Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #1

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OK I think he is trying to make it back to dutch territory. If he was seen crossing into Chili with two other men in a truck that tells me he has help. And it could well be human trafficing he was involved in. WHAT happens to people to make their minds so sick?
I think if they do catch him and arrest him for this murder, they need to give him a plea bargain if he talks about Natalie.

....... and then every other day change the terms of the plea bargain......

I don't believe her remains are recoverable. Without them, what would be the point?

Her parents and step-dad already know.........
This is both sad and exciting at the same time. I hope he is caught and shipped back to Peru. If he makes it to Aruba, they may not be able to get their hands on him. He deserves to rot in prison in PERU!!!

Also, for those who think he should try to plea out regarding Natalie... I seriously doubt VDS will ever tell the truth. Oh sure, he might make up some other story but unless he can lead investigators to her body/remains I wouldn't believe it.

Interpol is said to be on the heels of Juran Van Der Sloot, since all evidence points to him as the suspect in the murder of the daughter of a racer, Ricardo Flores. Sthefany Tatiana Flores Ramirez was found dead this morning in the Miraflores hotel Tac, after vanishing on Friday. Her family named Joran as the last person to see her alive. She reportedly left a casino with Joran and was not seen again until her body was found. Joran is said to have fled the country on May 31, and is suspected of being in Argentina. Interpol is searching for him.
I'm so glad that they can finally get him for something - even if not for Natalie's murder. I have always hated that he got away with murder, literally. My biggest fear? He'll commit suicide. He can't hide in a crowd b/c he's so tall and really stands out. So either he'll be apprehended, or take his own life. I pray the authorities get to him first...
Please don't throw anything at me, but I don't think he did this. Just too messy for him.He covered himself too well with Natalie to screw up like this. imo moo etc
I am thinking it rather odd that he didn't depart sooner if she was killed on Sunday. I wonder if this hotel had video of him at the hotel?
Lol, are you innocent until proven guilty in Peru or guilty until you prove yourself innocent?

Omg, found in his room. Omg. Whoa, he's a dead man walking. FINALLY!

I'm also wondering why they didn't find her until this morning.
This is both sad and exciting at the same time. I hope he is caught and shipped back to Peru. If he makes it to Aruba, they may not be able to get their hands on him. He deserves to rot in prison in PERU!!!

Quite impossible for him to travel from Argentina to Aruba. He might be better off hiding in the Brazilian rainforest..

...was found wrapped in a blanket in a pool of blood.

According to the Peruvian newspaper, the hotel room where Ramirez's body was found was registered under van der Sloot's name. Hotel employees also told police that they saw him with the girl over the weekend.

my bold above

Daddy wasn't there this time to help him hide the body

Wonder why he wrapped her in a blanket...did he think he could cover it up by getting someone else to help him hide her?

Shame on Aruba...this young woman's death WAS preventable:banghead:
Dunno if u all noticed but this was 5 years to the day Natalie dissappeared
sunday was May 30:waitasec:
MSNBC: Father says surveillance video of VDS leaving casino with his daughter on early Sunday

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holy schizzlesticks!! I haven't logged on here in a while but had to after seeing the CNN breaking news alert.

This young lady's death WAS preventable, as many here have already posted ... because Joran SHOULD have been in jail for murdering Natalie!!!


It's extremely unfortunate for this young woman but perhaps in a sad way, justice will FINALLY be served and this little punk will get what's been long coming to him.
Shep Smith on Fox News will be talking about it in a few mins.
You don't think he could be with the same 2 guys as he was with Holloway, do you? Didn't it say he was with 2 guys in a truck?
I just hope they catch him fast! Miss you grandmaj. Any flowers yet?

Peru Interpol confirmed that the Dutchman is in Chile. Migration told RPP that the alien is not wanted for justice in his country so he could enter Peru.

Dutchman Joran Van Der Sloot (23), the main suspect in the killing of Stephany Flowers Ramirez, has no international arrest warrant so he could enter the country as a tourist from Colombia last May 14.

Denis Zúñiga, head of Press Office of Immigration and Naturalization Service (DIGEMIN), clarified that RPP is not a function of Migration stop people with criminal records or being sought by justice, but that if the subject had been indictment, had given notice to Police stationed at the airport.

"If this is a foreign citizen, the indictment should have been an Interpol level (...) It seems that the citizen if he committed another crime in another country no indictment presented to Interpol and even less for the National Police," he said.

Explained that Van Der Sloot left Peru by land through the border of Santa Rosa (Tacna) on 31 May last for Chile.

For its part, the acting chief of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) Peru, commander Zojar Ortiz, confirmed that the Dutchman is in Chile.

He argued that there is no court order ordering the capture of the subject internationally. He said that the alleged murder of a young American woman, a crime that is also attributed, is an unofficial information.

RPP reported to have given an alert to the southern country not to allow the alleged murderer fleeing from their border areas.

Have also requested information from the Netherlands Interpol to verify the antecedents of Van Der Sloot.
Please don't throw anything at me, but I don't think he did this. Just too messy for him.He covered himself too well with Natalie to screw up like this. imo moo etc

It struck me as odd at first as well. But we don't know how Natalee died and he had help covering that up imo. He was on his own turf. A murder committed in a hotel room possibly out of rage is a lot harder to conceal. It's not like he could carry her bloody body out and not be seen. That's probably why he waited to leave, he didn't know what to do. I'd guess he was under the influence as well.
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