Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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How long will the jury deliberate?

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As to why Victim #11 (Weaver) and Matt Sundusky came out in the media after began deliberations...

Since they were not used as witnesses in the trial, I believe the prosecution asked them not to go public until after the jury was sequestered so as not to possibly cause a mistrial if one or more of the jurors got wind of this.

I also tend to believe that these two are why Cleland decided to sequester the jury at the last minute. They can't watch any TV, use a phone, etc. That's super-sequestration! One whiff of these two, and the trial would be dust.

A good result of this is that this jury is so isolated from real life that they have nothing other to do than deliberate. It wouldn't surprise me if they are only allowed to eat dinner together, supervised, of course. Then, they will be stuck in their rooms to go to sleep. That should move deliberations along.

Another jury had every amenity possible and they were too busy to think about deliberations until their 4th of July was in jeopardy.
Just listened to the CBS national news on local radio station (WWJ - Detroit). Teaser indicated that attorneys are sticking close to the courthouse in anticipation of a verdict.
Sadly, I am not surprised that your own mother turned a blind eye. I will just say this....when I see Dottie Sandusky I see my own mother.

My mother knew, she had to know. I was terrified of my father yet she would leave me alone with him countless times with me crying and begging her to take me with her when she had to go somewhere but she always told me 'no.' ;( She has been dead for 25 years now and sometimes at night I will still ask her why she forsake me. No answer ever comes.

She turned a blind eye when I was 5 when it all began and she was still 'blind' when it was still going on almost to the age of 16.


Oh my. My heart goes out to you too :rose: So very sorry. I am in awe of those who go public and those who speak here.
(read these from the bottom up)

Again, the reading of the McQueary and Dranov testimony has ended. Jurors are now once again, deliberating.
by WGAL 8:20 AM

For the reading of the Dranov testimony, defense attorney Joe Amendola sat in the witness box and read Dranov's portions. Defense attorney Karl Rominger read his own part.

Jurors 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 are the ones taking notes when it gets to the part when Dranov describes what McQueary said to him about the shower incident.
by WGAL 8:20 AM

Then, the attorneys read the Dr. Dranov testimony. Dranov was a family friend of the McQuearys. Mike McQueary's father called him after his son told him he had witnessed Sandusky with a boy in the Penn State showers.
by WGAL 8:18 AM

Through much of the reading of the cross-examination, Sandusky has a slight grin and at times his eyes are closed.
by WGAL 8:17 AM

When defense attorney Karl Rominer reads the cross-examination when he asked McQueary what he told his dad…the jury is not taking notes at this point.
by WGAL 8:17 AM

Reporter Matt Barcaro said that throughout much of the trial Juror 4 (a male, upper-middle aged engineer) has sat straight up...but at times during this re-read, he leaned forward.

Dottie appears to be very tired…her eyes look tired and at times she closes her eyes, then slowly blinks, as if she’s having a hard time staying awake.
by WGAL 8:16 AM

As the McQueary testimony was read (remember Mike McQueary said he saw Sandusky molesting a boy in the Penn State showers), jurors 9, 10, 11, and 12 seemed to be taking a lot of notes.

McQueary: there was not hard or fast movement when I saw them, on the defendant’s part. But Sandusky’s midsection was moving subtly.

(Jury taking the most notes when it came to 1) the narrative of the incident, 2) what McQueary said he told his family about what he saw).
by WGAL 8:15 AM

For the reading of the testimony, prosecutor Fina sat at the witness stand.
by WGAL 8:14 AM

Jurors were told -- As a practical matter we can’t go back and redo the trial. I’m going to have to instruct you to rely on your memory and notes … if there’s something you really need, we’ll certainly provide it for you.
by WGAL 8:13 AM

Here's a more detailed recounting of this morning's proceedings, from News 8's Matt Barcaro:

Testimony of McQueary and Dranov is READ to the jury.

Prosecutor Fina reads McQueary and Prosecutor McGettigan reads his own part. Defense attorney Karl Rominger to read his own part.
by WGAL 8:13 AM

Read more:
Oh my. My heart goes out to you too :rose: So very sorry. I am in awe of those who go public and those who speak here.

Thank you.

I didnt tell a soul until I was 38 years old but with that came my freedom.

Speaking out about what happened is a part of the healing process within itself.

A poster asked upthread how many Children. Is it 6 adopted? 5 boys and one girl. Apparently my coffee hasn't kicked in.
Can't wait for all the ways they're gonna slander Matt Sandusky now that he's come out as a victim once the gag order is not in effect. :/ This is exactly why people are so hard pressed to come forward in cases of sexual abuse or rape. :/
Earlier on in the trial, I was watching and thinking about other victims of JS that hadn't come forward. I was thinking about how they would feel observing the coverage of the trial.

I was thinking about the guilt, self blame, the struggle of how they got to experience a lifestyle but in return they were robbed of their souls. The thought of every detail of their lives, every skeleton being brought out by the prosecution for the community, their friends, family and employer to see. Everyone across the country knowing that they were violated in that way. "Why would they believe me over this man that has so much status in the community. No one listened to me or helped me before, I can't go through it again." I could go on and on about how a victim may feel.

I thought about other victims watching the trial, seeing these other men come forward and for once not feeling that they were all alone. The anger that they must have felt toward JS and despite of all the the risk deciding to come forward in the mist of this trial and sacrifice their privacy to put a stop to this man and see that justice is served.

And comes Matt!

I anticipated this and more.
Sadly, I am not surprised that your own mother turned a blind eye. I will just say this....when I see Dottie Sandusky I see my own mother.

My mother knew, she had to know. I was terrified of my father yet she would leave me alone with him countless times with me crying and begging her to take me with her when she had to go somewhere but she always told me 'no.' :( She has been dead for 25 years now and sometimes at night I will still ask her why she forsake me. No answer ever comes.

She turned a blind eye when I was 5 when it all began and she was still 'blind' when it was still going on almost to the age of 16.



I can't even imagine what you have been through. I am so sorry.
Sadly, I am not surprised that your own mother turned a blind eye. I will just say this....when I see Dottie Sandusky I see my own mother.

My mother knew, she had to know. I was terrified of my father yet she would leave me alone with him countless times with me crying and begging her to take me with her when she had to go somewhere but she always told me 'no.' :( She has been dead for 25 years now and sometimes at night I will still ask her why she forsake me. No answer ever comes.

She turned a blind eye when I was 5 when it all began and she was still 'blind' when it was still going on almost to the age of 16.


:hug: Same here ocean, right down to my mother's nickname; "the general" (go figure!). Before my mom passed away in 05', she admitted to having walked into my older sister's bedroom one night to find my father "cuddling" with my sister. She said she thought it was so sweet and didn't want to interrupt because my father was typically a very cold, harsh, unaffectionate person, she thought he was just showing "innocent" affection - yeah right. That's as close as she ever came to admitting she knew. I'm so sorry this happened to you. You've always been one of my favorite posters (even when we disagree)!
Reports state Jerry at times closes his eyes thru the re-read this morning. I'll bet he is enjoying a little trip down memory lane :maddening:
Through much of the reading of the cross-examination, Sandusky has a slight grin and at times his eyes are closed.
by WGAL 8:17 AM

That is disgusting and creep imo.

I can't even imagine what you have been through. I am so sorry.

Thank you so much.

I am a firm believer it is not your past that defines who you will become.

Imo, it is the choices and the journey you have traveled since then that will define who you will become and I am very proud of the way my life has been lived for decades now with the wonderful loving people I have in my life.

I have been blessed many times over since those dark days as a child crying out in the dark with no one coming to help me.

Never too early for mimosa's! :floorlaugh:

Ohhhhh, thanks Bayou! I am up relaxing for the weekend in Highlands NC sitting by a stream and in nature, so that Mimosa is perfect timing, thanks!
My two cents about why Matt didn't testify: he wasn't part of the "Second Mile" group, and they didn't want to confuse the Jurors.

ETA: Sorry - Matt was involved with Second Mile, according to S. Ganim. That's how Jerry found him.

Still, I think the family incest was just too much to prove at this trial with Dottie as a hostile witness.

We know there are other victims, because during Weaver's interview last night they mentioned a "second group of men" that the Pros held back in case of a mistrial or possibly to refute testimony from the Defense (if they had put forth any, which they didn't).

If Jerry is put away for good till the end of his days, there's no need to drag Matt or these other guys through a trial. But there's also no reason for them to stay silent if they feared retribution from Jerry because he will probably be convicted.

If by some bizarre chance he isn't convicted, it's still good that they spoke out now so they can get protection from Jerry while they pursue civil suits.
A poster asked upthread how many Children. Is it 6 adopted? 5 boys and one girl. Apparently my coffee hasn't kicked in.

It was moi. Still waiting for an answer. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Powerful words Ocean. Kudos to you and all Victims who overcome.
It was moi. Still waiting for an answer. Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

LOL I cant remember the exact number but i do know they had no bio children. No idea on the stats you asked either but a great question. Sorry.
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