Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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How long will the jury deliberate?

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Almost at the 10th hour of deliberation :please:
Agree. She is as sick as her husband. A Mother has instinct to protect. It's just hard to accept when a woman doesn't and enables such a Monster. I believe she knew all along too. Life as she knew it is over and I hope her Son/s come forward and speak to her involvement. I would luv to see her behind bars.

Yes, I agree. There is no way she didn't at least suspect something was going on. No way at all. She chose to live in motherly instinct whatsoever.

Matt Sandusky testified before the grand jury the he was not abused. If he took the stand and said he was he could be charged with perjury. Understandable that he was. It ready to admit it, but knowing this he couldn't go. This being said, there are more children who were abused that were not included in this trial that if he should get off, the DA will prosecute on these other cases. Since Matt would be called In front of the Grand jury he could tell the truth and this time would not a liability.

Just because perjury could be charged, doesn't mean the DA would, i.e. Cindy Anthony. As a jury member, I would want the opportunity to evaluate his testimony and reasons he would provide for his prior grand jury testimony.
According to media he was ready to provide rebuttal testimony if Sandusky testified.
Legal Eagles, could Matt have testified even though the DA may be planning to create new charges by MS against his father?
I am not shocked and to be perfectly blunt I see her as a cold, distant, woman who probably didn't care who he was "doing" as long as it wasn't her.

I think she knew all along and should be held accountable for it. I hope Matt reveals all.

I doubt that Dottie and Jerry had much of an intimate relationship with each other. The honeymoon probably ended years ago. :moo:

I hope the jury will have a verdict by the end of the day.
Sandusky jury rehears Penn St. assistant testimony
20 minutes ago

BELLEFONTE, Pa. — Jurors in Jerry Sandusky's child sex abuse trial listened again to testimony from a key prosecution witness Friday as they began their second day of deliberations in the former Penn State assistant football coach's high-profile case.

The jury deliberated for more than eight hours Thursday before adjourning at the end of a long session that featured dueling portrayals of Sandusky as a "predatory pedophile" or the victim of a conspiracy between investigators and his accusers.

Sandusky is accused of sexually abusing 10 boys over a 15-year period, using his charity for at-risk youth, The Second Mile, as a source of victims who would be dazzled by gifts, grateful for his attention and — perhaps most importantly — unlikely to speak up...
I am surprised it went to the jury this soon.
I dont know why i am so shocked Dottie is still standing by her man. In light of what she was willing to turn a blind eye too. It was just mentioned on InSession Matt may have the answer to just how much Dottie knew. Evil pure Evil the both of them.

Hi Bravo :seeya: Unfortunately until we change the law(s) regarding cohabitating adults' responsibility to/for the protection of children living under their roof and in their care, women will continue to "stand by their man" - my mother choose to "stand by her man" after disclosing to her that my sisters and I had been molested by our father from the time we were 6-7 years old. My mother, like DS, ran a tight ship, but she claimed that she never knew. 3 little girls molested right under her nose for over 7 years and she claims to never have heard or seen a thing. I found that hard to believe as my mother was an extremely light sleeper. Like DS, my mother was completely dependent on my father financially - she had little education and no work history to speak of. When you're that dependent on a man for your own survival, it's amazing what someone is willing to not see or know...JMO~
Just because perjury could be charged, doesn't mean the DA would, i.e. Cindy Anthony. As a jury member, I would want the opportunity to evaluate his testimony and reasons he would provide for his prior grand jury testimony.
According to media he was ready to provide rebuttal testimony if Sandusky testified.
Legal Eagles, could Matt have testified even though the DA may be planning to create new charges by MS against his father?

This would be one case they wouldn't even entertain a perjury charge. IMO Perfectly understandable Matt had to come forward on his own in his own time. I do remember the discussion as to why Cindy Anthony was never charged with perjury. One of the lawyers stated if we charged every Family member who lied on the stand for a Family member the prisons would be full. That it happens all the time in Court cases.
I doubt that Dottie and Jerry had much of an intimate relationship with each other. The honeymoon probably ended years ago. :moo:

I hope the jury will have a verdict by the end of the day.

Agree. Jerry wasn't interested and she was quite happy with that :moo:
dotties hearing.

somebodyasked dottie in trial if her hearing was OK.

she responded that she could hear noises.

it was the wrong question.

she should have been asked if she could care.

not that it would have mattered.

Dottie displayed her duplicity with her actions in court, I only hope at least one juror witnessed her (the media did, or I wouldn't know): aside from the audacious high five, during McG's closing when he softened his voice and spoke of Dottie (which was absolutely masterful, imo), she was seen scrunching her face as though she couldn't hear what he was saying about her.

Now, that's a pretty common reaction to a lower decibel, but for old Dottie who told that jury, She Could Hear Just Fine! and she NEVER heard anyone hurt in the basement, it's a pretty big CONTRADICTION if she couldn't hear the prosecutor (again, when it pertained to HER) from the front row of the gallery.

IOW, Dottie played out, in front of the jury and national media, how she pretends to not hear what she doesn't want to... She scrunches, feigns, and ignores. Thanks for your testimonies, Mrs. Sandusky.

:jail::jail:<<<< His and Hers

I am not shocked and to be perfectly blunt I see her as a cold, distant, woman who probably didn't care who he was "doing" as long as it wasn't her.

I think she knew all along and should be held accountable for it. I hope Matt reveals all.

Dam* straight! Clearly she must be somewhat asexual to remain happily married to a man who isn't attracted, sexually, to women-- and if that's the case, my, it couldn't be better then, could it? He had sex before he came to her bed, for decades...

Right, she never noticed that. :no:

Agree. She is as sick as her husband. A Mother has instinct to protect any child. It's just hard to accept when a woman doesn't and enables such a Monster. I believe she knew all along too. Life as she knew it is over and I hope her Son/s come forward and speak to her involvement. I would luv to see her behind bars.

I think the only thing Dottie and Jerry have in common is their sadistic bent-- that and their ultimate willingness to play a family role in Happy Valley. Both of them are rotten to the core, imo.


Now, before I move on: Good Friday morning to my friends here, I brought calories!!!! (this has been a short trial experience-- too short to gain the kind of weight I did during the Anthony debacle-- so heck, let's live it up!) :coffeecup:


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one road in; one road out

they kept quiet to try and protect their reputation

which was built in part on lies and mistruths

yeah joe was a big winner

but he was a big loser too

nobody believed that but they didnt want anybody to know it

these two men know what they are talking about

its about penn state's dark secrets
He's toast. They may not convict on all counts, but I think they will convict on enough to put him away forever.


I hope so but ..... I was talking to friend of mine who went to PSU and he was like "They'll acquit for Joe Pa." I felt bad enough yesterday but my friend just made me feel worse. lol

Hi Bravo :seeya: Unfortunately until we change the law(s) regarding cohabitating adults' responsibility to/for the protection of children living under their roof and in their care, women will continue to "stand by their man" - my mother choose to "stand by her man" after disclosing to her that my sisters and I had been molested by our father from the time we were 6-7 years old. My mother, like DS, ran a tight ship, but she claimed that she never knew. 3 little girls molested right under her nose for over 7 years and she claims to never have heard or seen a thing. I found that hard to believe as my mother was an extremely light sleeper. Like DS, my mother was completely dependent on my father financially - she had little education and no work history to speak of. When you're that dependent on a man for your own survival, it's amazing what someone is willing to not see or know...JMO~

Hi to you as well. I am so very sorry you and your Sisters had to endure the abuse and not be protected. My heart breaks for any Victim of this abuse. The fact that you speak of it today speaks volumes. Good for you. Your right tho. So many dynamics involved as to why this crime can stay so silent.
"Jerry, what are you doing in there>"

she said that a lot.

of course she knew full well what he was doing.

what she meant was

jerry i'm here so go diddle those little boys somewhere else
This would be one case they wouldn't even entertain a perjury charge. IMO Perfectly understandable Matt had to come forward on his own in his own time. I do remember the discussion as to why Cindy Anthony was never charged with perjury. One of the lawyers stated if we charged every Family member who lied on the stand for a Family member the prisons would be full. That it happens all the time in Court cases.

Exactly. Dottie testified to what a good and loving father JS was to his children. The fact the jury didn't get to hear MS rebutt such a declaration is sad. Of course, I hope victims who came after these indictments receive their day in court, but I hope the first victims get their justice as well.
Dottie displayed her duplicity with her actions in court, I only hope at least one juror witnessed her (the media did, or I wouldn't know): aside from the audacious high five, during McG's closing when he softened his voice and spoke of Dottie (which was absolutely masterful, imo), she was seen scrunching her face as though she couldn't hear what he was saying about her.

Now, that's a pretty common reaction to a lower decibel, but for old Dottie who told that jury, She Could Hear Just Fine! and she NEVER heard anyone hurt in the basement, it's a pretty big CONTRADICTION if she couldn't hear the prosecutor (again, when it pertained to HER) from the front row of the gallery.

IOW, Dottie played out, in front of the jury and national media, how she pretends to not hear what she doesn't want to... She scrunches, feigns, and ignores. Thanks for your testimonies, Mrs. Sandusky.

:jail::jail:<<<< His and Hers

Dam* straight! Clearly she must be somewhat asexual to remain happily married to a man who isn't attracted, sexually, to women-- and if that's the case, my, it couldn't be better then, could it? He had sex before he came to her bed, for decades...

Right, she never noticed that. :no:

I think the only thing Dottie and Jerry have in common is their sadistic bent-- that and their ultimate willingness to play a family role in Happy Valley. Both of them are rotten to the core, imo.


Now, before I move on: Good Friday morning to my friends here, I brought calories!!!! (this has been a short trial experience-- too short to gain the kind of weight I did during the Anthony debacle-- so heck, let's live it up!) :coffeecup:

Good morning, agree to everything you said and appreciate the goodies!!!!!
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