR LIVES IN WAYS MOST CAN NNEVER EVEN IMAGINE!


thanks for sharing... I really liked this.. from his lawyer..
Rominger told The Associated Press that Sandusky said he's not suicidal and that he wants to get the separate psychological examination done so that he can receive visits from his friends and family.
He's fine but he's just not been evaluated," Rominger said.
"He is very disappointed to be in prison. He is anxious to get out of this suicide watch," Rominger said, adding that Sandusky told him: "If I have to keep sitting in this room for another three or four days without being able to talk to anybody, I might start to need help at that point."

I really like the part i bolded that JS said..
He best start getting used to sitting alone in a room.. (cell) and not count too much on many visits from family and friends.. as they are really limited in PA from what ive read..
Love it! He does appear to be a little hyperactive (which is not Histrionic Personality Disorder) and I'll bet he's hurting not being able to chat with others. Pretty soon he'll start yacking to himself like a psych patient in a seclusion room. I hope he remains on suicide watch for a long time.
Those who have followed the Jane Bashara murder. Bob was just arrested :woohoo:
POOR MATT :maddening:
He should leave her behind... she sure left him behind. :banghead:
I hope the neighbors will shun her. I hope the kids will too.
Her neighbors already shun her. The neighbors have lots of signs supporting Penn State's drive to raise money for RAINN (the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization) all over their yards. The neighbors called the press and the police on her husband when Jer was staring at the children on the playground behind her home. Notice that none of her neighbors have stepped forward to proclaim that Sarge is a great gal.
While we sometimes have trouble agreeing on who else knew what and when, there is no question in my mind that the leadership of the Second Mile needs to be the next group brought up on charges.

With a CEO who was a practicing child psychologist, and his wife, a former school counselor as the 2nd in command, (both mandated reporters), there is no excuse for the fact that the Second Mile was made aware in 1998 and 2002 that Sandusky was accused of improprieties with children, and yet they continued to grant him carte blanche to work with (and violate) these vulnerable boys.

(People are angry that Penn State allowed him to continue using the facilities; how about this organization allowing him to continue selecting his victims?)

Wendell Courtney, who served as PSU General Counsel at the same time as he represented the Second Mile, reviewed the 1998 police report. Sandusky continued to "work with" Second Mile kids.

CEO Jack Raykovitz testified that Tim Curley did share with him details of the 2002 shower incident, and yet Sandusky continued to have complete access to any Second Mile child he wished, unabated until 2008, when he announced to the Second Mile board that he was under investigation for sexual contact with a child.

I don't know if investigators are waiting until Curley and Schultz have their day in court to go after Raykovitz, but to me, he is the one person after Sandusky himself who is most responsible for allowing these rapes to continue. Besides possible criminal charges, I am shocked that his license hasn't been suspended or revoked.

Even if DPW and the DA didn't take action in 98, certainly that report should have put the charity on alert for problems with Ol' Jer. And the 2002 report should have sealed the deal.
Thank you so much for posting this! It appears that no legal entity is going to address the role that Dr. and Mrs. Raykovitz played in these crimes while living on their six figure salaries from TSM.
While we sometimes have trouble agreeing on who else knew what and when, there is no question in my mind that the leadership of the Second Mile needs to be the next group brought up on charges.

With a CEO who was a practicing child psychologist, and his wife, a former school counselor as the 2nd in command, (both mandated reporters), there is no excuse for the fact that the Second Mile was made aware in 1998 and 2002 that Sandusky was accused of improprieties with children, and yet they continued to grant him carte blanche to work with (and violate) these vulnerable boys.

(People are angry that Penn State allowed him to continue using the facilities; how about this organization allowing him to continue selecting his victims?)

Wendell Courtney, who served as PSU General Counsel at the same time as he represented the Second Mile, reviewed the 1998 police report. Sandusky continued to "work with" Second Mile kids.

CEO Jack Raykovitz testified that Tim Curley did share with him details of the 2002 shower incident, and yet Sandusky continued to have complete access to any Second Mile child he wished, unabated until 2008, when he announced to the Second Mile board that he was under investigation for sexual contact with a child.

I don't know if investigators are waiting until Curley and Schultz have their day in court to go after Raykovitz, but to me, he is the one person after Sandusky himself who is most responsible for allowing these rapes to continue. Besides possible criminal charges, I am shocked that his license hasn't been suspended or revoked.

Even if DPW and the DA didn't take action in 98, certainly that report should have put the charity on alert for problems with Ol' Jer. And the 2002 report should have sealed the deal.
Red highlights by me

Thank you so much for posting this! It appears that no legal entity is going to address the role that Dr. and Mrs. Raykovitz played in these crimes while living on their six figure salaries from TSM. :furious:
Love it! He does appear to be a little hyperactive (which is not Histrionic Personality Disorder) and I'll bet he's hurting not being able to chat with others. Pretty soon he'll start yacking to himself like a psych patient in a seclusion room. I hope he remains on suicide watch for a long time.

Truth is there aren't many choices where he is. They will either keep him on "suicide watch" to keep him safe, or they can just put him in general population which is fine with me. Either way, I really don't believe he will live very long.
Her neighbors already shun her. The neighbors have lots of signs supporting Penn State's drive to raise money for RAINN (the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization) all over their yards. The neighbors called the press and the police on her husband when Jer was staring at the children on the playground behind her home. Notice that none of her neighbors have stepped forward to proclaim that Sarge is a great gal.

I forgot about that call re:Jer staring at the children. I'm so happy to hear the neighbors didn't drink the kool aid :woohoo:
Divorce Good one.

Sarge was his bossy mother, so the bag might also have contained a looooooooooooong list of reminders from Mother Sarge.

1. Write to Mother Sarge eeeeeeeeevery day
2. Be polite to Mr. Correctional Officer.
3. Do not get filthy tattoos of naked young boys!
4. Avoid friendly men with funny shaped crosses tattooed on their foreheads.
5. Do not share your personal belongings including your orifices.
6. "Blood for life" is not someone that donates to the Red Cross. Avoid these.
7. The Hole should be avoided in prison as it was in our bedroom.
8. Hep B is not a football huddle break chant. Avoid this.
9. Only if you are a very good boy will I send you snack money.
9. and etc......

This is a VERY important list for ol Jer....and VERY funny!!
Per HLN on JVM not verbatim. Jer says he is not suicidal and if he has to spend anymore time in that particular cell he will be :woohoo: He would like more access to the comforts the jail has. Canteen etc. States he is "Innocent" Sure Jer Sure :floorlaugh:

I wonder what part of GUILTY he doesn't understand. Does he really think that he is EVER getting out of a cell? ....
I wonder what part of GUILTY he doesn't understand. Does he really think that he is EVER getting out of a cell? ....

In his deviant mind I do believe he believes he will get out. He is still up on his Pedestal. Will he fall? Ever? Hard to say. It may be the way he decides to live his remaining years. Which leads me to believe he will give future Prison Interviews. Of course :moo:
Has anyone else seen the CNN segment referencing V#1's involvement with a relatively new support group?
Jerry Sandusky has to be the worst sports scandal, professional and college combined. It is worse than SMU Football Scandal, 2003 Baylor Basketball, Pete Rose, and 1919 Chicago Black Sox Scandal.

Penn State Scandal: Is SI Right Dubbing Penn State Worst College Sports Scandal?

The SMU football team may have held the distinction of biggest scandal prior to the Penn State case as players were paid thousands of dollars in the mid-1980s. This led the NCAA to give SMU "the death penalty" as the program was shut down for two years.

Since then there have been tons of other pay-for-play scandals at high-profile schools like Miami, Florida State, Ohio State, Oklahoma, USC and many more. All of them were pretty similar in nature, but none of them are as morally despicable as what Sandusky allegedly did.

In terms of morality, the closest thing to the Sandusky case may have occurred in 1951 with the Army football team. In that instance, 37 Army football players were expelled for cheating on exams, causing the team to essentially crumble.

That scandal reflected poorly on Army as the servicemen were supposed to have been of the highest possible character, but even so, it doesn't hold a candle to Penn State. While the Army scandal may have had a temporary negative effect on the prestige of West Point, the players ultimately hurt themselves and nobody else.

Even those scandals are nothing compared to Penn State. Those scandals involve money or cheating. There is no law against paying players or cheating, but they are against NCAA rules. I wonder what penalty NCAA will impose on Penn State.

Ew-w-w-w-w-w-ww, 'Hood, I hadn't even thought of that angle!!

I am a North Carolina State alumna, and when I was in school, NCSU had a schedule with PSU for us to go to Happy Valley each season to play the Nittany Lions in football. This went on for several consecutive seasons, IIRC. We NEVER won, BTW. PSU did come to Raleigh in 1979 and we were ahead with only seconds to go -- until the PSU FG kicker Herb Menhardt glanced a 54-yard field goal off the right upright and through the goal posts on the final play to give Penn State a 9-7 win. Arrrrrggghhhh!!

Certainly, my Wolfpack is small potatoes to PSU on the football field, but I am familiar, as is every other Division I sports fan, with NCAA rules, penalties, etc., etc. (The football program at UNC, just 25 miles down the road, is still reeling from their recent embarrassment with rules-breaking, etc., etc.)

Ummmm, the NCAA.... Does it have the authority to discipline in this type thing? We'll see, we'll see.

Karma can be a biyatch... Sowing & reaping and all that, too...

What a legacy JS left his school and those boys-grown-to-men.
there are a couple jurors on cnn right now talking... pretty interesting..
its on anderson cooper.. so mabe if you havnt seen watch it in the next go round of the show tonite.

One is the young man we have seen before.. and there is also a female juror that I had not seen before...
One of the things they said.. was how creepy it was to see how JS was looking at the victims.. like he was
remembering back..... ewww.. but good to see it wasnt only the news reporters that saw that.. and that the
juror noticed things like that..
Anyone know what the standard amount of time served would be for someone convicted of 45 counts that involved multiple victims? I know that the priest is being used as an example as to why Jerry will not serve a full sentence, but is there a more "apples to apples" type case that can be used instead? I don't think it does any good to compare this particular case with any other case that is not even closely similar at all. So, does anyone know of another case similar to this one? 45 counts that involved multiple vicitms by ONE perp? TIA

No, and there are a number of factors. The worse I've seen was 22-44 years, but that involved the guy who, in the process of molestation, impregnated her and then forced her to have an abortion.

There are also mitigating factors.

First, what TSM just a cover, or did it really help a number of people. That could be mitigating downward if the latter. His education will as well, and possibly his age.

Second, he really didn't corrupt any of the adults around him. They did that themselves. I'm not certain if "effect on the community" would be a legitimate factor.

A super long 250 year sentence can easily be appealed. My guess is that the bulk will be concurrent, with one or two of the ISDI charges being consecutive. 20-30 years, out in 10-15.

Here are some samples, but keep in mind, some of these are worse:
Is there still a Grand Jury meeting? I hope Matt has a chance to record his story very soon, for several reasons.

He may have the circumstances that will hit Second Mile since people attached to it helped get him released from juvenile detention to the Sandusky home. "Touched" says football player Tim Janocko visited him in jail and then told authorities that he agreed to go to the Sanduskys. Janokohas been involved with TSM, either as director or advisory director and chair of a branch..

I am puzzld why Jerry didn't use Raykovitz in this situation. Did Raykovitz have some ethics left?
At this point Matt is 16, and pretty big- probably Sandusky is no longer sexually interested in him, but probably Matt still thinks Sandusky controls the world. He's in juvie because he started a fire that consumed or damaged a barn- no information if it was malice or an accident. Jerry is away at the Rose Bowl. If the fire was malicious, maybe Jerry had taken another kid to California. I hope the Feds have checked out that trip. Four months later Matt tries suicide with a girl also staying at the Sanduskies, described as a foster child or as Dottie's niece. He also ran away.

A psychologist and a Judge kept him with the Sanduskys... again.

Hm- The Center Daily Times version of creepy love letter exhibit 26 about broken promises did not redact the name of the other person Jerry was speaking for. It says, "I write because I am concerned about all of us. I write because I have seen the hurt on Tim's face when you don't show for him, even though you have given your word."
It's a common name, but Tim Janocko is the only Tim I've noticed.

Read more here:

Peace be with you, Matt.
This is a problem that's been worked into our legal system since the days of British rule. Back then it was the standard to need two eye witnesses to a charge of buggery. Okay, problem there was the act was always hidden, so extremely unlikely that there would EVER be TWO people seeing it before it was stopped. ( This case history from 1600's is as seriously heavy on evidence as Sandusky's modern day case... difference is that the defendant back then was homosexual, imo. But, these are sodomy/buggery laws that included both behaviors. Interesting read.;_Connecticut,_May_22,_1677 )

This country needs to change the laws that were formed to protect MEN who were given a wide berth and leeway, for criminal proclivities, in exchange for their charity and productivity....

I don't undertand, Quiche. Was it a lack of legal protection that enabled Sandusky or a lack of enforcement, and in particular a culture of entitlement where protecting the football program from scandal was seen as more important than protecting children? We no longer require a second witness and Sandusky's victims were believed by the jury, once a jury was finally assembled.

Demanding a second witness wasn't such an outlandish notion when the penalty for sodomy was death. Would we really want to give people the ultimate punishment on the say-so of one person, who might or might not have a stake in the outcome? (Every sociopathic kid who wanted his inheritance could have walked into court and claimed he was molested by his father.)

Thanks for the case history. It's consistent with Professor Alan Bray's account of the previous century (Homosexuality in Renaissance England) which found that sodomy was rarely prosecuted except when it involved cases of masters having sex with indentured servants. Since indenture was the primary means of learning a trade at the time and involved virtual slavery for a period of seven or more years, the population as a whole was very sensitive to the power a master had over his servants.

It's interesting that the perpetrator in your case was brought to the attention of the legal system twice over 30 years, and both occasions involved sexual molestation of indentured servants. When he was merely propositioning the young men of the town, it was just a "social" problem that could be dealt with privately.

(BTW, as a gay man, i appreciate your sensitivity to hateful, old stereotypes.)

Your post continues and is very articulate, but I still don't understand how our laws failed in the Sandusky case. We haven't even seen the last trial as yet, as administrators who failed to act remained charged with perjury, I believe.
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