Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #18

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I was basically agreeing with you....that answers to the questions asked by others-- be answered-- but since we weren't going to get that, the conspiracy theory should be moot. Sorry the prior post was not clear.

Imho, it's rare to find a mention of the FBI and what they are doing, without some sort of conspiracy theory attached.
Again, the question regarding this retraction of Joran's "confession" is- what if the Peruvian authorities did type up a "confession" that Joran didn't understand at all, and signed because they lied about what it said? Do all of you really support any country permitting something like that?

I understand that most of you think this is just another of Joran's lies. Fine. My hypothethical question was if you'd think it was wrong if the authorities did trick him into signing a "confession."

No person interested in justice should support that, imho.

From all I read Joran had someone there who would translate anything he didn't understand. He took his time reading the document before signing it and his fingerprint was added to it.
If he has difficulty, I'm sure he would've opened his BIG MOUTH and said something but it signed it and that was that.
bolded by me.

According to at least one websleuther who has connections to the Netherlands, most Dutch people believe Joran is a waste of space and air. Why on earth would they care (or object to it) if American tv networks are psychoanalyzing him?

That's just my speculation. I could easily be wrong. Maybe I'm simply tranferring my own disdain for these unethical psychologists who feel comfortable analyzing a complete stranger on national television, knowing full well that their "expert" opinion will have a tremendous impact on public perception.

As a non-expert on these matters, I would think it's best to actually meet and know someone before labelng them as a psychopathic serial killer. I think it's irresponsible journalism.
I don't recall the cups in the videos having any emblems or printing on them...they looked like plain white cups. ????

I saw them....they were photographed and Holly's was printed on the front.
From all I read Joran had someone there who would translate anything he didn't understand. He took his time reading the document before signing it and his fingerprint was added to it.
If he has difficulty, I'm sure he would've opened his BIG MOUTH and said something but it signed it and that was that.

Don't we have video (the only video that shows him saying anything during this, to my knowledge) of Joran looking confused and asking the authorities, "I'm only saying that I understand my rights, correct?"

If so, that seems to be a pretty strong indication that he was being misled about what he was signing.
Many of us tell the housekeeping staff at hotels not to clean our room every day. While that's a very common practice, it is certainly not routine for hotels to leave a room unchecked for three days after the person renting it has left. Whether Joran officially checked out of the hotel or not, he left without paying in advance. What hotel would reserve a room for someone who hasn't paid for it?

OK, I tend to disagree with you on this. This is a hostel, low budget, low rent, flea bag hostel in a third world country. It's possible that he paid for a couple days and they thought he was still around. It's possible they are just slack. Maybe someone called in sick, the dog ate it, someone got a flat tire.

Now. If you are hinging your "he was framed" on this little bit of "something" then you got large problems.

Please tell me that you have something more, Sir. This Sporter is on trial for his life. Please tell me their lawyer hasn't pinned their hopes to a maid service call a few days late.

:ban me:
I don't think anyone is surprised he now apparently denies he had confessed.
It appears to be his MO-tell a story and then claim the story was false.
Frankly because they got a video showing him and the girl go into his room but the girl never coming out alive, I don't think his confession is needed at all.
And since he is going to be judged by a three judge panel and not a jury, there is also no chance some love sick groupie would get on a jury. So I don't think Joran is going to like his future.

Agreed....jjenny, if he HAS a future.......I heard a report that the inmates want to kill him.......his days are numbered.......

He can come up with umteen confessions and none of them will be worth a plug nickle.....not with the amount of evidence they have on him.

He dealt his last hand and boy it was a looser - not a winner.
In picture #5 I would love to know what that brown bottle is (has an arrow pointing to it).

I tried a number of filters but the attached is all I can do -


  • bottle1 slootcrimescene_04_062110.JPG
    bottle1 slootcrimescene_04_062110.JPG
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  • bottle2 slootcrimescene_04_062110.JPG
    bottle2 slootcrimescene_04_062110.JPG
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  • bottle3 slootcrimescene_04_062110.JPG
    bottle3 slootcrimescene_04_062110.JPG
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Again, the question regarding this retraction of Joran's "confession" is- what if the Peruvian authorities did type up a "confession" that Joran didn't understand at all, and signed because they lied about what it said? Do all of you really support any country permitting something like that?

I understand that most of you think this is just another of Joran's lies. Fine. My hypothethical question was if you'd think it was wrong if the authorities did trick him into signing a "confession."

No person interested in justice should support that, imho.

He had a Dutch translator at his side, if I'm not mistaken.
Again, the question regarding this retraction of Joran's "confession" is- what if the Peruvian authorities did type up a "confession" that Joran didn't understand at all, and signed because they lied about what it said? Do all of you really support any country permitting something like that?

I understand that most of you think this is just another of Joran's lies. Fine. My hypothethical question was if you'd think it was wrong if the authorities did trick him into signing a "confession."

No person interested in justice should support that, imho.

IF that was the case (quote)"Joran's "confession" is- what if the Peruvian authorities did type up a "confession" that Joran didn't understand at all, and signed because they lied about what it said (unquote) -- don't you think that the translator from the Dutch embassy could take a look at it (he must have a copy of the transcript too - or better yet a recording).....and the Dutch embassy could officially refute as well?:waitasec:
Don't we have video (the only video that shows him saying anything during this, to my knowledge) of Joran looking confused and asking the authorities, "I'm only saying that I understand my rights, correct?"

If so, that seems to be a pretty strong indication that he was being misled about what he was signing.

If that's the case, then his lawyer will let the Judge know of this....and
he will decide if Joran was denied his rights.
I also see that the rights of Stephany were denied too....big time.
Her life was taken away from her, her chance to be someone of value,
to marry, to have a family of her own, to reach her next birthday, to live
to an old age.

IMO Joran was never confused, he knew exactly what he was doing when he placed his John Hancock on that document....fingerprint and all.

Now he did the crime....and he will also do the time.

NO? It appeared to me when he was caught in the hallway light, there was a lighter colour around the edges (where the light hit) and his hair seemd shorter??

Wouldnt the people at TAC who saw him have noticed? Maybe that brown bottle is peroxide? When and where did he get chemicals to change his hair color .... at TAC? ........ any more vids of him coming-going we havent seen? Does the coffee n cake store sell H2O2 ?

I have been assuming he changed his hair in Chile? You could be right!
I tried a number of filters but the attached is all I can do - you think it could be an energy a high caffeine drink or guarana? Googling Peru / Caffeine / Guarana drinks and the green/black bottle design looks like a bit of a theme...
I was basically agreeing with you....that answers to the questions asked by others-- be answered-- but since we weren't going to get that, the conspiracy theory should be moot. Sorry the prior post was not clear.

As a conspiracy theorist, I think I've made my own thoughts pretty clear. Speaking only for myself, I'm just raising questions that I think need to be asked. Too many "coincidences." The wildly varying accounts of the basic details of the crime scene; murder weapon, cause of death, position of body, clothing on body. Most important of all- that incomprehensible three day gap between time of death and discovery of Stephany's body.

Conspiracy theories, by their very nature, will always seem illogical. Since most of us have never conspired in this manner, we can't begin to really understand the motivations behind them. All we can do is analyze the evidence, which is what I'm doing.
Many of us tell the housekeeping staff at hotels not to clean our room every day. While that's a very common practice, it is certainly not routine for hotels to leave a room unchecked for three days after the person renting it has left. Whether Joran officially checked out of the hotel or not, he left without paying in advance. What hotel would reserve a room for someone who hasn't paid for it?

I know it's an unpopular opinion, however, I am still not convinced that Joran didn't pay for a day or two of Stephany's decomp.

Him telling the TAC staff to leave his girl alone, etc...
He had a Dutch translator at his side, if I'm not mistaken.

From what I'm seeing yes he did Suzi.


...Van der Sloot's attorney, Maximo Altez, said Thursday that his client's confession was void on the grounds that he made it in the presence of a defense lawyer who was appointed by police.

But the chief of Peru's criminal police, Gen. Cesar Guardia, dismissed the lawyer's claim, saying that not only was van der Sloot properly represented by his government-appointed defense attorney, the Dutch translator present during the interrogation was assigned by the Dutch Embassy.

JVDS was in the company of Altez and a translator provided by the Dutch Embassy at the time of this confession.

If I'm not mistaken the argument is that JVDS (and Altez) are claiming because the confession was made in front of a state appointed defense attn. it should be thrown out.

Altez said his client would not speak to authorities until the court accepts a writ of habeas corpus for him to challenge his detention. The document was filed a week ago and requested a new police interrogation in the presence of a Altez, a prosecutor and a translator.

Somehow I am thinking that it has maybe to do with Peruvian law and how the trials are handled. Does anyone know if it is usually required that during an interview or confession that a prosecutor has to be there as well?

Sounds like they might be fishing for a loophole. JMHO.
I am interested to know how blood gets into the hallway and I am assuming they mean the inner hallway entry area inside the room ...
I assume no blood outside the room in the outer hallway?

If there was blood in th inner hallway-entry area how did it get there?
Joran or Stephanie? Was she able and tried to escape? (Joran's statement
says it all occurred on the bed and to the side of the bed) ?

Seems like there was a lot of blood in the room and therefore, I suppose it could have been on his bag which maybe brushed against a wall. Wouldn't matter which hallway it was then.
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