Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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How long will the jury deliberate?

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If one of Jerry's victims ever garners the courage to write a book about his ordeal, it should be titled "House of Horrors in Happy Valley". :moo:
I hope so but ..... I was talking to friend of mine who went to PSU and he was like "They'll acquit for Joe Pa." I felt bad enough yesterday but my friend just made me feel worse. lol

Then the Jurors would not be doing the job they said in Court they could uphold. The horse is already out of the barn. The truth and a conviction is the only way to move forward for all. Keep the Faith.
"Jerry, what are you doing in there>"

she said that a lot.

of course she knew full well what he was doing.

what she meant was

jerry i'm here so go diddle those little boys somewhere else

Thanks for saying what has been popping into my head for days.
I hope so but ..... I was talking to friend of mine who went to PSU and he was like "They'll acquit for Joe Pa." I felt bad enough yesterday but my friend just made me feel worse. lol

Interesting, because I think they'll convict with JoePa in mind-- he was dragged through the mud by Sandusky's perversions and his legacy won't be restored unless Sandusky disappears from the landscape of Penn State and Happy Valley.

I hope so but ..... I was talking to friend of mine who went to PSU and he was like "They'll acquit for Joe Pa." I felt bad enough yesterday but my friend just made me feel worse. lol

Well, that is sad. If they aquit for Joe, then they need to shut the doors of Penn State.

A better solution would be to convict as a tribute to Joe. To show that Penn State grads and fans won't tolerate this crap and leave a dirty mark on a fantastic university.

Forgot my manners. Good morning and thanks for the carbs Quiche. Especially since it's too early for the bar to open :floorlaugh:
Is it true that all the Sandusky children were adopted? Or are any of them their bio kids? Do we have any idea of how many fosters they took in (and murdered the souls of) over the years? I'd be interested to know how many fosters and the ratio of boy to girl fosters that they took. I think Jer's predilection meant that Sargent Dot was just a "beard" and I think she was just fine with that. At one time she probably thought Jer would take over for JoePa and she would be the reigning Mrs. Penn State a la SuePa. Her lifestyle and aspirations allowed her to turn her blind, greedy, soulless eye to what went on in that basement of horrors.
Forgot my manners. Good morning and thanks for the carbs Quiche. Especially since it's too early for the bar to open :floorlaugh:

Never too early for mimosa's! :floorlaugh:

:woohoo::woohoo: Thanks bayouland cheers
Judge John Cleland walks into the courthouse, Friday, June 22, 2012, for the Jerry #Sandusky sexual abuse trial
by NabilKMark via twitter 7:28 AM

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(the prosecution looks nice and relaxed)

Prosecutor Joseph E. McGettigan III arrives at the courthouse with the rest of his prosecution team #sandusky
by NabilKMark via twitter 7:29 AM

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Jurors arrive at courthouse for the second day of the deliberation Friday in the Jerry #Sandusky sexual abuse trial
by NabilKMark via twitter 7:32 AM

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(old Jerry seems to be hoofin' by himself-- and not standing very tall, is he? Plus, I detest the color of his sports coat, which is quite all right-- I hope he's sentenced in it. what color is that? oh, brindle? lol)

Jerry #Sandusky arrives at the courthouse Friday, June 22, 2012, just before jury arrives for his sexual abuse trial
by NabilKMark via twitter 7:33 AM

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We have more notes from reporter Matt Barcaro who was in the courtroom this morning. Here is what he shared with us... Highlights: attorneys re-read McQueary/Dranov testimony, acting out the parts….jury seems to be taking notes about what mcqueary initially told mcgettigan what he saw…Dottie struggles to stay awake… Sandusky’s eyes closed at times too
by WGAL 8:09 AM

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Here's a more detailed recounting of this morning's proceedings, from News 8's Matt Barcaro:

Dottie is here. She’s sitting with family in the defense section of the gallery, front row. John Sandusky (adopted son) is sitting next to her.

Jury walked into the courtroom, normal expressions on their faces. (the 2 alternates are here as well…even though they’ve been sequestered separately from the deliberating jury. The alternates are NOT taking notes and it appears they don’t have their notebooks with them)

Prosecutor Frank Fina…walks into courtroom through the gallery and jumps over the chain that separates gallery from the lawyers section of the courtroom. Jurors bust up laughing.

Judge John Cleland asks the jury if anyone has talked to them about the case…most shake their heads “no”…Juror 2 verbally says “no”
by WGAL 8:11 AM

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Judge John Cleland walks into the courthouse, Friday, June 22, 2012, for the Jerry #Sandusky sexual abuse trial
by NabilKMark via twitter 7:28 AM

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(the prosecution looks nice and relaxed)

Prosecutor Joseph E. McGettigan III arrives at the courthouse with the rest of his prosecution team #sandusky
by NabilKMark via twitter 7:29 AM

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Jurors arrive at courthouse for the second day of the deliberation Friday in the Jerry #Sandusky sexual abuse trial
by NabilKMark via twitter 7:32 AM

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(old Jerry seems to be hoofin' by himself-- and not standing very tall, is he? Plus, I detest the color of his sports coat, which is quite all right-- I hope he's sentenced in it. what color is that? oh, brindle? lol)

Jerry #Sandusky arrives at the courthouse Friday, June 22, 2012, just before jury arrives for his sexual abuse trial
by NabilKMark via twitter 7:33 AM

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ROFLMAO I haven't heard brindle since my Mom passed :floorlaugh: It is nasty for sure.

Hi Bravo :seeya: Unfortunately until we change the law(s) regarding cohabitating adults' responsibility to/for the protection of children living under their roof and in their care, women will continue to "stand by their man" - my mother choose to "stand by her man" after disclosing to her that my sisters and I had been molested by our father from the time we were 6-7 years old. My mother, like DS, ran a tight ship, but she claimed that she never knew. 3 little girls molested right under her nose for over 7 years and she claims to never have heard or seen a thing. I found that hard to believe as my mother was an extremely light sleeper. Like DS, my mother was completely dependent on my father financially - she had little education and no work history to speak of. When you're that dependent on a man for your own survival, it's amazing what someone is willing to not see or know...JMO~

Sadly, I am not surprised that your own mother turned a blind eye. I will just say this....when I see Dottie Sandusky I see my own mother.

My mother knew, she had to know. I was terrified of my father yet she would leave me alone with him countless times with me crying and begging her to take me with her when she had to go somewhere but she always told me 'no.' :( She has been dead for 25 years now and sometimes at night I will still ask her why she forsake me. No answer ever comes.

She turned a blind eye when I was 5 when it all began and she was still 'blind' when it was still going on almost to the age of 16.

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