Penn State Sandusky Trial #11 (Verdict - GUILTY!)

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This has been a tough road for me to follow. Jerry sat next to me in high school history class. He was a well known jock at the high school and a very great athlete for a bunch of sports including baskeball, baseball and of course football. He was a fairly nice guy, always smiling and was a bit of a goof off. I always thought his smiles and pleasant attitude was a cover-up for shyness and his feeling socially ackward in a group. He and I didn't hang in the same groups. But since the town was small, I would see him at various teen hang outs. He rarely dated but back then there were several jocks who did not take part in the dating scene. No one seemed to be suspicious of that.

It's not been easy to watch this unfold. I have had a difficult time believing all of this was happening. The last time I saw Jerry was at our graduating class 20th reunion. Our entire small town of Washington Pa was so proud of him and his position as a successful defensive coach with a major university. Everyone looked foward to the day he would step up to the head coach position. There was never any doubt this would happen.

When news of his retirement from the coaching staff reached people in his home town the rumor was that he wanted to retire because he learned from Coach Joe that it would be years until JoePa would step down and give Jerry the position he had long expected. At least that's the story that was going around. It was all : Poor Jerry. Now I know differently.

I hate everything I have heard throughout the past 10 months. And more than once I have asked outloud "Jerry how could you do this...didn't you ever fear you'd be caught?"

I am very happy about tonight's verdict. He will be where he belongs for the rest of his life. My heart goes out to the victims and I sling anger to all in Happy Valley who allowed him to harm his victims over and over for such a long time.

For those with questions about Jerry's parents. They were hard working people well known and admired in the community. I don't think you could ever find anyone who would have anything outrageous or bad to say about them.

All of this has touched me deeply in so many ways. Thanks for reading.

I don't think Jerry Sandusky's parents are a factor as he talks fondly of them. From what I get, he seems to have a good relationship with his parents. That can't be said other criminals.

I wonder if Sandusky was born evil.
I just can't express how surprised I am that a Centre County jury actually convicted Jerry Sandusky. I really do admire them and the way they went at it systematically and deliberated each charge and came to a reasonable conclusion, unlike the jury in FL. And it really appeared, at least from the scene at the courthouse last night, that the citizens who were there certainly approved of the verdicts. Several members of this jury had direct ties to Penn State and it took courage to do what they did. I am very happy to admit I was wrong about the people of Central PA and what the outcome of this trial would be. God bless them.
I don't think Jerry Sandusky's parents are a factor as he talks fondly of them. From what I get, he seems to have a good relationship with his parents. That can't be said other criminals.

I wonder if Sandusky was born evil.

Is there someone Sandusky doesn't talk fondly about? It's always sunshine and rainbows in Jer's world.
Is there someone Sandusky doesn't talk fondly about? It's always sunshine and rainbows in Jer's world.

Well, it won't be when he goes to prison. Bubba is awaiting for him.
I feel for you. I know how this must be affecting you. My father grew up in Uniontown so I know what it is like there. Local boy makes it big, only to end up tainting the name of your town. Hang in there. He does not represent Washington. He represents only himself.

FLmom, thanks for the heartful post. I will get past this, but I worry that it will take much more time for his victims. Poor guys.

Uniontown, huh? That's another down-to-earth home town. Where are you in Central Fl? My son and his family live in Venice/Nokomis are.

Again, thank you for the good thoughts.

Sandusky Lawyer per HLN-Jer said his goodbye's prior to the Verdict read. Said good bye to his dogs too :floorlaugh: He and his Family prayed together. Jer has a sleep apnea machine and has to sleep sitting up. Lawyer is afraid they wont allow it in the jail. Dear Gawd :banghead:

I feel pretty certain that Jer will be sleeping sitting up with one eye open. ;)
Is there someone Sandusky doesn't talk fondly about? It's always sunshine and rainbows in Jer's world.
Sarge Sandusky "I see nothing, I hear nothing".

I got the sense from an article posted recently that perhaps Jerry's father abused him???
Sarge Sandusky "I see nothing, I hear nothing".

I got the sense from an article posted recently that perhaps Jerry's father abused him???

Which article is it?
Could be but the bag didn't seem heavy. Those machines have some weight to them. I dont have one but have handled one at work. Appeared to be several items in that bag. What the heck would they talk about???

Have you talked to Matt?

He was in his 20's and not a coach at the time.

I know how much this case has affected me, and didn't walking in someone that was an icon engaged in anal sex with a naked boy in the shower. I think he was in shock, and I can't say I wouldn't have been in similar circumstances.

I agree that MM was in shock at the time of the incident and most likely went through the same feelings. BUT, he was closer to 30 than 20, a full grown man, big and tall enough that he could have grabbed that child and left with him. I thought it was kind of wimpish to call his father in a panic about what to do, probably because it was Sandusky and he knew his power and reputation at the school.

However, after talking to his father and reporting to Paterno, Curley and Schultz, waiting maybe another week or so, when he was not contacted by the police, whether on-college or city, why didn't he go to them himself? He later testified he knew something wrong had happened and that is where I fault him, after the shock was lessened, not taking further action on his on. I wonder if there were further conversations with his father and even Paterno, when they told him to just let it go. I think he was warned off..can't think of any other reason he would not report this child being raped.

As far as being scared, when you know you have to and need to do something to protect a child, you just do it, instinctively. Yes, I was at one time a trained CPS worker but a lot of what you do on the spot in an emergency can't be taught, you just know what is needed and do it. I've had people throw me out of the house (came back with sheriff), hold a gun on me (Mom's BF on just a truany charge so I slooowly backed out yapping the whole time and came back to talk to her and talked to the girl at school, 2AM call from the sheriff, a baby sick and parents would not go to the hospital due to religious reasons, shefiff and I both stumped, woke up a judge and got an telephone order to take the child., etc.).

I was the same age as MM, and a woman, and he should have known he needed to get that child out of there or at least get the police involved. We now know that JS gave the phone# to Curley and the child could have been located. We also know now that the police did investigate the 1998 incident and would have jumped on this if reported. Tragically for the child and for MM's conscience, a missed opportunity.

That was one the most moving and powerful articles I've read in a long time. I could almost feel the rage and anger swelling up inside of me and the author. After reading it, my first thought was "this should win a Pulitzer prize or something!" I could jump for joy that the monster who abused these boys was convicted.

Wetzel has been excellent, I really liked the one he wrote the first day of the trial about V.4 and posted it here. I did get kind of irritated when he praised the defense closing and panned the state. He's good and I will watch him in the future.

There are no winners in this case. I see a whole lot of broken lives.

Yes, I did say the victims were winners last night in the euphoria of the guilty verdicts. Most of the people I have been posting with on here for months probably knew what I meant....the guilty charges that were won by the state for the victims, not their entire lives. I do understand these victims have had a horrible time coming to testify about what has happened to them and need much counseling and help in the future. But to have JS declared guilty last night was a win for them and a validation that they were believed at last and JS would pay for what he did to them.

The sentence needs to further validate those Victims. All Victims. It needs to send a huge message.

Agree 1000%.

I think the judge can sentence concurrently, and there is parole.

Just exactly WHY would the judge want to do that?? I think he will give JS the longest sentence possible and trust in him to do the right thing as he has done in this trial so far.
Which article is it?
not sure, perhaps it was the clip from Sandusky's autobiography, "Touched", where he's talking about playing with Art Sandusky???
not sure, perhaps it was the clip from Sandusky's autobiography, "Touched", where he's talking about playing with Art Sandusky???

I remember seeing that. I think JJ posted it if I recall.
I just can't express how surprised I am that a Centre County jury actually convicted Jerry Sandusky. I really do admire them and the way they went at it systematically and deliberated each charge and came to a reasonable conclusion, unlike the jury in FL. And it really appeared, at least from the scene at the courthouse last night, that the citizens who were there certainly approved of the verdicts. Several members of this jury had direct ties to Penn State and it took courage to do what they did. I am very happy to admit I was wrong about the people of Central PA and what the outcome of this trial would be. God bless them.
Yup, and boys are going to lie about being abused even less so than girls because of the shame and stigma of being abused by the same sex, and being helpless to stop it...
I err on the side of abuse victims to the point that I even gave Casey Anthony that benefit of the doubt about that one thing until I heard the opening statements, then I knew it was all a crock of BS!
FLmom, thanks for the heartful post. I will get past this, but I worry that it will take much more time for his victims. Poor guys.

Uniontown, huh? That's another down-to-earth home town. Where are you in Central Fl? My son and his family live in Venice/Nokomis are.

Again, thank you for the good thoughts.


azwriter, I thank you for coming on this forum and telling us more about JS and his background. That has been very helpful to me. My thoughts are with you as you work out how this has affected you and your hometown. Much respect to you for telling your story and many hugggggs.
Good evening everyone!

Well I am stuffed, sunburned, and waterlogged, because 5 of our grandchildren think they are tadpoles who thinks their Nannie tadpole has to be in the pool with them every minute.:floorlaugh:

I felt so thankful today for the family we have and I am so glad that each of them have never had to endure abuse of any kind.

I felt a sense of peace and relief all day knowing these young boys now men can hopefully begin their lives anew.

I also hope that others who have been abused by Sandusky will step forward now so they can start their own healing process too.

May get flamed for this. I researched Jerry Sandusky's parents and noticed that they are quite religious and very involved in community. Don't know how religious they were, especially Arthur Sandusky. This pattern I have seen before with others.
azwriter, I thank you for coming on this forum and telling us more about JS and his background. That has been very helpful to me. My thoughts are with you as you work out how this has affected you and your hometown. Much respect to you for telling your story and many hugggggs.

Ahhh, shucks, your post has made my day. It always feels great to be appreciated. However, I am most thankful for WS being available for all of us to express ourselves over this case.
Jerry's case has touched us all in many different ways...that I knew him earlier doesn't set my pain apart of above others.
The greatest example of courage goes to the young men who spoke out despite the discomfort, fear and agony they must have felt even being in the same room with their private monster.

not sure, perhaps it was the clip from Sandusky's autobiography, "Touched", where he's talking about playing with Art Sandusky???

I posted several quotes from the book back during the early days following Sandusky's arrest. Based on my reading, I did not get the impression Sandusky was molested by his father. He seemed very worshipful of his father. I recall he took his father's death very hard. As of yet, no abuse allegation pre-date the death of his father, which, I believe, was late 91. Perhaps Sandusky's respect for his father kept his sexual perversions in check. I'm certain Sandusky never wanted to disappoint him.

As for Sandusky's relationship with his mother, the picture is not as clear. He is more muted when discussing her. It may be significant to note that his mother set him up with Dottie. Did he marry his mother? I don't know. I think it's pretty clear he was not sexually attracted to women. He may have even been hostile to them, in partcular, to mothers since they were his rivals for the affections of the boys he desired.

Just popping in to thank everyone on this thread; I've been reading from my phone on vacation and felt connected through reading all of your heartfelt posts! Thank God for good juries! As someone else mentioned, this feels so much better than that c.f. Last year in Florida. I cried happy, relieved tears for those precious boys.
Interesting article...
Don't think for a minute that Sandusky's wife isn't guilty, too.
Thank you for posting this! I'd say that in addition to the wives knowing the truth that a Ph.D. child psychogist and a child guidance counselor that reviewed the pedo's expense reports for thirty years also knew. Bring on the investigations of The Second Mile's executives!
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