Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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How long will the jury deliberate?

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Ross Levitt‏@cnnross


Lawyer for Travis Weaver, @marci_hamilton, says ‪#Sandusky‬ wanted to adopt him from his father! He fled to OH to be with his mom instead.

Retweeted by Michael Sisak


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Sandusky's son says his father abused him

Jun 21, 5:43 PM (ET)


BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) - Lawyers for one of Jerry Sandusky's adopted sons said the man has told authorities the former Penn State assistant football coach abused him.

The lawyers issued a statement Thursday naming Matt Sandusky, one of Jerry Sandusky's six adopted children, and saying that the 33-year-old had been prepared to testify on behalf of prosecutors at his father's sex abuse trial.


During testimony last week, an accuser known as Victim 4 said Matt Sandusky was living at the Sandusky home at the time he stayed there overnight.

When asked by prosecutors whether Jerry Sandusky ever engaged him in a soap battle in the showers, he recounted the time when he and Matt Sandusky had been playing racket ball. After they were done, he said, they went back to a locker room. Matt got undressed and got into the shower and then Victim 4 and Sandusky followed him in there, he testified.

"Me and Jerry came in. He started pumping his hand full of soap," he said.

At that point, Matt shut off his shower and left and went to another locker room to shower, the witness said.

Asked by prosecutors about Matt's facial expression when the soap battles started, he replied: "Nervous."

to read more of this article go to the
AP story at
So not surprised Sandusky abused his son. No matter what happens with this jury, I'm sure the investigations into Sandusky and his relationship with young boys will continue. There's no way it's just 10, now 11 with his son. No way.
The jury of 5 men, 7 women started deliberating at 1:12 p.m. They're deliberating in Courtroom. It's the only place they're allowed to deliberate.

They will be able to look over evidence again if they request it, and they can ask the judge a question -- however that has to happen in open court.

If they don't decide a verdict tonight, they'll be shuttled to a local hotel for sequestering. They won't be able to bring cell phones, computers, anything that can transmit information. They'll be staying in separate rooms. The phones and TVs will be disconnected.

They're not allowed to talk about the case on the way to or from the hotel.

The jury sets its own schedule.

Juror 16 was dismissed, the judge says she won't be needed. Alternates 2 and 3 (remember, alternate 1 is now juror 6) are not party to the deliberations but they're being sequestered separately as a precaution. If they're needed to fill in on the jury, the deliberations will start again.

by WGAL 7:39 PM

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Knock me over with a feather with the news about Matt! Shame shame shame on Dottie as she brought children into her home that she knew were violated and irreparably damaged by her monster husband. Glad Matt has found the courage to not be a victim of Jerry and Dot any longer!!!
I figured while the jury was out having dinner, I'd step out and pick up dinner. Thank goodness for local take-out of the low carb variety, I don't have to betray my diet. Excuse me, I meant "eating lifestyle."

Ok jury... your bellies are full, time to get this done and over with.
I imagine Jerry has a pretty good idea of how many might come forward if he's not imprisoned, and immediately...

My heart sank when I read that MS had attempted suicide-- that's been in the back of my head regarding the two children that were never identified (the one the janitor witness, and the boy McQueary saw-- both in the showers at PSU).
Children who have endured that level of inhuman betrayal often never regain their self worth. I've been so tempted to research teen suicides in that region. :mad:


(I added DS's clinker icon too... I'm not ready to rest, nope, not at all.)

I'm sure LE has already checked out suicides in the area & cross-referenced them with what the know of Victim 2 (description, approx. age).
If they found a kid who was missing, they probably would have posted some plea to the public for more info, as they did with Michael Devlin -- Shawn Hornbeck and Ben Ownby's abductor. They actually provided a short list of missing kids they were trying to connect to the perp.
But suicide is treated very different by LE. They're much more reluctant to exploit the tragedy the family is going through when there's really nothing to be gained but inflaming the public and dragging the family into places they may not want to go. They may inform the family of a possible connection and leave the decision to them as to going public or not.
Considering the work LE put in tracking down the current victims, I'd fall over backwards if they didn't check this stuff out.
All my husband wants to know is: What did the Jury eat for dinner?

He's obsessed with this now. Does anyone know? :floorlaugh:

Hamburgers and Hot Dogs with french fries from Beaver Stadium and then ice cream from the Creamery at State College. :floorlaugh:
Hopefully he'll not succeed on the first few attempts if this is the case, though as many others have speculated, I doubt he'll ever think he did anything wrong, so it may not even occur to him. More likely we'll get reports of how he's being "unfairly persecuted".

Matt is truly brave because by doing what he has, he's probably cutting ties with an awful lot of his family and friends (good riddance though it may be.). More power to him and his.

There are 5 boys, wouldnt be surprised if a couple more come through. Sometimes one person has to break the ice..I knew this would come out at one point or another. Why so many boys adopted and only one girl? I also think it will help Matt to get this off his chest.:seeya:

PS. Hope he doesnt think this isnt incest, I believe it is..Trying to remember Woody A..
I wonder how the jurors are approaching their task. How are they organizing the information? Did they take a vote before discussing, just to get the temperature of the room on each charge? (That in itself would be a time-consuming task.) 48 charges, 8 testifying victims. Are they going down the line charge by charge? Taking the prosecution's presentation of victim testimony in order and addressing the charges appended to each in turn? What about character witnesses, or MM & Mr. Calhoun? It's an immense amount of information to sift through.

If you were elected foreperson on this jury, how would you organize the information and order/manage the discussion?

As a jury foreperson, I would take a vote and then if anyone is still undecided, would ask what they required to help them with their decision. Yes, that is a heck of a lot of information to sift through. Hopefully, it will be just a minor detail that needs clarification.

How many forms do they have to fill out? Is it one form per charge?

My concern is some of the jurors have ties to Penn State. Are any of you concerned about that? Wasn't the alternate juror who just recently filled for one of the jurors connected somehow to JS?
Praying for justice. No doubt in my mind there are many more victims of JS than the ones who came forward. My heart breaks for all of them and their families. May the proper and just verdict be rendered so they can finally get some sort of peace of mind and live their lives as "normal" as possible.

The emotional scars, sadly, will last forever.

I am at a loss for words. I'm so upset. Praying for the victims in this case, the victims who did not come forward, and praying for their families.


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I won't engage in any jury bashing. These are long and complex charges. There are a few that I probably would vote not guilty on (Victim 8).

There is that one charge for Victim 6, "Indecent Assault" that I would probably need some convincing on before I would vote guilty. That one is just a misdemeanor. Think about that, I probably know the details of that almost as well as the jurors, I think Sandusky did it, I think Gricar was wrong for not pursuing this in 1998, and I would still need some convincing on that single charge.

Most of you have been following the Sandusky case since it started; I've been following elements of this case since before it started. I'd still need some convincing.

Oh, and for the record, I had jerk chicken, beans and rice, mac and cheese, and sweet potatoes for supper.
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