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Many news reports have reported the basic facts of PG's conversion to JW while in prison, and that NG, who was also a long-time JW, continued to support his beliefs. They were reported to be faithful practitioners (on the surface) for many years - it was only in the last few years that he started going off the deep-end, at least publicly (we can take it as an assumption that he was off the deep-end for decades before that).

Yes, he did stray and invent his own religion, which branched off of JW. His manifestos have very little to do with Watchtower teachings. But, just like David Koresh's religion was based on Seventh-Day Adventism, and Brian David Mitchell's Fundimentalist Mormanism was based on Latter-Day Saint teachings, Phillip Garrido's home-made religion was based on Jehovah's Witness's Watchtower. So, many of JW's core beliefs and assumptions were likely incorporated into PGs delusion.

Geshhh...How did I miss that? Thank you....:)
I guess I did not give much attention to his brand of insanity....LOL

then many gifts these girls did not see.
I think this Christmas will be very different.
But maybe the specialists may tell them that they can give them one gift.
Not to overwhelm them and confuse them....But who knows.
By now perhaps they have been told that Gifts are celebrations.
and Celebrations are an expression of love.

Lets not forget at first Terry gave them TV dinners so that they wont get confused,
and now they all cook and have fun with eating many new things.

I think it may be the same with gifts, baby steps...

I still wonder if JC knows their exact Birth dates, or just approximate date,
living in a huvel back there it may be hard to know dates at any given time.
I remember in the early days of this and talk about the cost of all this (therapy etc) reared it's ugly head. I thought if I was somebody like Bill Gates I'd be only to happy to cover the bills. As much as I don't like the guy's operating systems he, along with he's wife, do some great work as phillanthropists.
I hate the thought that they could come to a point where they need money to help them through this. The equine therapy seemed a very reasonable price though. I think it was $60 an hour but $45 an hour for a group which they will be. I followed a link to their web site that somebody here linked to.
Jaycee Lee Dugard wants to go back to school,people,news,jaycee-lee-dugard-wants-to-go-back-to-school
Memoir earnings will be used to finance schooling for herself and her daughters
By Sophie TaylorFIRST POSTED OCTOBER 19, 2009
[/QUOTI found this part of the article interesting also

As reported by The First Post last week, it appears Jaycee did her best to educate the girls herself despite their extraordinary circumstances. Her aunt, Tina Dugard, said: "They are educated and bright. It's clear they've been on the internet... and that Jaycee did a great job with the limited resources she had."

This helps explain the lack of educational books, but the star chart being present etc.
Jaycee had access to the internet? What is the working theory as to why she never escaped or seeked help?

The computer may have been monitored, just as parents can watch childre on the comp...
PG may have watched them too.
But SunnieRN is correct FEAR will hold you back every time. "Fear is the Mafia of the mind."
Jaycee had access to the internet? What is the working theory as to why she never escaped or seeked help?

Taught to fear the police
Restricted access allowing her to only contact people known to PG
Not fully understanding how to reach out via the internet
It wasn't really Jaycee.

Pick one, there are probably other ideas as well.
Jaycee had access to the internet? What is the working theory as to why she never escaped or seeked help?

I know theories have been put forward for example it's been explained somewhere here how it could of been a kind of kid's email account you can use where outgoing mail is first forwarded to another account (Garrido's personal account say) for aproval before being sent out.
But really I hate seeing posts that dwell on why she didn't do this or that or the other. She did the best she could but for starters how about Garrido threatening her with killing the daughters if he saw anything suspicious. It's what I believe he did threaten her with. It would of been easy. If anybody did ask about their whereabouts he would of made up another story and I'm sure nobody would of taken it further.

It looks like somewhere along the line somebody has got the html code wrong. I think it's sniperacer who asked originally. Sorry SunnieRN.
I'm with you, I think the biggest and most effective threat would have been her kids. I think that's part of the reason he allowed her to keep them in the first place. Allowing her to have her kids must have been a risk for him, but they would have made great leverage.
Most any threat will be work for a little while, but I think the threats of hurting her family may have been losing effectiveness. He had to give her something that she could hold and see and fully appreciate losing. The sick SOB.
I know theories have been put forward for example it's been explained somewhere here how it could of been a kind of kid's email account you can use where outgoing mail is first forwarded to another account (Garrido's personal account say) for aproval before being sent out.
But really I hate seeing posts that dwell on why she didn't do this or that or the other. She did the best she could but for starters how about Garrido threatening her with killing the daughters if he saw anything suspicious. It's what I believe he did threaten her with. It would of been easy. If anybody did ask about their whereabouts he would of made up another story and I'm sure nobody would of taken it further.

It looks like somewhere along the line somebody has got the html code wrong. I think it's sniperacer who asked originally. Sorry SunnieRN.

hey was also threatning her other family from the looks of the charges.
I'm with you, I think the biggest and most effective threat would have been her kids. I think that's part of the reason he allowed her to keep them in the first place. Allowing her to have her kids must have been a risk for him, but they would have made great leverage.
Most any threat will be work for a little while, but I think the threats of hurting her family may have been losing effectiveness. He had to give her something that she could hold and see and fully appreciate losing. The sick SOB.

actualy the double threat of him hurting her family and then her daughters, was doubly troubling to jaycee. its just her daughters were within his grasp and made the thret there more viable.
I know theories have been put forward for example it's been explained somewhere here how it could of been a kind of kid's email account you can use where outgoing mail is first forwarded to another account (Garrido's personal account say) for aproval before being sent out.
But really I hate seeing posts that dwell on why she didn't do this or that or the other. She did the best she could but for starters how about Garrido threatening her with killing the daughters if he saw anything suspicious. It's what I believe he did threaten her with. It would of been easy. If anybody did ask about their whereabouts he would of made up another story and I'm sure nobody would of taken it further.

It looks like somewhere along the line somebody has got the html code wrong. I think it's sniperacer who asked originally. Sorry SunnieRN.

I seriously doubt PG could figure out how to block anything, but i bet he was the only one with the password (control freak) and she used it with him peering over her shoulder alot.! I know alot of husbands who have their wives watching everything they do online:blushing:
I seriously doubt PG could figure out how to block anything, but i bet he was the only one with the password (control freak) and she used it with him peering over her shoulder alot.! I know alot of husbands who have their wives watching everything they do online:blushing:

I can not imagine him giving her a free hand at going to search about herself or her real family.
However if she ever did try it, he must have found out and told her that if she ever did that again....
and proceeded to threaten her...or he punished he with some form of abuse.

Thre bottom line is abducted children are retraind to both fear and bond with thier abductor.
So we will never ever figure out why she did not reach out...or if she could have.
She is SAFE NOW. lets move on....
I seriously doubt PG could figure out how to block anything, but i bet he was the only one with the password (control freak) and she used it with him peering over her shoulder alot.! I know alot of husbands who have their wives watching everything they do online:blushing:

even if she didnt have him watching her, what is she going to do?
i heard some idiotic comment (not on this board) that she should have emailed her mom. uhhhhhhhhhhh how would that work exactly? number one how would she know her emall adress even if she had aol?
lets say she was in a chat room and she annouces "im jaycee dugard and i've been missing for 16 years (this was 2007) people would think she was joking
I can not imagine him giving her a free hand at going to search about herself or her real family.
However if she ever did try it, he must have found out and told her that if she ever did that again and proceeded to threaten her...or he punished he with some form of abuse.

im sure that's exactly what happened
even if she didnt have him watching her, what is she going to do?
i heard some idiotic comment (not on this board) that she should have emailed her mom. uhhhhhhhhhhh how would that work exactly? number one how would she know her emall adress even if she had aol?
lets say she was in a chat room and she annouces "im jaycee dugard and i've been missing for 16 years (this was 2007) people would think she was joking

That goes to show that most people can't even fully understand the concept of how long she was gone and how far the world can advance in almost 2 decades.
That actually made me laugh in a shocked sort of way. I don't think the chat room thing would have gotten her very far either, as you said.
I seriously doubt PG could figure out how to block anything, but i bet he was the only one with the password (control freak) and she used it with him peering over her shoulder alot.! I know alot of husbands who have their wives watching everything they do online:blushing:

Where there is a will there is a way. He would have the will, because that is in his best interest, and he can get someone in to block some areas on the comp...Just like parents can block it for their kids.
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