People Magazine article about Lisa

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I can't imagine why the neighbor with a 4 yr. old would want to stay so late, visiting for 5 hours on a Monday night. I hear someone has a sick baby, and I'm not going to encourage them to get drunk with me.

IMO, we desperately need to hear more about what the neighbor was told or saw that night!

DB might've welcomed the company if JI was going to be working. I imagine DB mentioning (or the neighbor seeing) that Lisa wasn't feeling well. Two mothers present, and neither thought about poor sickly Lisa the rest of the night?!?

Thanks to all of you sharing the rest of the article. How strange this case has become.

I know it is a little thing, but it is one of the things that bugs me the most. Here she has a sick infant, and she puts her in her room with never another visit or look see or comfort for her. It bothers me because most moms are very sensitive to illness in a very young baby. A simple cold can get serious very quickly, especially in the middle of the night. Who hasn't had a sick baby that has suddenly had a spike in their fever or a sudden onset of vomiting or diarrhea ? And those are things that need to be watched in a very young child. My son had one of those febrile seizures on night when his simple cold turned into Scarlet fever before my eyes. He woke up from a long nap with a bright red rash all over and a very high fever. So it really bothers me that she would so coldly and callously put her baby into her crib so early,and then start chugging 5 to 10 glasses of wine, with no thought of checking on her sick child. :mad:
Because if the neighbor last saw Baby Lisa when she was put to bed at 06:40, and then the 2 moms were sitting out on the stoop, it gives DB an alibi during that time, and a window of time that an intruder might have snuck inside.

but can't they see the 2 points of entry (computer room window & front entrance) from the front stoop?
I know it is a little thing, but it is one of the things that bugs me the most. Here she has a sick infant, and she puts her in her room with never another visit or look see or comfort for her. It bothers me because most moms are very sensitive to illness in a very young baby. A simple cold can get serious very quickly, especially in the middle of the night. Who hasn't had a sick baby that has suddenly had a spike in their fever or a sudden onset of vomiting or diarrhea ? And those are things that need to be watched in a very young child. My son had one of those febrile seizures on night when his simple cold turned into Scarlet fever before my eyes. He woke up from a long nap with a bright red rash all over and a very high fever. So it really bothers me that she would so coldly and callously put her baby into her crib so early,and then start chugging 5 to 10 glasses of wine, with no thought of checking on her sick child. :mad:

My kids have always cried if they start spiking a fever or need me in some way in the middle of the night. I have a video monitor and I'm not going to go in there and wake them up unless they need me. HOWEVER, it is grossly irresponsible for someone to become so inebriated that they are not able to handle any kind of emergency that may occur when they are taking care of little ones. MOO
Has DB said she fed the kitten, gave it something to drink? Anything. Nope, all we know is that she found a kitten, and put it in the bed with her and one of the boys.

I wonder if LE found cat hairs in the bed? What has happened to the kitten? Does DB have it now.

Like you I am also getting a dreadful sense about this. Was there really ever a kitten, because except for finding a kitten, there is nothing more said.

Not in this article, but on a list of things taken from the home : a cat litter box...I don't recall the exact link, could have been part of the search warrant * not sure * but I am very sure that I read it...MOO
Show of many of you have a kitten hanging from the rearview mirror of your car? :floorlaugh:

Not all of us are as lucky as CA to have a vast amount of dryer sheets and fbreeze when we suddenly need them.
Thanks for clarifying.

So now the "bonding time" becomes "comfort time" for the boy who had a nightmare on the night his sister disappeared from the home? Interesting.

I'm telling you right now, if this <Mod Snip> passed out and left 2 young boys to deal with a sick infant, and something happened...there's not enough rope to hang her, imo. That BETTER not be what we're looking at here. :furious:

Could be though...or something like that...MOO
Am I the only one who finds the kitten thing not the slightest bit hinky? *Not the slightest bit. *She and a friend were on the porch in the early evening, *about the time dumped kitties start moving around, *and the kitten came up and she had a tender heart and took it in to the house. *

I do believe, *fully at this point, *that had the kitten NOT been in the bed, *everything else was sort of normal enough that Jeremy might not have awakened her and it might have been morning before Lisa was discovered missing. * Lights on, *window open (someone here keeps commenting on what a heavenly day that was, *window open is a normal thing to me. *Also, *she could maybe hear the kids better from the porch). *But a kitten in the bed, *would be too much not to wake her and say who is this kitten. *

I would bet 100% the boy with the kitten could back up whatever story she has, *though. *

I'm a volunteer at our local shelter, *and know that kittens get dumped in neighborhoods all the time. *Every day in fact.

No, you're not alone in your ^above^ opinions.. Not only would the son with the kitty be able to back up Debbie's acct but more importantly the neighbor IMO holds the key TO EVERYTHING!! Deb cooks dinner at 5:30pm for kids and neighbor.. 6:40pm Lisa is put down for the night.. And the kids(2sons and neighbor's child) are playing together The remainder of the night.. Watching movies and I'd feel confident that they were playing and horsing around throughout the house along with popping out front throughout the entire night where the mom's were sitting, drinking wine, smoking, and most likely gossiping and laughing..*

Regardless of the subject of their convos that night the important detail is that the neighbor didn't leave until 10:30pm.. Therefor this neighbor holds knowledge of all of these important details.. She wouldve been present for the dinner, she would therefor be able to attest to Lisa's still being alive and well that evening.. She holds the knowledge of how the cat was found and who was the one to find it(and having it reported in a magazine article that Deb found it certainly doesn't make it fact.. Doesn't even make it fact that's what Deb even said.. So for that to be taken as something inconsistent is ridiculous IMO).. This neighbor holds knowledge of the entire movements of the entire household until leaving at 10:30pm.. At 10:30pm she leaves and shortly thereafter she sees the lights go down at the Irwin home as Deb and the two boys hit the hay(along with new kitty)..*

IMO there is nothing hinky, greasy, or suspicious of Jeremy's supposed to have gotten off work around 10 and ending up having to work til after 3am and Deb not being in hysterics reaching out to find her man.. She very well could have been worried and/or nervous at this happenstance be it she was sober!!! But she wasn't.. As I'm certain the neighbor fully has verified how much wine her amd Deb consumed in a 5hr period of time!! Deb and the boys went to bed at 10:30pm therefor Deb was not awake nor aware that the later it got that her man still wAsnt home.. When hitting the hay at 10:30pm she would not be in a panic at that point whatsoever!!! She would be going to sleep assuming Jeremy would be coming home very shortly thereafter!! So, for me there is zero that can be twisted or formed from these latest clarified details into being damning or even suspicious.. Is it the behavior of June Cleaver? Absolutely not and bad choices made, but were they strange or nonsensical? No, not in the least and sadly I know several whose evening homelife are identical to a tee to the night in question.. I have a former employee that hubby leaves early evening for night shift, she along with one sometimes two of the female neighbors(who bring their kids over as well) cook something up in the kitchen for the kids as they're all playing throughout the house.. By the time dinners on the table for the kids the moms have ATLEAST had their first glass of wine.. From there the night goes similarly to Debs.. With the moms in and out from kitchen, living room, to out front smoking, continuing to indulge in their wine.. The kids in various parts of the house playing Wii, watching movies, running in and out when moms are out front.. This continues til the wine runs dry, or one of the kids gets to arguing with another, or they're all *fussy/tired(moms and kids) At that point they all walk to their homes and everyone Of them hits the hay!!!

Again, is it June Cleaver behavior? No, but it is the absolute reality of many and multiple homes across this country!! So, while many of us do not agree with it and find it to be inappropriate, immoral, etc.. It still does not make them guilty of murdering their child(and I'll say it again the Van Dam case is the perfect example).. Don't like em, don't agree with their choices and behaviors, but didn't make them guilty of Daughter, Danielle's rape and murder(abducted from their home while mom, dad, and 2 brothers slept.. NO ONE HEARD A THING!)

These details do not make Deb guilty of harming Lisa.. Was she guilty of being a crappy mom? Yes, but so are the many other women that have never and would never harm a hair on their child's head.. It just doesn't equal guilt and there is nothing "hinky" in these details of that night.. are there actions of a selfish mom? Yes, but that is not "hinky" or nonsensical..

As for the phones same applies and tho not smart and irresponsible to have children with no working phones(tho it is known fact even service disconnected cells will call 911) but take a poll of how many mom's In single income struggling homes have at one time or another(again my ex employee literally every other month had their phones temporarily disconnected.. Sometimes for a few hours sometimes for a few days.. It is not by far unusual at all)had the phone service temporarily disconnected..
Deb reprogramming the borrowed cell to replace the third unworkable cell was not unusual.. IT WAS TEMPORARILY DISCONNECTED. not permenanently!! Therefor of course she's gonna prepare the newest, borrowed phone by programming it and charging them as well.. That way as soon as the minimum balance is paid the phones are charged, programmed and ready to use!! Nothing unusual, greasy, hinky, suspicious.. Jmo, tho!!
Most of DB's story is uncorroborated. We do not know for sure if Lisa even had a cold. Could have made that up as a reason she put the baby to bed so early. Don't think she thought it would make her look bad. Really wish we could know if the neighbor was drunk too.
Show of many of you have a kitten hanging from the rearview mirror of your car? :floorlaugh:

HAH - that made me laugh out loud (thank you).

Seriously though, this was a Monday night, a school night. What time did the boys get to bed? Where was the little neighbor girl at 10:30? She's 4, so she should have been tired right? Wouldn't she be pulling on her momma's leg to go home?

We know the boys ate around 5:30 PM, but hear little else after that. Just they were watching a fairy tale movie. Movies usually last around 90 minutes. That leaves a whole lotta time left. When did mommy find the stray kitty? Were the children playing with the kitty for hours?

When did they do homework, get ready for bed, brush their teeth, and go to bed. What time did they normally get up in the morning?

Everytime I look at this thread I come away with more questions than answers.


Magazine Quote, pg 50-
~And what about all the odd occurrences - the lights still on and the stray cat, all on Irwin's first night shift?~ ~"There were tons of strange things that happened," she admits. "But I have no idea why, I was sleeping. No crime makes sense until it's solved."

Wouldn't several be more appropriate? Was it a kitten or cat? DB says kitten, JI referred to it as a cat.

Magazine Quote, page 49 -
"Earlier that day Bradley had gone to Festival Foods and bought baby wipes, baby food, pasta, mac & cheese & a box of wine." There is no mention of the brother accompanying her on that trip.
Magazine Quote, pg 50-
~And what about all the odd occurrences - the lights still on and the stray cat, all on Irwin's first night shift?~ ~"There were tons of strange things that happened," she admits. "But I have no idea why, I was sleeping. No crime makes sense until it's solved."

Wouldn't several be more appropriate? Was it a kitten or cat? DB says kitten, JI referred to it as a cat.

Magazine Quote, page 49 -
"Earlier that day Bradley had gone to Festival Foods and bought baby wipes, baby food, pasta, mac & cheese & a box of wine." There is no mention of the brother accompanying her on that trip.

Either way, it would eat, drink, pee and poop. So...did Debbie have provisions for this animal? If so, where did they come from if she was home ALL night? If not, hope someone went in and cleaned all the cat poop off the carpets and tossed that cat a burger or something. Just sayin'.
Magazine Quote, pg 50-
~And what about all the odd occurrences - the lights still on and the stray cat, all on Irwin's first night shift?~ ~"There were tons of strange things that happened," she admits. "But I have no idea why, I was sleeping. No crime makes sense until it's solved."

Wouldn't several be more appropriate? Was it a kitten or cat? DB says kitten, JI referred to it as a cat.

Magazine Quote, page 49 -
"Earlier that day Bradley had gone to Festival Foods and bought baby wipes, baby food, pasta, mac & cheese & a box of wine." There is no mention of the brother accompanying her on that trip.

HUH? Does this mean there were TWO trips to the store? Huh? 2 boxes of wine? Huh?

This makes no sense........................

(not intended to you w1df10wr - just the way the article is written - sheesh can't they get it right?)
Magazine Quote, pg 50-
~And what about all the odd occurrences - the lights still on and the stray cat, all on Irwin's first night shift?~ ~"There were tons of strange things that happened," she admits. "But I have no idea why, I was sleeping. No crime makes sense until it's solved."

Wouldn't several be more appropriate? Was it a kitten or cat? DB says kitten, JI referred to it as a cat.

Magazine Quote, page 49 -
"Earlier that day Bradley had gone to Festival Foods and bought baby wipes, baby food, pasta, mac & cheese & a box of wine." There is no mention of the brother accompanying her on that trip.

Mmmmm, Mac n cheese and wine. Yes, please! Seriously, that doesn't sound bad.

So yeah that definitely sounds like two trips, same day, for me.
Most of DB's story is uncorroborated. We do not know for sure if Lisa even had a cold. Could have made that up as a reason she put the baby to bed so early. Don't think she thought it would make her look bad. Really wish we could know if the neighbor was drunk too.

I read a statement by by grandfather who apparently saw the baby at a birthday party on Sunday. He said that she was fussy because she was sick.

[I don't have a link but I will see if I can find it. ]
I seriously hope that "kitten" was GONE out of their lives as of the moment they claimed baby Lisa was kidnapped! when it comes to your child who gives a BLEEEEP about your stupid "kitten"... Ok I'm sorry I had to vent! seriously?! That's gonna eat at me all night...I love animals, dont get me wrong I have three but I also dont have a missing BABY!
I can't imagine thinking hmm I need to cover this odor, I know, I'll run right out and get a kitten. That'll do it!

She had no bleach, no heavy perfumed candles, no baking soda, etc., that was reported in the SW.

Are kittens often used as air fresheners? ??

BTW, if the baby were killed Sunday night (the earliest possible, although my guess is the neighbor saw her monday night) there wouldn't be an awful smell.

As air fresheners? No. :p But would the foul smell of cat urine, feces and vomit perhaps cover the foul smell of decomposing flesh? I believe so - well a 6 year old could be convinced that the foul smell from the corner is from the cat. I find it co-incidental that there was a stray cat a few feet from where the cadaver dog detected the dead body scent.

I do think there's a good chance that the baby was killed sometime late Sunday night or in the middle of the night (early hours of Monday morning) and JI and DB concocted a story of abduction - he conveniently was working that night for the first time ever and she conveniently was drunk so of course nobody heard the 'intruder'. By Monday night, if Lisa was dead for 24 hours there would definitely be a very foul odour.
Magazine Quote, pg 50-
~And what about all the odd occurrences - the lights still on and the stray cat, all on Irwin's first night shift?~ ~"There were tons of strange things that happened," she admits. "But I have no idea why, I was sleeping. No crime makes sense until it's solved."

Wouldn't several be more appropriate? Was it a kitten or cat? DB says kitten, JI referred to it as a cat.

Magazine Quote, page 49 -
"Earlier that day Bradley had gone to Festival Foods and bought baby wipes, baby food, pasta, mac & cheese & a box of wine." There is no mention of the brother accompanying her on that trip.

HUH? Does this mean there were TWO trips to the store? Huh? 2 boxes of wine? Huh?

This makes no sense........................

(not intended to you w1df10wr - just the way the article is written - sheesh can't they get it right?)

Are they trying to say that Debbie was hiding the fact that her brother went to the store with her?

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