People Magazine article about Lisa

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But you know where one would be likely to habitually find hungry little stray kittens? At apartment complexes or businesses where they have dumpsters. Just sayin'........

Are we to accept that D innocently rescued a kitten the night she drank in excess and her baby vanished? Seems questionable to me.

The way all articles are written nowadays is pitiful and done out of no other motive than to make it all the more salacious, twisted, mysterious, and leaves the reader scratching their heads with only more questions than answers.. Left wanting more..
Jmo, tho!

I read a lot. I read many different types of magazines and periodicals. I find the above comment about ALL ARTICLES ___________________to be false.

Not all magazines and news media report like The Enquirer or The Star.


I thought the kitten was possibly thrown into Deborah's story as a feel good comment; akin to her meaning I was curled up in bed with a little rescued kitten...oh and I was drunk and my child disappeared.

Did she use the rescued kitten as a point to show she had a heart?

So the kitten was possibly a made up story and never was actually at the house? Or she grabbed the kitten after something happened to help with a cover story?
This is probably the wrong thread to be asking this in, but here goes.

At what point do the family members of DB and JI start doubting the parents story. I would think that if something like this happened in my family and the evidence starting piling up, I would start looking at the family members closer. Is it blind loyalty or why does everyone in their family so strongly believe that the parents couldn't have done anything wrong. I know blood runs deep, but we are dealing with a likely dead baby here. Just doesn't make sense to me???

That's a tough one, because I'm sure the entire family reallly wants to believe both of them KWIM? I cringe at the thought of something happening in my home (touch wood). What was I doing?

Oh, prolly on WS talking about this that and the other case. It probably wouldn't look good for me and I'd be arrested in a heartbeat (especially after they confiscated my pooter).

I think blind faith weighs heavily here...on the parents and not where it should be...on baby Lisa. I've yet to see anyone really advocating for her (cept the few pleas early on).

Just my opinion.

This is probably the wrong thread to be asking this in, but here goes.

At what point do the family members of DB and JI start doubting the parents story. I would think that if something like this happened in my family and the evidence starting piling up, I would start looking at the family members closer. Is it blind loyalty or why does everyone in their family so strongly believe that the parents couldn't have done anything wrong. I know blood runs deep, but we are dealing with a likely dead baby here. Just doesn't make sense to me???

I think it would depend upon my feelings and experiences with those family members. I have one cousin who I helped to adopt a baby, by writing recommendations and going to an interview with the social workers. She wanted to be a single mom, after her divorce and not having children, and I KNEW she would be a great mom. And she adopted a beautiful little 2 yr old girl, [ who is now 11 and thriving] who needed and wanted a mom like my cousin. However I have another cousin who I have reported to CPS,and I would be suspicious of her if she told us that her child was abducted. Sad but true. But if my other cousin said that I would believe her.
So the kitten was possibly a made up story and never was actually at the house? Or she grabbed the kitten after something happened to help with a cover story?

According to the People article, Jeremy Irwin states:

"Then I see a cat on the bed," says Irwin," and we don't have a cat". Bradley woke up and explained she'd taken in a stray kitten she'd found outside.

JI said he saw the cat/kitten (lord we don't know if this is a 2 week old kitten or a full grown cat at this point).

Unless JI is in on this kidnapping plot, I'm going to have to go with he saw the kitten/cat when he returned home. The boys and the neighbor should be able to back it up as well.


The way all articles are written nowadays is pitiful and done out of no other motive than to make it all the more salacious, twisted, mysterious, and leaves the reader scratching their heads with only more questions than answers.. Left wanting more.. It's all for the almighty dollar and hasn't a damn thing to finding baby Lisa and certainly not for seeking justice on her behalf!!!

That's why I have learned from following these missing children's cases that relying on the media and their reporting we will always end up with a mountain of inconsistencies that have been either purposefully, negligently, or accidentally created by the piss poor reporting and lack of pride taken in a well written and reported piece of journalism.. That's long gone and replaced with radaronline and TMZ cliffhanger, leave 'em wanting more type reporting that is loaded with Bs, false or misconstrued statements and accounts, and basically whatever spin the author wants to put on it..

All one has to use is common sense in reading the articles.. It has to be gleaned for the tiny kernels of truth it holds.. But some In reading the articles are so caught up in finding more of anything at all to support their side of The fence and theory they've set their mind to that common sense goes straight out the window and they're quoting the ridiculous misconstrued, therefor false reported statements as tho they were written in stone fact.. It's just not the case anymore with journalism and our missing children cases..

Jmo, tho!

Well said. Gone are the days of waler Kronkite and the likes (hoping I didn't butcher the spelling). I get to a point where I want to throw something at the screen when some of these talking heads on HLN (which btw used to be a news channel) twist and fabricate the "facts".
Another problem I think stems from wanting to make everything fit the case whether relavent or not. I try to weigh on the side of the most obvious logical answer first. If I don't see a logical explanation, then I try to access if it's even noteworthy to the case. Somethings are not, and no matter how hard you try to jamb a square peg in a round hole, it's not going to fit. :twocents:
Hmmm. So it's all very convenient now. All the times are tying in very nicely for DB. She was with her brother and briefly with JI until 5.20 and then the neighbor called at 5.30.

Darn Debthree,
When you say it like that, it sounds a little too coincidental and perfect.... all except those HOURS D can't recall.

According to the People article, Jeremy Irwin states:

"Then I see a cat on the bed," says Irwin," and we don't have a cat". Bradley woke up and explained she'd taken in a stray kitten she'd found outside.

JI said he saw the cat/kitten (lord we don't know if this is a 2 week old kitten or a full grown cat at this point).

Unless JI is in on this kidnapping plot, I'm going to have to go with he saw the kitten/cat when he returned home. The boys and the neighbor should be able to back it up as well.



Yes. I know of JI's statements about the kitten. I was trying to understand the point of view of the poster I was replying to. Thanks Mel.
The woman who gets herself drunk while a sole caretaker for 3 children is probably not the most responsible type to begin with. She might have not worried about having to spend money to vet the cat, etc.

I 'll bet the barn she wouldn't take a cat to the vet...........she couldn't afford her vanishing phones. No way D and J would foot a bill for a cat.

Yes. I know of JI's statements about the kitten. I was trying to understand the point of view of the poster I was replying to. Thanks Mel.

Oops - sorry...didn't mean to step on toes.


So the kitten was possibly a made up story and never was actually at the house? Or she grabbed the kitten after something happened to help with a cover story?

PERSONALLY, i think the rescued kitten story is bs.

I formed my opinion about this case from statements made by the mother and father and moms inconsistencies.....not by newspaper or magazine articles.
Hi wildflower!:seeya: I certainly hope you did not take any offense about my comments of journalism lacking these days and that my comment was directed at you or your thread you created for us to discuss.. That wAs not my intention At all.. I thank you for sharing the content of the People mag article.. Tho, it's frustrating definitely to see how they twist or misconstrue(sometimes even purposefully) details of a case.. Sadly it all stems directly from the almighty dollar instead of where they should be focusing on the "truth" and assisting in getting the accurate truth out there.. They do not care whether it's going to cause harm and sometimes even hindrance in a Precious child's disappearance(<- I am not saying this Happened in this case.. ATLEAST not yet as far as I can tell)

And tho I have much and many complaints and criticism for today's journalism and it's lack of integrity.. IMO the positive still way outweighs the ^above^ described negative.. In that these articles and reporters do help to keep baby Lisa at the forefront.. And in the public eye.. IMO that is always a positive..

Again, I do appreciate you greatly, wildflower for sharing the content of the People magazine article:)

No offense at all, SmoothOperator ! I agree with you about today's journalism. Pictures of PI & lawyer, included on pages 50 & 51? Weeks / few months Lisa on cover, pgs 46 & 48. Shouldn't Lisa standing at a screen door on page 48, been the front cover?, its the closest to what she may look like recently. The cover also says "Shocking new details from inside the case", yet I didn't find anything shocking at all imo.
My kids have always cried if they start spiking a fever or need me in some way in the middle of the night. I have a video monitor and I'm not going to go in there and wake them up unless they need me. HOWEVER, it is grossly irresponsible for someone to become so inebriated that they are not able to handle any kind of emergency that may occur when they are taking care of little ones. MOO

And, to do so when you supposedly have no telephone service!
I formed my opinion about this case from statements made by the mother and father and moms inconsistencies.....not by newspaper or magazine articles.

The problem with media interviews is that they can take what someone says and twist it in certain ways to make it more sensational so that the media orgnaization benefits. They don't really care what the truth is, they just want to sell a story. I think all media interviews have to be taken with a grain of salt. You could give glowing reviews of your BFF and they can find a way to make it seem like you thought she was the devil. I think highly skilled lawyers can be equally as dangerous. lol I agree the parents are not helping themselves out with these interviews. However, making any sort of definitive opinion on one's guilt or innocence on the basis of media interviews can be very dangerous IMO. :twocents: MOO
The more 'details' thown into the mom's story, the more I doubt it.

Deborah has given LE and the media at least 2 different times that she fed baby Lisa.

Deborah said she sat on the porch drinking wine and didn't check on Lisa again. (Was her drinking 6-10 glasses of wine more important than checking on her sick baby? ) She couldn't check on her 10 month baby but rescued a kitten?!?!

in my mind I see something like this played out....

Friend or no friend D sat around drinking Monday night. Before her bf got home, she did 'something' to and with baby Lisa. To make J think she was a good mommy, she wakes her son and ask him to come sleep in her bed. WHICH according to J was something never done.

The cooking dinner for friends and the baby kitten rescue imo are thrown in to make D sound likeable, responsible.
When in fact she --that night by her own admittance was drunk. To that I will add IMO extremely irresponsible.


When J gets home and finds Lisa gone, D throws
Thanks for your reply. The bolded part is what I'm curious about. The part were you say "thrown in". How do you feel this took place? Was it planned in advance, spontaneous, or what?
Sorry I didn't answer correctly. I'm getting a wee bit tired. :crazy:

I don't think baby Lisa's demise was planned. But i think baby Lisa was likely smothered with a pillow -think mommy trying to stop a crying baby or D shook the baby -think Shakenbabysyndrome.

Imo someone -probably D-- planned the story about the kitten and her son having a nightmare, and climbing into her bed, etc. I think D made comments in cya mode.

IMHOO This was not the first night Deborah drank until she got drunk. This was the action--the irresponsible,sickening, action of an alcoholic. :banghead::furious:

I think you are getting tired. I was just wondering about you thoughts on how the kitten could have been part of a coverup. Like was it planned in advance somehow, or it happened to be around for Debbie to use, or what? All your other points are fine, I'm just not asking about those things right now.

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