per Art Harris source: Misty offered complete Immunity

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Em, my dear friend, it is my opinion that LE knows much about what happened to Haleigh. The vital missing links for a successful prosecution have been mired in a morass of deception and untruths by those who Haleigh Cummings loved most in this world.

LE has recently provided us with, what I see as, considerable insight into their belief and knowledge of this crime without being able to give us the specific information that we all crave.

On February 10, we were told by LE, in a DIRECT quote, that the family members have NOT been telling the truth about what happened to Haleigh:

Equally important and also on February 10, investigators said they are convinced there are people connected to the case who know exactly what happened to her, and very specifically told us:

Misty Croslin and Ronald Cummings; Prior to each of their sentencing, one of these two was offered 15 years for the truth while, we’re now finding out, the other one was offered complete immunity for the same thing:

Listen to this short video one more time:

Did you hear the word immunity?

BBM.. No I didn't. And as usual you are always the voice of reason...LOL
Lone, I have thought about that too. IMO, Jo may have been with Tommy when he went to the mh that evening. IMO, Ron and Tommy had a plan and that's why we couldn't get a clear statement as to what their conversation was about around 9pm. Then we have Misty crying on the phone around 2am outside the mh. I'm thinking that Misty is right about LE needing to talk to Tommy. Tommy just may know a lot more than she does. At one point Tommy even claims that he tried to tell LE about Ron. IMO, Misty was brought in to cover for both her brother and Ron. This may be the reason that when Misty mention it hurting two people Chelsea automatically assumed one would be Ron. This also leads me to believe that if Jo did walk in on a deceased Haleigh and then went back to Chelsea's house....Chelsea and Timmy know all about it. IMO, Misty has been operating on second hand information. JMO

Yep, and Tommy did not have the van that night so he would have had to call Timmy and Chelsea's house for one of them to bring it to him. The only other way he could have had the van is if he waited for Lindsey to come home from nursing school so that he could use his own truck to go over to Timmy's house and leave his truck there and took the van. With Joe Overstreet thrown into the equation, I'm thinking that Tommy called Timmy's house and Chelsea sent Joe to take the van over to Tommy. That is the only way I believe that "Joe freaked out when he saw a dead Haleigh" could have happened.
These are obviously facts... that really happened. We don't like to think what we're obviously thinking, but how many times can we turn and look the other way. I hate saying this, but it really looks like this case could have been solved a long time ago. Oh, and wasn't there something said about equipment or electronics trouble when they were checking out the phone pings, or messages, or something to do with the phones? JMO

About Sept 2009, Bowling reported they were experiencing technology problems...whatever that means.

I assume they had no records of texts or pings or GPS on anyone.
IF they had phone records or texts, this case would be solved if any of these people used the phone. I can guarantee you that ron did, for sure. He appears to be a cellphone addict....and quite the talker.
Yep, and Tommy did not have the van that night so he would have had to call Timmy and Chelsea's house for one of them to bring it to him. The only other way he could have had the van is if he waited for Lindsey to come home from nursing school so that he could use his own truck to go over to Timmy's house and leave his truck there and took the van. With Joe Overstreet thrown into the equation, I'm thinking that Tommy called Timmy's house and Chelsea sent Joe to take the van over to Tommy. That is the only way I believe that "Joe freaked out when he saw a dead Haleigh" could have happened.

Maybe JO wasn't involved at all. Maybe tc had an extra set of keys and he drove over with misty, left his truck and brought back the van. Maybe this is what timmy&chelsea are hiding. They know he took the van but don't want him to get in trouble.
According to Misty (jailhouse convo with her dad), she was trying to talk to LE but they told her they didn't want to hear anything about Ron. Iirc, this was shortly after Ron's plea deal.

Another thing she said was something like "all I know is that I opened the door and he was just standing there". But Ron's story is that Misty was standing in the doorway when he drove up.

Who's telling the truth? (if either) Well, I'm more inclined to believe Misty. I think she had reason to believe that Ron had taken HaLeigh. Because she'd been trying to phone him and he wasn't answering, for one thing. I'm thinking he was surveying the MH to make sure no evidence of anything nefarious was present, the staging of the side door looked realistic, etc.

Some other things I find questionable -

The "fact" that Misty didn't do laundry because there was no detergent.
- Every day, all over the world, people do laundry with nothing but cold water and rocks. Imo, anyone would realize that washing a pee-stained blanket in hot water, sans detergent, would be preferable to not washing it at all.

The "fact" that Misty couldn't have slept because the bed was made.
- How long would it take for someone, say Ron, to make that bed after he came inside the MH, perhaps while pretending to search or while Misty was calling 911? Especially if he believed Misty seemed suspicious about whatever story he gave for not answering her phone call and/or being caught "just standing there" outside the MH. About 30 seconds, imo.

The "fact" that Misty couldn't have seen the door propped open because the inside door swings shut.
- In the video with Marlene, it's clear that the inside door does not swing closed all the way - you can see sunlight through the small gap. One source (sorry can't remember where) said that there was a breeze that night and the door would have been swinging to and fro. So, could be that either the door had swung open, allowing Misty to see that the outside door was bricked open. Or, that she simply saw that the inside door was not closed all the way and opened it to find the outside door bricked.

Whatever, I seriously doubt that anyone would have told Misty where HaLeigh really was. On the other hand, someone may well have given her false information. Or strongly hinted in a way that would have made her believe the information was true.

zephyr: your post about the bed being made interests me. wasn't misty sharing a bed with jr that night? if the story is that the bed was made so misty couldn't have been sleeping that night.. was jr sleeping somewhere else? i can't remember how that played out, if someone could refresh my memory. thanks!
zephyr: your post about the bed being made interests me. wasn't misty sharing a bed with jr that night? if the story is that the bed was made so misty couldn't have been sleeping that night.. was jr sleeping somewhere else? i can't remember how that played out, if someone could refresh my memory. thanks!

Hi tiki!

IIRC, First, Misty, Jr, and HaLeigh were all in the same bed. Then HaLeigh was on her own mattress away from Misty and Jr in the King bed.

Ron was the one who stated that Misty couldn't have been doing laundry b/c there was no detergent. Ron was also the one who stated that no one slept in the bed b/c the bed was made.

Call me crazy, but i really don't see Ron or Misty making ANY beds in the home.

Not only where did JR sleep, but where was JR during the 911 call? I suspect he was with TN over at GGS house, waiting for a call to come in to let them know that HaLeigh was missing, so TN could bring JR over to the "staged" MH and wait, until LE was on scene to arrive with HaLeigh's pic i hand...oh yeah, and in her Sheriff's jacket.

Hope that helps some
thanks, lil momma! that makes more sense- i thought the cops confirmed that the beds were made.. didn't remember that it was ron who stated that!

and i think you're right about misty and ron not being the type to make their bed.

its so crazy how much "information" is out there.. no wonder the case hasn't been solved. there is so much unnecessary info clogging our brains!
zephyr: your post about the bed being made interests me. wasn't misty sharing a bed with jr that night? if the story is that the bed was made so misty couldn't have been sleeping that night.. was jr sleeping somewhere else? i can't remember how that played out, if someone could refresh my memory. thanks!

Hi Tiki, you bring up a good point about the part BBM. I am courious too where Jr was said to be sleeping. iirc, Misty did say that Jr was sleeping with her in the big bed. Also, iirc, Ron said the beds were made up. Does anyone know where Ron said that Jr. had been sleeping? Is he going along with Misty's story about Jr sleeping in the big bed with her, but then says the bed was made up? That is contradictory. Where did Ron say Jr was sleeping?
Hi tiki!

IIRC, First, Misty, Jr, and HaLeigh were all in the same bed. Then HaLeigh was on her own mattress away from Misty and Jr in the King bed.

Ron was the one who stated that Misty couldn't have been doing laundry b/c there was no detergent. Ron was also the one who stated that no one slept in the bed b/c the bed was made.
Call me crazy, but i really don't see Ron or Misty making ANY beds in the home.

Not only where did JR sleep, but where was JR during the 911 call? I suspect he was with TN over at GGS house, waiting for a call to come in to let them know that HaLeigh was missing, so TN could bring JR over to the "staged" MH and wait, until LE was on scene to arrive with HaLeigh's pic i hand...oh yeah, and in her Sheriff's jacket.

Hope that helps some

Do you recall the interview with Misty and Ron with their attornies seated at the table? Misty was asked at that time about claims that the bed was made and she replied with... How could the bed me made IF Jr. and I were sleeping in it..
I've always wondered WHY she didn't confront RC on the scene about that statement since he is the one who made it and since he was present when she gave that answer to the interviewer also... She had to know at that time he was throwing her under the bus, or what excuse did he give her for making a statment like that in the first place.. Just asking myslef, how totally gullible is she? She had to know he had turned on her..I would have hit him upside the head and told ALL at that stage of the game... Strange... JMHO
i don't remember that interview.. i'll have to look for it tonight when i get home from work.

i wouldn't be surprised if misty didn't know, remember or realize that Ron threw her under the bus by saying the beds were made.
i don't remember that interview.. i'll have to look for it tonight when i get home from work.

i wouldn't be surprised if misty didn't know, remember or realize that Ron threw her under the bus by saying the beds were made.

IIRC. The interview was right before or during the time of the divorce..
I remember they asked Ron C IF they thought Misty had any knowledge that would lead LE to Haleigh and he stated he did not believe she knew anything that would lead them to Haleigh. This is the interview where she states they have been focused on me the whole time and they need to look at someone else.

Do you recall the interview with Misty and Ron with their attornies seated at the table? Misty was asked at that time about claims that the bed was made and she replied with... How could the bed me made IF Jr. and I were sleeping in it..
I've always wondered WHY she didn't confront RC on the scene about that statement since he is the one who made it and since he was present when she gave that answer to the interviewer also... She had to know at that time he was throwing her under the bus, or what excuse did he give her for making a statment like that in the first place.. Just asking myslef, how totally gullible is she? She had to know he had turned on her..I would have hit him upside the head and told ALL at that stage of the game... Strange... JMHO

Knowing Ron, he probably blamed the "mix-up" on someone else, the reporter confused it...or made an excuse about he didn't mean to say what he said. Who knows. She doesn't think to quickly sometimes, and I don't think she was too sure about what was really go on. that probably was the first thing she thought of. JMO
IIRC. The interview was right before or during the time of the divorce..
I remember they asked Ron C IF they thought Misty had any knowledge that would lead LE to Haleigh and he stated he did not believe she knew anything that would lead them to Haleigh. This is the interview where she states they have been focused on me the whole time and they need to look at someone else.

i'll have to refresh my memory with that video tonight.. that part sounds familiar.
Knowing Ron, he probably blamed the "mix-up" on someone else, the reporter confused it...or made an excuse about he didn't mean to say what he said. Who knows. She doesn't think to quickly sometimes, and I don't think she was too sure about what was really go on. that probably was the first thing she thought of. JMO

I don't know how she would not have known he made that statement to TM and MN, unless they didn't let her watch anything on the news concerning the case...
I don't know how she would not have known he made that statement to TM and MN, unless they didn't let her watch anything on the news concerning the case...

Misty is in on the scam, she knows Ronald doesn't mean what hes saying, shes just the best minor girlfriend ever, I am pretty sure he thought that if all the suspicion was cast on Misty, it can never be proven and better her than him.

Do you recall the interview with Misty and Ron with their attornies seated at the table? Misty was asked at that time about claims that the bed was made and she replied with... How could the bed me made IF Jr. and I were sleeping in it..
I've always wondered WHY she didn't confront RC on the scene about that statement since he is the one who made it and since he was present when she gave that answer to the interviewer also... She had to know at that time he was throwing her under the bus, or what excuse did he give her for making a statment like that in the first place.. Just asking myslef, how totally gullible is she? She had to know he had turned on her..I would have hit him upside the head and told ALL at that stage of the game... Strange... JMHO
I didn't understand that either, or how she could be ok with Ron & TN going on tv & letting people trash her. The only thing I could think of, is they had something on each other. CS said in a Geraldo interview, that Jr said that he, himself was awakened from a sleep, right before Haleigh was taken & that Misty was also asleep. So according to the only decent witness in that house, (IMO), sleeping was going on. Now, what beds they were in, is a whole other story. MOO.
I have done some reading on the drug trafficking/sentencing laws in Florida and it is stated that deals can be made for reduced sentences. This means Misty could be offered a deal for a lot less time in prison. In the statutes there is a provision for this kind of offer, and the offer can be made to anyone with a drug charge that carries a mandatory sentence--even AFTER they are convicted and sentenced--if they cough up useful information on other crimes. Now, usually this means spilling the beans on their suppliers/bigger fish, etc., but the provision in the statute does not specifically limit it to that type of information.

I can find nothing that would prohibit authorities from offering Misty a drastically reduced sentence in exchange for telling all she knows about Haleigh and pointing toward where any evidence might be. Even if Misty does not know specifically where Haleigh is, she might still have enough information to bring closure to this case.

If such a deal were offered and Misty still refused to talk I would then believe she really doesn't know anything. I think all her lies indicate she does know a lot more than she has told, but if she were to turn down such an offer I would have to concede that it is because she does not have the valuable information that LE thinks she has.

I didn't understand that either, or how she could be ok with Ron & TN going on tv & letting people trash her. The only thing I could think of, is they had something on each other. CS said in a Geraldo interview, that Jr said that he, himself was awakened from a sleep, right before Haleigh was taken & that Misty was also asleep. So according to the only decent witness in that house, (IMO), sleeping was going on. Now, what beds they were in, is a whole other story. MOO.

My thoughts are that Ron might have wanted to make it seem that Misty, HaLeigh and Jr. all slept in the big bed together, and that he (Ron) slept in the small bed.

This way, he could claim that Misty was only the babysitter, and not his live-in underage girlfriend.

In any case, Jr. seems to be the only person telling the truth. At least, as far as I know, he's the only one whose story hasn't changed.

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