Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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How long will the jury deliberate?

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Respectfully, I give Mike McQueary NO CREDIT. He saw a little boy getting raped, And did NOTHING to stop it. I find his inaction, and that of his father, Paterno, Curley, Schultz, and the 2 janitors as reprehensible as Jerry's actions. Jerry was driven by some sick, demented urge or craving or whatever. These "men" were driven by cowardice and greed.
All he did was tell the truth when asked. If that was your son in the shower with Jerry, would you feel the same way about Mike McQueary?
The mandated reporter laws need to be changed, IMO, in all 50 states. Instead of just "kicking it upstairs", mandated reporters ought to be required to personally go to LE, and for colleges and universities, that LE agency ought to be state or county LE, not the agency connected to the institution (Schultz was head of Penn State's UPD at the time of the shower incident).
JMO, and sorry for ranting.

Thanks button was not enough. I can't imagine the poor boy, thinking someone could save him, rescue him from that HELL and they didn't! I agree people would look at the situation differently if it were their tiny little son in the shower. Also the absence of sincere, heartfelt apologies to that boy and his family for the way McQ failed them that day speaks VOLUMES. All I've heard from McQ is self-pity and justification for his inaction. He does not deserve to coach and be a role model for young men. All IMO...
I'd still suspect a 20 year sentence and that, if he lives that long, for him be home celebrating his 80th birthday. Maybe Judge Cleland will do a few consecutive.

There is another question. Sandusky has very little left to lose; will he flip on the people at Penn State or elsewhere.

Seriously, J.J., if he receives a 20 year sentence there should be a national outrage. I mean Marissa Alexander (I think that's her name) of FL fired a gun into a ceiling to ward off her abusive husband (didn't point it at him) and she received a 20 year sentence!!!!!!!! If a man can rape multiple little boys with a potential maximum sentence of 400+ years but receive only 20, I will be beside myself.
The sentence needs to further validate those Victims. All Victims. It needs to send a huge message.
Thanks button was not enough. I can't imagine the poor boy, thinking someone could save him, rescue him from that HELL and they didn't! I agree people would look at the situation differently if it were their tiny little son in the shower. Also the absence of sincere, heartfelt apologies to that boy and his family for the way McQ failed them that day speaks VOLUMES. All I've heard from McQ is self-pity and justification for his inaction. He does not deserve to coach and be a role model for young men. All IMO...

He was in his 20's and not a coach at the time.

I know how much this case has affected me, and didn't walking in someone that was an icon engaged in anal sex with a naked boy in the shower. I think he was in shock, and I can't say I wouldn't have been in similar circumstances.
He was in his 20's and not a coach at the time.

I know how much this case has affected me, and didn't walking in someone that was an icon engaged in anal sex with a naked boy in the shower. I think he was in shock, and I can't say I wouldn't have been in similar circumstances.

I can understand his shock. I think that's as far as my understanding for MM goes. Just sayin....
Fantastic!! :clap:

That's the one I'm forwarding to my sisters, who knew about the case, but couldn't bring themselves to follow it. Masterfully written.


That was one the most moving and powerful articles I've read in a long time. I could almost feel the rage and anger swelling up inside of me and the author. After reading it, my first thought was "this should win a Pulitzer prize or something!" I could jump for joy that the monster who abused these boys was convicted.
The sentence needs to further validate those Victims. All Victims. It needs to send a huge message.

hes going down and hes not coming back up. i applaud jj for his participation as a stater, but hes way off on this. sandusky is done.

read the sentencing philosophy posted above. there is just so much in this case that calls for a special harsh maximum sentence. the judge would have to be an idiot, along the lines of amendola say, to go with anything less than effective life behind bars for the monster.

anything is possible, but not this time pervert.

and for a good laugh, fox last night had some defense atty giving audio advice as the verdict was coming down and he actually said that sandusky should be given an extremely light sentence because a stronger one would be an effective death sentence and since we cant be CERTAIN hes guilty the court needs to air on the side of leniency. 2 pts...1. in what world are we not certain (only in a defense attys world) and 2., what he is saying is, because he can't do the time, don't give it to him.

it was sickeningly funny.
Seriously, J.J., if he receives a 20 year sentence there should be a national outrage. I mean Marissa Alexander (I think that's her name) of FL fired a gun into a ceiling to ward off her abusive husband (didn't point it at him) and she received a 20 year sentence!!!!!!!! If a man can rape multiple little boys with a potential maximum sentence of 400+ years but receive only 20, I will be beside myself.

He'll get several hundred, but they or most of them, will be concurrent.

He gets 14 20 year terms. Most, if not all, will start in 2012 and end in 2032. I mean, they let people with life sentences out in PA.

The pedophile priest in Phila that plead to IDSI with a 10 year old got 2.5-5. I'm told he'll be out in 2 years, with good behavior. Now, he turned state's evidence, but still.

Further the sentences are appealable; just the length of the sentence on if he was sentenced properly.

I'm also not certain how much you have serve before parole.
hes going down and hes not coming back up. i applaud jj for his participation as a stater, but hes way off on this. sandusky is done.

read the sentencing philosophy posted above. there is just so much in this case that calls for a special harsh maximum sentence. the judge would have to be an idiot, along the lines of amendola say, to go with anything less than effective life behind bars for the monster.

anything is possible, but not this time pervert.

and for a good laugh, fox last night had some defense atty giving audio advice as the verdict was coming down and he actually said that sandusky should be given an extremely light sentence because a stronger one would be an effective death sentence and since we cant be CERTAIN hes guilty the court needs to air on the side of leniency. 2 pts...1. in what world are we not certain (only in a defense attys world) and 2., what he is saying is, because he can't do the time, don't give it to him.

it was sickeningly funny.

Wow. Glad i didn't tune into Fox. I know he will go down and never see the light of day a free man. I just would luv for the number of years to be high. Something he wont realistically serve. Say 100 or 200 years. That would speak volumes.
Per HLN. Dottie showing up where Jer is currently jailed. Carrying a big plastic clear bag. Cant tell whats in it.
He was in his 20's and not a coach at the time.

I know how much this case has affected me, and didn't walking in someone that was an icon engaged in anal sex with a naked boy in the shower. I think he was in shock, and I can't say I wouldn't have been in similar circumstances.

He was 27. He wasn't an 18 year old with no life experience. He played D1 football as a QB and started every game of his senior season. A D1 QB has to know how to think and act quickly. He has no excuse, shock or not, and every time he makes an excuse for his inaction he degrades the victims. He said "No one wants to be in my shoes for that 30-45 seconds.". What about the poor boy that was being forcibly raped? Nothing McQ has EVER said shows that he has pity for the real victims,the ones who were RAPED, his only pity seems to be for himself. If he had any integrity and honor his testimony would have been filled with palpable sorrow and regret for how he let down a poor innocent child.

Thanks for this link. This was interesting to watch- comparing it to the ones I saw of the Pinellas County jurors that came out after the CA debacle, you can see that this juror (and to hear him tell it, the whole jury), was committed to making the right decision. He just generally impresses me as smart and sensible.

I'm glad they thoroughly examined how much evidence there was for each charge, I think it makes their conclusion more difficult to challenge on appeal and shows that they thought this through and genuinely considered the evidence.

Thank you to these jurors for their service.
Wow. Glad i didn't tune into Fox. I know he will go down and never see the light of day a free man. I just would luv for the number of years to be high. Something he wont realistically serve. Say 100 or 200 years. That would speak volumes.

Agreed. Give him all 400+ years to show the principle that those disgusting, demonic actions won't be tolerated. Send the message that the only way he is leaving prison is in a body bag!!!
Thanks for this link. This was interesting to watch- comparing it to the ones I saw of the Pinellas County jurors that came out after the CA debacle, you can see that this juror (and to hear him tell it, the whole jury), was committed to making the right decision. He just generally impresses me as smart and sensible.

I'm glad they thoroughly examined how much evidence there was for each charge, I think it makes their conclusion more difficult to challenge on appeal and shows that they thought this through and genuinely considered the evidence.

Thank you to these jurors for their service.

That juror from today, and the Pinellas <self mod snip> foreman was night and day! This kid today was intelligent, thoughtful and took his duty to heart. They followed the law. I hope 12 people in Pinellas county will be shown this video so they can see what a real juror looks like!
So the jury was told together that Matt S was going to take the stand against his fatherWOW-They thought something happened to the Sandusky's children,but had no proof-just wow!!!
He was 27. He wasn't an 18 year old with no life experience. He played D1 football as a QB and started every game of his senior season. A D1 QB has to know how to think and act quickly. He has no excuse, shock or not, and every time he makes an excuse for his inaction he degrades the victims. He said "No one wants to be in my shoes for that 30-45 seconds.". What about the poor boy that was being forcibly raped? Nothing McQ has EVER said shows that he has pity for the real victims,the ones who were RAPED, his only pity seems to be for himself. If he had any integrity and honor his testimony would have been filled with palpable sorrow and regret for how he let down a poor innocent child.

Exactly. How did he sleep at night. Then again i was in a position to stop abuse. I was 16. I was hundreds of miles away from home visiting a GF who had moved away. Prominent Family i envied. Had it all so i thought. I saw a Father/Daughter kiss (not a peck) and she confessed the night before i was to fly home. I begged her to out him. She had a younger sister. She refused. I returned home and told my Parents. They called her Mom and i did speak with her as well. The Mother had a heart attack weeks later. The Perp lost his CEO job and became a drunk. Charges never brought. They dealt with him sorta. My friend and i had a fractured relationship we eventually mended years later. I couldn't understand her silence. I never had a feeling of guilt even at 16 when that Family crumbled. That's just me tho.
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