Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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How long will the jury deliberate?

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he is guilty,what happens to pension? SS, house etc. Will sarge have anything?
Can she be charged in cival court?
I can understand his shock. I think that's as far as my understanding for MM goes. Just sayin....

Me too.

I don't know any man, be they 18, 32, 45 or 60 who would walk away from a child in the clutches of a rapist. Every man I know considers MM is the worst kind of coward.

This includes my colleagues at Penn State. To a man.

To make any kind of allowance perpetuates the cover up/enabling culture. The victims deserve a clean sweep without caveat.

I have no problem publicly calling MM out and have done so. Remarkably, I still have a job. I've made no secret of where I am employed or my outrage over the handling of this enormous tragedy.

This is my opinion, has been my opinion and will continue to be my opinion to infinity and beyond, barring a personal conversation with Victim 2, suggesting I'm mistaken.
No, you are 100% right. The child saw McQueary look at the scene and the fact that he did nothing at that moment, like, "Hey! What the heck is going on?" That simply reiterated to the child that his victimization was okay, that he was worthless. Another adult saw what was happening and ignored it.

Wow. That is so true and horrendous.
How do we know that Sandusky will serve his sentence and not be released early like Phillip Garrido? Garrido got 50 years and only served 10-1/2.
Me too.

I don't know any man, be they 18, 32, 45 or 60 who would walk away from a child in the clutches of a rapist. Every man I know considers MM is the worst kind of coward.

This includes my colleagues at Penn State. To a man.

Truly, I don't think I know any man OR woman who would walk away from this. Seriously. I know for a FACT that I would get physical and that my safety/well being wouldn't even register in time to stop me. That is what SHOCK does to most people. It doesn't make you a coward.
Wonder if Jer will do an Interview once sentenced. You know. Tell his side of things. Especially in light of the Prosecution squashing his chance with the "threat" of Matt :floorlaugh:

I wouldn't doubt it. I expect we'll hear more from him.

My understanding is that he will be moved to a prison in the Harrisburg area and then to a sex offender program/facility. I know nothing about such a place.
Heard that he is under suicide watch. Pittsburgh news channel wpxi

That's what they're calling it, but it's more if a standard close observation that's done in a lot of cases, from what I understand.

And pragmatically, it's probably not feasible to move him during the weekend.
How do we know that Sandusky will serve his sentence and not be released early like Phillip Garrido? Garrido got 50 years and only served 10-1/2.

I'm hoping the fact that this is Pennsylvania, not California will help keep him inside.

Prison overcrowding is pretty much everywhere, but I don't think it's at a crisis point in PA.
I'm hoping the fact that this is Pennsylvania, not California will help keep him inside.

Prison overcrowding is pretty much everywhere, but I don't think it's at a crisis point in PA.

It is not as bad as some states, but I really don't expect him to be locked up for 100 years.

Here we go, friends.

JS' attorneys say they tried to get out of this case because they were so unprepared but Judge kept denying their requests. Ha! Excuses are flying.
"Jerry Sandusky's attorney Karl Rominger, on his WHP 580 Saturday radio show, said he and attorney Joe Amendola tried to get out of Sandusky's case the morning of jury selection, not feeling adequately prepared.

Judge John Cleland denied the request, Rominger said.

Cleland had repeatedly denied requests for continuances and the trial approached."
So does anybody think the sicko will finally fess up in hopes of parole chances?

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Here we go, friends.

JS' attorneys say they tried to get out of this case because they were so unprepared but Judge kept denying their requests. Ha! Excuses are flying.
"Jerry Sandusky's attorney Karl Rominger, on his WHP 580 Saturday radio show, said he and attorney Joe Amendola tried to get out of Sandusky's case the morning of jury selection, not feeling adequately prepared.

Judge John Cleland denied the request, Rominger said.

Cleland had repeatedly denied requests for continuances and the trial approached."

Rominger is unbelievably vulgar. Here are a couple of comments he tweeted in the last 24 hours:

Well I won the sodomy charge on McQueary.. so perhaps if the grand jury presentment had been accurate Paterno would not have been fired

yes I'm pointing out what McQueary told Grand Jury is secret except what I read in on cross. get trial transcript .. Joe got hosed

His use of sodomy in the first comment and then the slang term "hosed" in the second is no concidence. He's suggesting JoePa was the one who got "hosed", not victim 2. Just disgusting!

Here we go, friends.

JS' attorneys say they tried to get out of this case because they were so unprepared but Judge kept denying their requests. Ha! Excuses are flying.
"Jerry Sandusky's attorney Karl Rominger, on his WHP 580 Saturday radio show, said he and attorney Joe Amendola tried to get out of Sandusky's case the morning of jury selection, not feeling adequately prepared.

Judge John Cleland denied the request, Rominger said.

Cleland had repeatedly denied requests for continuances and the trial approached."

LOL -- Amendola had time to show his mug on every channel that would have him - he had time for that. Maybe he shoulda' been werking instead of yapping
just sayin'

So does anybody think the sicko will finally fess up in hopes of parole chances?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Sadly, no, I don't. If anything, I think JS thinks HE'S the victim here. He most likely believes anything he did to the accusers was in the context of a "pure" and "loving" relationship. From his perspective they betrayed him, not the other way around.

Maddening, isn't it? :pullhair:
I think the judge can sentence concurrently, and there is parole.

HLN reported this morning there is no parole for sex offenders in Pa. unless they admit and go thru the treatment program????
So does anybody think the sicko will finally fess up in hopes of parole chances?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

No. He thinks he has done nothing wrong :moo:
Sadly, no, I don't. If anything, I think JS thinks HE'S the victim here. He most likely believes anything he did to the accusers was in the context of a "pure" and "loving" relationship. From his perspective they betrayed him, not the other way around.

Maddening, isn't it? :pullhair:

Oh that's right, hes motherfriggin Teresa.

I agree, he will not admit. Ever.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
Rominger is unbelievably vulgar. Here are a couple of comments he tweeted in the last 24 hours:

His use of sodomy in the first comment and then the slang term "hosed" in the second is no concidence. He's suggesting JoePa was the one who got "hosed", not victim 2. Just disgusting!

He's vile. I can't believe he's happy that he got an acquital on that one charge when Sandusky was convicted on 4 others for the same case. And frankly, it's insulting how he's using Joe Paterno. He didn't get fired because of McQueary, he got fired because of Sandusky. If Sandusky hadn't been sexually abusing young boys, Joe Paterno would still be employed. It's SANDUSKY's FAULT. :/
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