Personal Reports from Members about the Crime Scene

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We did search the area behind the school the same day and drove right by her. It was weird because we had just finished the previous search and we all stopped by the A's house with all the news crews. Among our group there was some buzz going on that somewhere close to the house a group found something and we were waiting to hear. All of a sudden the leader said it was time to go and we went to the area behind the school. Of course nothing was found that day but it was strange looking back on it now.
Please tell me what it looks like behind the school!! This is the area I believe KIO was referring to and not the swampy area. Thanks!
I thought someone on NG asked last wk how close it was to airport & answer was not close. I'll have to trust those who are there vs what I hear on NG.

As the crow flies, maybe 2-3 miles. Following roads maybe 5-6.
I thought someone on NG asked last wk how close it was to airport & answer was not close. I'll have to trust those who are there vs what I hear on NG.

The airport is about 5-6 miles or more away. The A's home is NE of the airport.
Tim had the S/R dogs there to do that search and the Anthonys would NOT let him have an article of Caylee's clothing to do the search with.They have to have a "scent" to follow or to find. As close as it was, it was very likely he would have found her then. I am convinced they KNEW at that point where she was, or they would have loved to have a search animal on the trail of their granddaughter.

The only thing I can find is that CA washed clothes of Caylee's and that search dogs had false positive leads concerning Caylee. Nothing about CA refusing search dogs scent clothing. Could you point me to a link since I'm having a difficult time finding that information?

FWIW, I do not believe these grandparents had a clue to where Caylee's remains were.
Although you may not be psychic, you may definitely have intuitive tendencies.

I don't consider myself psychic, but a couple of weeks ago, I got very sick to my stomach and had this very strong feeling to call my oldest son. He is not supposed to answer his cell phone at work and I know that, but this was strong and I called anyway. His wife answered and tried to pass it off very vaguely (although they both should have been at work at that time).

On Christmas Eve, they arrived and told me that when I got sick and called, my son had just been taken into surgery. He had been riding his bike to work, someone tried purposely to hit him with their car, and he ended up with a very broken hand. I had no idea. When he got out of surgery, his wife told him about me telling her about this sudden nausea and the urge to call him. This has happened with him before and it always is associated with him being either sick, hurt, or in danger.

Thank you to all the members that did go out and look for little Caylee. Thank you for all the time, trouble, and tears that you went through to find this precious child. As long as I live, I will never forget this case. It has affected so many people.

I believe you, the same thing has happened to me. My mil used to comment about how I "knew" & the strong feelings that I had. I think Cindy had that same sick sick feeling in her gut when she wrote what she did July 3.
I thought someone on NG asked last wk how close it was to airport & answer was not close. I'll have to trust those who are there vs what I hear on NG.

Yeah, I thought that I had heard someone say that on NG too, that is why I asked my sister about it. Her words were," the place where Caylee was found, was "near" the airport." I don't know how far away "near" is to her, though. I don't know if she meant two miles away or ten miles away. I will have to ask her about that. I didn't know that there was a grocery store on that road either, until she told me.
Wow Pirate I should have just waited a little longer before posting my question. Your pics answered all my questions I had. Thanks for posting and explaining.
For those of you who don't understand the woods of Florida, here is an illustration.

I live in a suburban golf course community. This picture was taken from my driveway:


This wooded lot has not been touched in the 12 years I've lived in my house. It is 80 feet deep and there is a home on the back side of it. That tree just right of center is about 5 feet into the scrub. There is not enough money in the world that anyone could give me to walk through that scrub and touch that tree.

Here is a closeup picture


Keep in mind, that scrub there is dried out now because it's winter. When it's green and lush it's impossible to see in there. A small bird or lizard bumping up against palmetto fronds can sound like bigfoot.

I have seen pygmy rattlesnakes come out of those woods. I have seen eastern diamondback rattlesnakes come out of those woods. There are scorpions living in those woods. There are banana spiders and black widows living in those woods. I have seen all of these creatures there. And a few weeks ago I found a water moccasin in my front yard. Gee, I wonder where he came from.

And this area is much more hospitable than the area where Caylee was found because it is not low lying and does not retain water and become swampy.

I hope this helps people to understand that five feet into the woods of Florida is much different- and significantly more dangerous than five feet into the woods of New York or Ohio.

:eek: I would be creeped out. In NC we also have some very dense woods & that is where our search with TES took place. Our saving grace was being cold most of the trees had lost their leaves & it was less dense than it would be in summer. We still needed machetes in some areas though & tripped on all the vines you couldnt see b/c of leaves. Snakes were sleeping so no worry about critters. We were told to just worry about ill legal deer hunters. Being born and raised in the midwest, I can tell ya the woods there are very different than the ones down south & the ones in FL are worse than the ones in NC & our s are pretty bad.
For those of you who don't understand the woods of Florida, here is an illustration.

I live in a suburban golf course community. This picture was taken from my driveway:


This wooded lot has not been touched in the 12 years I've lived in my house. It is 80 feet deep and there is a home on the back side of it. That tree just right of center is about 5 feet into the scrub. There is not enough money in the world that anyone could give me to walk through that scrub and touch that tree.

Here is a closeup picture


Keep in mind, that scrub there is dried out now because it's winter. When it's green and lush it's impossible to see in there. A small bird or lizard bumping up against palmetto fronds can sound like bigfoot.

I have seen pygmy rattlesnakes come out of those woods. I have seen eastern diamondback rattlesnakes come out of those woods. There are scorpions living in those woods. There are banana spiders and black widows living in those woods. I have seen all of these creatures there. And a few weeks ago I found a water moccasin in my front yard. Gee, I wonder where he came from.

And this area is much more hospitable than the area where Caylee was found because it is not low lying and does not retain water and become swampy.

I hope this helps people to understand that five feet into the woods of Florida is much different- and significantly more dangerous than five feet into the woods of New York or Ohio.

Great idea posting that. It is hard to explain to people who don't know the area. We ran into a 5-6 ft cotton mouth(water moccasin) within 5 ft of the road when we were there. ANY time there is a swamp area, you risk coming upon very LARGE poisonous snakes. In the summer it is MUCH heavier.
Please tell me what it looks like behind the school!! This is the area I believe KIO was referring to and not the swampy area. Thanks!

The area behind the school has lots of trails going all over the place. The woods are dense off of the trails with a good bit of garbage thown in. We found a big 5 gallon bucket that was heavy and we were a little bit nervous to open it. The leader did but it was old paint and roof shingles.

The area when you first enter into the woods has a chain link gate that can be opened and you can drive back into the woods a good bit. We walked in though. The trails wound around the wooded area. We were not the first group to search there. You could tell that because there were already the orange flags in the ground from a previous search team. This area is most likely the area Kio was talking about that they and other teens hung out in. This area was dry on the paths but off in the brush the ground was mushy.

The area where Caylee was found was farther back up the road and almost in someone yard.

The gate the day we were there was open, I don't know if this was because they knew there would be searches or if this is normal. If it was normal KC could have easily gone back there.
Whenever anyone questions why the Meter Reader and Law Enforcement hesitated to step into the woods in August, refer them to my pictures. I have been tempted to post this for a couple of weeks now so people would understand the difference.

I grew up in the Northeast and we used to play in the woods as children. When I take vacations, I tend to do the mountains and national parks in other parts of the country. I have never seen woods like we have in Florida. They are not the kind of woods you can play manhunt or hide & seek. You can't even walk three strides into most of the wooded areas in central florida unless they have been cleared of scrub.

It was evident that the area where Caylee was found has not been cleared of scrub and groundcovering in several years, if ever.
Pirate or anyone that lives near similar woods in Florida, does the scrub die out in the winter months. I guess what I am asking is it less dense in the cooler months then during the rain season and heat.

Yes it does, but it doesn't lessen the density. Everything stays as it is, it just turns brown (well some of it anyway), and then from January through the first few weekends of May, we are constantly under "Red Flag Warnings" (brushfires).
The only thing I can find is that CA washed clothes of Caylee's and that search dogs had false positive leads concerning Caylee. Nothing about CA refusing search dogs scent clothing. Could you point me to a link since I'm having a difficult time finding that information?

FWIW, I do not believe these grandparents had a clue to where Caylee's remains were.

There were NO false positives - that was another of CA's LIES. They have lied so much, it is hard to sort the truth out even here. Fortunately WS have been on the case since the beginning and know most of the truth.
There were NO false positives - that was another of CA's LIES. They have lied so much, it is hard to sort the truth out even here. Fortunately WS have been on the case since the beginning and know most of the truth.
You are so right! In this case, if you blinked are lost in all the lies.
I really don't know. Based on Tim wanting the item, I would say maybe. I wasnt so much asking about Tims search b/c I knew he was refused an item. What I was wondering is why LE did NOT bring out scent dogs ASAP on the night she was reported missing. Maybe they would have found her.

I don't think they had a clue that all of this would come down the way it has or they would have. I would guess, they believed the kidnapping story until the next day or so. I do know they had divers in that pond behind their house.
Thank you all for this very informative thread. I is difficult to imagine the density of the woods in Florida. I think it had to be divine intervention that allowed that MR to find Caylee.

I would hope the owner of the property would allow sage to be planted. It would be a tribute to a little girl that was thrown away like trash.

I also do not believe her spirit can rest peacefully until the person responsible for her death seeks forgiveness and admits to the crime. I just do not think that will ever happen. Prayers for that dear little one.
Yeah, I thought that I had heard someone say that on NG too, that is why I asked my sister about it. Her words were," the place where Caylee was found, was "near" the airport." I don't know how far away "near" is to her, though. I don't know if she meant two miles away or ten miles away. I will have to ask her about that. I didn't know that there was a grocery store on that road either, until she told me.

The A's do live what most would say is close to the airport but, I think the pings from the cell phone came from towers closer to the outlying areas of the airport. The towers used when she was talking from home are hitting off another tower. Even though they live close some of the pings were in wooded areas even closer to the airport in areas most people thought she would have left her body.
There were NO false positives - that was another of CA's LIES. They have lied so much, it is hard to sort the truth out even here. Fortunately WS have been on the case since the beginning and know most of the truth.

I love to hear Cindy tell the story about the cadaver dogs in the yard.
She thinks the first dog was stupid, so they brought a second dog who was even more stupid.:crazy::crazy:
She didn't have a clue that the second dog was only confirming the first dogs alerts.
Whenever anyone questions why the Meter Reader and Law Enforcement hesitated to step into the woods in August, refer them to my pictures. I have been tempted to post this for a couple of weeks now so people would understand the difference.

I grew up in the Northeast and we used to play in the woods as children. When I take vacations, I tend to do the mountains and national parks in other parts of the country. I have never seen woods like we have in Florida. They are not the kind of woods you can play manhunt or hide & seek. You can't even walk three strides into most of the wooded areas in central florida unless they have been cleared of scrub.

It was evident that the area where Caylee was found has not been cleared of scrub and groundcovering in several years, if ever.

ITA. And if anyone's interested in going back and looking at posts made by CocoaMom or myself from the mid November timeframe, you'll see the stories about walking through this stuff. When CCM & I did an independent search the week before T'giving, the area we walked into, you literally had to bring your knees up to your chest to step through some of that stuff, and even then, you had to break/cut/hack through vines and brush as you walked through it.

An earlier poster had commented as to why the property owner would not let anyone on the property to search once the fence was put up.... You would be surprised at property owner reactions over the past several months around here. We wanted to do a search behind a church off of Goldenrod back in November, and when CocoaMom called them to get permission, she was told that we could not access their property to conduct the search. AND THIS WAS A CHURCH !! Unfortunately, property owners didn't care to have their businesses and/or properties associated with the case, JUST IN CASE something was found. Can you imagine, if the owner of the property where Caylee was found, ever tries to build on or sell that property ? No construction company is going to want to lay a foundation on that sacred ground, and if a home were to be built there, no one would ever want to live in it.

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